Galaxy S5 :: Blocking Unwanted Text Messages In KitKat?
Jun 7, 2014
Sometime in the last week, a post was made asking how to prevent an unwanted person from contacting her via SMS messaging. She can block his phone number directly, and/or just not answer "unknown caller" attempts. (could just direct those to a silent ring/disconnect)
I was browsing aimlessly thru the internet and just came across this blurb:
(*Text blocking not available on Android 4.4/KitKat) found it here: [URL] ....
and this blurb: • Starting from Android 4.4, Google has revoked SMS/MMS permissions from developers. Due to that fact, LINE whoscall will not be able to block SMS/MMS for Android versions 4.4 and above. Call blocking feature is not affected.
If that is actually true, as of today we have no way to block unwanted SMS messages.
I was reading all of the info on different Caller ID apps to see if any of them are worthwhile.
So, I just had to update my phone & I absolutely hate all the changes. For once, when I open up a text message & begin to reply, I always have to hit the letter key twice before it actually appears in the message box. If not, the first letter I type is always left out.
I frequently get unsolicited text messages on my C2-01 from people I don't even know. Is there anyway to block messages on this phone? Or at least make the phone not sound when receiving a text message? Or any application to block/ignore text messages from a specific number?
Is there an app you can get to block numbers? But still be aware that they are text/ringing you? I don't want to have to ring up my phone provider to do this as they may only be a occasional caller. I used to have an app like this on my sony ericcson xperia! Surely apple have one?
I've tried the 'blacklist' option but it seems that people can find out that I've blacklisted them. Is there a more discreeet way where they can't find out?
Unlike most people who were looking forward to it, I was dreading this Hangouts/SMS merger.
One of the things I have not been able to figure out is how to search within my SMS messages. The old SMS app did this easily at the push of one on screen button.
Is this no longer a feature or am I just not looking in the right place?
I tried going to settings>data usage>settings auto sync is checked. I then tried another suggestion: delete my email account and re-add, now the blasted thing says it can't authenticate my account...
bought myself an asia 210 and was told that i could block messages and calls as getting them off ppl i no loger talk to,yes i could change my number but not as easy as thought,just need to block and was told by carphone warehouse i could but cant work it out
I have a Bold 9900 and am constantly receiving spam email (i.e. purchase Viagara etc.). How do you change your settings or setup a rule to block these unwanted messages? I know how to do this with my Hotmail account but can't find any instructions in this regard for the BlackBerry.
I have a rooted Galaxy S5 running stock 4.4.2 KitKat. I want to remove the carrier name from the lock screen (not the status bar). I downloaded Wanam Xposed and while several of the features in it worked, hide carrier was not one of them that did. How I can hide or remove the carrier name on the lock screen?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G901F (Unlocked) and yesterday I updated the OS to Lolipop using Odin.
Since that update I have signal issues (No service most of the time) and I want to downgrade it do KitKat then update it with the official version of Lolipop using Kies. Am I going to be able to do this?
I've searched this forum and (surprisingly) not found any references to what is possibly the most annoying "feature" that RIM has introduced since I've owned a berry. By providing the broadcast function in the newer versions of Messenger, my berry is now subject to the same stupid, irrelevant, inane and/or unoriginal jokes/rumours/prayer request-type junk mail that I strenuously guard my email inbox against. However, while I can set up filters and rules to block such unwanted email messages, there are no such controls present in BBM and the only way to effectively counter repeat offenders is to delete them from your contact list, which is a sledgehammer vs nut solution, to say the least.
In my list of contacts, there are certain individuals who regularly send out such broadcast messages and then there are others who are thoroughly irritated by them, like myself, but then compound the situation by sending out aggravated, ill-tempered broadcasts complaining about previous messages. When you have a couple hundred contacts, it really can get quite ridiculous at times on days when a popular joke or meme is making the rounds.
So, I would like to request that the BBM dev team seriously investigate adding a "Block Broadcasts" option - ideally on a per-contact basis, but I would settle for an all-or-nothing solution as I'm willing to sacrifice the 1% of useful messages I get if it spares me the disruption of the other 99%. If my own contact list is anything to go by, I'm not the only one who would be hugely grateful for this to be implemented as swiftly as possible, or am I the only grinch in the building?