I need to use "Copy to dialing screen" and "Send number" function and it is missing on the S6 5.0.2. The S5 5.0 and all prior versions had it. How do i get this back?
When someone asks in this newsgroup for me to attach a screen swipe so that the reader can see what I'm talking about, how do I do that. I know how to make screen stripe swipe. How do you paste it into the text box.
A week or so ago ATT finally dropped the 4.3 update for the One, but now my copy button is missing in Chrome. When you tap the area it is supposed to be it briefly shows up but otherwise it is an empty space. I've tried resetting Chrome and reinstalling the updates but it didn't work. Not sure if this is 4.3 related or unique to Chrome.
Is there a way to find out what apps were recently deleted ?Reason I ask is 2 apps are missing form my 1 of my home screen and have no idea what apps that are missing.
I've been reading ways to save battery and one of them was to turn off that annoying "popping colors" when I unlock my screen. Says to go to setting>lock screen>unlock effect...Problem is that unlock effect is not there! I'm on AT&T and my friend is on Sprint and she has it in her settings. Is it an AT&T thing or a glitch on my phone?
For some reason, the screen on my at&t gs6 doesn't seem as responsive as it should be. It often misses swipes I make while playing games or in the ui it also seems to take a bit longer than normal to register taps while typing.
I searched settings and developer options and I see no way to increase screen sensitivity.
Also happens a lot when pulling the drop down menu.
I am trying to make a few phone calls today, and im typing the number in correctly and press the call button, at the top it says dialing, but it is quiet, no noise when you try to call someone, then it just says call ended....
I got a new Galaxy S5 (first Galaxy S anything!) a few weeks ago and I love it. Unfortunately, however, I discovered a very annoying feature just now. While messaging my friend on the Android system messager, I was talking to another friend on Viber. So, since I don't have a bluetooth or headset, I would periodically bring the phone down from my ear and respond to the message. The problem is, if I was still on the message screen and brought the phone back up to my ear to continue talking on Viber, the phone auto dials my friend on the messaging screen. So I accidentally dialed the friend I was messaging several times before I realized what was going on.
I loved going to the phone app, the phone log (center tab) is active and all I had to do to dial someone in the log was to touch the screen. Now when I touch the screen nothing happens!If I hold my finger on the screen for an extended period I get a 6 icon popup offering text, view history, add speed dial, delete, call, or full menu - then if I select call the "call which number" prompt comes up.Previously to the update all I had to do was touch a # or contact in the log and the "call which number" would come up for rapid calls backs, and if it was a single number contact it would just call.Additionally if I select the right contact tab in the phone app and touch a contact it is the same problem - I want the old "instant" call or call which number behavior.
Since purchasing my galaxy s6, the device has been hanging up the call about three seconds after dialing - just saying "call ended".
After dialing a few times the call goes through.
The problem persists with different service providers.
It seems to be a software issue as it resolved one day suddenly after returning from a trip abroad with the device, but has now returned after upgrading to android 5.1...
I have a very irritating problem with nokia 5230 with the latest firmware version. The screen keypad gets locked when I dial a call or when I attend an incoming call with the green call receive button. however when I lock it and unlock it back, the screen keypad gets unlocked. Im not sure if the issue is because of the latest firmware. Is there any way I can move to previous firmware version.
By going blank I mean the screen goes dark, I don't see anything as if my phone is dead. The call gets placed anyway, but I just feel lost not seeing anything on the screen.
Brand new here. I recently just went from iPhone to a galaxy s5. I'm with Verizon. For some reason when I try to make a phone call it's says Dialing then it ends the call before it starts to ring. I can get incoming calls fine. As you see in the picture it keeps saying cancelled. It doesn't matter who I try to call, it says cancelled. I've already done a factory reset and I've taken my sim card out n put it back in.
My screen will instantly go blank (timeout) whenever I dial out and get a busy signal and am using the earbuds that came with the phone. Is there a separate display timeout when using the X10 as a phone My regular display timeout is set to 2 minutes?
When trying to text from my Droid X2 it just locks up, it won't do anything. Even if I press the off button, it won't pick up when I press the power off on the screen. It also does this sometimes when i'm playing a game. This happens no less than several times a day.I have reset my task manager to shut things down, but it's still not helped.
I have a 4 day old BlackBerry Storm 9530 and so far I love it. But I have an issue with the voice dialing and am wondering if anyone else has had this issue or if there is a fix.
When I activate voice commands everything works from the bluetooth, but about 50% of the time when I use voice commands to call someone, I will get to the point where the phone and I confirm the selection(name) to call and it will say(and show on the BlackBerry screen) for example: "Susan Home Calling..." And the blackberry will stay on that screen, not connecting to anyone if I press any key it will bring me right back to the "home" screen on the BB, no making any calls.
Also, I am noticing some dust specs under the top left corner of my touchscreen, I know its underneath the screen because I can tell, and I am very OCD about wiping off my screen and keeping my phone immaculately clean..
I am somewhat saddened by the fact that such a well known and highly respected device doesn't in fact have an 'airtight' screen, and lets dust underneath, especially after only four days, in a clean house and never even in a pocket..
I cannot dial or initiate an outgoing call using my Car's Bluetooth system, if the screen is locked. If I try to dial out using my car's system, i.e either using numbers stored in car's speed dial or voice dialing feature. it simply doe not work. But when I look at the phone and unlock the screen, phone starts dialing out.
This totally defeats the purpose of hand free Bluetooth system, in the car. I never has this issue with any other phone, including Nexus 4, Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S3 or various versions of iphone.
I received an email (gmail) with a link in it. I want to forward the link to one of my friends, in a text message, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this on my Samsung S6. I am new to Android.
I have several pictures that I want to use for my wallpaper, that are not in my gallery. When I go to set wallpaper, the only choice for a place to look is my gallery. How do I get a picture out of drive, or my email , to my gallery?
I dropped my Galaxy S5 Active into a pool. It was only in water for about 5 seconds but turns out it is not really that waterproof. It will come on but will not recognize SD card or connect to Google Play. It will connect to a computer. I used Smart Switch on PC to back up contacts, photos and texts. How can I transfer app data to the new S5?