Nokia 5800 :: Unable Determine Text Message In Standby Screen?
Feb 7, 2010
Just want to ask if 5800 will be able to determined the text messages came from in the standby screen? is it like the samsung phones that you'll already know the person's name who texted you?
The 5800 and 5530 don't dispaly the name of the sender when a text message is received, right, Well so I thought. and I wasn't too happy about it as all my previous phones had this facility. Then a few days ago I got a message on my 5530 and when I looked at the screen there waa white star overlaying the image of the sender on my contacts bar. Great, I thought, I'd never noticed that before! But how could this be? I haven't had a firmware upgrade or anything. Since then I've found that I occasionally get the star on messages from this one contact, but not on messages from any of my other contacts.What's going on? I've searched the web and can find no references to this at all.Have any other users noticed this feature? And can anyone explain why it doen't work for all contacts?
i have a nokia 5800 xpress music latest firmware (40) and everything, but latley when i get a normal SMS from someone (i know the person gotten messages from him before), it tells me Unable to open: message format not supported. however the message shows in the in-box (the first few words or so, after the senders name) and if i go to a previous text and then click the arrow (or the pound key) that takes me to the next text, it'll open fine.. it kinda **bleep** me off i tried restarting the phone didn't help
I want to set up my 5800 to work in the car as a music/navigation/handsfree device. I created a Car profile with ring volumes and other stuff set up just the way I want it. However, I cannot make the screen not to timeout and turn off. Basically, the automatic screen lock is deactivated and shouldn't get into way. When I plug the aux cable into the phone I select the Music Stand accessory which is the only one that has a Screen control setting. It is set to On, from the default Automatic. However, the screen goes black anyway, but the buttons stay lit.
What is the practical standby time of this phone running v51? (I'm not patient enough to test it myself so if anyone has tried this please let me know.)
Right i have had my 5800 for around 3 months now and yesterday i came across a problem,i can recives texts fine but i get no notification, no tone, no vibrate not even the little message icon on the top of the screen,the blinking white light still flashes and i can go into my inbox and see them.
If I try and switch an alarm off when it is rining, I am unable to do so using the touch screen.I have to press the red button, then go into the alarms and physically remove the alarm.This never happened with v30 (the last firmware I had)Why does this happen?How can I stop it from happening?
My touchcreen on my phone isnt working, and all my contacts are stored on the phone and i cant access them, any way i can take them off the phone!help please
I have nokia 5800 and i like it very much... But i have a problem with it ..... the problem that when i download any thing from nokia OVI Store from my mobile like: Games, apps and videos when download finished and starting to install the games or the apps it's say's: "installation failed" and when i redownload it again nothing change and keep saying "installation failed" ........ and i noted that when i install app ( themes, apps and games ) on my mobile by ovi suite or by file manager it also say's to me "Expired Certificat" even if i signed this apps but it alwyas say's "Expired Certificat"....... for this problem i did: hard reset - format my mobile - format my sd card - update my mobile to v40 - but the problem never stops to return in a few hours ..... then i find out that when i need to install any app on my mobile (by ovi suite or ovi store in my mobile or file manager) i have to switch off the mobile and turn it on again to install what ever i want ...... so Plz help me out
1- I have 2 friends having the same problem that i have and they did what i did
2- my mobile software v. when the problem stated v31
I currently have a NE63 - 3 phone and is currently loving it however two days ago i started getting a sending failed error message everytime I attempt to send text messages and when I click on the details it would say not enough memory please close other applications.I have enough load credits to perform such activity,and i do not have any other applications running in the background,plus the phone memory is nowhere near full capacity.I have already checked the message center number and I currently have the correct settings,I have already peformed a reset but to no avail.I am able to receive text messages,able to make and receive calls,wi - fi access is okay,the only thing I cant do is send text messages.I know there are other e63 users out there who might have experienced the same thing.
I am not able to receive the text message to verify my phone. I want to be able to download games from my computer to my phone by sending it. I am guessing that I need to verify this first. Now I am having a problem even purchasing the games on my cell phone with my credit card.
Since I can't reboot with memory card, my main screen is completely wrong, I can't see my four shortcut icons (I can see only hover icon), green (last calls) and red buttons doesn't work, two bottom icons (num keyboard and contacts) doesn't work too. So if I want to insert hard reset code, I canīt. Restart without memory card and SIM card, shut down-power up and restore factory settings canīt solve my problem.
I am using my Atrix 2 only on WiFi (I have taken out of sim Card) in a foreign country.Google Maps, News and Weather apps are not able to determine my current location.Also, the stock weather widget inaccurately determines the location. Also when I go to and from my browser, it goes to the customized page of the foreign country. Also, the location is enabled for WiFi and disabled for GPS. Since, I only using WiFi, using GPS is not useful.
My nokia 5800 software version doens't updated from the last one year. when i cross check in site, current version & my hand set version are entirely different. my hand set version is 30.0.011.C01.01.
But in system its now like 40............... so here i wanted to know what would be the problem?please go through my model other details below.
Software version: V 30.0.011 software version date: 29-06-09 custom version: 30.0.011.C01.01 custome version date: 29-06-09 Language set: 19 Model: 5800 XpressMusic Type: RM-356
i try to update it through mobile updater itself. But everytime its showing ' No update available'.
I purchased this phone today, and one annoyance is the icon size on the standby screen. I've had a good look and I can't find anywhere to set them to be smaller? Any ideas?
I recently purchased a Nokia 5130 from a TMobile store, and since I have started using it, I noticed that whenever I activate keyguard and wait for a little bit, the phone screen turns blank and would not show anything at all (I am used to S40 and S60 phones showing a bar with the time and date, the number of unread messages and missed calls showing everytime they are on standby). However, I also noticed that whenever I unlock the keypad and the backlight shows back up, the bar is actually there before it fades away and returns back to the home screen. Could it be that the screen is actually turning itself off whenever it's on keyguard standby?
When I try to forward a text message to more than 10 people by using the contacts menu to select the recipients, the message changes from text message to multimedia message.
Since, I do not have a subscription for multimedia messages with my service provider, the message remains in the outbox and never gets sent.
Can someone advice why the text message converts to multimedia message? How to prevent this from happening everytime I send/forward text message to more than 10 people from the contacts list?
I can't get the email / calendar of the active standby to fill the screen on the E72 that I just picked up.
Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Do I just need to find a suitable theme? I am at least looking for the width to be used up, but it would be nice to use up some of the vertical space to show an extra email or something.
Whenever I receive a text message the sender is highlighted in grey, and has mauve font colour; well it may be red, but on grey? well you know!
How do I change the font to white, 'cos I now believe the highlighting makes it a quick link.Took the phone into a big phone store where they used their own 5800XM. They couldn't resolve it. I did notice that my phone has a red side livery ,and has a red font colour; whilst the shop one had a blue livery, with a blue font. Is this any indication, and would it mean I need to download another theme from Nokia?
Phone adds a 1 in front of the phone number of the text. I am only using a 10 digit munber, but the phone keeps adding a 1. I get an error message saying invalid number and to resend using a valid 10 digit number. iMessage works fine. It's only when I try to text someone not using an iPhone.
When maps are downloaded and installed on Nokia Drive, how can it be determined that they have been updated so that the installed version can be refreshed in Nokia Drive?If there is no way to determine it, can Nokia consider adding this as a feature request for the next release of Nokia Drive? In addition:
1) Connect Nokia Maps application with Nokia Drive so that selecting an address should use Nokia Drive for navigation.
2) Nokia Maps does not allow to copy the address of a POI in the clipboard on Windows Phone. Please support this.
3) Nokai Drive should support set a home location that should be easily accessible (just like it is in other navigation apps).
4) Support for favorites in Nokia Drive. These should be available offline and also remain insync with the favorites marked in Nokia Maps (which are now synchronized with the user's account).
5) Nokia Drive does not support show the route details for a particular route - this is helpful in getting an overview of the route that will be taken to reach the destination. Please support this.
6) Nokia Drive can give longer/unoptimized routes when compared with other providers like Google or Bing maps. Can you please bring the routing quality upto par with the competition?
7) It will be nice to see weather at destination from within Nokia Drive when a route is being planned.
So my N79 is refusing to let me send text messages on the grounds that "Text Message: Not enough memory to perform operation. Please delete some data first". So I went through and got rid of a heap of stuff - songs, videos the kinda things that are big files, and still no change.
My phone memory has 368kb free and my memory card has 3734 mb of free memory.Was working perfectly fine yesterday with more data and my phone stores about 1000 messages pretty easily, several videos, songs etc..
I bought my Nokia 5800 a year ago.Updated Nokia mobile Ovi software and Nokia maps 3.01. When I start navigation and chose a specific root, I noticed that it does not locate my position at all. And when starting the navigation it give "waiting for GPS message" and the signal intensity of GPS is about flashing one bar.
I'm getting Memory Full on my 5800, when there are 24 MB free on the phone memory.Also, there seems to be 43MB of Other Files, that I can't find anywhere when I browse the phone, so can't get rid of them.
When I tap Applications, sometimes it opens, sometimes I get Memory Fill, please close some applications (or something similar to that message).I can't open Installed Apps to try to remove any.
When I remove the Memory card and try to uninstall apps, of course its only the apps that are in the phone memory, so I can't remove anything that is on the memory card.
I've removed all that I can fromthe phone memory, but can't get rid of the 43MB of other files.
Also, I can't change to the Home Screen Theme to the Shortcuts bar, as it doesn't work. I've updated the software to V31.0.101 and it didn't help. This was prior to the error mentioned above with the Memory being full.
I recently upgraded to firmware v51 after updating i m experiencing a strange problem """"while pressing O it types L ---- the key just below it-----""""" and with other keys too pressing something and typing something else...
I am wondering if it is possible to customize the message alert tone for the Nokia 5800 with my own ringtones that I have purchased - not the default ones that come with the phone. I seem to be able to change the ringtone for calls with my own ringtone files but not for the message alerts.