Nokia Nseries :: N8 Camera - No Shutter Speed Control?
Oct 28, 2010
The designers of the N8 left out a HUGE camera setting, and that is the ability to directly control the shutter speed.
Right now the N8 cannot do things my old Sony Ericsson C905 can do, and that is slow down the shutter speed to take long 1sec+ photos at night.
So, you will never be able to use a tripod and capture tail lights from cars like this effect. I hope this gets address with a software update. Nokia is crippling this Carl Zeiss optics with limitations.
Is there a way to control the amount of shutter speed/time while taking a photo with the 808?
I would like to do long exposures and also force the camera not to drop beneath certain shutter speeds while shooting. White 808 Pureview NAMBlack N8 NAMSilver N95-3 NAM
The n8 has a minimum shutter speed of 1/15s in the default camera (from what I have read). With CameraPro, you can get it down to 1/5s (although I am sure I saw 1/2.5s). I would love a bulb stop, but a multi second option would also be great. Night shots could be enhanced - for example car headlight trails, star pics (ie. astrophotography).
I am consistently disgusted on how dumb the focus on the 808 is. I have countless photos where everything on screen is blurred out even with focus light on and Human faces detected by the actual camera. Sometimes I have to touch focus 3 times to get a non retarded full screen photo. And consistently the shutter speed is too slow for clear photos. This is all on default automatic mode.
White 808 Pureview NAMBlack N8 NAMSilver N95-3 NAM
So far the images are quite good in quality. I am still waiting for Nokia accessory for Camera Tripod Mount to arrive in my country, Malaysia.Some feedback for you Nokia guys, it will be nice to have a Camera Shutter Timer so that the photographer can be part of a group photo as well don't you think?
I know this may be a silly question, but does anyone know what the "shutter speed" of the iPhone 4s camera is. Also,in terms of standard 35mm still photography, what is the equivalent focal length of the widest setting of the main camera?
My N8's shutter is stuck shut. I turn the camera function on and everything loads up BUT, the shutter doesn't open at all. So every picture is complete darkness. I can focus (on pitch black), change all the settings but to no avail. The only thing I see on the screen is total pitch black. The black shutter makes a funny noise and seems to fail over and not open.
How can I change the camera shutter tone to louder snap sound.I want to change it to some other sound also..Please don't ask me to download other camera apps. I have tried so many but still prefer the original apps which give me the best picture and video always.
Is there any Camera driver available for c510 which can give a very fast shutter speed (say 12000 of a sec). So that I could capture fast moving objects exactly ,without blurring!
I recently got my Nokia N97 Mini and I am just wondering if its possible to disable the Camera Shutter noise whenever your taking a picture, And is it possible to turn off the Red Light when recording? Its annoying when I am trying to record something, Sometimes it will reflect off surfaces.. Also the Camera Shutter noise is annoying, Interrupts silence when I want to take pictures, at special events. Is there a way to Disable these 2 things?
I bought my 808 in Singapore, a country where other brands of smartphones come with an option to turn off the shutter sound eg HTC Desire S or an option to turn off the shutter sound when phone is in silent mode eg Samsung Galaxy S2. I was disappointed upon purchase of 808 to find that no such option existed.I would like to request Nokia to consider releasing a software update that allows users to turn off the shutter sound either as a setting or when phone is in silent mode. This was what Sony Ericsson did for its K700i model many years ago.There is a need to consider the varied needs of users eg the need not to awaken the baby when getting a shot. I wonder if this post is sufficient to convey my request to Nokia or should I make my request known to Nokia in another way that you can suggest?
First, I tried search. Its worthless and even the mesage that is supposed to tell you how to use it is broken.Recently I have had trouble with the slide out keyboard. It is putting 2 or 3 characters in the message before I can lift my finger. Is this a hardware failure or is there a way to control the speed of this repeat like on a PC?This is a real PITA as I hate the on screen touch keyboard.
I'm having a problem with the inner camera shutter on my N86. When I open the outer shutter, the camera software starts but the inner mechanical shutter doesn't open. I can even take a picture of the inside of it!Does anyone else have this problem and does anyone know a way round it?
I have a Nokia 500 since last week. I would like to create a shortcut to speed dialling, but only applications, first level, are available. In my opinion, it would be possible to choose an option within the application.
having upgraded from my much loved nokia n97 mini, to the new lumia 800 (very impressed aswell).
But.. No speed camera alerts (this was a much loved feature for me in ovi maps) No Favourite route option (again, this was a much used feature for me in ovi maps), found it brilliant if i stumbled upon a place whilst driving, and thought i want to check this place out. used to pull over where safe, and pin the point, and go back when i had time.
On the plus side, bigger mapping, 3d symbols, and a much clearer and louder voice tellig you where to go.
E73 running symbian etc. on T-mobile network. Used on an Wireless LAN for calls / web as well as regular cell, as per most people.
I found (looking from both PC-suite and via phone's application manager) that I had new installs of Fr0MA_0x2000E2FC, the Fr0MA_installer, MDM_Client, Media DS Plugin, MMS DS Plugin, PIPS Installer,etc. Never saw them earlier.
These are new to me, but web searches show they can be associated with digital rights. However, given potential power of the Apps from a remote site I was worried.
1. If I remove them is there any risk to phone use (i.e., if needed can I reinstall them).
2. Where are they likely to have recently appeared from (another app's support, malware, T-mobile or Nokia).
I Like to control my Nokia 5230 from my Netbook. So I found the software app Remote Professional. Yes its connects, and then it does nothing enymore. I get a white screen, and see no virtual Nokia Interface. ( I wrote 2 times to Remote Professional since I have a registred version. I did never get an answer))) Is there a decent software application wich provides this functionality without problems. I have an older WM 5 device, and that is more reliable than this Nokia Device, it misses however radio and max SD card space for 2 GB but the virtual PDA on my Netbook was running without problems.
When I connect my 808, N8 or C6-01 (all running Belle) to a Play 360 speaker have noticed an inconsistency in the volume control function.Firstly let me make this easier to explain by pretending that the Belle devices all have 10 volume levels and the Play 360 speaker has 10 volume levels.Secondly I will explain how I expect the volume controls to work and indeed how it does work on my N95 and N97 (yes I've been very thorough with my testing!):When I set my phone (N95 or N97) volume to any number from 1 to 10 the speaker plays at exactly that volume level. If I increase or decrease the volume level on my phone (N95 or N97) then the volume level on the Play 360 speaker increases or decreses to match the phone's level.
When I adjust the volume level using the +/- buttons on the Play 360 speaker the phone (N95 or N97) volume level adjusts to match the change. So, no matter how I change the volume the phone and speaker are always in sync, e.g. 1=1, 2=2, 5=5, 10=10.Now we're getting to the problem...On my Belle devices, 808, N8 and C6-01 the volume levels only sync with the Play 360 when music is not playing. As soon as I play music the levels become independant of one another.For example: While the music is paused I can press the - button on the Play 360 to reduce the volume to level 1. I also do the same on my 808. So now both devices are at level 1. Remember, the music is currently paused. If I increase the volume on the Play 360 I see on the 808 screen that the volume increases there too.Same for decreasing volume too, both stay in sync as long as music is paused.
However, when I start the music playing and press +/- on the Play 360, although the ambient volume changes accordingly, the phone volume level remains the same. This means that even after I've got the Play 360 at max volume, I can then increase it further by using the volume control on the 808.What you end up with is 10 levels of volume on the Belle phone and ten levels of volume on the Play 360. As long as no music is playing they adjust together. When music plays they adjust independantly.
how to reduce volume when playing Bounce in games? This phone does not have a volume rocker and I can't see how to turn the sound down when I am in Bounce. It's very loud. The only thing I've been able to do is to set the phone to silent. Surely there is a way to adjust the volume when in games?
Just got this phone and have a question, when i enter a route the speed limit function works and the speed camera detection works.Is there anyway to get this working in free map mode.