BB Bold 9700 :: Error Message When Downloading Software Update
Feb 16, 2010
I kept getting this error message when attempted to download software update for my Blackberry Bold 9700 via Blackberry Desktop Manager V5.01."An error has occured while downloading software for your device. Please verify your internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists."
My laptop was definitely connected to the internet because I was browsing while trying to update. The Desktop Manager itself recognises that it is connected to the internet, because it scanned for updates for itself on the internet and updated succefully. But when it came to downloading updates for my blackberry handset. It became oblivion to the fact that it was connected to the internet and kept giving me this senseless error report!
I kept getting this error message when attempted to download software update for my Blackberry Bold 9700 via Blackberry Desktop Manager V5.01.
"An error has occured while downloading software for your device. Please verify your internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists."
My laptop was definitely connected to the internet because I was browsing while trying to update. The Desktop Manager itself recognises that it is connected to the internet, because it scanned for updates for itself on the internet and updated succefully. But when it came to downloading updates for my blackberry handset. It became oblivion to the fact that it was connected to the internet and kept giving me this senseless error report!
I've tried signing into Facebook via my new 9700 and am getting the following error message:Error encountered during XML parse: End tag does not match start tag 'head'.Has anybody else had this message? How do I get around it so I can access my Facebook account?
I just got this Blackberry on Dec 31, '09.I installed the DM software from the CD and now I was going to attempt to synchronize my phone with the desktop for the first time.When I plugged the phone in to the PC, it immediately said there were updates available and I just kept hitting Next until it apparently started the 12-step update process.Now my PC has been sitting at the download step (Step 3 of 12) downloading the same module for over 30 minutes now.
Man do i need help???? i have search the last 24 hours for answers and nothing works. i tried the suggestions that i got right before posting and no answer.
just got the new 9700. i plugged it up and i am getting this message "usb charging current is not sufficient. verify that your handheld is connected to a powered usb charging source and that the proper usb driver is installed".
i have unistalled and re installed DM using the cd that came with it. i checked mass storage is on. i have done battery pulls etc. am using windows 7 and my usb is 2.0.
my old bold 9000, works fine. DM recognizes it, i can back up my stuff. i just need to restore that info on my new BB9700 and its just not happened.
My device downloaded an upgrade "successfully"--according to the message that flashed on the screen. Suddenly all applications disappeared from the screen and this message came up "Uncaught exception:Application Registry.wait For (0x5364ff2940fa3920)timeout" When I press "OK" another message pops up: "Uncaught exception:java.lang.NullPointerException" no matter how many time I press "OK" it sits there frozen. I have removed the battery, reloaded, etc. Nothing changes. I can't access any applications or settings features so I am unable to reset or uninstall, etc.
I am unable to update ver 5 to ver 6, as the process stops with an error message "an error has occurred while downloading software for your device. Please verify your internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists." Typically I get 70 to 80% of the way through the modules before this error message pops up. Today's attempts all bailed at 511 of 650 modules. I have tried this process twice over the last month, and have had the same error. The internet connection is working well ie I can surf the net and receive/send emails. Where do I go from here?
Just got the new 9700 and everything works except the app world. Personal email works, blackberry messenger works, just not the app world. I downloaded it and i get an error message which is as follows (upgrade your service to a plan that includes browsing and discover a world of possibilties at BlackBerry App World. Contact your service provider for more details). I have the blackberry personal plan, I can browse the internet, but the app world still wont work. I know its not a location issue because my coworker has the Bold 9000 and the same plan as me and his works fine. I have also tried unistalling and reinstalling the app, hard shock etc etc. So what the heck is the issue.
I also noticed that after i updated my software whenever I receive a message, the display message indicator at home doesn't indicate the total number of text message i receive but rather it displays the number of contacts who sent me messages. like for example contact A sent me 2 messages. It will only appear as 1 and not 2. how do i solve this problem? Do you experience the same?
I had a curve 8310 on o2 and moved to a bold 9700 still on o2.When i moved i used the desktop manager and did the device switch over, all went well including bbm etc.However whenever i tried to send an email i recieved the error message 'transaction error failure at service' - I tried to log into my bis account online to update my pin but i couldnt log on! i havent changed the password or username since my old blackberry so i cant log on to change it online. on my blackberry when i try to log on to email settings it says the username field is blank!
i called o2 they put me through to geek squad and wanted to charge me to help!!! I havent had the phone 2 weeks yet.Now i think that i need to call o2 again and ask them something like releasing my old pin maybe from my bis account or resetting the bis account,any ideas what i should do or the type of questions i need to ask o2 if i have to ring them again.
I Have A Big Question... I Been Blogging My Life For The Past Few Weeks.I Been Using A BlackBerry 9700 For Few Months. But, When I want To Upload A Video To FaceBook Or Other Site, It Said That My File Is Too Big...There Is A Good App For Me To Upload My Videos, Or There Is A Setting On My Berry That Can Help Me With My Videos..
I upgraded recently to the Bold 9700. Great phone apart from the fact that every time I try to synch with Outlook in the laptop I get the above error message.
I have downloaded several themes for me Blackberry Bold 9700 and i am unable to access the interet/web browser. Whenever i click on it the error message Uncaught excpetion:java-lang-illegalarumentexception. Is there any advice someone could please give me as it would be greatly appreciated as i have had my first Blackberry for only 1 month?
Your BlackBerry Application Loader needs to be updated before your can continue. Do you want to update now? [Yes / No]
When I click YES, the Desktop Managers starts to download the Application Loader update. Then I am instructed to close the Desktop Manager so the setup can continue. After the setup is complete, the Desktop Manager starts on its own again and directly tries to open Application Loader. And OOPPS !! it tells you again that it needs to be updated !!! I kept doing that for over 5 times! and I am still getting this wierd messages !
Here are some usefully details:
Device: BlackBerry 9700 OS: OS 5 Desktop Manager: 5.0.1 Windows: Windows 7 Ultimate
I have a Bold 9700 which is in perfect working order. I have been trying for hours to successfully download OS 6, but every time I try, I get the same message: 'Fatal Error'. I've tried everything - uninstalling, reinstalling, deleting apps, etc. I can't get anything to work! It seems to start experiencing problems when it's finishing the 'JVM' stage (whatever that is).
When will Blackberry Desktop Manager be able to sync with MS Outlook 2010? I spent Ģ100 on the latter yesterday after discovering that Windows Calendar can not be synchronised with my new Bold 9700: the sync process ends with a Microsoft Outlook Connector Error message: "No available message stores". Burrowing into Blackberry's on-line support, it seems the most likely cause is BDM - 5.0.1 - trying to connect to an unsupported version of Outlook. (Article ID KB15564).
The result is no contacts or diary on my expensive new smartphone, which is disappointing beyond belief, since Outlook 2007 etc. seems no longer available.
My 9700 bold was working pretty slow so I plugged it into my boyfriend's PC and checked for a software update, there was one so I installed it. Everything went fine, this time the update didn't crash my blackberry like it had with my previous Blackberry Curve.I've noticed though that my calendar is no longer working properly. I now have TWO notifications of the same reminder/appointment instead of one even though I've only entered one reminder/appointment. Instead of having one calendar alert box, it says there's two. I normally just hit dismiss, which dismisses both notifications but this morning I just hit "snooze" when I did that, the second notification popped up the SAME notification I had just snoozed for 5minutes.How do I change this? It's not a huge problem, just a little annoying and I'm worried the glitch will cause problems down the road.This is my 3rd Blackberry in ONE year as it is..I need this to work properly. I can't afford to go out and buy ANOTHER Blackberry.This one already crashed when I originally installed the Twitter app from RIM, a month after I bought it!
Also after the update, does anyone else's top shortcuts that used to be "keylock" and "silent mode" now only have keylock(which no longer turns the screen on with your owner info) and the other shortcut is totally blank. Is there a way to change this? I liked having the keylock on but being able to bring the screen up to see if I have messages.Plus, I no longer hear my phone ring if it's in Locked mode..which is a pain in the **bleep**.
I tried to upgrade to OS6, but this problem appear "An error has occurred while downloading software from your device, please verify your internet connection or try again later, if problem persist". I'm sure there is no problem with my internet connection. I clicked retry, but the message always appear. I've tried to restart the phone and all the things.
I did a normal backup and just before it finished, a message came up saying the DM could not backup one Theme. I clicked OK and then it comes up with another message and it says Backup completed ... click OK .So is it just one theme that's odd and not being backed up? (which I don't mind) With (hopefully) the rest of my stuff backed up as usual.
I do have a problem with my bold 9700 . I want to Download the BB appworld but it is not working. When I want to do with the device itself it is not working, tells me device is not supported. From my PC it is also not working canīt find the software or something like that. I use the software. If that helps anything. And also my ICQ does not work it also says device is not supported!
I did a search throughout the forums to see if others were having this issue or knew how to resolve it. I'm new to the Blackberry so any help would be greatly appreciated. For some reason my device is not letting me download previous emails. It does download new incoming messages but that's it.