BB Bold 9700 :: Battery Life Went Down To Drain - Do Not Have WIFI Or Bluetooth On And Have Constant Good 3G Reception

Apr 20, 2010

I know there are multiple threads out there discussing this and I looked at most of them but this is different. My 9700 has gotten great battery life since day one, but this weekend I went out to the desert and didn't use my phone much because I only had EDGE but it was dropping in and out constantly, I had a full charge on Thursday morning and when I got home Saturday afternoon I had 20% which is pretty damn good I'm not complaining about that. When I got home I charged it fully and then on the middle of the day on Sunday my batter was almost dead. Same thing Monday and same thing today. I fully charged it yesterday afternoon and this morning it was at 25% and I hardly used my phone yesterday. SOMETHING has happened to my battery life, I'm running 5.0.0593 which hasn't ever gotten me fantastic battery life but its been okay but now its just shot.

I haven't changed anything on my BB for this to happen so I'm posting here for ideas of what could be causing this, I've looked at programs running closed everything I can and do not have WIFI or bluetooth on and Have constant good 3G reception.

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Drain Device Battery Life?

Jan 23, 2010

Ok, so you know how its recommended to completley drain your battery about once a month for calibration...Could you suggst somethings that will drain my bb`s battery very fast? i had no real trouble on my 8900, but the 9700 battery life is soo resistant a very good thing, but do any of you have any suggestions?

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BB Bold 9000 :: Battery Life Drain And Extremely Warm Phone

Mar 8, 2010

Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace. (Go to Settings, then Options, then status): 46791728 Bytes before and 4721816 Bytes after Did a battery pull fix your issue?: No (What fixes it is plugging the phone into the charger after starting the restart process) Apps installed and their version if possible. (Go to Settings, then Options, then applications):Seesmic v 1.3.28, BB 4.6 Core Apps v 4.6, BB 4.6 System Software v 4.6, BB App World v, BB Attachment Service v 4.6.0, BB Maps v 4.6.0, BB MDS Runtime v, BB MDS Default Launcher v, BB Messenger v 4.6.0, BB S/MIME Support Package v 4.6.0, BB Visual Voice Mail v, Brickbreaker 4.6.0, Browser v 4.6.0, Documents to Go v 1.001.145, DOD Root Certificates v 4.6.0, Email Setup Application v 4.6.0, Engadget v 1.0.1, Enhanced Gmail(TM) Plug-in v, Facebook v 1.2.0, Help v 4.6.0, Kindle v, MemoPad v 4.6.0, Opera Mini v 4.2, Password Keeper v 4.6.0, Phone v 4.6.0, TTY Support v4.6.0, TagReaderBB v 2.1.75, Tasks v 4.6.0, Tetris v 4.41.37, WikiMobile v 1.33, Word Mole v 4.6.0

When writing your question Occasionally the phone's screen will turn white. What I've noticed as that it typically happens after the phone shuts itself off. I don't know how it turns off, and it doesn't happen often, but occasionally I'll pull my phone out of my pocket and find that it's completely off. When I turn it back on it will boot all the way to the home screen without issues and then the screen will fade to white and stay that way. Pulling the battery does not fix the issue. All it does is kill the battery more than having the screen being all white and full power. Most recently it happened while I was navigating the Store in the Amazon Kindle program. Looking around I've seen conversations stating that the screen's going bad (which I doubt), the OS needs to be reinstalled (which I attempted through the Desktop Manager and I think I did it how I'm supposed to without wiping it with a 3rd party program), or that the phone is defective. My dad got the phone in November of 2008, and I got it when he decided to get an iPhone. I'm definitely a BlackBerry noob, so any suggestions (or requests for more information), would be appreciated. I've have noticed that reloading the OS stops the problem for about a week or so.I noticed recently is that the battery life seemed to be draining faster than I thought reasonable. For instance, on 50% (or so) charge, the phone would die after being in a call for about 45 minutes. So I ordered a new battery. Today, the phone got extremely warm (in the holster) and the battery drained to the yellow bar in about 3 hours. No programs that connect to the network (Twitter, Web Browser, Opera, Kindle, etc.) were running and I was not noticing the up/down arrows. This was on a full charge. When I plugged it into the wall, the battery seemed to charge extremely fast. It's only been charging for about an hour or so and it's nearly at full charge. This is not typical. I am out of warranty, have no insurance, and am not able to get a discount price on a new phone until July. I'm ready to downgrade to my old dumbphone.

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Xperia Z2 :: Battery Drain 8% In 1 And A Half Hour With Constant Use

Jan 15, 2016

Is it normal to drain 18% in 1 and a half hour with constantly use (radio, messenger, and 1-2 more apps) lowest brightness .. Im always thinking its draining too fast.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Battery Life Draining - Do Not Have Wifi On / No Bluetooth

Mar 31, 2010

Ok seriously... this is BS [exscuse my language] but this is my second Blackberry Curve 8900 and second battery and I've only had blackberry for 11 months. The first 8900 the battery started draining rapidly after 4-5 months and kept deleting everything on my microSD card. I had it replaced... now this second 8900 is doing the same thing. I've had the second 8900 for 4 months. I charged it all night, took it off the charger at 7am; by the time i was out of class it was red and going dead at 10am!

I do not have wifi on, no bluetooth... and also, it pings [like I've gotten a new text or email], the LED light will flash red but there won't be a message or missed call!

Anyone have this issue too? I am having it replace for the second time, this will be my 3rd blackberry 8900. If I have issues and problems again, I will have to say goodbye to blackberry. Even though I love everything about BB, the style, the keypad and so forth, I need something that won't die on me after 4-5 months!

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BB Bold 9700 :: Battery Pull Sent Phone Into Constant Reboot?

Aug 26, 2010

I can't seem to find this exact problem, so bear with me if I missed it. My problem is that when I did a bettery pull a couple of days ago, my 9700 went into constant reboot. I was able to correct this by connecting to DM and reloading the OS (.714). This was the same OS I was previously using. Now, when I do a BP, the progress bar goes all the way to the end and it just freezes. I have to pull the battery again, and reload the same 714 OS from DM. No help from TMO online help, so I thought I would ask here.

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IPhone :: What Is A Good Battery Life For 4S

Jun 13, 2012

I was just wondering what is a good battery life for an iPhone 4S to have? I feel like my battery doesn't hold a charge like it should

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Bold 9700 :: 3G Battery Drain

Apr 17, 2010

I live in an area w/o 3G right now, so I'm just experiencing 3G on my 9700 on a weekend getaway. My battery drains MUCH faster now, with UberTwitter being the only app I have open. Are there any tips|tricks or anything in the settings I can tweak to reduce the drain, or is this just the price of the speed boost?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Sudden Battery Drain

Feb 14, 2010

went from 100% this morning (charged overnight) to 40% 2 hours later with no usage other than sending 2 emails! No new apps running - nothing. I normally get at least a day and a half of usage.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Themes And Apps Drain Battery

Jul 31, 2010

Use, themes and apps drain the battery and there are countless threads on why and what.I thought it may be a useful thread if you all posted what theme you used, what apps you have running over and above the standard 5, are you a heavy user and what your hourly battery drain is.Your theme will have a name.Your apps running is revealed by holding down your BB button and the 5 apps we all have running all the time are messages, browser, bbm, phone, and home.Your use is subjective - but let's say no browsing and answering a few bbm, texts and 1-2 calls is light, several hours of browsing, twittering, FBing, and bbming is moderate, and everal hours of calls is heavym.To start I am a moderate user, use precision modifcation theme currently and have remote printer and IM+ running as well as the 5 apps. My drain is 2.1% per hour over night.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Extremely Rapid Battery Drain

Mar 29, 2010

I have recently started experiencing rapid battery drain on my 9700. If I charge it to 100% and unplug it from the charger when I go to bed, when I wake up its on critical battery (no bars left). During the day it lasts from morning to about 4pm.I first tried a security wipe to get rid of all my apps. No luck.

I then updated my OS to the latest version (.545) and I'm still having the same problem.I have no apps running, apart from the default five. I only get about 10 emails a day and make 1 or 2 calls.So, is it the battery or the phone itself?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Recent Rapid Battery Drain

Apr 7, 2010

I've used my Bold 9700 every day since I got it back in November. I typically charge it every 2nd or 3rd night with the wall charger while I sleep and have been very happy with the battery life. Two days ago while in my office, I noticed the battery was very low, so I used the USB cable to charge it. It seemed to work well, but the charge didn't seem to last as it needed to be charged the very next day. I chalked it up to the possibility that it didn't fully charge from the USB connection, so I plugged it in to the wall charger last night as I typically do. This morning it was fully charged, although I did notice it was a little warmer than it usually is. Now, 6 hours later, with almost no use, the device is completely dead! At first I thought it had shut off, but I just plugged it in to to find the device boot up once power was supplied. I checked the device status and it says it has 2% power. Does anyone know what may have happened or have any advice for things I can check?

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Nokia :: 5530 Earphones Are Not Good / Music Is Very Low / Bad Battery Life

May 17, 2010

i am new user, and just buyed 2-3 days back a new nokia 5530 xpress music, and i am not happy with it, the main problems are
1) earphone problems - the earphones are not good i mean i got the white color earphone still the sound in it is so bad that no bass in it, simple voice with low sound, also buyed a new earphone but same problem. i hate that
2) music player- well the music is very low as compared to samsung corby pro. this is xpress music but has not much sound where else samsung corby pro has more and better sound than us wat the hell.
3) battery problem- well the battery life as told music can be played upto 27 hrs, and talktime 4 hrs, and standby time, huh ( ALL FAKE). i yesterday rechraged my xpress music fully at around 4 pm, and i dint listen to any music, was just msging my friends and talk to someone for around 30 mins and then was just msging and msging and i stoped at around 12 am night, i saw my battery and its almost down i was shocked and suprise that battery only worked for around 8-9 hrs wat the hell grrrrrrrrrr. at 1 am the battery was at 1 point i mean i am so disappointed i felt like kicking the phone out my balcony. and ya when i recharge my battery it recharges in almost 20-25 mins that too full charge i mean i dont understand y is it happening like that

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Nokia :: 5530 Easy To Use / Good Battery Life / Radio Like On It?

Apr 26, 2010

I am seriously thinking of getting the Nokia 5530 for my next phone but i have a few questions if you dont mind me asking?
1. Can you put your own songs on there from your pc & then listen to them in the mp3 player?
2. Is it easy to use?
3. Has it got good battery life?
4. What is the radio like on it?

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IPhone :: Why Ios 5.1.1 Drain More Battery Life On 4s Than Ios 5.1.0

May 17, 2012

I just upgraded my iPhone 4s with ios 5.1.1 but I found that it drain more battery life than ios 5.1.0, is there any way to role back to 5.1.0?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Distorted Speaker - Not Good Battery Life

Mar 25, 2010

im having a replacement storm shipped my 3rd from distorted speaker well my questions are what OS is verizon shipping is it still .320 or a better more stable build and second if it still has .320 what OS is the best now im running .428 and dont have any issues besides the sms glitch witch is getting annoying and still not so good battery life so there whats the best out now?

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Nokia :: Phone With Larger Qwerty Buttons / Good Battery Life

Jan 16, 2010

I am about to leave switch back to AT&T from Verizon on a GoPhone/PYP basis or perhaps T-Mobile in the same contract mode. Have been using a Voyager which is a competent device but has never been as good as I thought it would be. The screens are too small as is the keyboard, the OS isnt great and got over the wonders of touch screen in a hurry. I want a phone with larger qwerty buttons, and a larger screen, good battery life, and great reception. I am not a techy, don't need the latest and greatest, and don't want to spend a lot of money. At this point that leaves me with 3 choices: the e63, the e62, the e90, or the 9300. The e63 should be the no brainer as it is feature rich and modern at an amazing price but the keys are too small as is the screen. The e62 appears to have larger keys and a larger screen and can be had on e-bay for a $60. I have heard that the OS is sluggish but I am not a heavy user and am patient so thats not a dealbreaker. The 9300 is almost prehistoric and heavy and yet it can be bought brand new for $100 and in return I get a solid phone, great battery life, great reception, as well as a spacious qwerty keyboard and a large screen (dont need camera and can live w/o wifi). The e90 appears to be the dream phone but its really expensive, used ebay guessing at more or less than $350. I am not gonna spend that kind of money. I am not a data user, dont need the latest and greatest OS, am partial to Nokia because of reception concerns. Any feedback/insight will be appreciated.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Dwindling Battery Life On Phone?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm a pretty avid user, bbm, email, broswer, etc, etc & when I first got the 9700 it was amazing the length of battery life between charges, sometimes 2 or 3 full days before needing a charge. But now as just under 2 months have passed, I'm finding myself having to charge usually every other day.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Is Suddenly Blackout After 50% Battery Life

Aug 28, 2011

I juz notice my new bold 9700 is suddenly blackout after 50% battery life.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Is It Normal For Battery To Drain Quickly While Phone Is On Stand By Mode?

May 16, 2010

I recently purchased a new Bold 9700 and I noticed that the battery drains very quickly. It only lasts about 4 hours if the Mobile Network, WiFi and Blue Tooth are enabled. Also, I have recently installed the latest software updates.Is it normal for the battery to drain this quickly while the phone is on stand by mode?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Battery Life Only Lasts For Four Hours On Light Use?

Jun 14, 2010

Have my BB 9700 just for about 2 months now, when i got it i notice there was an issue with the battery life but now it is only lasting about 4 hours on light use, just have bb groups and a few calls and phone goes off.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Reduced Battery Life - All Apps / Maps Are Shut

Feb 24, 2010

I have been using 9700 since Early Jan 2010 without any issues but since last 2 weeks the battery is just finishing in 6-10 hours . I have checked all applications/ maps and ensured that they are shut. Is this a battery problem ....

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BB Curve 8900 :: Javelin Vs. Bold 9700 / Battery Life And Processor Speed?

Jul 27, 2010

Ok, so I had a bold 9000 for a year, but I was sick of the battery life and battery pulls.
Couple weeks ago, I sold it and got me an android. But the problem is 90% of my friends and family own a blackberry, so basically I still need BBM.Now, I'm thinking of buying a new javelin, cause I always loved the form factor so much. I had no idea how'd I ended up with the bold.I know that it won't get the OS 6, but that won't be a problem since I already got an android. So do you guys recommend it?My only concern is the battery life. My brother got an onyx and it has great battery life.How's the battery life compared to the bold 9700?Oh and I also heard the CPU is pretty slow that you can't chat/browse the internet while listening to music? Is that true?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Data Symbol Operating All Time And Battery Life Lasted Less Than A Day

Jul 29, 2010

I have had my Blackberry 9700 for about 5 months. In the beginning I would get about three days out of my battery, with normal use. About a month ago I noticed the data symbol operating all the time (data in and data out) and my battery started lasting less than a day (even on days that it was hardly or never used). I took it back to Telstra (Australia) who sent it away and then provided me with a replacement (with no explanation of what was wrong with the first one.) Unfortunately the new one does exactly the same thing!

I have been on numerous websites looking for an answer to no avail. I have tried all the battery saving hints and check I leave nothing open. I have rebooted daily, still to no avail. I am on the brink of tossing it and going back to Nokia, which is a great shame as I had been really enjoying my Blackberry until now. The nature of my business means that I have to have a phone that is reliable and will work for more than 12 hours away from a power source.

I feel something is operating behind the scenes but I have added nothing. I haven't even put my email on this new one yet and I am a little tech challenged so I have loaded no new apps or anything, it is as new.

It is : Blackberry 9700, v5.0.0.351

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BB Bold 9000 :: Will Get A Longer Battery Life If Use Battery Of A 9700 In A 9000?

Feb 19, 2010

I was just wondering. As it turns out that the 9700 and 9000 share the same type of battery, so how is it that the bold has a far superior battery life over the 9000? Some have reported that the 9700 can hold charge upto 2 days even after heavy usage. So i was wondering are the batteries really identical in every way as claimed? and if they arent is it possible to swap the battery of my 9000 and expect a longer battery life? coz the one im having right now only seem to hold charge for about 15hours with fair usage on a 5.0 OS Zain Kuwait.

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Galaxy S6 :: Bluetooth Battery Drain?

Sep 6, 2015

I have a Verizon GS6 running 5.1.1. A few days ago there was an update for the ANT Radio Service and ANT+ Plugins Service. I'm sure others got this update too. I'm not sure if it's related, but all of the sudden my Bluetooth is killing my battery. It won't let my phone sleep. All I have connected is a Fitbit, which I've had for 4 months and never had an issue like this. It's killing my battery and the only thing I can do is turn off Bluetooth.

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IPhone :: Unable To Get Good Reception With Talkmobile?

Mar 26, 2012

I had no issues with my Iphone 3GS , but since i changed from O2 to talkmobile.I am experiencing a very bad reception and showing no services!Contacted talkMobile they blame on Apple?

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1

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Galaxy S5 :: Excessive Battery Drain Due To Bluetooth Headphones

Jul 27, 2015

I recently paired Ankovo headphones to my Galaxy S5. It has resulted in a massive battery drain on my phone (I had to factory reset to get the drain to stop). Is this a known problem and is there anything I can do to keep these devices paired up, or do I need to cease use of wireless headphones?

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Sony Ericsson :: Elm - Buying New Phone / Good Reception

Aug 7, 2010

I sold my Omnia i900 and now I only have the C902, I'm looking for a replacement phone and came across ELM and it it around US$230 in my country. Here are my questions

1) Is it a good deal ?
2) What about signal reception issues ? are they fixed with the latest firmware?
3) Screen quality is better than C902 or or worse ?
4) found a slightly used X10 mini for US$280.

What is the phone I should go with? ELM or the X10 mini.

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Xperia Z3 :: Bluetooth Does Not Allow Phone To Deep Sleep And Battery Drain

Mar 24, 2015

I'm with a 5.0.2 D6603. The issue I have is that the following Kernel wakelocks does not allow the phone to deep sleep.


I've just performed a sw repair via pc companion, and several factory reset. I'm running the Z3 with no apps.
It happens both with an LG G Watch R (5.0.2) and a regular BT Plantronics (voice only) headset. Using the same BT devices with a Nexus 4, Nexus 10 and an LG G2 does not have the same effect. As soon as there is no usage the phone goes to sleep immediately.

If we take the second device, I do expect a Kernel wakelock while speaking or streaming music. The phone is active any way while performing this task. What is strange is that even if there is no activity the wakelocks avoid deep sleep.

What is strange is that if I move away from the headset (and the BT icon goes the "non connected" status), the wakelocks are always there. The effect is that my phone (both on 4.4.4 and 5.0.2) almost never ever sleeps, and sometimes get warm. It is evident that the battery life affected a lot. If I switch BT off, everything goes back to normal.

I did a further test, in the below sequence:

- BT ON + connected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on
- BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on
- BT OFF + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => no wakelock + device sleep
- BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on

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Moto X Pure :: Battery Drain From Keeping Bluetooth On All The Time

Dec 11, 2015

With Marshmallow I'm seeing significant battery drain from keeping my Bluetooth on all the time. My phone occasionally connects to my FitBit (manual sync only) and my car.

Keeping Bluetooth on with Lollipop never seemed to be a problem, but now Bluetooth is often above even the screen when it comes to battery usage. Reboots and cache clears don't seem to make a difference. I'm OK turning Bluetooth off but I always forget to do so and then there goes my battery.

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