BB Torch :: 9810 Will Not Reboot - App Error 200 With Little Box Saying Reset
Apr 30, 2012
I have a Torch 9810. It turned off by itself and now when I try to reboot it. I get a white screen that says App Error 200 with a little black box that says Reset in it. When I try to touch the word reset - nothing happens. If I press my pad the phone reboots and the same message appears. I am afraid that I will lose all my pictures and info that I have saved on the phone.
yesterday i tried to upgrade my whatsapp and after upgrading i restarted mt phoe ...but after that when it reaches 60-70 % of booting it gets restarted again...
I can't get passed my reboot screen, I have tried taking out the battery many times, tried downloading the software update and also tried putting in the original software from AT&T and it still freezes on the reboot screen near the end. I downloaded a software called "blackberry Swiss army kit" and I still got nothing done. Everything installs but when it reboots its freezes at the same spot.
I have a BB Torch 9810. After updating the whatsapp app it rebooted and start working fine. After a couple of minutes it turned off and when I tried turning it back on with the power on bar it wouldn't turn on. So I pulled out the battery and when I put it back in the load bar would only go 3/4 of the way and get stuck there.. Is the phone dead? or is there any other way I could get the phone to reboot completely so I can use it??
I keep getting an "Error 102 Reload Software for furhter information [URL]" message. There is a Reset button below that and when I press it, it just tries to restart my blackberry. It will load to a certain point and then come back to this Error message. I went to the website it suggests and it tells me to go onto my Blackberry Desktop Manager and reload my software. I tried to do this, but my Desktop Manager and my smart phone will not connect and so I can't reload my software.
I received an error 102 on my torch 9810, now I am unable to shut down or reboot my phone, it will not even connect to the blackberry software program.
My phone randomly turned off earlier and only turned back on when I plugged it in, but as it was turning on a message appeared and says, "Error 102 Reload Software". When I went to the site it told me to, to find more information it said the page was no longer available.
My bbm is working perfect, but all my regular texts are out of order. All the texts i hve sent are at the top of the screen, followed by the incoming texts at the bottom of the screen. It reads that every single incoming text is recieved at 1050am, even though my all read sent at the correct time. The time on the phone is correct so I'm sure whats going on. I've only had the phone 2 days and its been like this since I got. The phone is a blackberry torch 9810 and I'm with virgin mobile on a 3 year term. Also I'm new to the world of blackberries
I have a 9810 using the bb browser. Whenever I click on a mailto: link, my browser starts opening new tabs uncontrollably until I turn off my radio, which will stop the problem with however many tabs are open at the time. I haven't found anyone else with the same problem, but it is incredibly annoying.
I tried to upload a pic to FB, and got a message : "There was an error uploading this photo". Same thing happened when I tried to resend it, or when I upload other Pics.
When I go to App World to install app, when Verify Blackberry ID, it give me 'Unable to login to your Blackberry ID Account'. I had tried to reset my password and it was successful. I can login to my Blackberry ID on my PC browser.
I have a bb torch 9810 and recently installed windows live messenger. Sometimes it works but most of the time it does not let me sign in the error message internal server error appears on the screen and when I can log in its not allowing me to add more then two contacts it says its full when I have only 2 email addresses in my list.
i have purchased a BB Torch 9860 just about 9 days back and it suddenly showed me an error 602 and ever after reset and removing battery, the device continues to show error.
opying contacts from a Bold 9810 to another 9810.Using the BB Desktop Software I did a full backup of the device (which contained 400+ contacts), then did a full restore on a new 9810, but only 200 contacts were copied over.Next I tried to do a selective restore, but although the 400+ contacts were in the file, it was grayed out and could not be selected. How can I get all the contacts into the new 9810. (Side note: I was able to restore the 400+ contacts to a BB Bold).
My Torch yesterday evening just cut off from a call, switched itself off, come back on again with a white screen saying ''App Error 606 - Reset''. Everytime I reset it or take the battery out it reloads and the same message appears.
I have tried the following Program Files>Common Files>Research in Motion>App Loader>Loader but then when I do these steps (as advised from another forum) I get the message saying it has failed to locate any files but sometimes it goes to the next screen with my list of Application Names with a tick next to them all then I click finish and straight away without any loading bars or anything like that it says ''Successfully updated your software''. I then unplug the USB, reload the Torch and same error message comes up again!!!
I have also tried downloading the Blackberry Swiss Army Knife from from but I get a message from that saying ''Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24 bytes) [URL].. on line 6'' even though my computer has space.
I just dont know what to do now. Im looking for a step by step guide to fix this problem (bare in mind I am quite new to computers so please use as basic language/steps as possible in helping me please - no fancy words I'll just get totally lost).
JVM Error 545 that will not allow me to reset the device? I have removed the battery and tried to reset several times and it comes back to the screen with the error message and reset button.
My phone screen has just gone whit with the message showing "App Error 603"...the reset button below only reboots the handset and takes it to the same place again. Also, now when I connect my phone to the computer the DM only shows connecting and refuses to detect the phone.
Out of the blue my blackberry has a App Error 200, reset, I took the battery out and the sim card, waited 30 minutes, then put back in, still have error. I cannot use the phone in any way.
Yesterday I try to update the software of my Torch with my PC, but In the cell appear a message of App Error 200 Reset. My cell no work. I try to off but them again the massage.
i've got a system error on E System - JVM:INFOp=(my pin)='',o='',h=c001804 i've reinstall the latest software but still got this error my blackberry protect is not connecting as well.
After downloading an upgrade to Bold 9000 device received "App error 202 reset" message. Tried to reset and even removed the battery for a hard reset (about 4 times) with no success. Same error message. Any ideas anyone? Cannot reset.
Battery stats reset when restarting their phone? Note that this phenomenon occurs for me even when battery is below 90%. I'm stock unrooted, running MDA89D.
Couple weeks ago I updated my phone to a windows 10 preview (I forgot the build number) and it installed fine. As expected there were some bugs, so I read online on how to fix them after restarting my phone and doing a soft reset, it didn't work. I then had to do a factory reset- or a hard reset. It then threw my phone into a perpetual state of spinning cogs and a never-ending battle that is so close to lost I can feel the defeat seeping in like a plague. I've connected it to my computer to do the NSRT but my phone only sees it as a power source. I've taken the battery out, brought it to the Microsoft store, and I've even tried to hack into it via computer. However the same problem shows every time:
I just noticed this. Everytime I reboot the phone, it resets the battery stats. It'll say something like "1 min 30s on battery" even though I last charged the phone hours ago. Is this a bug in Android 4.4? I never had this issue on my Nexus 4.
FYI, i'm unlocked and rooted, running ART as my run time environment.
Will the reboot or factory reset delete the Android system on my phone.i'm facing touch,heat, and automatic frequent lighting problems. thus, i want to see if any reboot works.