BB Bold 9700 :: Company Email Forwarded To BB Device?
Jan 8, 2010
att bold 9700.uber Noob with BB.Company email is Microsoft exchange "outlook" web based, so I can log into my email with username/password from any basic internet access port. company has BES for BB users and I've got BIS data plan. I'd rather not pay for the higher data plan as I pay my own expenses (including device and mth charges) and I don't have to have real time/instant email access to company mail. I WOULD like my phone to have it receive my comp mail by having my outlook email "forward" it (i've tried that with no success) or by programming my BB to "go check for mail" from that account every so often.
any ideas on how I can get my company "outlook" email to forward to my blackberry email? or even my YahooMail (it notifies me already)
I am forwarding a message. before emailing it, i am trying to edit it but cant do anything. how to delete for example some words or the sender of the forwarded message? maybe there is any app able to assist me on this?
I hope someone can help because I'm losing the will to live over this one!
Device info Your carrier: o2 UK Model info and OS version (Go to Settings, then Options, then about): Blackberry 9700 v5.0.0.321 (platform Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace. (Go to Settings, then Options, then status): 128872013 bytes Did a battery pull fix your issue? No
I bought a SIM free BB 9700 to use with my 02 SIM card. I applied the unlimited BB tariff and proceeded to set up four email accounts into the device which are all for my small business. I waited to do this until I knew the O2 bolt on had been applied correctly.I set the accounts up via the BIS server website which sent them down to the device; seemingly correctly.
I received email correctly for that day and could send as well with everything syncing with my IMAP servers and Outlook.Next morning - no email delivered to the device and I was unsuccessful in sending emails as well from the device to addresses.I tried to send down the service books - I sent them but no change.I got my four email accounts working again correctly but had to delete the accounts from BIS and recreate.I could then receive email correctly for the rest of the day and could send as well with everything syncing with my IMAP servers and Outlook.
Next morning the same thing happened - no email delivered to the device and I was unsuccessful in sending emails as well from the device to addresses.I then did a complete device wipe.When the device rebooted it seemed to synchronise with the BIS and then my accounts worked again for the remainder of the day.This morning - the same thing happened - no email delivered to the device and I was unsuccessful in sending emails as well from the device to addresses.
I have now created my @o2email address and applied my long standing address to the 9700 and they work fine - at the moment (we'll see about tomorrow!) to see if they fail as well.I have sent test mails today from the @O2 account and hotmail to each other and also to my main small business account from my BB. The @O2 and Hotmail emails arrive both on the device and (hotmail) on outlook and the main business account arrives on outlook BUT the main business account email does NOT arrive on the device.
I cannot seemingly send anything from my business addresses anywhere (from the device) with the only outgoing addresses that work being the @O2 and @hotmail accounts on the BB - unless I do a device wipe or delete the accounts and recreate.Emails sent from the BB from either @O2 or @hotmail arrive on the BB but not anything sent to the work accounts sent from @O2 or @hotmail from the BB - although the emails sent to the work addresses WILL appear on my outlook...
Speaking to O2 has been tough and they are blaming the server people who host my small business domain and such, although I think it is more than that though I could be wrong.My server people insist it isn't their end, saying they can see from the logs that RIM seems to stop checking for emails at times they detailed when the device stopped receiving emails from one day to the next.
What exactly will my IT department have access to on my BB if I allow them to connect me to their BES server. I would love to get my email and calender items; however, I do not want them to have access to my personal mail and/or my texts and so on.The BES server feature is great; but RIM really needs to have a way to basically partition your device. To allow you to link with one phone to your work and have all of your personal items; yet keep them separate so if you leave the company and they wipe your device they only wipe the company side. Not all of your personal data.
I apologize if this question has been asked but I just can't seem to get a clear cut answer so I thought I ask the BB experts!I have a personal BB Bold 9000 phone. I have setup a Gmail account on my phone using POP3 and I see that my personal emails from Gmail are delivered to my Gmail inbox.
My company offers a BES server and last week they set me up so all my work email which is setup on Exchange is pushed to my phone.At this point, I have 2 accounts setup on my phone: a personal gmail account and a work exchange account.
Can my personal emails be seen by my company knowing that one uses POP3 and is delivered to its own mailbox and the other is setup on a BES account?I have disabled my contacts from being uploaded/synced with my work but I need to know if our IT can see my personal email. If so, how can I disable it?I want to say no, they can't but I am not 100%.
When I go to compose a new email, and I hit the first letter, I get a list of all the email addresses that have ever emailed me or that I have sent an email to. Question: How the heck do I delete certain entries from this list? Or how do I just clear the entire list? I prefer to delete certain entries like Outlook allows me to, but for some reason I cant find out how to do this on Blackberry Email.
My email suddenly has stopped being forwarded to my phone, a feature I think known as data push. In settings, I see that data push is not supported for my email account but I can't understand what happened because all my emails have been forwarding to my phone for a year and then suddenly stopped.
I am a new owner to a x8 (android 2.1), after 10 happy years with Nokia. Unfortuantely I have run into some issues and her is one:
The embedded email app are deleting mails on my mail server, when I delete them in my phone. I am used to have a copy left on the mail server to be fetched when coming back to the office. I do not find any options in my x8 so I have a copy left on my server.
I have tried every way possible to get my storm 2 to activate with my company email and will not connect? I talked with my IT department and they have supplied us with all the information. It wants an exchange URL, and I have provided that URL for outlook web access and the server and will not accept it. My IT does not have an answer and neither does Verizon.
I am trying to set up my company email and keep getting "password incorrect " it's a server address can't see I know the password is correct as I can log in from other devices on this?
about company'S E-MAIL can not send ,but recieve can be done! useing iphone 4.when i make the address of e-mail on IPHONE 4,sometime the iphone 4 will be brake out? why?my company's e-mail address is [URL] pop&smtp is [URL]
I just got a 9700 yesterday and I am in Canada. I don't see the "I want to reate or add an email address". I can't seem to find the solution to that. Couple other questions I have. I don't have a data plan, can I still use BBM and download all the apps ? Also do I need to set up an email account to download apps and use BBM ?
I've seen a few post that sort-of answer my question, but none seem exactly right. I have a Bold 9700 and use a BIS to retrieve my personal email from my ISP's POP server. I don't use BES. When I'm at home or at work and have direct access to email, I'd like to turn off my bb email client. How can I do that?
In one post I saw the recommendation Messages > Options > Email Reconciliation > Wireless Reconcile -> set of Off. Is this enough? (I have my BB set up for wi-fi connection when I'm home, in case that makes a difference.)
I'm trying to set up my personal email on the 9700, but it seems that i have only one option, Blackberry Enterprise Server option. Is that suppose to be that way? I don't seem to have the " I want to create or add an email address" option.
Im using a Bold 9700, v5.0.0.442(Platforms Carrier: M1(Singapore)
I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my bberry at the start up screen with the white bar. It was at the 75%. I don't recall installing any apps before i slept which would require a reboot. So, i pull out the battery and reinsert it. It was still stuck at 75%. Tried it a few times this morning and still at the start up screen. I need help ASAP!
I called T-Mobile and they said a file is corrupted and would need to send me a replacement.Is there anything i could do?
Is it possible to use the charging pod for BB Bold 9700 (as shown in the Crackberry shop) with a BB Bold 9700 which has a silicone skin cover? I am not quite clear how the pod works.
My bb device refuse to update. My current device software version is and BB desktop software version is updated to last version. the problem is when I connect my mobile to the PC and desktop software running and I choose update my device a window come up and said there are no BB device software updates available. I also tried to use wireless update and it was useless it doesnt work with me neither.
I have a new BB9700. With desktop manager i uploaded ubertwitter, over internet installed some gmail apps (gmail, google maps). While instaling ubertwitter the forth action of install in deskop manager could not be completed, it was not moving, so I cancelled it. Everything worked fine for a while.
Then, while typing a messege into blackberry messenger the phone went totally blank (white screen,), the hard reseted itself and after initialisation, it went into begginers setup. From then, when you cancel the setup it shows in the first line BlackBerry Platform and a list of BB apps, address book, ATTMusic, BrickBreaker, Calculator, Calendar and so forth. When you click on any of them it says: "Error starting net_rim_bb_file_explorer; module "net rim_bb_browser_lib not found." Or similar.
The only thing that works are calculator, memo, password keeper and options. With options I can access application list and delete some of them if necessary.
All the settings in options are erased to starting options.What is also interesting is that I can return phone calls after I get a missed call. The phone does not ring, it is muted, but I get a notice of a missed call and I can the return the call.Does that mean that failuire of the desktop manager to complete the forth action cause BB to completly erase everything? Does it mean I need to reactivate the phone (BES) and start from scratch?
I am using BB Bold 9700. I restored my data on my fone via BDM, since after that my device reboots automatically.
I have tried removing battery, also changed battery, i wiped the entire device also but it is still the same problem. While using anything it reboots by self.
I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem please. I have recently purchased a BB-Bold 9700 and transferred my settings from my old Bold. I have to email addresses (both Gmail) registered which appear on my main screen. The push email works fine! However, whenever I send an email, I cannot see the sent mail in the individual email folders but only in the main messages folder which is very annoying and confusing. Here's what I have tried sofar:
1. I tried to go into options and mark "No" in the section indicated hide my sent messages. 2. I tried going into filter and ticking sent messages. They appear but once you press the back button they disappear again. 3. I tried going onto the BB website and I successfully downloaded the newest software update ( but still it did not resolve the problem....
Do I need to wipe off the whole device? Can someone please help because I'm very confused and frustrated with this issue.....
does anyone know of a program i can download that allows me to open certain websites when is says "The page you requested could not be loaded; it is too large for this device."?
I was travelling with a friend who is using Storm 2. We were comparing our devices and founf that at certain area the Storm 2 signal is on 3G with the bb logo but my Bold 9700 signal shows EDGE. But when I change the option at Mobile Network to 3G only, my Bold 9700 is able to lock the signal to 3G, however when I change back Mobile Network to 3G & 2G it goes back o EDGE (not immediately though).
I am currently running OS .680.... Is there a fix to the problem above or it is a known Bold 9700 issue or a known .680 issue. I have not try this with previous OS so not sure if it will acted differently.Any opinion. Am considering downgrading the OS but will wait for feedback first.
I tried to download it, the download is denied with "unsupported device", while according to other information on the site, the device, country, provider etc. is supported. When trying other applications on the site, all the downloads are denied too. I get redirected to "download AppWorld" or to "have it emailed to yourself". Accessing this email from the blackberry finally redirects me to the "unsupported device" page again. I also tried to download it with a web browser, the site says it isn't possible. They require Internet Explorer. So I started kvm, and tried this (in violation of any security policies). There are more requirements, ActiveX, clicking popups away, and cycling through some pages a few times. Then it tells me I need an USB driver to download. But I don't download via USB, I download via the internet? When on the blackberry, I tried WLAN and EGDE, it doesn't work with any.