BB Software :: Does OS7 Have An Option For Displaying A Screen Full Of Contact Photos
Feb 10, 2010
does OS7 have an option for displaying a screen full of contact photos that you can select to dial the person? I've had this on other smartphones but can't see how to do it on my OS7 torch.It's like speed dial with pictures.
i have a blackberry 8220,when i try taking photos the screen keeps on displaying......."could not start the camera.close other applications and try opening the camera again"...
After updating my Neo V to 4.1.B.0.431, contact image in the call screen is very unclear and it's displaying as mixture of pixles. I dint face this on 2.3.4
I got a replacement iPhone due to battery issues a couple weeks ago and ever since then my contacts pictures only come up very small in the top right corner of my screen if I receive a call. On my last phone, the contact picture took up the whole screen.I did some research and it seems that this is caused from syncing your contacts and their pictures onto your phone instead of adding them from your phone manually. I assume that I synced them with my Gmail and them Gmail put them back onto my new phone and this is what messed them up.Anybody know how I can remove all my contacts pictures and then re-sync them with Facebook? Or any other type of workaround?
I have the 4s and my carrier is Verizon. When someone calls me their picture shows up on the screen on the top right in a very small box. Is there way to make it the full screen? I'm thinking this is only Verizon? My boyfriend has AT&T and his contact picture shows up full screen when someone calls him.
Recently I discovered that when I navigate to a particular contact (it just happens to be the people I talk, email, text with most often) their information doesn't open up when I click on the trackpad.This only seems to be happening with specific contacts and not the majority of people in my address book.At this point I can only get my frequent contact's specific information (phone numbers, email addresses etc) by clicking the trackpad to find their contact name, clicking again on the menu key (I cannot click view either) and then selecting email, call, sms, mms etc and only then can I do the specific task.This is a new problem so I'm wondering if I've turned off some feature on my frequent contacts when I updated my FAcebook app on my phone.
Is it just me, or do the images in the Photos app in Win 10 Mobile (Brand new 950XL) not take advantage of the screen? For every image I have to pinch to zoom in on an image, then double tap to zoom out before I can swipe to another image. This seems like another major oversight/annoyance in Windows 10 mobile.
I installed the 713 update and now it seems as if whatever I used to add contacts from people who sent me SMS messages has now disappeared? Am I insane or has anyone else noticed this issue? It seems like every time I install a new OS on this phone it gives me a new reason to hate it.
I have an iPhone 4S running iOS 7.1.1 with a really strange issue that has persisted even through a full reset. I've found similar threads but I've never found a thread where an issue is throughout the phone such as mine is. At one point I was able to somewhat fix everything but the Camera roll issues but in just a couple of weeks the other problems have all returned. The way I fixed this a few weeks ago was by throwing a hail Mary and deleting Instagram. As soon as I did that, the camera returned to normal even after re-installing it. I removed every Camera app and any apps that use the camera on my phone but this time nothing has fixed the issue. I've also performed a factory reset and restored nothing, re-configuring and installing all software again manually but this issue is still persisting.Â
The first noticeable symptom was my on my camera roll where images would appear like they were black or had some sort of dark filter over them. Many people have had similar issues and there is almost never a resolution on ANY of these threads.As you can see, while the preview is dark, the actual picture is fine. This means it's most likely not anything to do with the hardware side of the camera.Â
Inside the Apple Camera.App the view is also dark, as if there is some sort of dark filter on the camera. But if I apply a filter, the display looks "normal". As you can see below the, on the right with a filter applied the display is as expected. Other camera apps (Instragram, Camera+, MagiCam) have the same issue, but without the ability to set a filter like in the Apple app, the camera remains unusable in those applications.Â
This isn't all though, as we continue down the rabbit hole, the plot thickens. Even displaying photos in full-screen in other apps has that same dark filter look to it:Â This screenshot is taken inside Tweetbot. And as shown below, a similar issue with displaying Album covers. And while I don't have a screenshot for it off-hand, I've had the same issue watching video in full-screen in the YouTube app.Â
I hope someone can help me with a 6700 Slide issue.How do you turn off the 'Share Your Photos' option on the main screen? I've spent hours looking through all the menus but can't seem to find out how to do it.I've managed to turn off all the other icons/menus on the main screen so I can see the Wallpaper image clearly.This is the last item I need to remove.
I've been using using my E51 for about 2 years, and it suddenly stopped displaying the contact names for SMS messages.There are no duplicates in the contact list.The thing is, it's started when I synced my phone with Ovi online.Could anybody find a solution for this ?It's quite annoying not having the names of the contacts
I've filled in the contact details of people on my phone, but when i select someone to call it says below "no details" below thier picture . How do i get the details to display ?
I just got my iPhone 4S I have saved people to my contacts but when I recieve a text message from them it does not show me their name, just their number..
Every time I get a new SMS from someone on my contact list, and try to view their SMS it only shows the number of the person and not the name on the SMS list. When I search for the person on my list, and sms him/her it redirects to the conversation, but with the updated name instead of the number. However as soon as I get a new SMS it only shows the number once again.
When I go into the text messages app, it only shows the current day's messages and the time that I received them. No contact name, no number. I've played around with it a bit, but cant figure out where to even begin addressing this.
I recently switched out my Curve 9350 under warranty, since the old one was overheating and draining the battery. The first one I had didn't have this issue, from the get-go it showed contact names, pictures, and broke the messages down into days, but I could scroll and view all of them. My new one has only shown my text messages in the way I described above.
My iphone 4 no longer has the edit facility when displaying contact details, thus preventing any updates. Phone has latest software and has never been jailbroken.
Many names in the address book not showing up. Hence, when I get a call or make one, the name doesn't come up with the number. After the call, the number with the name is visible in call log as outgoing or incoming or missed. In the database details it shows my address book having 238 numbers (these are the numbers currently visible). So how is it that the names are visible in the log and not in the address book and also not visible during a call.
Last year I went on holiday and at the time I took lots of photos, around 500 in total. However some of the photos aren't displaying the image of the photo, just black or white squares. When I took the pictures they registered as pictures and you could see the photo without any problem. Soon after I returned home, when I tried to upload them to my laptop, I noticed some weren't displaying anything anymore. The photo thumbnail is just a black or white square, and when I tap on it pulls up the 'photo' but there is no image. I'm uploading them to Facebook and I thought it was just an issue with the file format (even though they were taken on the iPhone) and maybe they would display once uploaded, but they haven't. If I remember correctly, when I checked the file size on my laptop they read 0KB. What happened to my photos? Can I get them back?Â
This is what it looks like. They used to be photos but now they're blank thumbnails. The exact same happens but in black on some photos.
After the update to the 5.1 iOS, my 32GB iPhone 4S is now displaying some pictures in my Camera Roll as grey boxes with "JPG" in the middle. When you select the photo, it brings up a larger version of the grey box showing the "JPG" in the middle. I've tried to delete the photos and re-sync my phone, but each time - more pictures seem to be showing up like this.
My mail for exchange has locked up. The little wheel icon spins but it does not update. I normally just find the "full resync" option that deletes the content and then resyncs. This generally fixes any glitch. I did a software update last week and I have spent about 3 hours trying to find it. My software version is 211.12.01 date 31-03-01 custom version date 26-08-10 I got this from *#0000#Can anyone tell me the how to access the full resync and if as I have heard rumoured it is no longer available how do you now achieve a resync?
I am receiving emails just fine. When trying to forward, I merely hit the blackberry key and forward comes up with other options. I scroll to forward and then it wants the email address I want to forward to. After entering the email address, no matter which key I hit, Blackberry key or scroll button, I only get two choices...."Save Draft" and "Full Menu". I then click on Full Menu and there is no option to "send."
I usually use smart connect and NFC tag to fully silent my phone at night time (no vibrate or sound), yet the only option in smart connect is sound, vibrate and priority, and priority mode vibrates. I realise I can now change to full silent mode from the lock screen with the volume button, but i thought it would be an option to put into smart connect as a selection.
I have iPhone 4s and I want to display full screen contact image when a contact calls. I have taken a picture from iPhone camera and assigned to the contact (both by assigning the photo to the contact from the options on the picture and by editing the contact and assigning the photo) and it still continues to show the small thumbnail.
I have a Bold 9700 and currently have v5.0.0.423 (Platform software on the phone. I have done one software upgrade since getting the phone in February.
I have an intermittent problem, that when the phone rings, it shows a contacts name, but it isn't that person who is phoning, it does however display the right number which is currently ringing.. So the number isn't the contacts' it shows. This happens with saved contacts as well as none saved one, it shows random contact names.
Then I also can not do a full shutdown. If I choose "Turn power off", it gives me two options: "Turn off" and "Full power off". Whichever one I choose, it just does the quick shutdown and not the long reboot one.
Both these problems started after upgrading my software to v5.0.0.432.
I want to backup my contact, there are 619 entries - Mark all entries of contact - Create a backup from phone memory to memory card - It can only copy 45 entries, the rest was not copied
I recently updated my 5800's firmware and I a now find that the FULL page qwerty keyboard is no longer an option for inputting text. Can anyone confirm this? Can I go back to the old firmware? I am visually impaired the full page keyboard was very useful.
I just got a new Cosmos from Verizon and so far I love it. Just having a bit of a problem figuring out how to send full size photos to my PC. I tried one at 1280x960 landscape and it auto resizes before I can send it anywhere.I took another 1280x960 portrait and it will send full size to my email addy.I haven't experimented a lot yet, but I'm thinking the landscape orientation used too much file size for the network so it auto resizes. Is there a way to decrease the file size a bit without decreasing the resolution? I need to send pics to my email that are at least 1024x768.Auto resizing is BAD.