Motorola Cliq 2 :: Can't Read 2GB Sandisk SD Card?
Jun 7, 2011
I replaced my cliq with the cliq 2 today. When I moved my 2gb sandisk sd card into my new phone, the phone was unable to recongnize that it contained the card. It worked perfectly fine on my old phone, so I put it back in my old phone, transferred the files from the card onto my computer to save them, and then formatted the card. I put the card back into my new phone and it still doesn't recognize it.
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Aug 25, 2011
I have purchased a Sandisk 16 gb sd card from an AT&T store for my Flipside. After a few days it does not recognise it.
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Jul 30, 2012
The screen has been cracked recently, so my brother took it upon himself to buy me a Cliq (MB200) from someone off CraigsList for my birthday. I am not sure if this is the route I would had gone but it's not like he can take it back now. Luckily it is a Cliq with a T-Mobile emblem on it, which is my carrier, so there shouldnt be any problems. And it appears to be in excellent condition.OK, time to transfer the SIM card.First, we cannot get the newly purchased Cliq to recgognize my SIM card. It is an old T-Mo SIM card that has been transferred from A Samsung T-719 purchased in 2007 to a BB Pearl to a BB Curve and then to the Cliq2 bought in 2011. I do have newer SIM cards that have never been opened or activated, so that could be an option. But the SIM works fine in my Cliq2. But in the newly purchased Cliq we immediately get the "Please insert SIM card" message on the screen.Yes, we did do a factory reset and then re-tested the SIM.Wi-Fi works.We were curious if the SIM Card can't be read until we go through the Motoblur registration.Also, can the Motoblur info just be transferred from the Cliq2 to the SIM Card or SD Card so I don't have to login on the newly purchased Cliq?I forgot my Motoblur password and it is registered with an inactive email address, so a password recovery via email is not an option. Should I just open a new Motoblur account? Will it let me connect the same emails and social media accounts as the old Motoblur account?
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Jun 20, 2011
does anyone know if a 32 gb card will fly?aint much difference in the prices between 16 and 32 gig class 10 cards.
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May 14, 2015
I have an LG G3 and I got sandisk 128GB card. I have used it and it worked fine. Then suddenly it was dead - no adapter or phone or PC could recognize it.The store replaced it and I started using the new one and the same thing happened.They replaced it again and now I'm afraid that it will happen again.I suspect that it is dead once it gets to 32GB but I cant be sure.
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May 20, 2011
How does one go about removing the SD card that comes with the cliq2 to install a larger one?
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Dec 14, 2011
My CLIQ has died. (radios and wifi) How can I export my Contacts to either the SD card or to my PC?
None of the radios work, so export has to be either to the SD card or via USB to a PC. Installing any apps to do this unfortunately has to be via the same route as well.
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Apr 30, 2011
i tried to install a new sd card on my phone since it came without one but the phone doesn't recognize it, is it possible to format a new card online then install it afterwards?
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Feb 10, 2010
I have seen similar threads but am not sure if this issue has been resolved beyond "sounds like its just a bad card...
I got a new 2 GB Sandisk media card and once I installed it and turn on the phone, I get a warning message telling me there is a media card that needs to be formatted. I go to Options>>Media Card>>pull up the menu>>click on Format card. The phone freezes. I have let it sit for 30-45 min. I end up having to pull the battery. I have tried several times. I have deleted most 3rd party apps in case they were the culprit (they were not).
I've tried removing the card and blowing dust out of the area, pulling the SIM card out as well, but, frankly, I assumed those wouldn't work because the phone is recognizing that the card is install, it just freezes when trying to format. Interestingly, the phone is still "on" in some degree; I don't receive phone calls or texts, but my bluetooth is still connected as the blue light is flashing, but I cannot make outgoing calls with it.
One thing that may make my situation unique is that I received this card from a friend who pulled it from their new Blackberry Bold (9700). He did not know if it was formatted at the time as he immediately placed a 4 GB Sandisk into his and gave me the 2 GB. Could formatting on a newer model prevent retro-using in an older model? Can this issue be resolved?
I went to AT&T today to see if they could take a look. They couldn't tell me much but did let me try to insert a different disk - a 4 GB Sandisk. There was NO prompt when I turned the phone back on, and I checked Options>>Media Card and it told me that the card was already installed and I had X.X GB of free space.
I have scoured the internet and AT&T and refuse to believe that this is just a bad card. This has seemed to occur enough that if they are all bad cards, Sandisk is cranking out a ton of corrupt products here.
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Feb 10, 2010
I've gone ahead and bought a 8GB Sandisk card because I don't want to be limited on the amount of music I can put on my player at any given time.For the most part the thing works(ed) like it was suppose to. Dragged over all my Media files from my 1gb and things have been cool ever since.Now while I take good care of my BB Curve 8320, it takes the odd fall here and there. Never enough to damage or mar the screen and these falls have happened WITH the new 8GB card inside.....up until today, when it took a bunny hop of a fall...and now the card is "Unreadable and needs formatting"
WTF? I'm all ready to format it, but whenever I try doing so using the freezes. Whenever I try doing it on my computer...I get no response. I heard someone said to put it in the big SD adapter thing and try using it on a comp and formatting it there...I'll have to search for a comp with an SD drive to get that done in a bit...but incase that doesn't work...Do I have any other options?
This is absolute crap..when I opened the BB to see if the chip was dislodged, it wasn't...the BB won't read it reads the other 1gb quite fine but not this one....and living in a third world country It's not like as is I can bomb over there and get another card for a decent price as opposed to purchasing a severly marked up one here. Has anyone ever had this sort of problem with any of the bigger model phones? I'm starting to think that this Curve thing is too 'delicate' for my liking.
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Feb 3, 2012
i bought a memory card from online its called SanDisk MicroSDHC memory card does this memory card work for blackberry curve 9360?
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Jul 29, 2012
Is there a way to change storage preferences or just move an app from phone storage to my SD card for my Motorola CLIQ with 2.1 update?
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Mar 29, 2012
I manged to delete all my contacts including the ones on the SIM card
Now after recovery I have 100+ contacts under the T-mobile account/group, but none in the phone address book or the SIM card. I cannot figure out how to copy all my T-mobile contacts to the SIM card. Looks like you can only copy the phone address book contacts to the SIM card.
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Sep 5, 2011
I just got this phone from someone who upgraded up. If I only want to use it for calls and texting and nothing else, should I update from its current system version 1.6 / Firmware version 1.5?If I wanted to do this manually, are system and firmware updates done separately and where are the download pages to do it manually?There are threads talking about how updates slowed down CLIQ MB200 phones. Do they slow down the basic functions of this phone? I see there are Android platform versions all the way up to 3.2. Is version 2.1 the last version compatible with MB200?Some threads compare updating this phone to installing Windows 7 or Vista on older computers - they would slow down basic functions on them so it's really not worth it to update. Is that comparison true when it comes to this first Android phone?
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Dec 12, 2011
I have a Motorola Cliq updated to 2.1.5 through T-mobile.Up until this weekend, I had no problem getting Data pushed through whether I was in my area or my boyfriends area (his is non 3G and he does NOT have WiFi) ...I was at his place this weekend, and my Data ONLY pushed through when I was in a WiFi area and I had WiFi enabled.he problem is, now that I'm home IN A 3G AREA my Data STILL only pushes through when WiFi is enabled. I get NO INTERNET CONNECTION at all.I can't even get my phone to be recognized through the Motorola Troubleshooter now when it IS plugged into my laptop via USB ....Hoping to avoid a reset, even though I have everything synched through my Blur acct and Gmail
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Jan 3, 2012
I inherited a Cliq 2 from my father-in-law and I have a T-Mobile sim in it right now. When I look at the system version, it is saying 1.1.28. From all the info that I've read, the latest version is 1.1.30. I've tried doing a system update from the phone, but it tells me that I am up to date.
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Aug 16, 2011
I have an SD card the says "MICRO HC 8GB co8G Taiwan". It has a little circle that has a "4" in it. My Droid X2 is reading it as a 4 GB card and says it's full even though most of my apps are in the internal memory. When downloading app data it says there's enough room. When I removed the SD card, there are a number of apps that are checking as being on the SD card. When I "Move to media area" it changes to "Move to phone" which suggests that it just move the app to the SD card...which in not in the phone!
Is this a programing problem with the phone where it's not finding the SD card at all, or is this a faulty SD card?
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Jul 14, 2011
Can anyone shed light on the SD card issue.Was it activated as read only on purpose or is this a bug. Will everyone be satisfied with a read only SD card?
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Jan 10, 2012
My photon does not read the Micro SD card. This problem has been there for 2 months. I never had a need to use the Micro SD card so i did not bother.
This seemed to happen since the last software update. Before that, it worked fine.The phone simply does not recognize any Micro SD cards. I tried 2 different micro sds and the same thing happened.
The buttons where it says"Mount SD card" are always disabled(shaded). And the phone does not let me erase data from SD card either.I tried the reset from Privacy>Factory Reset. Same thing happened. It reset the phone but it still does not read Micro SD.
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Jun 27, 2011
i updated my cliq2 system to 1.1.30 yesterday.But mobile can't read the SD card.I have two SD cards.One is the original 2G sd card,the other is kingston 8G sd card i bought previously.
I am sure of the 2 SD card is OK.i can use them in my PC.And i tried them in my friend's phone.They can work too.Then i formated them.But still can't be read in my 1.1.30 Cliq2.
Now i set my Cliq2 back to the 1.0.23 system can read SD card right.
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Sep 2, 2012
As of Friday (yesterday), my external SD card (32Gb) is being mounted READ ONLY by the system. I cannot use any app on the XOOM to write files, or move files, on that card. I have tried andSMB, andFTP, Astro file manager, andExplorer, File Manager HD. I have taken the card out of the system and reformatted it using the SD formatting utility from the SD association on a PC. I have tried another (2Gb) card and the same problem exists. Both cards work flawlessly using a card reader on a PC.
I can write to it only via an MTP connection to a PC. Today, the card is labelled "SD Card" under MTP. Before yesterday, it was "External Storage". Before yesterday, I had no problem using either andSMB or andFTP to download files to the SD card. I am assuming there was something in a recent update that has removed this feature from my device. When I got the device, it was at 3.2. Now it is at 4.1.1.
How do I get this card to mount R/W so I can actually use it on my device as WRITABLE STORAGE, like I was allowed to do just a week ago? How do I get this device to stop magically updating itself, so I can prevent you (Motorola, Google, whatever) from removing functions that I have already used, need, and expect to continue working? I actually don't care if an update is what broke this or something else, I do not want automatic updates enabled, and I can see no means of preventing them, other than giving up WiFi capabilities permanently. This is a XOOM Wi-Fi.
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Mar 3, 2012
I just got my Xoom WiFi back from Motorola repair - it somehow had a latin american ROM on it and wasn't receiving the ICS upgrade. Well now it has ICS and, for the most part, everything is fine. I am having problems with the SD card though. This is an SD card I used when I had Honeycomb on the unit. I was able to write to it just fine back then.
I took it out before sending the unit in for repair, and I put if back after receiving the unit back. After reinsertion, I can see/read all of the files that I had on there from before, but I cannot write/edit/delete anything on it, and when I look at it in a file manager, it shows up as read only. I removed the card, put in in my PC (with an adaptor) and reformatted it, still read-only.
While it was still in the Xoom, I connected to my PC and was able to access and even write to the card from my PC. But I still cannot do anything that attempts to write to the device from Android. I think the ability to write to the card from the PC indicates that there is not an issue with the card. I think the issue is how it's mounted. But I cannot find a way to mount it as writable unless I root my Xoom (which I'd rather not do).
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Aug 10, 2011
I put a couple of albums on a Mirco SD card and inserted it into my Xoom.The card shows up under /mnt/external1The albums are there and I can select each song individually and play them using the default "Music" player, RockPlayer, or Winamp.What I can't figure out is how to get any of those Media Players to read from the SD Card automatically?
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Aug 27, 2011
( player that does not see the SD Card. I'm trying to convice the doubleTwist developers that it's THEIR issue. They have so many users going through hoops to describe their problem and give them details without really fixing the problem. It's been about 7 months since the first issue was reported to them. And of course, most users are jumping ship and requesting refunds.
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Mar 11, 2010
Has anyone else experienced this. I have a BBStorm.
I did not know my media files were saved on my SD card. I thought they were saved on my device.
In the options, under Memory, it says Media Card cannot be read. Verify that the memory card has been formatted.
First I took the memory SD mini card 8G out and put it back in.
Still same message.
So then I went to Format and formatted it asked me to do.
Error message came up. Saying Format Failed.
However all my files are gone.
I am so mad that my blackberry told me to ensure it was formatted. Everything is gone off my BB.
Is there a way to recover this data?
I haven't backed up my BB before.
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Apr 16, 2011
In Contacts, at the top above "My number" it says "Cannot read SIM card". I got a new SIM card in case the old one was faulty but it's just the same. Rest of phone seems to work OK, including Contacts I've added.
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Mar 1, 2010
I have just moved from K810i to X10.When the SIM is placed into the X10, it fails to detect the SMS Messaging ->Menu ->Settings ->SMS Settings, Manage SIM card messages.All it does is show a perpetual small ring that keeps circling and the word retrieving.How do I read the SMS from my SIM? Its on MAXIS and Digi?
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Nov 21, 2015
I have a 32gb SD card from my Galaxy S4. The V10 will not read it. Lady at AT&T says Samsung & LG don't recognize same stuff on the card. I don't wanna lose what I have on my SD. How do I get my V10 to read the files? Also I'm waiting on the 200 gig card.
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Mar 26, 2014
I can not write to my SD card on the M8. I dont have a permissions issue from what I can see.
Is Kit Kat the issue here with sandboxed apps only having write access to the card??
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Jul 4, 2012
My new iphone 4s can not read the simcard! What can I do?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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May 11, 2012
Where can I get the 2.3.6.sbf for cliq2 ? My phone software was broken, because I tried to downgrade to froyo.
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