BB Curve 8900 :: Message Is Converted To Plain Text In Outlook
Apr 19, 2010
Is there a fix for this problem? If I read my messages first on my Blackberry and then later open Outlook - the message is coverted to plain text in Outlook.This is annoying when I usually reply to the messages from Outlook and want them to be in HTML format.
I've had my 8900 for two years. I really love the phone, but around the beginning of December 2010, it started doing something funky. It seems that when I am either talking on the phone for a long period of time (around 15 minutes or so) or in the middle of a movie or while taking a video, the phone will go to a plain white screen, and it is impossible to turn it off or have any other interaction. In short, it freezes on that white screen. At other times, it will power itself off, and it also appears frozen, with no possible interaction. In either case, when I remove the battery for a few minutes and replace it, sometimes it comes back on, and other times I have to plug it into a charger, whether it's a USB cable or AC charger. In any case, I may have started with a full battery, but after this, the battery now only shows three and a half of five battery blocks. This is not limited to the OS, since it happened with the original OS back in December (4.6) and continues to occur now that I have upgraded to OS 5. It seems to be hardware related.
My text message history is empty. I got my friend to text me, and I received it. It didn't appear in the history, but I went to Search and typed in his name. And it came up, unopened.But when I go back to the original SMS history, it's not there. Nothing is there.
I have a little problem, if we can consider this a problem. When i receave a SMS from a friend X, my Blackberry lag (the screen doesn't change, for like 0.5 sec). But when I receave a SMS from let's say Y, it can take up to 5 to 10 seconds before the screen move or I can move with the track pad to see the message. It's annoying.
So here is what I think, Is this because.. : - I have over 35 000 SMS in the DB ? - I have like 100 SMS from X and 5000 from Y ? - My phone is on the vibrator but for Y he has a music ? - Is this OS 5 ? But he is faster then OS 4 and I updated a while ago ?
Device info Your carrier: Rogers (Canada) Model info and OS version: - Curve 8900, OS v5.0.0.509
Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace : - 42456184 Bytes (41 MB) before and 33852330 Bytes (32 Mb) now (i rebooted 1 day ago)
Did a battery pull fix your issue? - Never
Apps installed and their version if possible.: - I have a lot, Facebook, Twitter, BBM, MSN and 15-20 others
Galaxy s2 on Orange UK - 2.3.5, BVKJ4.Why when i send or recieve a picture message does it turn it into a video and play the "still" image for 5 seconds? When i send a long text message it converts the message to a "slideshow" and some people moan that they cannot even view it when its sent them?
I have a Bold 9700. My phone was in my purse on my body and when I got it out, I was at 7/9 password attempts. While entering my password, it was in plain text vs. the asteriks. I'm now at my last attempt and was prompted that I will lose everything on my phone if I have another failed attempt. I don't know what to do next to save this.
My outlook email account is on my device. In other words, emails to my outlook emails address goes to both my outlook and my device.
Is it possible, if I respond to an outlook email on my blackberry for that sent response from my blackberry to be in my sent folder in my outlook. In other words, can I synchronize my device with outlook so that any responses sent on my device regarding outlook emails get reflected in my outlook. I believe you need to have BES - but I don't have that. My device is a personal one - not a corporate one without any connection to a corporate server. Is it possible without BES to do the synchronization?
As I say, is there a setting on the Nokia E72 where i can set my emails to be read by plain text instead of html? My company has several E72 Nokias & NONE can view emails due to a html bug in the Nokia E72.If I can change my emails to be viewed in html that might be better. I also get a sync error after emails have downloaded & all i can see if the subject of the email. All other phones on our network that are not Nokia have no problems viewing emails.
Is it possible to turn off both the new message indicator (red asterix) and the new message count?I would like no message indicators to appear on my blackberry home screen.
Settings: BB 8900 (replacement just delivered...and the problem below started) Device OS Device Manager Default Services: <my primary email> (I also have a second BIS email attached, but the CICAL for that one has been deleted.)
After struggling for days to get rid of the Device Default calendar (in addition to the calendar associated with my primary email and which is set as default under Default Services), I finally got my whole BB calendar on to the one calendar it should be on: the one associated with my primary email. And lo and behold, the Device Default disappeared. hallelujah, I thought.
Having cleared out the calendar using Device Manager, I then opted for a one way sync from Outlook to my new BB with its one and only calendar now, the calendar associated with my primary email and listed as the default under Default Services.....
I've a problem with the settings of the synchronisation of my calender. I am able to sync 2-ways on contacts - in these settings I am able to choose outlook express & than 2 ways synchronisation. I cannot choose this kind of settings for my calender. I'm using: windows 7 with outlook 2010. I've downloaded the latest version of the Black Berry Desktop manager.
I must be missing something... When I see my "missed calls" and click on the screen, I see a real basic/plain text listing for a missed call. But no immediate button to call that person back? Am I missing something? I must be...On my last Samsung, it would show "missed call" and all I had to do was then hit "call" and it was calling that person back.
I failed to find a way to send a plain text email from Xoom Gmail app. Does any know if it is possible at all? Some mainling lists are not accepting HTML emails and it is very inconvenient.
This afternoon, i looked at my blackberry and i saw my LED flashing, and on the screen the little message symbol is at the top. This obvioulsy means i have a message. The strange thing is, i dont have a message, or at least i cant get to it.Any help? LED keeps flashing, and the little envelope icon is there, but i dont have any SMS messges or Email.
My family member has ATT. She is using the 8310 from ATT and wants to use OS5 for the new messaging threads. I figure my old Curve 8330 from Verizon can be converted to OS 5. Can this phone be converted to work with ATT
When will Blackberry Desktop Manager be able to sync with MS Outlook 2010? I spent £100 on the latter yesterday after discovering that Windows Calendar can not be synchronised with my new Bold 9700: the sync process ends with a Microsoft Outlook Connector Error message: "No available message stores". Burrowing into Blackberry's on-line support, it seems the most likely cause is BDM - 5.0.1 - trying to connect to an unsupported version of Outlook. (Article ID KB15564).
The result is no contacts or diary on my expensive new smartphone, which is disappointing beyond belief, since Outlook 2007 etc. seems no longer available.
My blackberry keep vibrating and led is flashing, yet there is no notification or message anywhere. I thought it was a waether app I had installed but deleting that didn't help. Any idea whats going on here? this is REALLY frustrating, its like a false alarm reaching for my blackberry to see there is nothing there
My phone is annoying the crap out of vibrates, and blinks red constantly (with no message)!!! Is there, possibly, a quick fix?!? (I've tried a million and one batt pulls!)
I have not been able to getting any txt messages all day. Rebooted I dont know how many times and each time this error comes up Uncaught Exception: java.lang.nullpointerexception Yes called tmobile. didnt get anywhere they just want to wipe my phone.
Me and my daughter both have the 8900 Blackberry. Mine is fine for a year and a half now.My daughter just received a free replacement for her broken one last week. It was probably refurbished because it was free. Anyway, when she types SMS text the letter O or E comes out after almost every keystroke. It's very fustrating. I had her re-boot, had her remove auto-text, etc. It's still happening.
Does anyone have a possible solution or is it a defective phone?