Xperia Z3 :: Messaging Service Using Lot Of Battery
Aug 9, 2015Since the update to 5.1 Messaging Service has been using alot of my battery. (see image) ... Multiple restarts and charge cycles haven't fixxed it.
View 4 RepliesSince the update to 5.1 Messaging Service has been using alot of my battery. (see image) ... Multiple restarts and charge cycles haven't fixxed it.
View 4 RepliesSince the latest lolly update, the "chat service" has disappeared as an option from the stock messaging app. The one where your texts were coloured yellow if they were being sent over the internet rather than an SMS. This is very frustrating, as I was just extolling the virtues of this feature to my wife who has the Z3C, I have the Z3. She raves about What'sApp you see. Now "Chat" is gone! It's not even in the settings menu as "enable chat service" anymore... Have deleted data from app etc to no avail. It has gone from both our 'phones BTW.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'll be sending or reading a received text or reading through some old ones, and the messaging service will crash, I'll then open handcent and the same thing will happen. it will come up with the message "the application has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again" with options force close or wait, I'll select force close, re-open it and it comes up again.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of adding new templates to the messaging service?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am unable to use Nokia Messaging service push email service on my Nokia after Belle Refresh install. I did a clean install and when ever I try to add email accounts its automatically taking IMAP or POP3 setup and not prompting me to use Nokia Messaging Service to send/receive email.IMAP / POP3 is fast but uses lots of data compared to Nokia Messaging Service (which is free from my provider and will not count towards data usage). I started noticing this problem since yesterday afternoon.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWill the Messaging App work when I have wifi connection but no cellular service? I'm going too Italy and am planning on taking my iPhone 4S. My Verizon service will not be viable there, but I will have a wifi connection most nights. When I connect will I get my text messages?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
Im having trouble idk why been sending emails with out a problem did an upgrade to a hybrid but i dont think that is the problem re sent all my service books, but when i go to reply to an email it says i dont have a service book for messaging?
View 8 Replies View Relatedthe service goes out all of a sudden, and i have to switch the phone off and on agin to regain service. this happens in areas where i normally have good service
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo recently (in the last few days), ive noticed that my 9700's battery life has been terrible, not being able to last through the day. My usage has not changed at all to warrant this behaviour. Also, i dont have stuff running in the background so i know its nothing like a rogue app killing resources
After getting pissed about it, i decided to investigate. Looking at the log (ALT-LGLG) ive noticed that its doing Geolocation calls every few minutes...what gives...has anyone experienced this? Also, how can i find out what is making the API call to the Geolocation service so i can troubleshoot this problem..
Firstly, I want to state how extremely impressed I am with the Amaze, both in its construction quality, its wonderful screen, very good normal use battery life, and its generally sophisticated and flawless operation. I am very satisfied with my choice.One of the very few problems I have had, is that occasionally, whilst still in city zones with good service, the phone will lose cellular signal, then run the battery flat much more rapidly than usual whilst trying to re-establish service. My first indication of the problem is when I find the phone dead, when it should still have say 80% charge. Remedy is to switch off & pull battery
Has anyone had similar experience?I recommend an audible warning when cellular service is lost, so that user can take remedial action before battery goes flat, and so that important incoming calls are not lost. This should be an easily programmable feature for next update.
Since 2 days ago my blackberry (BIS) isnt working anymore, edge s in small letters cant send or recieve bbm or mail messages calling my carrier didnt help and al the usual stuff as battery pull, reinstall os didnt work
View 12 Replies View RelatedFor the last couple days, I haven't been able to get more than around 4 hours from a full charge. The battery usage tool lists "Media" as the major culprit. I'm also getting frequent notifications of high CPU utilization from the task manager tool, though nothing interesting shows up in the task manager application list. (Maybe the "Media" service doesn't get shown there?) I recently upgraded to 2.3.6, but things seemed fine for the first few days, so I don't know if this is related.
I think I might have caused the issue when I removed a few mp3 music folders from my SD card using the Astro File manager. (For some reason the stock file manager would hang on trying to remove them, even though they weren't in use.) That seems to be roughly when the battery drain issues started. Also, I currently can't open the "Music" or "Gallery" applications - they just hang and eventually I get the force close option. I've rebooted multiple times, but this doesn't go away.
Recently com.motorola.service.main has been draining my battery rapidly. The phone itself seems to be running hotter. My usage patterns have not changes, but my data usage has increased. I've used 1.6G in 6 days when last month I was hard pressed to use 2G total.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAfter updating anna's service pack I noticed that my battery wont last as long as before the update. I checked for any open programs but everything is closed. I did not install anything new since the update btw.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an unusual issue I would like some assistance on since I just got a blackberry, I have the Curve 2 8530. I use Total Call Blocking with my carrier so that when I call anyone my number is automatically blocked / restricted. Therefore, in my contact list, I have my friends or family contacts listed with the *82 in front of the number to unblock for those people. This works fine for phone calls.
However, on Text Messaging / Picture Messaging, the *82 will cause these messages to fail. I am used to LG phones, you have the ability to edit the number while creating a message, before your send one of these messages. The problem I am having is when I send a Text Message / Picture Message it appears from the blackberry as only the 10 digit number (even though the contact has *82 in front of it)...and the message shows it is sent (with the check mark) but it NEVER received.
how to set a message ringtone?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do I set up a message group so I can send the same text to multiple people at the same time? I used to do this on my nokia but cannot find the way on the x10
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am facing a serious problem with my messaging app. It takes too long to load and to open messages. I cleared the app data and restarted my phone with no success. I deleted many messages to free space with no success neither.And it says: messaging is not responding do you want to close it? (Wait/ok.)
View 9 Replies View RelatedEvery few days I get a notification:
"Messaging not default sms app. Tap to make Messaging your default SMS.."
(that's what it says; it actually stops mid sentence). I click on it and there's a dialog box:
"Change SMS app?
Use messaging instead of Hangouts as your SMS app?
No Yes"
Now obviously I don't want to do this (why would anyone), but I click on No and the box goes away but it'll come back again later. I can't uninstall messaging, and when I load it to see if it has options to never do anything again ever the first thing it does is pop up the "Change sms app" box again, and when I press No it quits.
Several times a day now when I try to access messaging it comes up saying "unfortunately messaging has stopped" I then need to restart the phone to get it to work.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI try restart device, go to settings-> app-> all and force stopped messages, disable/enable, clear cache but no luck..
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhy does the app keep closing on me like nearly every time I try text someone, its really starting to annoy me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I use a prepaid phone card and try to send a message when I have insufficient credit the messaging service keeps trying to resend the message and ten or twenty pop-ups with "Insufficient credit" keeps coming, and I have to close them one by one.
The Messaging service should stop trying if it there is no credit.
How to filter contacts in "Messaging "? Actually when I type a word in filter part, it searches among text of messages and doesn't show the contacts....
View 1 Replies View RelatedToday suddenly both Messaging and Contacts became virtually unuseable. Both kept crashing and the device was getting through it battery really fast and getting hot. I tried to figure out what was wrong however as i had not installed any apps for a few days i could not see any reason for this sudden change.
I defaulted the device and started again, I have just got everying back and its started again.
When opening Messaging it wil be really slow - when typing the message its slow and you have to wait for the text to catch up.
When you go to dial a number it tries to query the number you are dialing against contacts - it keeps crashing and closing Contacts.
If you turn off WiFi and mobile data it seems to be better but still crashes from time to time.
I have selected to sync my contacts from Facebook and Exchange email however currently my contacts are empty.
Despite this I received an SMS from a Facebook contact and it displays their name in Messaging - but they are not there in contacts...
With Wifi truned on the device seems to be getting really hot.
Sending a sms will be highlighted green and when switched to chat is orange.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I receive a message or try to type a message my phone is continually freezing. the message "the applicatioon Messaging (processcom.sonyericsson.conversations) has stopped unexpectedly. please try again." The only option is "force close". Messaging in general is very slow as some of my conversations are very long with many messages. However when i try to delete these conversation the same message comes up.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've been using the stock messaging app and ChompSMS on my X10. After updating to 2.1 I wasn't going to install chomp since I found the stock app good enough. Then I noticed that if I type an SMS, longer than 3 SMS-es, it gets converted to MMS. And there is no setting to disable that. I have free SMS-es, I don't want to send MMS-es and pay for them. :S Why are there no settings for this in the app? Are they somewhere else in the phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAll my updated contacts have been restored to messaging but they are absent from the phone book. I cannot copy them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince I updated the software on my phone, the SMS messaging crashes all the time.
It was pretty slow before, but now it's unusable. I have tried app killer applications and tried deleting messaging history but it just can't seem to handle a simple request.
I love this phone, there's no other phone out there with the same design and shape, but I'm getting seriously fed up as this is not the first problem I've had. I think I will try a different manufacturer next time - SE have let me down.