I have setup and used a SIP profile through the advanced VOIP settings etc.However once a net call is made, the profile registers with the ITSP, but then stays linked whilst the E72 is within range of one of the WiFi access points.Is there any way of manually disabling the profile so it disconnects from SIP until another call is started?
I have brand new Nokia E-72 phone. I have downloaded and installed Nokia Ovi suite and have updated the phone. My problem is I DO NOT have a vibrate profile under profiles in setting. It only switches from normal to silent.
After Belle is there an easy way to see (without many clicks) which profile is in use on the phone? On Anna you could see this straight from the start screen....
While browsing different dates on calendar's month view, the active day view changes back to current day itself in about every 20 sec. Can this set to disabled somehow?
I have just been given an E5 for work and rather than it just have a blank screen whilst not using it I wondered if you are able to set it to display the clock? Have tried but failed so far!
Months ago I remember reading complaints about the home screen clock randomly disappearing on some E72 phones. Some time later, I began seeing the problem on my E73. Has anybody reading this post had this problem? I may have found the cause, and am hoping to get feedback.Until recently, the only third party program always running on my E73 was F-Secure's free Mobile Security app. (The program lets you remotely track, lock, and wipe your phone via SMS if it's lost.) I have found that running Java apps like Opera Mini and the MidpSSH telnet/ssh client will sometimes make the clock vanish, and sometimes additionally the UI of a newly-launched program (Java or otherwise) may lock up. Removing Mobile Security fixes all these issues.So is anybody who sees their clock randomly disappear also running Mobile Security?
Today I played with speed dialing and accidentally set my own number as the mailbox number(assigned speed dialing No. 1) and I can't seem to find any way to correct this(to chnage the assigned number). Can anybody suggest to me how to change the assigned speed dialing number For specifically No 1?And I also noticed something strange that everytime I call anybody on my list after dialling window message it is always followed with Active divert alert message window.I never noticed this before...how do I get rid of this annoying divert alert message eevrytime I call anybody else when there's no diverting that took place.
When I'm on a call people tend to get some sort of interference It seems like my packet data connection remains active and I'm sure that's what's causing it.Is there a way to disable the connection while on a call, I know its meant to do that but I don't seem to get notifications that the connection is being disabled.
another bug with the one touch keys after the new firmware.(previously the long hold contact key did nothing, which was fixed)you can't assign active notes to any of the one touch keys. you can assign other built-in apps or 3rd party apps you install but you just won't find active notes.
I had setup and Active Exchange account for my Gmail (this way I could also sync my mail, calendar, and todo lists easily). Everything was working smoothly, until I installed the Mircrosoft Apps update yesterday. Now I can no longer get this to work. It says my Inbox is empty and never finds any mail. It did work yesterday after I deleted the mail account re setup the active exchange account. But then last night I turned my phone off and this morning when I had turned it on, the account email inbox was all blank/empty. The Calendar was still synced though.Now I am trying to re setup the account, and its not working at all.(Nokia E7 Belle phone)
yesterday my phone was fine, and this morning when I got it off charge, the screen seemed heaps dark. So I went to turn the screen up in 'Light sensor' and it comes up with "Unable to change setting. Power saving mode active."How do I get it off this mode? I've looked everywhere basic and nothing meets the eye.
I recently upgraded to Anna and cannot change my profile, it is stuck on General. When I select other options like Silent, it simply does not change. It does not matter where I try to change it from, e.g. the widget or from the power button menu.
i have just bought a brand-new E5 and i love it. but i noticed something. when i put the standby mode to "Basic" the clock is nowhere to be found. how is this? is there a way (without changing the standby mode screen) to place the clock on the main screen?
I have an Nokia N97 and i love it.There is only 1 thing i hate about the phone, and that is that you can't remove the clock/date/profile widget when you swipe the screen.I'm not the only one who thinks that way.It would be nice if Nokia makes this option available.
Bought a used Curve with no instruction manual. Sounds very echoey and hard to hear others/for others to hear me, almost like a speakerphone but it isn't. Also, how do I set profile for alarm clock notification only?
I'm having an issue with custom alerts that are set with some people and the active profile setting. here's what's going on...i have custom ringers on a few family members and since some of the ringers are low in volume, i set the volume individually. today i had to go to a memorial service and i decided to make sure my phone was on silent so i don't have my phone going on in the middle of the service. i set my profile to silent, called myself using my dad's phone and what do i hear, his ringer! i did a battery pull...same thing. i tried to call myself using my dad's phone again, but this time using *67 and no ringtone, just showed that i had a call coming through. with no time on my hands before heading out the door, i just turned off my phone.
Now i found an alternative, but not quite a solution...i can have custom ringtones for people, but not change the volume and whatever profile is set will happen. is there a better way? did i receive a faulty device, although i think it's more a software issue.
I've just upgraded my Blackberry 9700 to firmware I noticed the Auto Standby 2.4.1 utility that locks the keyboard after 30 seconds doesn't function anymore. An automatic keyboard lock is a very basic functionality for every phone and it would be good if it can be reinstated in a future firmware release. I'm now using Ultimate Lock but this can't be activated by the top-left lock button. I'm also a fan of the Bedside mode as it prevents the LED from blinking at night and switches profiles automatically when you put it in the charging pod. Is there a way to prevent the clock from being displayed while the phone is charging in bedside mode? I've already set "Dim Screen" to Yes but it still lights up the room.
I have tried everything to try and resolve my issues but have not been able to do so. First, I accidently hid a picture by checking the 'hide' field. Now how do you get it back?! I've had a couple of my friends with the same phone try and figure it out and they havent been able to.Secondly, when I choose a picture to be my wallpaper, it shows in a zoomed in version of the top left corner of the picture. I do recall when I was choosing the picture to set as my wallpaper, that I zoomed in on it before setting it, but used the 'back' key to remove the zoom feature. It appeared ok on the screen but set the wallpaper as the zoomed in picture. Now it doesn't matter which picture I choose, I get on the top left side, zoomed in showing up on my wallpaper. - even though it appears normal before setting it.
Will the next iOS update provide users to set up profiles that can be changed manually or by a chosen location setting. Or an a app with the same ability
all of a sudden my icons lost color. not all of them, but most of them. when i tried to hide icons that i do not use, it would not hide them. and i cannot recharge my phone from the auto. i have tried other autos and different chargers, the electric charger works fine too.
I have an app, Activity Classifier, that uses the handset accelerometers to provide information on activities and total exercise. It automates exercise tracking, classifies activities by type and quantifies aerobic intensity. Live data streamed from an Xperia Arc using the app is displayed in a blog. While it is possible to use on the Active it is unfortunately more difficult on the Active than the Arc because the Active accelerometers have a fault that is hard to get around. The problem is that the accelerometers sometimes take quite a while to start sampling when either started or the sampling frequency is changed.Occasionally it can take longer than 90 seconds. The problem can be seen with the app Accelerometer Frequency. Switch between sampling frequencies and notice that sometimes it switches instantly and sometimes it doesn't. To minimise battery consumption Activity Classifier acquires data from the accelerometers for 6 seconds out of every 30. If no other app is using the accelerometers they will start and stop every sampling period. On the Active they frequently don't start and the app detects a faulty accelerometer. The app has an option to keep accelerometers on and if this is selected it will work OK but battery consumption goes up a lot. The Active comes with a pedometer app called Walkmate. I can see from the Accelerometer Frequency app that Walkmate keeps the acclerometers running at 50 Hz and running Walkmate at the same time as Activity Classifier will make Activity Classifier work OK as well. Walkmate seems pretty power efficient and uses less than half the power of the market leading pedometer app Accupedo, run in power balanced mode, but it counts a different number of steps.
i cant call my phone when my xperia active go to lock screen mode...it looks like i've shut down my phone but i'm not...is any1 here can help me with this matter...i'll already update my phone 2 the latest software update via pc companion....and 1 other Q is y r my xperia active always restart at random period of time