BB Tour 9630 :: New Email Indicator Will Not Go Away - Tried A Battery Pull / Reboot
Apr 10, 2010
The new email indicator on my Blackberry Tour will not go away. I have no unread messages or missed calls. I've tried a battery pull, a reboot, marking prior messages read, and changing the message count settings. It won't go away.
Is the only way to reboot a tour to do a battery pull? Before the update I had an ap that would reboot the phone on a schedule, but it doesn't work now.
I bought an Otterbox which means a battery pull for my Tour (Verizon) is a pain in the you know what. I had Quickpull until it got lost with a RIM 5.0 update. I go back to appworld and everybody is complaining about Quickpull. Are there other alternatives? Someone suggested bbhybrid in another thread. Do they help? What do they do? Do I 86 RIM software on my BB in order to use hybrid software?
So my Sprint Blackberry Tour 9630 takes on average 13-15 minutes with a battery pull reset. I love the phone, and have no complaints about it except for this issue. I've had plenty of blackberries and this is taking the longest. I have no clue as to why it takes so long - I dont have any apps really installed, and no pictures/music, etc. loaded.
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas how I can make it run faster?This is the stats of my phone: OS 914.6mb of free space (917.7mb total)
The small clock kept showing up in the middle of the screen on my blackberry. A vzw rep told me sometimes I need to reboot my blackberry because its like a computer. So, I took the battery out and put it back in to reboot it and it won't come on. A white blank background will show up with the small clock in the middle. Then the screen will go black with the small clock in the middle and the red light blinking.
My internet,bbm are not working and im not receiving emails, all im able to do is text. i tried taking out the battery and then restarting it but it did not work.
Whenever I do a battery pull my battery indication after reinsertion reads 0% and shows the battery as red. My battery indicator before the battery pull will read anywhere from 80% to 50% but after the battery pull the indicator changes to read zero and is shown in red. If I don't charge the phone it will die even though prior to the battery pull the charge was fine at 80% or so...
I'm pulling the battery because of memory shortages. I HAVE replaced the battery and I still get the same problem. Pulling the battery after this happens changes nothing. I've pulled the battery numerous times afterwards and I never get the battery indicator to read what it did before the battery pull. I don't dare pull the battery if I'm not near my charger as the phone will die in a matter of minutes...
I have an envelope that indicates I have two new messages but I do not. I verified all my message were read, non unread. I did a battery pull twice and it still will not go away.
My call log shows missed calls, but never tells me I have a new voicemail, nor is there any icon on the screen that indicates there is a new voicemail waiting. Can someone please tell me how to get notified that I have new messages? Presently I'm having to call my voicemail just to see if there is a message.
I have an unread message icon that cannot be deleted. This has only started happening since I downloaded the newest VZW 5.0 patch. I know this thread has been done for multiple reasons but I have tried all the normal fixes.
My missed call indicator will not go off. I have cleared the call logs, I have cleared the missed calls folder, you name it. I pulled the battery, not once but twice,and it is still there.
I grabbed my Motorola Defy used about 6 months ago with absolutely nothing wrong with it.I work at a garage, I'm constantly coated in grease.About a month ago the ear speaker stopped working, now calls can only be heard through headphones or speaker phone.
About 2 weeks ago, close to every time I put my Defy in my pocket, it shuts down. Unlock button becomes unresponsive, doesn't power back on until I pull the battery out and put it back in. It seems to do this whenever pressure is applied across the screen while locked.
I have the BB Tour for Verizon. I am pretty new owner of a BB. I have never had one before so I am not sure how to get the new message indicator off the top of my home screen. The thing is I don't have any new messages. I had deleted all the messages in all of the folders. I did a battery pull and it still won't turn off.
I can't seem to find this exact problem, so bear with me if I missed it. My problem is that when I did a bettery pull a couple of days ago, my 9700 went into constant reboot. I was able to correct this by connecting to DM and reloading the OS (.714). This was the same OS I was previously using. Now, when I do a BP, the progress bar goes all the way to the end and it just freezes. I have to pull the battery again, and reload the same 714 OS from DM. No help from TMO online help, so I thought I would ask here.
I've got a curve 8520 and earlier today it was playing up and so I decided to re-boot it by taking the battery out. It seemed normal and I'd left it for a while but when I came back to it, the re-boot hadn't gone past about 2/3 of the way. I've tried several different things, plugging it into the computer, and the wall, and also taken the battery out several more times and each time it still doesn't go past 2/3.
I have a status indicator on the Home Page of my Tour, but do not know what it is. It looks like a phone with a yellow/orange button on the left of the icon.
This morning when I turned on my phone I had my usual email indicators, but also there was a really tiny one near the ringtone indicator. Its a small flower (five pettaled) with the red asterix indicator (like when you have a new mail/sms). I have looked at all my apps and message folders and I have no clue what this is for!
I'm new to Blackberry and just learning. I've noticed that some of my SMS texts that are sent have a "D" in the check-mark. Can someone let me know what it indicates? I have not changed any settings and not all my outgoing messages contain the "D."
So all of the sudden my SMS messages are just coming up as phone numbers instead of contacts names, when yesterday they were displaying the names. I check to make the sure the numbers match under the contacts and they still do. I tried doing a battery pull and when the phone rebooted all of my contacts had disappeared. I checked the filters and none of them are checked, and as the other threads for this topic state, I tried to disable content control but I cant. I cant even find the general options section under security options. Is it different on the storm then it is on other BB's? Really confused right now. Also, there are no contacts saved to the SIM card.
I got my tour about 6 weeks ago, and am learning something new everyday. I lovingly call the phone "my smarter than me phone" I have used this forum alot to answer questions, and for the most part am pretty comfortable with the phone now.
The message indicator on the home screen sometimes displays to the left of the time, and sometimes to the right. I thought at first it was an am/pm thing, but 10 minutes ago (8:41 ayem now) it was on the right, and now it just jumped to the left.
How can I get the same effect as a battery pull with out actually doing it or loading an app? I have tried the QuickPull app and it IS NOT WORKING. I can get it to download but it wont run. I know there has to be some quick way to do it. I have an otterbox defender case on it and its a pain to take it off.
I recently got my bb curve 8520 but I have noticed that it would reboot randomly without me having to do a battery pull or the alt-shift-delete method. It has reboot twice randomly I am I am very confused as to why it does that and when I rebooted it it started up normal but when I checked it again it rebooted on its own.
I just installed the Skype App on my VZW Blackberry Tour 9630. When I try to run it I get: Error Starting Skype_mobile: Module 'Skype_mobile-10' has verification errors.I have rebooted the device and tried reinstalling the app.
This is my third Tour (I just got this one a week ago) and with it sitting in my pocket where I have service, not running ANY applications, it is running hot and draining battery very quickly. Did a battery pull, double checked memory leaks, and nothing is taking care of it. It's draining at about 15% per hour. Any thoughts (other than Tours suck.)
I downloaded a facebook app upgrade and when it rebooted, my phone froze. I did a battery pull and then went to BBDM to see if I could do a "restore" from my computer, but it won't recognize the phone because it is in this frozen pattern. The screen sits in the white screen with timer mode and every 20 minutes or so, the screen goes black and tries to reset and gets stuck back in the white screen with timer mode. I backed my system up yesterday. Can I do a restore if it won't recognize my phone when I plug it in? Is there a hard reset that I can do?
I was wondering if anybody else has had this problem.....every time I reboot my phone, I get this message "Application_net_rim_bb_phone_app(47) is not responding. I am on sprint and running .419. I can make phone calls and everything, but just curious what that error message means.
Also, I am no longer getting MMS messages with this update, everything comes through as a SMS, and I have to use that dreaded sprint picture mail to see the message. In which the message never comes out clear.....
I plugged my bb into the wall and for a little bit it was charging fine but then the symbol disappeared. I unplugged and plugged back in which made the clock pop up so I know it connected right. But its still not charging. I turned the charging indicator led on with berrybuzz and the light didn't turn on when I plugged it in.
Meterberry says the temp is 111 degrees. I don't know what the 'normal' ranges are. I'm still under my 30day warranty so do I take it back? Is anyone else having this problem? Its done this before and it eventually charges but something is going on....
I am unable to setup my gmail account because I don't see the 'I want to create or add an email address' option button in the email setup screen..The setup screen only displays 'I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server'
Is there a way to add the 'I want to create or add an email address' to the email setup screen.?Do I need to flash the os? how do I do that?