Ok, so you know how its recommended to completley drain your battery about once a month for calibration...Could you suggst somethings that will drain my bb`s battery very fast? i had no real trouble on my 8900, but the 9700 battery life is soo resistant a very good thing, but do any of you have any suggestions?
Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace. (Go to Settings, then Options, then status): 46791728 Bytes before and 4721816 Bytes after Did a battery pull fix your issue?: No (What fixes it is plugging the phone into the charger after starting the restart process) Apps installed and their version if possible. (Go to Settings, then Options, then applications):Seesmic v 1.3.28, BB 4.6 Core Apps v 4.6, BB 4.6 System Software v 4.6, BB App World v, BB Attachment Service v 4.6.0, BB Maps v 4.6.0, BB MDS Runtime v, BB MDS Default Launcher v, BB Messenger v 4.6.0, BB S/MIME Support Package v 4.6.0, BB Visual Voice Mail v, Brickbreaker 4.6.0, Browser v 4.6.0, Documents to Go v 1.001.145, DOD Root Certificates v 4.6.0, Email Setup Application v 4.6.0, Engadget v 1.0.1, Enhanced Gmail(TM) Plug-in v, Facebook v 1.2.0, Help v 4.6.0, Kindle v, MemoPad v 4.6.0, Opera Mini v 4.2, Password Keeper v 4.6.0, Phone v 4.6.0, TTY Support v4.6.0, TagReaderBB v 2.1.75, Tasks v 4.6.0, Tetris v 4.41.37, WikiMobile v 1.33, Word Mole v 4.6.0
When writing your question Occasionally the phone's screen will turn white. What I've noticed as that it typically happens after the phone shuts itself off. I don't know how it turns off, and it doesn't happen often, but occasionally I'll pull my phone out of my pocket and find that it's completely off. When I turn it back on it will boot all the way to the home screen without issues and then the screen will fade to white and stay that way. Pulling the battery does not fix the issue. All it does is kill the battery more than having the screen being all white and full power. Most recently it happened while I was navigating the Store in the Amazon Kindle program. Looking around I've seen conversations stating that the screen's going bad (which I doubt), the OS needs to be reinstalled (which I attempted through the Desktop Manager and I think I did it how I'm supposed to without wiping it with a 3rd party program), or that the phone is defective. My dad got the phone in November of 2008, and I got it when he decided to get an iPhone. I'm definitely a BlackBerry noob, so any suggestions (or requests for more information), would be appreciated. I've have noticed that reloading the OS stops the problem for about a week or so.I noticed recently is that the battery life seemed to be draining faster than I thought reasonable. For instance, on 50% (or so) charge, the phone would die after being in a call for about 45 minutes. So I ordered a new battery. Today, the phone got extremely warm (in the holster) and the battery drained to the yellow bar in about 3 hours. No programs that connect to the network (Twitter, Web Browser, Opera, Kindle, etc.) were running and I was not noticing the up/down arrows. This was on a full charge. When I plugged it into the wall, the battery seemed to charge extremely fast. It's only been charging for about an hour or so and it's nearly at full charge. This is not typical. I am out of warranty, have no insurance, and am not able to get a discount price on a new phone until July. I'm ready to downgrade to my old dumbphone.
I know there are multiple threads out there discussing this and I looked at most of them but this is different. My 9700 has gotten great battery life since day one, but this weekend I went out to the desert and didn't use my phone much because I only had EDGE but it was dropping in and out constantly, I had a full charge on Thursday morning and when I got home Saturday afternoon I had 20% which is pretty damn good I'm not complaining about that. When I got home I charged it fully and then on the middle of the day on Sunday my batter was almost dead. Same thing Monday and same thing today. I fully charged it yesterday afternoon and this morning it was at 25% and I hardly used my phone yesterday. SOMETHING has happened to my battery life, I'm running 5.0.0593 which hasn't ever gotten me fantastic battery life but its been okay but now its just shot.
I haven't changed anything on my BB for this to happen so I'm posting here for ideas of what could be causing this, I've looked at programs running closed everything I can and do not have WIFI or bluetooth on and Have constant good 3G reception.
I’ve got a BlackBerry Curve 8900 (ATT, running, and have had it since Oct. 2009. Battery life has always been OK - 24 to 48 hrs. between recharges.
Today though, after pulling it off the charger this morning around 8:00 a.m., I’ve noticed that I’m down to about 5% charge by 2:30 p.m. I have made no phone calls today, and have only sent/received a couple texts and rec’d two emails. I've never used a holster, have downloaded no apps, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are both off. No keys appear to be sticking. Absolutely nothing, to my knowledge, of any significance has changed on the phone since October, yet all of a sudden --literally, overnight --I am experiencing this greatly diminished battery life. The only even remotely precipitating factor I can think of is that I did a battery pull yesterday, after deleting some old photos and emails.
I’ve searched the forum, and most of the suggestions are along the lines of “turn off bluetooth/wi-fi/update OS,” but as noted, I never used those anyhow, and the OS has always been good to me.
I have already read enough of this great forum post, I hope in the future to helpbeginners like me, one day we had to IOS (formerly had a Galaxy S2) and now we are more than comfortable with my 4s!I have the cell phone constantly charging, either in the Dock, when I go to bed, Through The cable in my university (when I'm in class or on the computer in the Library), this because the phone if consuming battery (I have the iOS 5.0.1) and hate running out of battery (no phone) when I'm away from home.Then the doubt (I've already searched in many forums) is whether this is detrimental tothe battery of the phone, or simply when the iPhone detects that is loaded, just stops receiving load and nothing happens:
Just purchased iPhone 4S and it's sucking the life out of the battery. I've read several posts to turn items off to save battery life and nothing seems to be working.
I use my phone all the time so I charge it everynight to ensure a full battery. However I don't want to hurt the overall lifespan of the battery. How often should I let it drain completely to guarantee a good life cycle?
Previous smart phones I owned turned wifi off when the screen went dead. So essentially wifi didn't really drain any battery and wifi was easier on the battery then 3g when actively pulling down data.
So now I am on a 2gb plan (previously on unlimited) and sensitive to this I keep my wifi on all the times to use my home connection when possible.My battery however is barely getting through a full day. My wife was getting solid days but she had wifi off.Do you think that this is effecting it? I use my phone quite a bit throughout the day.
I bought a 3GS running 3.1.3 from a friend of mine. Brought it home, used jailbreakme.com to jailbreak it and Cydia. Worked fine, put my Tmobile SIM in, made calls, downloaded apps, ect. Plugged it in overnight, got up this morning and took it off the charger at 100%. Leave it sitting and 5hrs later the battery is down to 30%! Wifi, 3g, push, ect ect are all off. Someone please help, I was so excited to get this working and now the battery doesn't even last half a day with no use!
My iPhone 4S had been working great, but after upgrading to 5.1.1 OS it is draining the battery by the afternoon every day without any or very little use. I rely on my phone for business and it can't even make it through a work day! It is draining about 4 times faster than normal. I found a post referencing to 'Reset All Settings' which I tried yesterday, but it still is draining fast. I tried resetting, rebooting, shutting down all apps, but nothing helps.
Nexus 5, 16GB, MRA58N (stock, not rooted). Sometimes the power percentages shown for each process in the battery monitor do not add up to the total battery drain? I am finding that sometimes they add up to within 1% of the total shown.... and sometimes they are WAY off with as much as 30% of the displayed battery drain unaccounted for. Since I don''t have access to the battery terminals, I can't determine independently whether the percentages shown are simply inaccurate, or whether there are missing processes (ie., processes not shown at all in the battery monitor).
I plugged in my ip4 last night a couple hours before going to bed, and noticed that it was up to 100% when I went to bed. I woke up and, still plugged in, was at 97%...?Is this normal by any means? I mean, I know my MBP which I always have plugged in will drop charge while plugged in to such %'s (97,98,99).however my ip4 has never done this before.
my iphone 3g battery drains very quickly it drained 50% and only used it for 1 hour 40 mins only for internet usage what can be causesing it to drain so quickly what can i do to make it last longer i have tried turning brighness down and turning everything else off what can i do ?
My iphone 4S drain the battery too fast.Bought the 23 dicember 2011, it has just 4 months of use and the battery should be gone? I think there is a great software problem.and Apple had to fix it definitevily. A product like this, with this price MUST CAN BE USED AT LEAST 2 DAYS IN ALL HIS FUNCTION!This is a device thinked to be connected everywhere at everytime, but the hardware seems not to follow this intent. I used the phone for calling, sms, web, mail and music, NO GAMESail has no push notification.Yesterday I've disabled all notification and some other things to see if the battery could be better, tried to not recover the old back-up
I have battery drain with the update to ios 5.1.1. I just take the cell of the lock screen and do nothing, and in seconds (300 seconds) i see going from 24% to 9%.
A week ago I realised that my phone was heating up rapidly and my battery was being drained alarmingly fast before days end. I used to go a whole day and would only hit 50% battery use. After some research, reading and testing of my own, I can say with some certainty that after turning off the push notification and location services on my phone battery life has dramatically improved returning to pre update performance and the overheating has ceased.
I have an iPhone 4 and have iOS 5.1.1 and the battery seems to be draining pretty quickly for me. I lose 1% battery on standby about every 20 minutes or so, I don't play many games at all, and have hourly fetch email, and don't have very many notifications
I have recently bought a new iphone 4s- 16gb. Updated it to 5.1.1 version.
The iphone has major battery issues. I charged one night and morning it was drained. It was only on wifi.
Also, while on wifi - the battery drain is too much. The standby time and the usage time are generally same.
- Location was off -Bluetooth off - wifi on - Emails on
The drain is very fast. Next - the apps like facebook, contacts, watsapp etc carshes quite frequently.
I installed an app called 'Battery Doctor', in the stats i found that the CPU usage is very high even wiht only 1 app running. similar is the case for RAM usage.
I fully charge my iphone 4s last night after update it to ios 7.1.1. I didn't use it till 1 hour after disconect it and when i check the Use setting it have 29 mins. of use and like 55 mins of standby. The problem is I didn't use it for nothing, so what happen with that 29 minutes? the background update is setting of, so the push email notification. What could be the problem? the battery only last like 5 hours and half in this update.
iv been experiencing a problem with my 5s. i had issues when i put my phone to sleep/ standby, the battery drain really fast. i don't know why. i thought it was the battery so i replaced it and nothing happen and i even restored it and still nothing
I updated to WM10 10586.29 and now when my battery gets to 70% To 75% it will drain down do 2% in an hour. I have location, Hey Cortana and most background apps turned off and still get the drain. Also I just noticed while charging it takes forever, but when it get's to 40% it goes up to 100% in less than 10 min.
I want to have Notifications on in order to use Find My iPhone using MobileMe. Does anyone know if having Notifications on while having Push off for every App and email account affects battery life? I know that using Push drains the battery but don't know how having Push on but not using it affects the battery.
so is there a way to "close" and app instead of it "minimizing" in the background I know you can double tap home, hold an icon, and then close it that way" but this is quite the hastle doing this every time i exit an app..and im sure the more apps you have in your "minimize tray" the faster your battery drains... correct?
have you guys found any way to close an app with out it minimizing? or even an magic "remove all" button to close all open apps...
Upgraded to iOS 5.1 a couple weeks ago and since then battery drain has been horendous. Have problems on my iPad 1, have problems on my iPhone 4S, but iPhone 4 seems not to be affected as badly. I have disabled options and disabled apps (though they should be paused and not draining the battery) to no avail. Disappointed and think I'll go back to my iPhone 4.
After update to iOS 5.1 my iPad2 battery has drained did try everything that I could find on the internet, reinstalled the iPad,only when I disable wifi, then power is ok, but that is not a solution, an iPad without wifi is a big piece of junk. don't know what to do anymore,