Galaxy S5 :: Excessive Battery Drain Due To Bluetooth Headphones
Jul 27, 2015
I recently paired Ankovo headphones to my Galaxy S5. It has resulted in a massive battery drain on my phone (I had to factory reset to get the drain to stop). Is this a known problem and is there anything I can do to keep these devices paired up, or do I need to cease use of wireless headphones?
is there an app that can read though all of the apps currently installed on the phone that can search for one that maybe causing battery drain? My battery seems to have gone sour lately and I don't know why. Esp today, I unplugged from my charge at 2pm and have done anything major with the device and I'm already below 50% in under 5 hours. I've spent 80% of my time on WiFi at my house. That to me seems unacceptable.
The two gaps there are I had to restart my phone for something and the second time was to clear cache partition. Currently running 5.1. Gonna do a reset to see if that fixes anything, I'd it doesn't I'm gonna try to get moto to replace and replace with a white device haha.
bought a Nexus 5 recently and his complaint about battery life was related to the Gmail app. He says he used Gmail for no more than 15 mins.GMail never uses so much battery from my experience.
Over the past two weeks, I have observed that my MOTOACTV has twice entered a Failure Mode in which current drawn from the battery in Standby if far higher than spec and even higher than playing music through wired headsets only. The cause is unknown, but may be related to another MOTOACTV Failure Mode - music player freak out. In the first instance, I left the unit in Standby at 70% charge and found 14 hours later that it had turned itself off - battery depleted. I powered it up, charged it and was surprised during my run to find that my SF200 wired headset line switch was functional again - the music player had not responded to the SF200 line switch for several days.
In the second instance, late on Tuesday night Feb 28, I noticed that the state-of-charge of my battery was sliding rapidly and placed it on the charger. After my morning run the next day, I charged it fully and monitored the battery. The result is charted in the image below. According to published specifications, the MOTOACTV should last 325 hours on one full charge. I have conducted extensive battery tests on my unit and have never been able to achieve a Standby discharge rate much better than 0.71%/hr or 140 hours full discharge equivalent. The Standby battery life spec should be revised. As published, it is misleading at best. In Failure Mode - Excessive Battery Drain in Standby, I measured a Standby discharge rate of 6.73%/hr or just under 15 hours of battery life in Standby on a full charge.
I do not know why my unit enters this Failure Mode. But I know I am not alone. AlmariaTeach is probably replacing his unit right now to remedy what looks like the same issue. But his device could not be cured by rebooting or factory reset, so it may have been a more advanced case. In both instances, a power-off reboot restored 'normal' Standby power use behavior and revived a non-functioning music player line switch to perfect working order.
I have a Verizon GS6 running 5.1.1. A few days ago there was an update for the ANT Radio Service and ANT+ Plugins Service. I'm sure others got this update too. I'm not sure if it's related, but all of the sudden my Bluetooth is killing my battery. It won't let my phone sleep. All I have connected is a Fitbit, which I've had for 4 months and never had an issue like this. It's killing my battery and the only thing I can do is turn off Bluetooth.
I'm with a 5.0.2 D6603. The issue I have is that the following Kernel wakelocks does not allow the phone to deep sleep.
msm_serial_hs_dma BTLowPower
I've just performed a sw repair via pc companion, and several factory reset. I'm running the Z3 with no apps.
It happens both with an LG G Watch R (5.0.2) and a regular BT Plantronics (voice only) headset. Using the same BT devices with a Nexus 4, Nexus 10 and an LG G2 does not have the same effect. As soon as there is no usage the phone goes to sleep immediately.
If we take the second device, I do expect a Kernel wakelock while speaking or streaming music. The phone is active any way while performing this task. What is strange is that even if there is no activity the wakelocks avoid deep sleep.
What is strange is that if I move away from the headset (and the BT icon goes the "non connected" status), the wakelocks are always there. The effect is that my phone (both on 4.4.4 and 5.0.2) almost never ever sleeps, and sometimes get warm. It is evident that the battery life affected a lot. If I switch BT off, everything goes back to normal.
I did a further test, in the below sequence:
- BT ON + connected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on - BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on - BT OFF + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => no wakelock + device sleep - BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on
With Marshmallow I'm seeing significant battery drain from keeping my Bluetooth on all the time. My phone occasionally connects to my FitBit (manual sync only) and my car.
Keeping Bluetooth on with Lollipop never seemed to be a problem, but now Bluetooth is often above even the screen when it comes to battery usage. Reboots and cache clears don't seem to make a difference. I'm OK turning Bluetooth off but I always forget to do so and then there goes my battery.
I know there are multiple threads out there discussing this and I looked at most of them but this is different. My 9700 has gotten great battery life since day one, but this weekend I went out to the desert and didn't use my phone much because I only had EDGE but it was dropping in and out constantly, I had a full charge on Thursday morning and when I got home Saturday afternoon I had 20% which is pretty damn good I'm not complaining about that. When I got home I charged it fully and then on the middle of the day on Sunday my batter was almost dead. Same thing Monday and same thing today. I fully charged it yesterday afternoon and this morning it was at 25% and I hardly used my phone yesterday. SOMETHING has happened to my battery life, I'm running 5.0.0593 which hasn't ever gotten me fantastic battery life but its been okay but now its just shot.
I haven't changed anything on my BB for this to happen so I'm posting here for ideas of what could be causing this, I've looked at programs running closed everything I can and do not have WIFI or bluetooth on and Have constant good 3G reception.
I'm planning to pick up a S6 next week but I have one quick question. I have used Samsung devices in the past and if I had my headphones connected and I paired my device with my car or Bluetooth speakers the audio would continue to play through the headphones and I would have to disconnect them before audio would play via the Bluetooth device.
Ever since I've left the location on (before I always left it off and just turned it on when I used the GPS), I've noticed a big drain on my battery. I only get 2 hours SOT as opposed to around 5 like before.
I just bought a Galaxy S6 yesterday, and something weird happened. I had it charged to around 75% yesterday in the evening, I switched it off, and when I came back this evening (about 22 hours later) and turned it back on, my battery was dead (0%). It refused to start at first, and only turned on with the charger plugged in.
Since I just got the phone, I had very few apps and accounts running aside from Google and Samsung (no email account, facebook or anything like that).
Is it faulty? I am going to try again this evening, but I would like to know whether I should consider bringing it back anyway...
i have a problem with battery drain the phone is emty after a half day. im on AOE3 firmware version.i remember reading somewhere the this is because of flashing twrp? and needing to flash stock recovery.My question is is this true? and where can i find the AOE3 stock recovery?
On my G3, when I fully charge the phone, it would stay at 100% for a VERY long time before dropping down to 99%. The most I've gotten out of the 1% before was about 25 minutes of SoT.
On my S6, once the phone is fully charged, it seems to drop to 99% very quickly, within just a couple minutes of using the device.
What causes this difference between the two models and does your S6 act the same way as mine?
In the screenshot you can see from 12:00 till 13:00 I wasn't using my phone and got a 20% battery drop, I went from the office to home. See screenshot.
I have a feeling after rooting the device, it gets battery drained from SSP wake lock. Device deepsleeps 50% and 50% awake because of that SSP wake lock.
There is no information about what and why. I disabled all motion features, deleted shealth. Turned off Location services.
The same happened to another S6 from a friend, and a S6 edge. All 3 devices have ssp wake lock problem.
I'm running stock, straight of the box, no root.And yesterday for example I went from 100% to15% in 7 hours....and this is at work with my phone sat on my desk not being used.Settings is saying that Google services is killing the battery, that and Android OS.Google services has a 'Stay awake' of over 3hrs and 'Mobile radio active' of over 2hrs All other apps also have a high 'Mobile radio active'Is this a bug in 5.1.1?
Second issue: How hot does this phone get!?Any usage of more than a couple of minutes with the screen on and its warm, getting towards hot.Use the camera for example and it gets hot...borderline too hot to touchFor me the main issue is the crappy battery life.
why the battery drains so much when taking it off the charger and prevent it from happening. When I took it off the charger it immediately jumped down to 98 and then within a minute jumped down to 95.
First of all, I know a lot of people who only has Location on all the time just for their Weather widgets and apps to refresh your weather information, you don't need your Actual Location to have that, you can simply turn that off on the weather app or widget and enter your city or cities manually, it will give you the same information the only difference is that it will not ping your location all the time to do it.
I have tested all settings and I have found that the one that does the job while preserve the battery life the most is the Wifi and Cell signal only option, in other phones it's called Power Saving Mode. I've been using this option all the time for the past couple of months and it really uses very low battery, barely noticeable, this way I keep my location on to be able to use the locate device and other location services. I only change to high accuracy (GPS, WIFi and Cell) for my daily 5k runs or if I need to use Google maps or any other Maps apps. There are people who use GPS only but I've noticed that it increases (obviously) the gpsd service in my battery stats and it drains battery a lot more than Power saving Mode.
Location History is not needed for the Location Services to work, this is just a Google Service to enable other features. Take a look at this information. Google’s Location History is Still Recording Your Every Move.
Until mid April, when we had 2 separate options, Location reporting and Location History, I had location history on but Reporting off as it was besides the Screen, the number 1 battery drainer on Android, and I frankly didn't want to be "reporting" Google all my moves, but now that they incorporated both into just one setting, I just prefer to turn it off. Check this other link. Understanding Google's Android location tracking | Android Central.
Whenever I'm at school my battery drains exponentially. Today I was writing a final exam and had my phone in my bag for 3 hours, in that time the battery dropped from 80% to 45%. I don't think my signal is the problem because I have 3-4 bars of lte at all times when I'm at school. As for optimizations I'm doing most of the tips erasat provided in his thread. I am connected to wifi too. The battery stats on the phone doesn't show anything is draining my battery. What could be the culprit?
Also this only happens when I'm at school not anywhere else. This has been going on ever since I got my s6 (3 months).
On at&t so no 5.1 yet. All of a sudden my battery plummets overnight. Went from 80% to 33% this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary in terms of app usage I can see. Battery has been on the ok side since launch can stretch to 24 hrs with 4 sot max. Also getting the camera issue when it launches and looks like surface of a lake periodically. Also, seems hotter when charging... Could this be a dud this far along? Bought on launch day...
Normally the battery drops about 20% per night. Occasionally it's kind of hot/warm and more than 50% dropped. I used an iphone 5 before S6 EDGE, and it dropped around 10~15% per night.Where I sleep has a good 4G signal and WIFI signal. I haven't turned on the "don't disturb" option when I sleep. Also, due to the unacceptable quick power consumption, I have turned on power saving mode all the time, although this makes switching apps slower.
I've only had my SGSII a week or so but have been very unimpressed with the battery life I've been achieving - not even a full working day.I've been trying to work out what's going on, but this morning things really seemed to come to a head. I'd charge overnight but within an hour and a half of disconnecting the phone almost half the charge had gone & the back of it felt very warm to touch.
Looking at the battery stats and using the Watchdog program it looks like the Samsung Email app is to blame. I also saw the phone was marked as 'awake' much of the time, presumably due to a partial wakelock from the Mail app (battery history in Gingerbread doesn't seem to actually have partial wakelock as a category but this certainly looks like it). I've got three accounts setup in it - 2x Microsoft Exchange and 1x IMAP. Refresh times were initially push (MSEx 1)/manual (MSEx 2)/15 min (IMAP). I've tried changing them all to 15 min or to manual but it doesn't seem to improve matters. In case it is of relevance, the MSEx ones are imposing device & storage encryption as part of their policies (I've no choice in this).
I am using unlocked Samsung Galaxy S5 G900F model for 1 year. It working fine. But for 3-4 months I cannot keep my phone on overnight. It drains battery to 30%-40%. I have tried all possible solution like:
kept brightness to minimum WiFi, mobile data, Bluetooth, GPS kept off stopped unwanted services like FB, S finder, etc from App manager.
I mean all possible options.
It shows that Phone radio and network are draining my batter (as shown in attached images) Also how can screen brightness drain battery when kept idle screen locked mode overnight? (as shown in attached images). I have attached screenshots when I found 69% battery remaining in the morning (kept at 100% at night)
Note 1: During day battery performs normally even with WiFi and data Note 2: Even when kept in ultra power saving mode overnight it drains around 20% battery
i have a S6 without root and all stock . I have a very big battery drain of Google Play Services , i already turn location off , sync off , search in many forums and turn off many options of google , disable many apps of google , etc , but i still having a very big battery drain of Google Services ( i updated too with a apk to the last update ) ... I only find a solution and is with app ops , but i am not root , and seems that all app ops need to be root
since my iphone 4S have updated to 5.1.1, I now experience excessive battery consumption like 5% down in 1h (sleep mode). I have 2x iphone 4S and they have same behaviour. Never had that before with same hardware what could cause that ?If I go in flight mode (no 3G), the consumption is back to normal (low)
Had my new S6 for a few days and ive been having problems with it and im thinking it's unacceptable. Occasionally when im browsing using chrome, the webpage will crash and would ask me to reload the page. Not sure why. Also, i notice when im browsing or in a news/sports app etc, when reading the scrolling would appear like 'choppy' and stuttering. On top of that the battery seems to drain somewhat quick. Also some apps like gmail have occasionally crashed.
I've tried everything to stop this, i.e. use nova launcher, turned brightness down, restarted and cleared my cache but i cant get it to run smooth. I had the htc m8 and I never recalled it doing this.