Nokia Nseries :: Could Not Connect N8 With Ovi Store
Oct 25, 2010
I got my N8 from Vodafone as upgrade today, but I could not connect with Ovi Store it shows " unable to connect to service". I had also uninstall and then install again.
Prompted unable to connect service try again later when trying to open ovi store on N8. The Ovi 1Mb, Ovi Store 3Mb and Ovi Store Installer 5Mb are shown as installed applications,
Nokia 5800xm can't connect to internet or ovi store.Just got my phone back after a Firmware reset. Now it can't connect to internet or ovi store. It keeps coming up with Invalid Server Name.
Im downloading some app at ovi store in my PC using Nokia PC Suite, my N8 connects to my pc using Bluetooth.
i can install some app but some of them are cancelled with this error message "Network connection lost cancelling installation" and there's a message to select a particular icon to continue installation, but i cant find that icon in my N8 some snapshot of this error is attached
I use Nokia N8 and Ovi store 2.0. As the the title states, when I press buy button in Ovi store it shows "Server error, we are experiencing problems with the payment service. You will be taken back to the catalog page." It occurs to all apps not specific app. The price shows correctly in local currency. I still didn't enter any card number. I've contacted Nokia call center which they received the issue with no response and solution for more than 1 week.
I have a Nokia N82 running on v35.0.002 and whenever I try downloading Ovi Store from the download pplication it downloads well but when it reaches 75% of installation it says unable to install
I am unable to login to the Ovi Store on my brand new N78 because I can't sign in to my account. While I can sign in fine on the Internet, I can't press the sign in button below my username and password. I am able to open other links by clicking on them so this is very frustrating.
I restarted my N8 the other day, and the login to nokia's window pops out after that. I connected to wi-fi and tried to login but failed everytime. And then i tried to login to my account on ovi store, it failed too. And i tried to download apps, but the download button doesnt work. What is wrong? What should i do? I need to download stuff.
My problem is I cant install ovi store on my nokia. When i download installation file and run it, it says its installing. When its almost end of installation it says 'installation was impossible'.
When I bought my nokia 701 I had pre-installed shazam.For a mistake I deleted it, I can't get the app back from nokia store (shazam not available for symbian belle) and every version I installed is bugged (apps automatically closed after few seconds).I sent an email to your support and they answer to upgrade my firmware (thing I already did, I restored it too) but nothing changes shazam is still not there.I asked how can I get it back from the "initial" firmware but I had no answer
I tried signing in over and over but it keeps saying operation could not be completed due to an error. my account name and pass is correct, i tried signing in to the ovi store on the website on the computer and it works. but i try signing in to the ovi store app, it comes up with an error
can not install shop. Tried toinstall four different versions, including misrepresented and that you download the browser when they click the icon.At the end of the installation says: "Installation not possible"
Applications from OVI Store not working in Nokia N8, I got the phone 3 months back, I tried installing Flash SMS, it does not work. The network part is also messy, some times it says network unavailable. I am utterly disappointed, with Nokia, the services have degraded, keep going, keep it up. My nokia N8 has Belle.
I am unable to login to Nokia store after upgrading to nokia belle. My wifi connection is working fine for everything else. But when I try to login to nokia store it gives me an error that "Unable to Complete the Operation Due to Connection Error."
I've got the Nokia N8 and I haven't been able to download any games onto my phone. I always use WLAN and am able to access the internet (including the Ovi store page) at all times. However, once I click "download" and it asks for the username and password, it always has the error "Network Error - Please Try Again". I keep trying a few times, and the connection is timed out.I have this cool phone but I can't play any games on it!
Had to do a factory restart because of a problem with m4e and I now have the new version of swype V1.0.19197.Although it works fine the landscape keyboard is ridiculously small and I want reinstall the previous version that I had.
Anybody have any ideas on how to find out what the previous version was and how to reinstall it.
I have a bug while trying to install Nokia Store v3.30.014. The install hangs on a white screen with the text "Please wait. Installation will take few minutes" and a progress bar which never shows anything. I let the phone this morning on this screen for about 30 mins, so I think it just hangs with no action.More on this I tried reporting this using support for in the store, but it gives an error saying that I have errors in fields marked with red, but none are red or showing any error (I have only message field, email which is actually just showing my account email as text
My N8 keeps connecting to OVI Store via WAP when WLAN available. Not only is WLAN available, it is connected and #1 in the list - checked via Connection Manager.
The Browser etc. has no problem - uses WLAN as expected. I can't find anywhere to set the OVI Store access priorities - I assume it's supposed to use Connection Manager?
Main issue is that all attempts at downloading games/apps via the onboard "Store" app end up failing. Click on download, shows "downloading" briefly but almost immediately shows an error that download has failed. This happens with ALL apps in the Store.