Samsung Galaxy S II :: Otg Cable With Xbox 360 Pad, No Power
Jun 19, 2012
ive been looking at things you can do with the otg cable for galasy s 2 an dam it looks cool. so i got myself a cable 2 acctualy cuz they werent very expensive 1 from amazon an 1 from ebay 2 different cables. it works when i connect a usb flash driver to it totaly fine no problems at all. so i tried my usb mouse/kb, but no luck after a little bit of research i found out that some kb/mouse dont work if they need power so i moved on from that. then i watched some videos an read some threads about using an xbox 360 wired pad but i have the same problem, the lights flash once an then dont come back on an acts like its not powered ive seen others use same pads online an they work fine but not for me.
ps my cables do work usb storage is proff an pad is perfectly fine as i use 2 pads on xbox an work fine.
I will be in a hotel room that has a ethernet cable but no wifi so I like to connect my phone to the cable to access the internet . I have a USB2 OTG cable and a USB to RJ45 ethernet cable but when I connect it all up and try the web browser, the phone just say that it requires a Wi Fi connection.
I tried rooting the phone but keep getting a fail in Odin.
Version Android is 4.4.2 Phone model is SM-G900I Baseband G900IDVU1ANE1 bUILD KOT49H.G900IDVU1ANE1
If you use the setting to have the power button end a phone call, how do you turn the screen back on if it goes black during a phone conversation without ending the call?
Anyone SGS2 owner encounter power button sometimes not working properly? Not able to sleep/wake and long press for turn off/flight mode. Recently, have to take out battery while flight boarding.FYI: This is my 3rd replacement phone. High possibility causing by Android system. Or another hardware issue by Samsung.
I am running SetCPU and chose it to cut clock speed to 800mhz when the battery is at 30%. Can you recommend a clock speed which will help battery but won't make the phone slow.
When I switched my phone off last night it was on 67%.When I woke up this morning at 7.00am it was on 17% and told me to connect charger.At 10.30am the battery indicator was showing 29%.At 12noon the indicator was showing 33% at which point it has remained for the rest of the day until now and it is reading the phone discharges when it is switched off. Secondly how is it increasing in power?
My husband and I have each had an S2 w/T-Mobile for roughly five months. Several days ago his started restarting on its own any time the screen was turned off (either manually turned off by tapping the "power" button or when the screen timed out) but no other time. It was doing this for a couple of days. I contacted tech support and they suggested a factory reset, which I did. It came back online with no trouble, and he was able to log in to his accounts, make calls, send texts, etc. It didn't restart on its own at all for the couple of hours we had it with us that night. During those couple of hours it was plugged in to charge. We went to bed and the next morning it was completely dead. No response to any buttons, doesn't acknowledge when it's plugged in, nothing. We tried swapping batteries and SIM cards with my phone, and still nothing.
I keep pressing the power button whilst holding the phone. Is it possible to disable power button? Also why is there a long space/gap? like the above when I type
I had less than 7% of battery and I went into Ultra Power Saving Mode where I got only notification upper tab and blank screen below. I reboot my phone but stuck on Samsung logo. How to fix this?
Tried wipe cache in recovery mode and charging phone up to 100% but no luck, still stuck on Samsung logo.
Phone is international S6, not rooted, official. Any options except hard reset?
After activating my Ultra Power Saving mode, I was able to deactivate, however my phone then went into a similar power saving mode, grey scale screen, no apps and no option to exit the mode available on any accessible parts of the settings. Is this a bug? or have I activated a mode I didn't intend to?
how to make this controller work with the Galaxy S6?When plugged in nothing happens. Tried pairing couple of times. Still nothing.Tested the same setup on my GS5 and it connected right away.
I have recently upgraded from a 9650 to a 9930. Everything is fine except that when I have the device locked (via the new, inconveniently placed lock button) and plug in a power cable the phone unlocks. How do I disable this? Maybe I am the only one who is annoyed by this but what is the point of a button that locks the phone until you unlock it if other things can unlock it. It wouldn't be a problem if not for the touchscreen which I always seem to be pressing at the time I plug it in.
Purchased the Bionic and several accessories including the car dock today. When I opened the car dock package, I discovered that the way the Bionic dock is made requires a special micro USB to regular USB cable in order to be able to power the phone while it is in the dock.
This cable is shown in the owners manual for the dock, but was not included in my package. Instead, I got a cable suitable only for plugging the audio from the Bionic headphone jack to the aux input on the car stereo.
Did anyone else get the Bionic car dock? If so, did you get the power / audio cable described in the owners manual or just the audio cable I mention above? I will probably go discuss with Verizon tomorrow too, but just wanted to know if anyone here knows what was supposed to be in the car dock package.
When I lock my SGS II i would expect all the buttons to lock! However the power button function remain active and its far too easy to accidently power off my phone or set it into flight mode.Does anyone know how to disable this "feature" ??
Now that I have a USB cable for R451C what can I do with it other than up load lousy photos. With my Motorola it came with Moto tools with files photos and contacts.
I'm not sure if this has already discussed, but I could find no information on it through google searches or on these forums. How to download your pics from your Convoy SCH-U640 to your PC. 1. Gotta have a microSD card. 2. Your pics need to be on the card. You can set the phone to automatically save to the card, or you can move the pics to the card using the options menu in your "My Pictures" section. 3. Plug the phone into the computer using the data/charge USB cable 4. If the phone wants to sync just hit "End." 5. Open Menu/Settings & Tools/Tools/USB Mass Storage 6. Viola, you can browse the contents of your microSD and remove the pics. My mistake was I was looking in Menu/Settings & Tools/USB Mode to try and get the pics from the card. This activates the Sync mode, which is only for music, not pics.
I bought a 4GB SD card for my brand new Samsung T404G touch screen cell phone.I tried bluetooth transfer, but PC and phone wouldn't pair no big deal so I bought a USB cord.So now, PLEASE, will someone tell me exactly (remember am new and stupid about cell phones!) how I go about transferring the MP3 files?
Does anyone know if the prepaid T239 phone will communicate with a computer using cable APCBS10UBE?I read from some sites that the phone does not support pc sync while other say it does.If it does sync where can I find the usb driver?
i (987456321) have been unable to put games on my Samsung impact T746 (also called a Samsung highlight T749) since i have got it. i have looked around and tried all the methods and they did not work (for me anyway) so after mixing in things i heard around the interwebs i found out how to make it work for me. i put together a little tutorial on what i did and how i made it work. this is probably a total repeat of what someone else has said, but it might save someone some time and effort (and a trip to the store because they did something wrong, like me) 1. get the .jar for your game 2. use jadgen to make a .jad to go with that .jar file 3. plug your Samsung Impact into your computer 4. run samsung pc studio 5. open task manager and under process's delete ************ (i can not remember the name of the file, i will update when i can) this will make pc studio able to find the phone 6. now go back to pc studio and try to find phone, when you find your phone close pc studio 7. open tkfileexplorer (v2.2 works for me) 8. click settings>com>default, a COM* should appear in the Port spot 9. click ok, now connect to phone 10. on the bottom half to go exe>Java>Games 11. make a new folder (should be your games name) and put the jad and jar in there 12. repeat 11 for as many games/apps you have. 13. disconnect and unplug your phone. 14. go onto your Impact and touch "phone" 15. dial "*#6984125*#" you should be taken to a menu 16. click internals and type in *#9072641*# and hit ok 17. If clicking ok does not work (seems unresponsive to your clicks) turn your phone in the horizontal texting position and then try clicking ok 18. click storage settings, then update java DB 19. wait for it to finish then exit and go to your game folder, have fun i give credits to myself for writing this and i give credit to *will insert peoples names here when i find out who helped me and how*
I just bought the Corby Plus B3410 and it didn't come with a transfer cable or any software. I bought the correct size memory card with a card reader and I am now trying to make my own ringtones. It will let me use regular mp3 files as message alerts but not as a ringtone. I even attempted to use a DRM packager to forward-lock the files onto the memory card but it still wasn't accepted. It was a Sony Ericsson DRM packager but I don't know if that had anything to do with.
I was looking at the Samsung Data/Power connector, but I don't recognize it. Is it proprietary? Is there a name for it? It does not look like a mini or micro USB to me.
We enabled the power-on PIN option on the T401G, and created the PIN using the slide-out keyboard. We used letters and numbers in the PIN. But now when we power on the phone, and we're asked to enter the PIN...the slide-out keyboard is not activated. So we cannot enter the PIN, because we have no way to enter letters. The phone is basically unusable now. Things we're tried:
- remove battery & SIM, install battery, power on/off, install SIM. - enter the wrong PIN (which is all we can do) many times (> 10) - NET10's "solution" via e-mail is to hold down the */lock key, which does nothing.
I have noticed but just a few times. I will have my phone keypad locked and in my pocket. I will take it out and unlock it and it says Power Save Mode. Then when another key is pressed it goes away. What is this? Is it an automatic thing or am I pressing something to activate it?