Ok so i have a total of 50462720 bytes and only have 10133042 free. I know i have some application that take up room but is there a way to increase my total and free bytes?
I find that when my phone rings it is only 2 rings and then goes to voice mail. how do i increase the ringing time before it goes to voicemail so that i can answer the call.
Just got myself a BB 8900, however it dosent seem to have any device memory, i have looked under memory in the options menu and it doesnt say anything about device memory and when i connect it to my PC i cannot find the phone on my computer unless i have a memory card pluged in,
About 2 months ago I purchased a 32gb memory card for my blackberry 8330 smartphone. Is there any way I can possibly increase the total application memory of my device?
I have a generic data plan, but no BIS blackberry data plan. All of the free messengers i have tried cannot connect, and I am currently using IM+, which i am loving, but I would not pay th $20 for it if i can get a free one. Is there a free Messenger app that can support data with no BIS?
I have blackberry curve 8900.When I purchased it , there is OS 4.6 in it.I have updated its OS to OS 5.0. Before updating its os I can successfully able to download .JAD file but after updating its os I could not able to download .JAD file.
I'm not to good with the BB n i got the 8520. I do have a memory card in my BB, (i hope its working right). but anyway I like to save a lot pics and videos. The apps I have are twitter and facebook. I have 137532864bytes for my file free. Is that a lot of memory/space? Should I get a bigger memory card?
Every time I take a picture with my Blackberry, it says, "file not found" and won't save to my phone. I've tried going into properties and running an error check when plugged into my computer, pulled the battery, and nothing works. Anyone know how to fix this?
I've downloaded the trial version of Beejive and want to install it. I am using OS and am using the latest Blackberry Desktop program (v5.0.1). The instructions to install Beejive say to connect my BB to my comp and choose the application loader to add Beejive. I then "Browse" to the alx file and click on it.Fine. I do all that and then click on "next." I then see that I will I be reinstalling all the programs that have check marks by them. I decide I just want to install Beejive only so I go back and untick the apps I want to leave alone but there is only "remove" or "install" and that unticking one would result in its removal. Is installing Beejive through BB Desktop the only way to get it to work? Is there no way to go to get a jad file and download that for an automated install?
I upgraded from a MotoRazr2 V8 to a BlackBerry 8900 Curve so I wanted to transfer my data from the Moto to the BB. Well, I learned that Moto doesn't play nicely with Mac so my MacBook Pro was not much of a help. I had better luck with my HP running XP and managed to get the contacts switched without too much trouble.
The SMS records are another matter. I couldn't find a way to transfer them using BB Desktop Manager so I made a text file copy of them into a Windows folder I created. Two actually - one for inbox and one for sent items. Now I can't find a way to load those text files onto the Curve. I've tried every way I could think of using Desktop Manager but no dice. I would love a solution that does not require buying more software.
I have recently upgraded from a 8520 to 9300 and Im having problems with the application memory free space. I only have 55.1MB of free space and I cant download apps in app world cos it uses up all the free space. My space has been as low as 6.1MB. This is my 2nd phone from Virgin as I had the problem with the 1st 9300 and I had to send it back and they said that it was a problem that cant be fixed so they sent me a reconditioned phone but this phone seems to have the same problem too.
I have a 4gb media card installed to save all my pics and music onto.
Although I've not downloaded any applications for a couple of months, my free space has declined to less than 5 MB on a regular basis. I store no photos, chats, or emails on the internal memory, just the memory card, and just to see if I can fix things I delete large emails as they arrive to try to stave off the inevitable "0 KB Free" message. Lately of course the BB has been deleting emails and chats, apparently to regain space.
The last time the delete checklist popped up -- "you're about out of memory, why not delete some of the installed apps to retrieve space?" -- I deleted Sprint Navigation, which said it was taking up 71MB. I figured that would give me a lot of breathing room. It completely deleted, I hard-rebooted the device, and... no change to my available memory. I'm still losing space. As a matter of fact, after deleting it and receiving that message, I thought maybe it doesn't understand, so I tried reinstalling it and got the "insufficient memory for installation"! So now I deleted something that's potentially useful -- and worked -- and can't put it back on even though it was just deleted!
Ive only had my Curve 8900 for about a year, and I know thats about a decade in techie years but still...I'm incredibly frustrated with the issues I've been having! Most pressing of these issues is that my phone keeps deleting my SMS even though my memory is NOT low! I've read tons of posts about the same issue but its always resolved by freeing up some memory.
My current memory status:File Free: 90317537
Thus I have 90.31 MB free...yes? Shouldnt that be enough?
Apparently not. I have nothing stored on my blackberry, everything is on the Media Card (4GB) and I only have a couple applications (MSN, Facebook, GTalk) and yet my SMS get deleted regularly unless they are saved on my SIM card and also notifications on facebook are often deleted (those dont matter too much to me but I believe it is resulting from the same thing that is deleting my SMS)
Further, my call logs ARENT being deleted. So I dont think its the same memory problem everyone else seems to have. I will be most most most grateful to anyone who can help me out here or at least point me in the right direction.Im seriously considering shelling out for an iphone even though ive only had my blackberry for a year because I do rely heavily on smartphones and losing SMS is really driving me crazy. Sometimes I cant even read a newly received SMS before its deleted! By the time i pick up my phone its gone...
Ive had other problems as well, not to ramble on but in case they are related: I will be chatting on bbm for example and it will just exit out of the conversation or the application entirely. Oftentimes it slows down so much that the minute hand or whatever stays and everything freezes until i do a battery pull (which i hate doing but have to at least once a day) This often happens when Im using the browser...Sometimes when I am getting a call the minute hand appears again and I cant answer Oftentimes when this happens it says that I am receiving a call from an unknown number, but when they call back it turns out its a number i have saved...weird...
Sometimes I cannot dial or call (frustrating as hell when i need to make a call urgently!) I have to again do a battery pull to fix the issue. Ive had other issues here and there but nothing really worth mentioning after this long rant so I'll just leave it at that!! Thanks to whoever has had the patience to read all this and I really do hope I can get some help before I release my frustrations on this piece of junk and end up having to spend tons of money on another brick...
I wanted to find out how I could increase the application memory on my 8900 as much as possible. Right now it only reads about 109 out of the 256 MB. I've tried deleting some of the unused apps and such but even when I do that it only makes about a 1 MB difference.
I have a Telus Curve 8330 and only have about 2 mb left of space so the phone has been freezing. I have a 8 gb micro sd card in there and I wanted to save my apps and everything possible in there.
Need to free up some memory did battery pull run quick pull pro do alt lglg have 3td party apps on phone beejive berry weather ubertwitter at 6 pm I am down to 9 mg start out at 12.5 I deleted themes and games just cant get that memory up there Help I have curve 8900
I'm trying to access my device memory through mass storage. But when i connect with Mass storage, i can only access the SD-card. This also happens when i go to options -> memory - There i can only see application memory, and media card, but no device memory, like in other phones.
Checking programatically for file:///store/home/user, shows it exists, and i'm able to save files to it. So - How do i get back my device memory ? Any one else experiencing these problems?
I am trying to move music files from the media card to the device memory. I have accessed Blackberry website and followed the instructions but my menu does not give the option to 'Move'. This is a replacement handset and apparently software etc has been upgraded since I got the previous one 7 months ago. I want to use music as a ring tone (I am also having problems downloading music but that's another story). Can anyone out there help as I am at the point where I might just flush the thing down the loo and go back to a basic mobile!
OK Since the Fb app does not support the function to directly load videos to your Facebook but, has an alternate option of emailing it with a unique email address. Here is the problem, say I have a video 40 sec long, its apparently too big to send and all I get is file exceeds..
Why can't the BB OS use some of the removable memory card space to free up the internal memory. To me this is a no brainer, most of us have 16 or 32gig cards, I would be more than happy to set aside some space so the phone could run better. Most of the new flash cards these days are reasonably fast and could easily be used as a swap file place holder or reside some of the dormitory features.
I’ve got a BlackBerry Curve 8900 (ATT, running, and have had it since Oct. 2009. Battery life has always been OK - 24 to 48 hrs. between recharges.
Today though, after pulling it off the charger this morning around 8:00 a.m., I’ve noticed that I’m down to about 5% charge by 2:30 p.m. I have made no phone calls today, and have only sent/received a couple texts and rec’d two emails. I've never used a holster, have downloaded no apps, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are both off. No keys appear to be sticking. Absolutely nothing, to my knowledge, of any significance has changed on the phone since October, yet all of a sudden --literally, overnight --I am experiencing this greatly diminished battery life. The only even remotely precipitating factor I can think of is that I did a battery pull yesterday, after deleting some old photos and emails.
I’ve searched the forum, and most of the suggestions are along the lines of “turn off bluetooth/wi-fi/update OS,” but as noted, I never used those anyhow, and the OS has always been good to me.
When I start any application on phone its show a message like saying that Low memory space but there is 30 mb of free space in my phone phone model is 5233