I have an Nokia N97 and i love it.There is only 1 thing i hate about the phone, and that is that you can't remove the clock/date/profile widget when you swipe the screen.I'm not the only one who thinks that way.It would be nice if Nokia makes this option available.
My clock/weather widget is still showing up on my home screen, but I can no longer click on it to get to the clock app with the world clock and the alarms. I can't find the clock app on the phone at all anymore. How do I get it back? I go get a new clock app from the app store, but I really like the HTC sense clock.
by default settings, this phone displays the date and the current profile (General, Exterior, Silent etc) on the "desktop". I let my 1 year-old play with it one day and they disappeared.
by default settings, this phone displays the date and the current profile (General, Exterior, Silent etc) on the "desktop". I let my 1 year-old play with it one day and they disappeared. The thing is I can't get them back, I don't know how.
Generally each theme head different styles of clock in their own but when we applying theme everything get changes (like icon of menu etc.) Except home screen clock widget" Always the home screen clock widget showing in its default style only .We want different styles of clock widget as per theme style this is my request on behalf of all Nokia smart phone users, consider my request and do some thing "
An update for the home screen widget was made available and installed. Phone restarted as part of the installation. When restarted the clock on the homescreen disappeared. Cannot find option to get the clock back.
I have a wonderfull Sony Xperia Active. But in the past this Widget do not refresh the Tem and date.I must always delte the widget and made it new.All other things refresh korrekt.I allready installed no Apps then the sony apps and a other Weather App.
Bought a used Curve with no instruction manual. Sounds very echoey and hard to hear others/for others to hear me, almost like a speakerphone but it isn't. Also, how do I set profile for alarm clock notification only?
How to get the lock screen clock widget on the home screen? I added the widget but it's a different version of the clock with a white or black box around it depending on the time. I can't seem to find one with a transparent background like the lock screen widget.
Is there any way to customise the shortcuts built into the stock clock/weather widget? I like the look of it, but I'd prefer if clicking on the weather brought me to a different (i.e. better) weather app than the stock one.
Downloading another widget is not the answer to a broken widget. My Motorola Date/Time Widget now freezes every night when I charge the phone. I know how to resize the widget to get it unstuck. I know I can try to download another widget to replace it.What I don't know is why Motorola doesn't fix this teeny little widget and make it work correctly?
Main screen > 2sec taphold > stock Motorola widget > Date and time > Clock style > drop down option show analogue & digital - can't see the digital or analogue clocks options. Could see the different clocks in 2.1 and then select. But not in 2.2.2. You just select digital and see if it appears on the screen after stepping out of this settingsBut despite selecting digital, after revisiting the settings box, it still shows analogue - it should show digital since I selected digitalOn the screen the digital time & date widget shows up with time (top part: time side is ok) but with date (bottom part), this part shows the entire calendar with the highlight on present date. Funny aspect is that earlier at the first ever initial time I selected this widget, it showed up with the date i.e., with bigger matching font size to time (top: time , bottom: date) but later it stuck to the entire month-calendar format as mentioned above. After this the widget screen size also remained unchangeable. This widget can't be resized. It could be resized in 2.1 with your format in mind.
Its stuck on this:I just want to see the date and time (3:44pm 15 Nov Mon) and not the entire month-calendar ... ideally this should go away once the widget is resized.Its quite surprising to see 2.2 behave so .. for a lack of better word .. buggish. I did the bit where you switch off the phone, remove the battery and fit it back and restart, but this didn't do much.Update:Got this widget to resize by fluke when I tried to insert another application on the home screen and so I have managed to at least get the widget to become smaller, albeit in the 'vertical stack' form. That means this widget gets resized only when another application's insert 'forces' it to resize but only in this form .. something is better than nothing I guess BUT AM LOOKING FOR THIS WIDTH & 'HORIZONTAL' FIT AS PER THE PIC BELOW [was easily possible in the stock Android 2.1]ndo Screen-Lock:I was able to undo the screen-lock in 2.1 ... any advice on how I can get the Defy to open straight on the home menu screen without having to go thru the 'unlock screen swipe' in 2.2.2?
I inadvertently removed the HTC digital clock widget from my home screen. I have tried to restore it, but only managed to get either a very large or a small analog clock.How can I get the digital one with the weather summary back?
Home screen droid turbo. Circle clock widget. What is that top bar measuring. I know bottom is battery. I see what almost looks like the gps symbol next to the bar. Wondering what exactly this is representing....
I have an issue with the HTC stock weather/clock widget. The weather portion will update for a while and stops after about 6 hours. A reboot will fix the problem for about 6 hours. I have the weather app scheduled to update every hour. The same thing also happens with my Beweather widget.
My clock will randomly be tiny in the center of my screen, but when I press and hold it to re-size it's already as big as it will go? So I go small, then back to big to make it full size again
The clock and weather widget disappeared from the home screen. I tried downloading another one from the playstore, but it won't appear on the homescreen. The icon for it is there, but not the actual clock and weather. How can I get back the original, installed widget?
When I hold and press my home screen it brings up the menu to change my wallpaper, I can move the widgets around in the 4 corners of my Xperia Mini 10 but I want my clock back in the middle of my home screen.....
I found a weird bug and wanted to report it. If you attemt to add the World Clock widget on the home screen it will cause the LED light to flash green continuously when the display goes to sleep. Deleting the widget off screen doesn't make it go away and to make things worse, when rebooting the Atrix 2 the LED flashing comes back because once you apply this clock it will forever run in the background every time phone boots. You have to do a master reset to make this nightmare go away. Update: It appears that what causes this is when for the very first time you apply this widget it scans for your location and if unsuccessful is how this problem starts. Deleting the widget, clearing data and rebooting doesn't fix it. You have no other choice but to master reset the phone. If you were successful then it will function like it should.
Suddenly, the phone's clock started showing a time that was offset by two hours for my local time.
I deselected automatic time zone and auto date/time and set them manually. If I return it to automatic, it will show my precise location but the timezone and local time would be offset by two hours (earlier, not later).
Currently, I have auto date/time and selected my time zone automatically. It shows the right date and time but the screen showing my current position still shows the clock two hours behind.
Does anybody know if it is possible to display the time / clock and date on my phone's screen when the phone is on but in "standby mode" (black screen)? I can't find a setting anywhere on the menu to activate this.
While I like the functionality of the Moto Command Center it doesn't fit my phone's theme very well. I am using Nova Launcher with UP icon pack. I'm looking for something different. What do you use for a home screen weather/clock/battery (if included) widget?
I installed the Goggle Now launcher and have lost my weather-clock widget. Attempted to install again and nothing appears just blank screen. Also used to have counters on text, missed calls, facebook notifications, etc now nothing. How do I get back to the launcher that came with the phone.
When I put my Atrix in my HD dock and the dock is powered on, the Atrix automatically brings up the widget clock in landscape. When the dock is powered off, nothing happens (screen stays off). Is there a way to start the widget clock mode manually -- I do not want to leave the Atrix charging all the time. I notice that there is an app to start the car dock view. Is there one to start the landscape clock widget? The Atrix is up to date running 2.3.4.
Any use the Motorola Date and Time Widget? Mine seems to hang at night (seemingly about 20min after I plug it in for charging) and stays on yesterdays date and time until somehow it corrects itself the next day. There is no way to "activate it" or make it correct itself. All other clocks and calendars are correct.