BB Bold :: Access Denied: Insecure SSL Request
Mar 18, 2010the server returned the following error: Access Denied: Insecure SSL Request
this message keeps coming up on the blackberry
the server returned the following error: Access Denied: Insecure SSL Request
this message keeps coming up on the blackberry
Access Denied: Insecure SSL Request
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View 2 Replies View RelatedNew problem generate in my Blackberry curve 9220 (OS 7.1) in Blackberry Messenger.When i sent request to my firends its show request is pending but he/she is already accept me. And he/she send request to me at that time i accept and he/she is in add my contact list.
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iPhone 4, iOS 4.2
I am a new user for hazel mobile.
1- Why can't I use the zoom property in the camera in 5 or 3 or 1 MP but I can use it in VGA shooting and also in the video but in the MP I can't zoom?
2- I find that all the pics I take always get saved in the memory card, and I can't make a choice between phone or memory card can someone tell me why?
3- When someone is calling me, I always find this message appear to me "Ciphering not provided by operator, insecure transmission" can someone explain it to me ?
4- What family does this mobile belong to because I don't know when I want any programs or themes what family do I choose?
I have a blackberry bold 9780 and i have a problem. In de menu of the icons who indicate you have a message. When i go to that menu there are staying request of BB messenger, they stay there after the acceptation and i cann not remove them.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhy is my blackberry not showin me friends request or people not recieving my friends request?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a blackberry bold 9700 from my friend and it is unlocked to any network sim but is originally from Vodafone, I have also just went onto a new contract deal with virgin which includes unlimited internet access but my problem is that the blackberry messenger will not work, I've contacted my service provider and they said they cant do anything because the phone is not originally from them. I have also went to various shops and they also do not know what is wrong.My internet browser works fine but Blackberry messenger will not allow me to add people or see any requests from people when they add me and i dont know what to do next, is there anyway i can manually make this work?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI received a BBM invite which popped on the front screen. I then accepted it but the request is still showing on the front screen. tried acceptin, declinin, ignorin it but no result.
View 1 Replies View Relatedactivation-request failed 6X
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirst day with bold. A web page that I visited now continuously loads without request no matter what I am doing with the device. How can I make this stop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedReceived email from BB saying I needed to verify password for my personal email account (which has stopped sending emails to my phone but I still get business emails.) I go to: Settings>Manage Internet Email> and get an error message saying "Your device had a problem connecting to the server" This is continual, even after powering on and off.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have blackberry bold 9900 and when I want to open an attachment (pic) in email that message will appear (more request cannot be completed service book information not found blackberry) what I do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have received a BBM request from someone I don't know. I have declined it and now I want to remove the request from the requests list. I've tried selecting 'ignore' and then deleting from the ignore request list. I've tried deleting from my inbox but to no avail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe're running BB Pro Software, version in an exchange environment. We've been using 8900 handsets in the UK, over Vodafone for some time, and tyey work great... ...but now we have a new user who's bought a 9700, again over Vodafone, but this time in Germany. When he attempts to use enterprise activation he (eventually) receives "enterprise server has not responded to your activation request"
We've checked that his data plan is compatible with BES. So - how do we get this working? Do I need to upgrade to BES Express 5.0?
Have been using Bold for 1yr+, received this (strange) request.........however under 'Email Accounts' cannot access email settings as it won't recognize User Name and Password! When put in email (surname) settings (which still work on laptop) receive the following: "'The information you provided is incorrect. Retype your user name and password. Your user name and password are case sensitive".
Am at a complete loss and can't resolve (which I need to do within 36 hrs because am going overseas and need my BB to be working!
when I opened BBm today, I received a message : UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION:java.lang.nullpointer exception. When I rebooted the phone, got another message "Application Terminated : BBM has been denied the "Wi-fi" permission".I tried deleting BBM but couldnt. There is no option in App world to delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen purchasing mp3s my card keeps being denied. checked with bank and there is nothing wrong with card and have used it for other purchases on internet.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm attempting to duplicate the functionality exposed by Apple’s signature server, by entering (/private/etc/hosts) into the command line of Terminal Bash. I'm doing this to downgrade the firmware in my iphone 3gs from 3.1.2 to 3.0.1. I've been receiving a (permission denied) response for my efforts. I've gone into "Disk Utility and added myself as a "root user". However, that doesn't seem to correct the permission denied issue. Perhaps I didn't correctly add myself as a root user.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI keep getting an error stating; "Unable to add account. Please check your information and try again."Now, I'm not sure what my Mailbox name is.I was told to log in on my computer's browser to my work email via Outlook Web Access and put the cursor over the inbox to read the name on the bottom of the screen.This is all it reads: "https://webmail.(companyname).com/owa/#. What do I use for the mailbox name?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhy do I get a permission denied error when trying to view some of the discussions. I just registered on the site but before I registered I could always read everything?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI bought a Nokia C7 around one year ago, and I expected to get support and services provided by Nokia. Unfortunately, none of them are available, specially Ovi store ( neither through PC nor the smartphone itself). It's not my fault I live in Iran, despite the fact that Iran is one of Nokia's biggest consumers.I am so regretful I have bought this smartphone, cause I had other choices, like Apple ( cause App Store is available for Iran, even iTunes is available ) or Android smartphones.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using the blackberry bold 9700,i updated my software and it wiped out my phone,on re-installing all the software's,whatsapp,facebook etc works fine but for some reason my BBM wouldnt work at all,i tried activating my e-mail account(Enterprise Activation) but i keep getting this "Activation request failed. A service connection is unavailable".
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to loh into the private community, I get an "403: Permission Denied" errror.
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