BB Bold 9700 :: Linking BB To A Company BES Server
Apr 7, 2010
What exactly will my IT department have access to on my BB if I allow them to connect me to their BES server. I would love to get my email and calender items; however, I do not want them to have access to my personal mail and/or my texts and so on.The BES server feature is great; but RIM really needs to have a way to basically partition your device. To allow you to link with one phone to your work and have all of your personal items; yet keep them separate so if you leave the company and they wipe your device they only wipe the company side. Not all of your personal data.
att bold 9700.uber Noob with BB.Company email is Microsoft exchange "outlook" web based, so I can log into my email with username/password from any basic internet access port. company has BES for BB users and I've got BIS data plan. I'd rather not pay for the higher data plan as I pay my own expenses (including device and mth charges) and I don't have to have real time/instant email access to company mail. I WOULD like my phone to have it receive my comp mail by having my outlook email "forward" it (i've tried that with no success) or by programming my BB to "go check for mail" from that account every so often.
any ideas on how I can get my company "outlook" email to forward to my blackberry email? or even my YahooMail (it notifies me already)
I had previously set up my mini pro to sync with my company's exchange server, first when it was running 2.4, and maintained the data when I upgraded to ICS.
It stopped working last week, so I erased the data and thought I could re-configure it again. However, no matter how many times I input the various settings, it still won't create the account.
Is this an inherent problem with ICS running on mini pros? Or is the manufacturer pushing me towards the bundled Moxier Pro app?
Most recently, my 9700 currently unable to get an ID from Blackberry Server. It is prompting with 80003 error and request me to connect again later. I have tried 4times.
I am a new owner to a x8 (android 2.1), after 10 happy years with Nokia. Unfortuantely I have run into some issues and her is one:
The embedded email app are deleting mails on my mail server, when I delete them in my phone. I am used to have a copy left on the mail server to be fetched when coming back to the office. I do not find any options in my x8 so I have a copy left on my server.
I have hunted around for this answer but haven't found it.I was so excited to read about BES Express as I thought it would finally allow full sync between my exchange server and my Bold 9700.However... my server is hosted (I am a one man band!). Will BESX be able to be integrated on to a hosted exchange server? Or will it be solely and only for people with their own exchange server? Initially I thought it was just going to be software to install onto my phone but I now think it will need to be installed server side. Also, will it possibly be available do you think as a fully hosted solution, in the same way as some providers offer hosted a BES and Exchange solution? i.e. a hosted BESX and Exchange solution? I'd be really interested to know your thoughts. I was so excited and now it seems that my excitement was misplaced!
Im at a hotel in florida and my 9700 connects to the wifi, but when i go to load an internet page it takes about 2 minutes and then says unable to connect to server or something along those lines, the internet works perfectly fine on my laptop.
I bought a new Bold 9700 a week ago.I got the synchronisation with my PC's Outlook working for calendar and contacts OK.Two days ago I set up the Blackberry so I could get my emails on it as well as the PC.Now when I go to synchronise, I get a message on the Blackberry Desktop Manager saying "The default service for your device's Calendar has changed since the last time you synchronised."Click OK to use your new default servicer and combine your data "."Click cancel to stop the synchronisation and revisit your default service options on your device."I have no idea why the default servce has changed (don't even know what it means) and what I should do. The calendar default service on the Bold shows my email address, so I guess it is something to do with my email setup.
It's only been 1 month & I'm already on my 2nd Blackberry 9700 with Tmobile. I'm running v5.0.0.330. Since day one, I've experienced severe dropped calls that I've never experienced with Tmobile. Severe to the point that I can be on a 30 minute conversation & the call will drop at least twice. I was once on an hour long conversation that kept getting interrupted by 5 dropped calls.
Add to that, there's another Tmobile user in my household who uses the Google phone & no dropped calls at all, which tells me that it's not my coverage area that's causing the dropped calls.I'm also getting dropped calls when I'm speaking to different callers using different carriers & not just those with a specific service provider.
So, I'm convinced that it's the BB 9700 problem. It may even be that this 3G phone is in conflict with the stystems or non-3G users. Nevertheless, I'm so fed up and wanted to know if this is a problem that other BB 9700 users are experiencing. If so, who's your carrier? Has anyone upgraded your OS and if so, has it fixed the issue or have you experienced problems after the upgrade?
Completely new to bb and need to set up my work emails, i have got as far as entering my email address and password, then email server and username pops up, i currently receive all my work emails on Outlook, and need to know how i can find my email server and username.
We're running BB Pro Software, version in an exchange environment. We've been using 8900 handsets in the UK, over Vodafone for some time, and tyey work great... ...but now we have a new user who's bought a 9700, again over Vodafone, but this time in Germany. When he attempts to use enterprise activation he (eventually) receives "enterprise server has not responded to your activation request"
We've checked that his data plan is compatible with BES. So - how do we get this working? Do I need to upgrade to BES Express 5.0?
I recently upgraded to the 9700 with Tmo in December. Coming from an 8900 I thought it would truly be an "upgrade". Since getting the 9700 i have had more dropped calls, call fail, can not access server etc. The phone will even go into a soft reset mid call, text or email for no reason. I called tmo and the replaced the phone and sim card. it worked well for about a day or two and BAM same crap. I am not so sure its the phone anymore. Some people i talk to say it is TMO service but i have never had this problem before and have been with tmo for 3 yrs.any suggestions /advice?
I would like to access a file on my SDCard directly from a link in the Notes section of my Tasks application.
I am able to put a link there and access a web page, simply by typing a web address (e.g., which converts to a link after I close and re-open the task. From an open browser window, I am also able to access a file that exists on my SDCard (e.g. file:///SDCard/BlackBerry/documents/sample.pdf will go fetch the file and then open my default PDF reader just as it ought to). But when I type "file:///SDCard/BlackBerry/...etc..." into the notes section, it remains as text, and does not get recognized as/ converted to a link to the file.
Had a tour, stunk so bad I opted asap to upgrade to the Bold. Not much better, except no roller ball messing up.I linked FB to my tour, my contacts and FB linked with my phone perfectly. When we received the Bolds, I linked my wife to FB, hers is doing great. My contacts and FB are not linking up. I do not get the pictures from FB from people that call me who are my friends on FB. Went to a Verizon store to have them look at it...they referred Crackberry. lol They couldnt get it do it,
Bold 2 9700 ( OS 6 - Platform / App vers ) Application install : - BBM ( ) - Live Messenger ( 2.5.69 ) - Yahoo Messenger ( 2.5.69 ) Greeting to all. I'm new to blackberry and to this forum. Alright lets skip this boring talk. Question I currently have a problem with my new blackberry 9700. The problem i have is Facebook Apps. I can't get thru on Facebook Apps. It said "Unable to access to server. try again later. #100". Yet, i already tried to re-install it. It work BUT, only for an few after that the problem come again. And another thing, i can use Facebook on Browser, but i can't Facebook using Facebook Apps. Oh yeah, i also have BIS. And my carrier said that's nothing wrong with my data plan.
I want to create multiple contacts for the same company where the main phone, fax, address are all the same. Need this as a productivity boost. This is also helpful when adding friends or family that are at the same address to.Searched the boards, support, kb but no luck yet.
I'm trying to update the IMAP password on a 9700 Bold, a process I've done numerous times in the recent past. However, on this particular device, I cannot even get to the menu for email accounts. Every attempt results in the following ianane OS message; "Your device had a problem connecting to the server." I'm then required to either try again (a never ending loop) or cancel.
I suspect this has something to do with my provider (AT&T) because I had similar symptoms on another device (same model, w/o enterprise security policies). I was able to fix it on the other device by deleting the IMAP Service Books and then doing a hard reset. It doesn't work for the problem BB.
I have recently purchased a blackberry bold 9000 secondhand. It is originally a telstra device (it's covered in Telstra logos and on start up it has the telstra splash screen). I purchased it from a man in New Zealand, who himself purchased it from the person who had it on your network, so finding any information about the original owner is nigh impossible. I just want to know if the unique blackberry PIN is still connected to your company. I have the PIN and IMEI numbers registered to me with the my current carrier (telecom new zealand), also as a precaution I have upgraded the OS to my carrier branded version (bundle 1004,platform, (this is the latest version my carrier supports). Interesting things to note is that when connected to a wireless (wi-fi) connection with internet access, many of the applications can also access the internet. I am not connecting to any enterprise server, the VPN settings are disabled, the APN settings are set to with blanks for both the username and password. I have tried deleting and resending the service books many times (each time followed by a"hard-reset"). I have tried wiping the device several times. The dataservices option in the mobile network options menu is turned on, is reading as the correct carrier, and is tuned to the right network mode (3G & 2G). The browser option, under advanced options, which in turn is within the options menu, has only one setting, "Default browser configuration:" which is showing a blank space, and does not give the option to change it.The exact error says that "Your device does not currently have any Browser Configuration Service Book Entries.Please contact your service provider to enable the Browser on your device.
I apologize if this question has been asked but I just can't seem to get a clear cut answer so I thought I ask the BB experts!I have a personal BB Bold 9000 phone. I have setup a Gmail account on my phone using POP3 and I see that my personal emails from Gmail are delivered to my Gmail inbox.
My company offers a BES server and last week they set me up so all my work email which is setup on Exchange is pushed to my phone.At this point, I have 2 accounts setup on my phone: a personal gmail account and a work exchange account.
Can my personal emails be seen by my company knowing that one uses POP3 and is delivered to its own mailbox and the other is setup on a BES account?I have disabled my contacts from being uploaded/synced with my work but I need to know if our IT can see my personal email. If so, how can I disable it?I want to say no, they can't but I am not 100%.
How can I set server network in blackberry bold 9700 I want my third-party applications to access the organization's intranet using your organization's network.when i tried edit permission of third party application, it shows RIM->connections, interactions, user data.. only allow, deny permission is there..[URL]
I got a new BB 9700 Bold yesterday and having problems with setting up the sync for the calendar and the contacts which are on my outlook. My hotmail email accounts are working okay. The outlook is on my PC and is the front face for my hotmail accounts.
When I go in to the BB Desktop device manager - version 5.0.1 (latest version) , I go in to the configure option on the left and it lets me click on calendar> then I select outlook and it then lets me select 'finish'. However at this stage an error box flashes up saying 'no available message stores'. In addition when I check the wifi config on the calendar and contacts icons on the BB device it will not let me select yes on the wireless connection for them.
I have a BB Bold 2 (9700). The Media Card slot wont lock down the card and keeps springing it out. If i keep the card pressed down it works but wont lock down.
I have Outlook 2007 on my desktop computer and use BT as a service provider and for my email, my Blackberry supplier is Vodafone and I use BIS.I have noticed that if my Blackberry receives an email first I don't get the same email delivered to my desktop. If my desktop gets an email first then the same email will be delivered to my Blackberry. I was happily deleting emails from my Blackberry thinking I would have them all on my desktop but I now find I have to check what emails I have on each before I delete anything. Is this an issue that anyone has come acrosss before and how do I resolve it apart from synching the Blackberry and desktop?I'm often away from the desktop which is why I bought the Blackberry in the first place.
Somewhat confused as to why my Curve is now not allowing me to link any email accounts to the phone via the Setup function. I am on a plan that allows this with O2 and I have confirmed this with their support team.
Essentially, if I go onto the Menu then Setup and Email Settings I'm presented with a screen titled "BlackBerry Internet Service" and "Existing Users".
I have tried my BIS username and password, individual account username and passwords but neither work. Strangely if I put an email account address in and click on 'Ok' I get an error saying the entire field is empty.. which it isn't.
i lost my 9300 and im trying to locate but cant since there isnt sufficient wireless coverage, most probably because it has been switched off, so it was suggested that i can locate it if my account is linked to someone else or rather sharing a blackberry id account?
For some reason all of a sudden my Facebook contacts are not in my contact list and there is no option to link... Facebook is in the list to show contacts but NOTHING!