I have 8330 Curve. I have a Microsoft Office Live Account. I want to be able to sync them so when a contact or a calendar event is added or changed on either it updates the other. Is there a way to do this?
have just got a Samsung Galaxy S2 and created my first document on Polaris office, saving it as a .doc file. But when copying it to my computer and trying to open it, up flashes a Microsoft Office File Validation security alert, saying that a problem has been detected in trying to open the file and that opening it is probably dangerous and may allow a malicious user to take over my computer.I'm aware that there are issues with MOFV over reading some file formats -- has anyone come across this? Is it that MOFV can't read Polaris files, or is there the possibility of something sinister going on? I've run two different antivirus programme scans (installed on two different computers) on this file, which haven't flagged anything.
I have a new Razr Maxx and my email and calendar are syncing with my office Outlook account, but I can't get the contacts to sync. They were loaded originally (at the Verizon Wireless store) off of my old phone, but they will not sync.
i have an 8900 blackberry.i have one folder/mailbox where i get all my sms stuff. another folder/mailbox that i have for gmail where i get all my gmail mails.i have a third mailbox -which is for my office mails. however i dont have an exclusive folder for that yet. i'm sure there is an easy way to create it but i dont really know to right now i access my office mails from the "messages" folder that basically entails my gmail, sms and office messages ALL in one.how do i create an exclusive mailbox/folder for my office emails?
I have the 5.0.1 desktop manager, and want to sync with my microsoft calendar from a vista pc. I go to synchronize and choose synchronize organizer data. When I get to select device application, I choose calendar but the only choices I have are ASC Importer/Exporter and Yahoo. Why isn't my microsoft calendar available? and how do I get it to be an option?
I've just got a blackberry curve 9300 and have an email account on Microsoft Outlook on a PC at home and am trying to get it to sync so that I can check emails while I am away from home - one of my primary reasons for getting a blackberry.It seems as though I need to use an Enterprise Account but I can't seem to get anywhere - every time I try to 'set up' an email address it's asking me for an email address & password which won't work and it's not giving me an option to go for an Enterprise Account.
When I do software update on my Nokia E72, I get this optional download item Microsoft office Communicator(1.0) for download . Can someone please tell what is this application about and how is this different from Nokia Messaging?
We just migrated to Microsoft Office 365. All smartphones connect OK, but now I need to connect the BB. I understand there's a service for businesses, which acts as a connector to 365. Can anyone point me to the service registration or purchase?
My company just recently singed a contract with AT&T. Nearly all the employees were provided with Blackberry Curve 9360's. We use an Exchange Server (remote desktop)and Microsoft Outlook. Is there a way to sync the Curve 9360 with an Exchange Server (remote desktop) and Microsoft Outlook?
I have a Blackberry 8520 curve which does the job perfectly apart from one little problem im having. I sync my calender with Outlook few times a week which works fine when I sync one way. Phones > Outlook. unplug, replug, Outlook to Phone.If I try and sync both ways, it just doesnt happen and gives me some error message. I'm using windows 7 and have the latest Desktop Manager software.
I've been working on this now (i.e., researching blogs, google, etc.) for hours and it is NOT going well! I have a new Blackberry Bold 9900 that I need to sync with MS Office Outlook 2007, particularly the contacts and calendar. I am using OS7.1 Bundle 921 (v Platform and Desktop Manager. The config setting in DM for Contacts Account shows only Windows Contacts, with no option to change to Outlook. When I then attempt to sync, the process wants to add all the contacts in my BB to some unknown address book on the computer. My BB shows my BB contacts as "default", whatever that is. My frustration is mounting exponentially. I am a converted iPhone user that really wants to give RIM a chance, but this isn't going so well.
I was hoping one of you fine lads could fix my problem. I currently have a blackberry curve 8320 gold with tmobile. In the past i have used microsoft office to sync my contacts and calendar with my phone but just recently it will not sync my calendar. It only syncs my contacts. Its quite frusturating. Right now I have a Dell vostro 1510 running Windows 7 64 bit with microsoft office 2007.
this app comes with Anna Upgrade to my N8 device and i know from previous topic that it used for a IM , but i don't know how to set it up.... and the user name and the password for what account? and what's the CWA server URL? and from where i can get it?
I recently bought E72 and tried my level best to connect to my laptop. The only reason I bought E72 is to connect to my laptop PC and get synchronized with Microsoft office. I went to Nokia europe and found a PC software but it never got loaded.
I have just updated my iphone software and now I have problem to download my email from microsoft exchange outside my office. The email will be automatically updated when I am in the office (using wifi) but will stop connecting outside the office even though the wifi or 3G is available.
when i downloaded the new microsoft office, it deleted my blackberry manager software! had anyone else had this issue? then when i reinstalled the blackberry software, it won't let me sync...giving me a microsoft outlook connector error.
I have a user (I'm their IT support) who has a BB Curve 8350 (?) and when they try to sync to office 2010 (calendar and address book) it lets me configure it in Intellisync but then gives me an "Microsoft Outlook Not Installed" error directly afterwards. Office is very clearly installed because I can open it up and check email etc. I'm using Windows 7 32 bit OS, Office 2010 32 bit and BBDM 6.0.1 B21. Phone is also updated to 5.0.
My outlook email account is on my device. In other words, emails to my outlook emails address goes to both my outlook and my device.
Is it possible, if I respond to an outlook email on my blackberry for that sent response from my blackberry to be in my sent folder in my outlook. In other words, can I synchronize my device with outlook so that any responses sent on my device regarding outlook emails get reflected in my outlook. I believe you need to have BES - but I don't have that. My device is a personal one - not a corporate one without any connection to a corporate server. Is it possible without BES to do the synchronization?
Settings: BB 8900 (replacement just delivered...and the problem below started) Device OS Device Manager Default Services: <my primary email> (I also have a second BIS email attached, but the CICAL for that one has been deleted.)
After struggling for days to get rid of the Device Default calendar (in addition to the calendar associated with my primary email and which is set as default under Default Services), I finally got my whole BB calendar on to the one calendar it should be on: the one associated with my primary email. And lo and behold, the Device Default disappeared. hallelujah, I thought.
Having cleared out the calendar using Device Manager, I then opted for a one way sync from Outlook to my new BB with its one and only calendar now, the calendar associated with my primary email and listed as the default under Default Services.....
Is there a fix for this problem? If I read my messages first on my Blackberry and then later open Outlook - the message is coverted to plain text in Outlook.This is annoying when I usually reply to the messages from Outlook and want them to be in HTML format.
I've a problem with the settings of the synchronisation of my calender. I am able to sync 2-ways on contacts - in these settings I am able to choose outlook express & than 2 ways synchronisation. I cannot choose this kind of settings for my calender. I'm using: windows 7 with outlook 2010. I've downloaded the latest version of the Black Berry Desktop manager.