I've noticed that when I receive a MMS message with sound, it default to mute and I am not able to hear it. On the old bold (9000), I was able to change the volume or make it mute right on the message. This doesn't give me an option to change the volume.I checked in my settings and there is nothing that looks wrong.
I have a bold 9700 v5.0.0.400(Platform always keep my phone on vibrate - I prefer it this way as I can be inconspicuous and answer at my convienience.I set an alarm the other day, and was shocked to discover it played an alarm ringtone.I also wanted to watch a movie silently, but it wouldn't let me, and started playing the track despite me thinking I had all the sounds off.Is there some master setting to mute all sounds, period?If not, how could I go about at least muting the alarm sounds?
Is there a way to disable the lock and mute buttons on the top of the BlackBerry Bold 9700? I just received my new windshield cradle that grips it from top and bottom, and the buttons are invariable pressed accidentally for a variety of reasons. Perhaps an application that can shut them off, or some type if setting?
9700 phone on Orange UK, version, platform how do I disable the little mute/lock button on the top of the phone? It works beautifully but means that when the phone is in my jeans pocket it unlocks itself and I've made several random calls. any ideas how to switch it off?
I just updated to 442 and everything else seems fine except for the fact that when on a call, as soon as the backlight times out, it mutes the mic and the party on the other end cannot hear me. Clicking the trackball "unmutes" the phone until the backlight times out again. This happens whether I'm on speakerphone or not.
I posted this in the actual OS thread as well but figured someone in here may read this and know of a solution.
I've done quite a few battery pulls hoping this would resolve the issue but it hasn't.
The nice thing about upgrading from 296 to this is when you are on a call and the backlight times out, the screen and everything but the 4 buttons on the trackpad row go dim. So if its dark you can still find these 4 buttons rather easily. I just wish I could figure out this mute issue.
I plugged my earbuds into my s6. The external sound did not mute, and the no sound came thru the earbuds. What's up. Note: I changed out earbuds, just in case, the first pair were bad.
I have tried looking before posting this but I can't find anything to help me. I upgraded to and my mute key no longer puts my phone into standby mode. How can I lock the keyboard when I put my phone into my purse now? Is this OS filled with bugs or is it actually better?
After installing the update, i found that i can't mute the song by pressing the right corner button(mute/standby button). Does anyone also facing such problem?
I did an upgrade to v5.0.0.680 on my Blackberry 9700 and after that my Standby - Mute button not working also the Email Setup is missing an option to add a personal account it only giving me option to add "Blackberry Enterprise Server."
I have a problem with my telephone that I can not mute sound of my camera.Sometimes I should take photos without sound. So I do not want any sound.I know it should be easy but I can not find it in the menus.I search on internet and somebody offer me to install a program for this.
So I've done my best to find a solution to my custom sound profile problems,but I can't seem to find any similar posts. On my 9700 the default sound profile overrides the custom profile. From everything I've read so far it's supposed to be the opposite correct? What am I missing or not understanding?
I no sound on my bb bold 9700. No ring tones, alerts, no keypad sounds, even the speaker phone is low. I have the volume on high. I've checked my sound icon and everything is set to loud and no sound comes out.
My sound profiles are all jumbled up-- I.e. I messed around too much. I want to know how to reset to Factory Sound Profiles. I have tried wiping all data and only restoring contacts and that doesn't seem to work. For instance, after a full security wipe, my Normal Profile will have my Emails silent, SMS normal, and BBM new messages as silent.
Last week I posted issues I was having getting into my phone after multiple attempts to down load Ver 2.0 of Docs2Go all of which failed.Well having managed to get back into my phone via desktop manager I was able to remove the offending application which enabled me to use the phone again.
I had to re-install the OS and then restore from a backup, however now I receive no email notification sounds. I'm only receiving visual led notifications due to having berrybuzz loaded as this also stopped working.All the profiles are correctly set and the sound is turned on in each, yet I'm unable to receive an audiable warning of new emails.
Every 24hrs, i keep getting this same problem on my blackberry 9700 bold (vodafone UK).I only realise it when someone rings me, or sends me a text, etc. - regardless of sound selected for any alert (from incoming call to sms to email etc) it just plays 3 beeps (which is definately an alert sound i recognise, but I can't identify which one it is. But its definitately on the list on the phone)So I try to select my ringtone and click 'Try It', and it says the following:"Invalid ringtone selected; please make another selection."Anyways, the problem goes away for a few hours after doing a battery pull. Then it comes back again.I also have BerryBuzz installed (if this at all makes any difference whatsoever)
i just got my BB this morning and was just playing around with the options. i set the trackpad to mute then i didnt like it so i changed it back to click. but now it doesnt have the click sound.am i missing out smth?
My bold 9700 has no sound working at the moment, it doesnt play ringtones, or message tones, and no music from the media!I have taken the phone to a shop, and have tried changing the sound card to no avail?