BB Curve 8900 :: Device Memory Not Appearing - How To Get Back
Feb 3, 2010
I'm trying to access my device memory through mass storage. But when i connect with Mass storage, i can only access the SD-card. This also happens when i go to options -> memory - There i can only see application memory, and media card, but no device memory, like in other phones.
Checking programatically for file:///store/home/user, shows it exists, and i'm able to save files to it. So - How do i get back my device memory ? Any one else experiencing these problems?
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Sep 17, 2010
Just got myself a BB 8900, however it dosent seem to have any device memory, i have looked under memory in the options menu and it doesnt say anything about device memory and when i connect it to my PC i cannot find the phone on my computer unless i have a memory card pluged in,
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Feb 13, 2010
What's up, so I installed a new media card how do select any media saved to my media card instead of device memory?
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Jan 7, 2010
I am trying to move music files from the media card to the device memory. I have accessed Blackberry website and followed the instructions but my menu does not give the option to 'Move'. This is a replacement handset and apparently software etc has been upgraded since I got the previous one 7 months ago. I want to use music as a ring tone (I am also having problems downloading music but that's another story). Can anyone out there help as I am at the point where I might just flush the thing down the loo and go back to a basic mobile!
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Jan 2, 2010
I've got a few questions about my AT&T Curve 8310...I was looking through "Options > Applications" and saw that the app that took the most memory was "Content Store." Anyone know what this is, if I can delete it, & what would happen if I did? Is there any way to shrink this down some?
My address book takes up quite a bit of memory; so does my calendar -- both of which were synced from Outlook. Is there any way to have the addresses/calendar data stored onto my microSD instead of the device memory?
Lastly, I noticed that when I call people using my Curve, it shows up on their caller ID as "private name, private number." Where can I change this setting? Is it in my provider's settings (which I can access online) or on the BlackBerry's settings somewhere? Also, is it possible to at least NOT have it show private when calling those on my address book, such as friends & relatives?
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Mar 16, 2010
Ive only had my Curve 8900 for about a year, and I know thats about a decade in techie years but still...I'm incredibly frustrated with the issues I've been having!
Most pressing of these issues is that my phone keeps deleting my SMS even though my memory is NOT low! I've read tons of posts about the same issue but its always resolved by freeing up some memory.
My current memory status:File Free: 90317537
Thus I have 90.31 MB free...yes? Shouldnt that be enough?
Apparently not. I have nothing stored on my blackberry, everything is on the Media Card (4GB) and I only have a couple applications (MSN, Facebook, GTalk) and yet my SMS get deleted regularly unless they are saved on my SIM card and also notifications on facebook are often deleted (those dont matter too much to me but I believe it is resulting from the same thing that is deleting my SMS)
Further, my call logs ARENT being deleted. So I dont think its the same memory problem everyone else seems to have. I will be most most most grateful to anyone who can help me out here or at least point me in the right direction.Im seriously considering shelling out for an iphone even though ive only had my blackberry for a year because I do rely heavily on smartphones and losing SMS is really driving me crazy. Sometimes I cant even read a newly received SMS before its deleted! By the time i pick up my phone its gone...
Ive had other problems as well, not to ramble on but in case they are related:
I will be chatting on bbm for example and it will just exit out of the conversation or the application entirely. Oftentimes it slows down so much that the minute hand or whatever stays and everything freezes until i do a battery pull (which i hate doing but have to at least once a day) This often happens when Im using the browser...Sometimes when I am getting a call the minute hand appears again and I cant answer Oftentimes when this happens it says that I am receiving a call from an unknown number, but when they call back it turns out its a number i have saved...weird...
Sometimes I cannot dial or call (frustrating as hell when i need to make a call urgently!) I have to again do a battery pull to fix the issue. Ive had other issues here and there but nothing really worth mentioning after this long rant so I'll just leave it at that!!
Thanks to whoever has had the patience to read all this and I really do hope I can get some help before I release my frustrations on this piece of junk and end up having to spend tons of money on another brick...
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May 16, 2010
I wanted to find out how I could increase the application memory on my 8900 as much as possible. Right now it only reads about 109 out of the 256 MB. I've tried deleting some of the unused apps and such but even when I do that it only makes about a 1 MB difference.
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Jan 8, 2010
I just got the new OS 5.0 for my 8900. I also got a new theme. I changed my wallpaper, but now I want to change it back to the default for the theme. Has anyone figured out a way to do this? know in the OS 4.6, there was an option when you go to your media files that said "reset default home screen" or something like that. But I do not see that on the 5.0 software.
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Jan 3, 2010
Guys we all know the conventional ways to free up a little memory. They are:
1) Battery Pull
2) Memory Cleaning
3) Cleaning Cache
4) Delete Event Log
5) Delete Call Log
6) Delete un-necessary messages
7) Delete unwanted applications (games etc)
8) Ensure that only 5 default applications are running in the background
What I would like everyone is to share if there are any other ways to free up further memory in order to make the phone more faster.
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Jan 13, 2010
Need to free up some memory did battery pull run quick pull pro do alt lglg have 3td party apps on phone beejive berry weather ubertwitter at 6 pm I am down to 9 mg start out at 12.5 I deleted themes and games just cant get that memory up there Help I have curve 8900
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Jun 6, 2010
My Curve 8900 has started to lock on it's own. Sometimes it happens when I'm typing an email or text, sometimes it happens when I'm waiting for a browser page to upload. Initially I thought it might be a particular keystroke I was hitting but it has happened when I'm simply holding the device and not typing at all. Has anyone had this problem or does anyone know how to fix it?
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Jan 6, 2010
I noticed a few days ago that my berry has been ever so quiet recently.. it took me a while to realize that it's because absolutely NOTHING is being pushed to it. No email. No facebook. nothing.
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Jan 21, 2010
My home broadband is down. My box is broke.I know I can use my BB as a modem to use the internet on my laptop.All very easy to set up via the pc software...My question is, would my network (02UKy know I'm doing so? I rang them to ask and they told me t'd cost me a bomb. But is that just because they had the chance to throw a charge at me?Would they know by the type or amount of data being used or by any other way?I have a BB Bolt on (unlimited BB usage) on my contract!
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Feb 4, 2010
Device info : Blackberry 8900 v4.6.1.199 (Platform bought my blackberry curve couple of days ago and everything is fine but what happens sometimes is that the screen swtiches off like when you put it in the cover for example but the problem is that while I am using it suddenly the screen switches off (goes blank) and I try pressing buttons or the track ball or the lock button .. nothing happens .. I wait couple of more seconds and then the screen comes back and I continue using it normally. It is happening alot now , do you think it is a software problem or not ?Does the cover that came with the blackberry curve has to do with it ? Like a magnetic thing or something ?
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Jan 19, 2010
As of recently, whenever I'm typing an email on my computer - emails will be sent to my BB as I type... so I get about 10-30 messages per email I type! It's getting so annoying!
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Jul 26, 2010
I wanted to update my device software (currently v4.6.1) to the v5.0. However when i try to run the update it tells me i must have a data plan. Do you think/know if it is possible to activate my data plan for, lets say, a month, install the new version, and then deactivate de data plan and keep using the v5.0 with no problems?
(has anyone tried this?)
(is it worth the update?)
(is it worth the risk?)
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Apr 9, 2010
8900 Curve (EDGE, Wi-Fi)
Carrier - Rogers
v. (Platform
My outlook email account is on my device. In other words, emails to my outlook emails address goes to both my outlook and my device.
Is it possible, if I respond to an outlook email on my blackberry for that sent response from my blackberry to be in my sent folder in my outlook. In other words, can I synchronize my device with outlook so that any responses sent on my device regarding outlook emails get reflected in my outlook. I believe you need to have BES - but I don't have that. My device is a personal one - not a corporate one without any connection to a corporate server. Is it possible without BES to do the synchronization?
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May 22, 2010
I'm trying to update my device software. There is new software that's available for my BB 8900 but my wireless provider has the older version v4.6.1.250 I've tried to download from the BB website but fails to do so. Has anybody updated their curve 8900?
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Nov 5, 2010
I am having trouble with my Blackberry device software, how do I delete and re intsal the software on my Curve 8900?
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Mar 12, 2010
Hi, I have been searching the internet for quite some time now and I begin to assume that there is no application for BlackBerry which turns your photos into polaroid styled pictures, is this true?
So basically I'm looking for an application which gives a polaroid/vintage touch to the pictures in order to use them online (I was unable to provide picture examples since I haven't got 10 posts).
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Feb 15, 2010
The phone charges, boots up, Pin is recognized by DM.However, when i turn the phone on, the screen lights up and it prompts me to enter the device password. I am able to scroll up and down through the three options (Unlock, Emergency, Cancel) but i am unable to click down on any of them. Once the screen dies down back to sleep mode it doesn't light up anymore no matter what i press.I've reinstalled the default software 4.6 but that didn't help.
What's wrong and how can i solve it?
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Sep 5, 2010
When upgrading yesterday the process never finished. After 3 hours the status bar was still in the same place in the reboot phase. It seemed as if the entire computer was frozen. I couldn't do anything on it. I had to reboot the computer.Now when the phone comes on it freezes at the ATT screen. I am sure it is because the process didn't complete. How do I complete the process?
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Sep 7, 2010
I have updated or artleast attempted to update my phone but now the phone isnt right. is there away to restore the phone back to default/factory defaults ect just so everything goes back to day 1.
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Apr 16, 2010
BB 8900 (replacement just delivered...and the problem below started)
Device OS
Device Manager
Default Services: <my primary email> (I also have a second BIS email attached, but the CICAL for that one has been deleted.)
After struggling for days to get rid of the Device Default calendar (in addition to the calendar associated with my primary email and which is set as default under Default Services), I finally got my whole BB calendar on to the one calendar it should be on: the one associated with my primary email. And lo and behold, the Device Default disappeared. hallelujah, I thought.
Having cleared out the calendar using Device Manager, I then opted for a one way sync from Outlook to my new BB with its one and only calendar now, the calendar associated with my primary email and listed as the default under Default Services.....
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Jul 16, 2010
Just attempted to upgrade to OS 5 and all was going well up until the phone re-booted, blackberry on the phones screen with a loading bar that stuck 3/4 the way for a good half hour, i disconnected, battery pulled and phone just wont load past 3/4. DM says it waiting for device to start?
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Mar 27, 2010
i installed the blackberry desktop software from the website . when i tried to initialize it for the first time i got a prompt which asked me to input the device password
now i'm assuming the device password is the same pwd that i use to unlock me device (and its the same pwd that i have to input every time i hook up my blackberry to my laptop)
so i'm entering that very same password but its giving me an incorrect pwd notification.
is there some other pwd that i'm supposed to configure on this ?
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May 19, 2010
I bought a 2nd hand 8900 but it doesn't have the wizard to set ip my email I've looked in all options and menus but there is nothing for email. I set up blackberry in my company and I wonder if this device is set to enterprise activation instead of other activations. I called my carrier o2 but the weren't helpful and said it was because I was on the wrong tariff and didn't have an o2 email address. I've wiped the device could updating the software out this back? It doesn't show a carrier when I start it up I think it was originally purchased as a sim free device. Any thoughts?
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Feb 19, 2010
I needed to complete a wipe device last night which i have done, didnt bother playing with the phone after, gone to make a call this morning to find out that it has deleted all my numbers from both my directory and my sim card directory. should this of happened?
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Jan 31, 2010
I need help with my device, I'm currently now using 8900 Curve and my cousin about to buy it but I want to put it back to factory settings. What I exactly want is to delete my "" from my device or any registry in the software and device. Simply make it back to factory settings with no information I've put about myself.
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Feb 9, 2011
I recently upgraded to OS 6 on my Curve 9300 3g, (on the advice of a BB rep) and ever since my device memory has been low. When it was on OS5 it had about 90mb of free memory, now even after a reboot I' m lucky to have between 30 to 34mb. Now Web pages close unexpectedly and cannot use the tabbed browsing at all. I only a couple of small apps left on the device as I have deleted most of them already. I upgraded the OS using the desktop software, and all seemed to have worked OK. Have I missed something?, was there install files I should have cleared?
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Nov 18, 2011
How do I free up memory on my device? CURVE 9300
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