I'm looking to get an 8GB card for my 9700. Since I don't want to pay $59.99 through ShopBlackberry.com for the card, I was looking at Amazon. They have a bunch of SanDisk cards, different classes, etc. Which one will work with our 9700 Bold?
I would like to expand the storage in my Razr HD (Australia - using Telstra 4G Network).I am looking to buy a Sandisk 32Gb class 10 microSD card - just wondering if this is known to work with these phones? If not, which make/models do work? Does the speed of the microSD card make much difference when used with the Razr HD's? I see Sandisk also have a 16Gb 95Mbps microSD card which is quite a bit more expensive, but is it worth it?
I just bought a MicroSD car for my Bold 9700 but when i connect it to the slot, it doesnt seem to be connecting to my phone. Any help? ive also been battery pulling to see if it would connect
The micro SD card in my 9700 keeps slipping, either after a light fall (in an otterbox, yay) or sometimes just out of the blue.Only noticeable result is that ringtones revert to the default. When I push the bugger back in, they work fine again.Will appreciate any advice other than returning the phone. I'd rather not send back the card either but will consider. Would rather just know how to make the card stick better if possible.
Does anyone know when memory cards will be available for the Blackbery Bold 9700? Also, is it clear that Bold 9700 phones purchased now in the U.S. through AT&T will accept the memory cards when they are issued, or is there some reason why they may be incompatible?
I am new to Blackberry. How do I copy a Word file from my Laptop to the Blackberry Bold 9700 microSD 2GB memory card? Do I use desktop manager? With my Windows mobile, I could access it using Mobile device center.
Currently looking at an A-DATA class 10 32gb SDHC Flash memory card, would this work and would all 32gb be readable? I read that OS 4 only read up to 16gb. I'm sure I don't need that much memory right now, but I'd rather get it now, then later if it is compatible.
I have a few cards in the app Cards (it sends personalized paper greetings and birthday cards through the mail) that show in my history (already sent cards as well as drafts). Is there any way to remove these cards from the app?
i have a blackberry bold 9780. i put in my microSD card but it wont regognize within the phone or on blackberry desktop manager... the settings are turned on..
ļ»æDevice info:Your carrier: Orange/ Model info and OS version: Blackberry 9780 - 6.0 Bundle 2647 (v6.0.0.600, Platform
Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace: 220.1mb Did a battery pull fix your issue? No Apps installed and their version if possible: No applications BT device model/version (you will have to look at the BT device): ?
Memory card SanDisk 4GB Micro SDHC
I've had this phone for roughly 3 months now, bought it brand new from Phones 4U. Everything was perfectly working, when all of a sudden yesterday my phone kept thinking it has no memory card inserted. So I removed the memory card and did a battery pull, re-insterted the card again and still no luck. I next checked if the media card support was enabled, and it was. I then inserted my memory card into my PC and it worked perfectly, no errors or anything. I then tried formatting my card (FAT32) and inserted it once again and yet no luck. I then went to my storage options again, and under media card it reads 'A media card is not presently inserted in the device.' Even trying a different micro SD card did not help. For a second it said 'media card inserted' but seconds later 'media card removed'. This doesnt happene everytime, only sometimes.
i had this phone for exactly 30 days now and it was great up until about 20days ago every now and then it wouldn't read my media card which i would solve by rebooting the device. now it wont read it any at all even when i tried another card it wont pick it up. it shows on the pc when i connect it during a reboot but then a notification comes up saying that a fatal error has occurred and it cannot read the media card and its one again.. by the way the cards were a a 2gig micro SD and a 1gig sandisc
my job requires me to travel a lot to different countries quite frequently, which also requires me to constantly change to the local sim card for the country that i am in. Whenever i do this, right after the phone fully loads up, it asks me to sign into blackberry ID which i cannot do since i do not always have the BIS/Data active on the local simcard (it doesnt make sense to pay for BIS for every country i visit esp since i could only be there for a few days). Even if i wanted to activate it, i cant go past the log in screen which only allows me to make 3 options...1. Login (which i cant do without data). 2. Make an emergency call?
its been a month now that i've changed my sim card, and iv stopped receiving emails on my device. when i go on the email setup app, it ask's me to enter my password for my email address that was on the device and when i do it says sorry unable to continue your session log in again. but when i try do that it still says the same thing. And for my sim card, i have the blackberry email plan so i should be able to receive emails.
My Bold 9930 can't open VCF cards sent as email attachments. When I try to open or download the card I get a message saying "Ths attachment type cannot be viewed on your device."
I've been using SanDisk 16 and 32GB micro SDHC memory cards with both the Bold 9000 (no problems) and the Bold 9900. I had no problems until I accidently broke a 32GB card, snapped it in half, when removing the battery and not noticing that the memory card had slid out a tad.
I replaced that card with the exact same Class 4 card from SanDisk. That card is recognized by my PC (Windows 7 Ultimate) and by the Bold 9000.
The Bold 9900, despite everything I've tried, including reformatting the card to exFAT, rebooting, updating the OS, everything you can imagine, I still get the message that there is no media card in the phone.
My camera in my Blackberry says that the memory card is full and that I should delete photos. I have already transferred them all to my computer and deleted them via my computer however the phone still says that I need to delete. How do I do a complete delete of my memory card?
I have a corporate Bold 9700 that I want to swap out its existing 2GB card with a new 8GB card. I have files and pictures and whatnot on my 2GB card that I would like to carry over to the 8GB. Turning encryption off is not an option as the security policy is managed by the corporate office. And, of course, copying the files to my desktop, then putting them onto the 8GB card doesn't work either.Is there a backup option for the media card or something in DTM? I looked all over for it and came up with nothing. I have not wiped out my 2GB card and it is perfectly fine in the phone now; all files intact. I just want to upgrade to an 8GB card. How do I do that?
The Flash Disk works with and is recognized by other devices, such as Samsung Galaxy S3, Sony Xperia Z3, and Galaxy Note 4. But my newly purchased Z5 compact (Version 5.1.1, BuildĀ # 32.0.A.6.200) does not recognize the usb disk. Tried in safe mode, stamina mode, and normal mode. None of them works. Am I missing something, or is the product defective?It even doesn't fit perfectly. The drive fits other phones perfectly.
im using xperia neo v. because the internal memory is small. i store most of my apps in the sdhc. i thinking of changing to sandisk mobile ultra microsdhc because it has a very fast read and write speed. but can anyone confirm wheter this sdhc is compatible with neo v.
I replaced my cliq with the cliq 2 today. When I moved my 2gb sandisk sd card into my new phone, the phone was unable to recongnize that it contained the card. It worked perfectly fine on my old phone, so I put it back in my old phone, transferred the files from the card onto my computer to save them, and then formatted the card. I put the card back into my new phone and it still doesn't recognize it.
I have an LG G3 and I got sandisk 128GB card. I have used it and it worked fine. Then suddenly it was dead - no adapter or phone or PC could recognize it.The store replaced it and I started using the new one and the same thing happened.They replaced it again and now I'm afraid that it will happen again.I suspect that it is dead once it gets to 32GB but I cant be sure.
I have seen similar threads but am not sure if this issue has been resolved beyond "sounds like its just a bad card...
I got a new 2 GB Sandisk media card and once I installed it and turn on the phone, I get a warning message telling me there is a media card that needs to be formatted. I go to Options>>Media Card>>pull up the menu>>click on Format card. The phone freezes. I have let it sit for 30-45 min. I end up having to pull the battery. I have tried several times. I have deleted most 3rd party apps in case they were the culprit (they were not).
I've tried removing the card and blowing dust out of the area, pulling the SIM card out as well, but, frankly, I assumed those wouldn't work because the phone is recognizing that the card is install, it just freezes when trying to format. Interestingly, the phone is still "on" in some degree; I don't receive phone calls or texts, but my bluetooth is still connected as the blue light is flashing, but I cannot make outgoing calls with it.
One thing that may make my situation unique is that I received this card from a friend who pulled it from their new Blackberry Bold (9700). He did not know if it was formatted at the time as he immediately placed a 4 GB Sandisk into his and gave me the 2 GB. Could formatting on a newer model prevent retro-using in an older model? Can this issue be resolved?
I went to AT&T today to see if they could take a look. They couldn't tell me much but did let me try to insert a different disk - a 4 GB Sandisk. There was NO prompt when I turned the phone back on, and I checked Options>>Media Card and it told me that the card was already installed and I had X.X GB of free space.
I have scoured the internet and AT&T and refuse to believe that this is just a bad card. This has seemed to occur enough that if they are all bad cards, Sandisk is cranking out a ton of corrupt products here.
I've gone ahead and bought a 8GB Sandisk card because I don't want to be limited on the amount of music I can put on my player at any given time.For the most part the thing works(ed) like it was suppose to. Dragged over all my Media files from my 1gb and things have been cool ever since.Now while I take good care of my BB Curve 8320, it takes the odd fall here and there. Never enough to damage or mar the screen and these falls have happened WITH the new 8GB card inside.....up until today, when it took a bunny hop of a fall...and now the card is "Unreadable and needs formatting"
WTF? I'm all ready to format it, but whenever I try doing so using the Blackberry...it freezes. Whenever I try doing it on my computer...I get no response. I heard someone said to put it in the big SD adapter thing and try using it on a comp and formatting it there...I'll have to search for a comp with an SD drive to get that done in a bit...but incase that doesn't work...Do I have any other options?
This is absolute crap..when I opened the BB to see if the chip was dislodged, it wasn't...the BB won't read it now...it reads the other 1gb quite fine but not this one....and living in a third world country It's not like as is I can bomb over there and get another card for a decent price as opposed to purchasing a severly marked up one here. Has anyone ever had this sort of problem with any of the bigger model phones? I'm starting to think that this Curve thing is too 'delicate' for my liking.
I got a new BB 9700 Bold yesterday and having problems with setting up the sync for the calendar and the contacts which are on my outlook. My hotmail email accounts are working okay. The outlook is on my PC and is the front face for my hotmail accounts.
When I go in to the BB Desktop device manager - version 5.0.1 (latest version) , I go in to the configure option on the left and it lets me click on calendar> then I select outlook and it then lets me select 'finish'. However at this stage an error box flashes up saying 'no available message stores'. In addition when I check the wifi config on the calendar and contacts icons on the BB device it will not let me select yes on the wireless connection for them.
I have a BB Bold 2 (9700). The Media Card slot wont lock down the card and keeps springing it out. If i keep the card pressed down it works but wont lock down.