Motorola Xoom :: Bluetooth Tethering Via Blackberry On Wifi?
Sep 22, 2011
I have a tethering plan with my blackberry. I would like to tether my xoom wifi to my blackberry phone via bluetooth. Im able to do this with my laptop with no issues. I purchased the WIFI version with the idea of being able to use tethering while away from usable wifi.
i have a xoom wifi/3g (not using a 3g plan) honeycomb up grade and i am having problems with bluetooth tethering. i am able to start the bluetooth tethering and everything works well fo r a little while. i am using my droid x2 and the sleep options are all off on noth my xoom and droid x 2. The bt connection does not drop but the bt tethering does eventhough the device bt tool box is saying the device i can unpair and pair again and the bt internet does not work. the only way it comes back is if i reboot the xoom which sucks.
I'm connecting my phone via bluetotth with original xoom and i see under device "wrench" button a tethering profile. On family edition the profile is gone. What gives?
I have just obtained S10-HD and can pair to my iPod touch but no luck with my Xoom wifi ice cream sandwich (soon jelly bean)? I notice that some have had luck while pressing the s10-HD power button and the + volume button (the blue pairing light is steady). Nothing works for me!
The XOOM 3G manual says that ts possible to use USB tethering for sharing your XOOM's 3G connection with the laptop. However, the XOOM doesn't have the option described in the manual! I'm running 3.2 on a non-US 3G XOOM.Well, you might wonder why I need USB tethering. So far, I've found that USB tethering provides better bandwidth than WIFI tethering.
I have a hard time tethering from XOOM to Laptop, after I reinstalled my Window VISTA laptop, and since I upgraded XOOM to 4G. I don't know whether it is 4G upgrade or VISTA that causes the problem. Sometime, it works the first attempt to connect, the other time i have to reboot my laptop a couple of times.My remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device driver is current. My Laptop saw XOOM drive fine no problem( I did installed Motorola Driver). And I attempted to do a soft reboot (Vol up + Power button), it shown the battery level and hung there for a long time (1 to 2 minutes maybe). I think i don't know how to do a soft reboot the right way.However, I can tether to my laptop, but i have to reboot my laptop a couple times. I did try to unplug and replug the USB cable and then set xoom to tethering/hot spot in both wifi and 3g/4g. It failed to connect unless I reboot the machine.My xoom is 3.2.2 with HLK75D build number.
I have a Motorola RAZR international GSM version (XT910). It is an unlocked phone without any contract or carrier branding.
I seem to have issues whenever i try using my phone as a WiFi Hotspot. When the Hotspot is turned on the data connection drops. I have tried this while using the device as a hotspot for my iPad and/or my laptop. I'm able to browse normally when i'm directly browsing on the phone. But the moment i begin to use the phone as a WiFi Hotspot i see the data connection immediately getting terminated. Even the data toggle widget i have on my home screen gets toggled off automatically. It comes back up once the device i tether from stops trying to access the hotspot.
This is not a carrier limitation. I tried using the same SIM Card on 2 other unlocked phones (Xperia X10i and Galaxy S2) and they both tether just fine. I also contacted my carrier and had the network and APN settings reset while using the RAZR. That didn't seem to solve the issue either. I have tried every solution that i know of. I have even reset the phone to factory settings a couple of times. But nothing seems to work. There are no Smart Actions setup that conflict with the data connection. I'm totally clueless about what is causing this issue.
It is really frustrating to know that i am able to tether even on a two year old Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i that's running Android 2.3.3 but not on the brand new RAZR for which i had to pay around $700.
More details about the phone and software version i'm running on are-
System Version- 65.1.21.XT910.AsiaRetail.en.03 Model Number- XT 910 Android Version- 2.3.5 Baseband Version- U_03.1C.85P Kernel Version- a24124@zin22lnxdroid14#1 Build Number- 6.5.1_73-SPD-IRD-21
I bought the device few days ago and on very same day updated to Android ver. 3.2. I use internet over my home Wifi and have a Netgear - WGR614 router. The browsing speed is very very slow and most sites dont open.The signal strength shown in xoom is - (-105 dBm 3 asu).Is this a issue with Android 3.2 update or my home wifi is weak? Would i be able to reset the tab to the original version?
I have been watching the price of the lapdock come down to reality and I would like to invest in one.However, I will not buy any of the docks if they require ATT tethering to function.I am hoping that I can use the lapdock via WiFi and I do not want to ante in for ATT tether.
Has anyone had any success with using Wifi that required user certificates? I'm trying to get my Xoom to connect to the corporate network (EAP-TLS) and followed the instructions for the IPad and imported my certificated into Android correctly. But when I connect, it hangs at the connecting state for minutes, before finally giving up.
I successfully managed to setup my Vista laptop with my BlackBerry device to be able to surf the internet with it. What would I have to do to browse an internal webserver via the MDS connection? I do not mean via the internet because this intranetserver is not reachable from the internet.
For the last several weeks neither the WiFi nor the Bluetooth will turn on. When selecting to turn on WiFi is starts to turn on then stops and displays Error. About 75% of the time after attempting to turn on the WiFi the phone will reboot. I have factory reset the phone and the WiFi and Bluetooth will work once after the reset but once the phone sleeps neither WiFi nor Bluetooth will operate. This is even after a power down. I have checked my settings and can't find anything that would cause this.
I have been trying out the new Bose Soundlink with my Droid X and they are really cool. Problem is I bought them to go with my Xoom and when I try to connect to Bose SoundLink it fails to find it. Normally I would blame the speaker but since it worked with my Droid X I tend to think that it may be the operating system HoneyComb.
how to get a Bluetooth alarm app working on the Xoom? Something that connects the Xoom to my phone via Bluetooth and alerts me if the Xoom gets far enough away to lose the Bluetooth connection. I want to use something like 'StayCloseToMe' (in the Market) but I don't see a way to keep the Xoom connecteced to my phone. It doesn't stay connected to the phone like a headset would.
I have the Motorola Bluetooth keyboard and there seen to be a delay in the typing showing on the screen. mainly while in the browser. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a simple fix? Am I missing something? I do not remember this with 3.0.1 but I am not sure.
I have problems when watching video with sound out via bluetooth. Sometimes the playback begins to stutter severely and becomes unwatchable. The problem was present already with Honeycomb. I hoped it would go away with ICS, but it didn't. I am wondering if others have the same problem and if they have found a solution? The problem is intermittent. If I restart my Xoom playback is usually fine. Sometimes it is possible to watch a full movie, but usually the playback fails after a while. Or just as I start playback. I have tried several different apps for video playback and also tried with wifi shut off. No difference. I have used both a Jawbone Jambox and a Belkin bluetooth receiver. No difference. Once the problem appears, only a reboot will fix it. However playback over wire or internal speakers is still fine. Even after a reboot the problem will return after a while. Typically as playback is started. I have the Jawbone less than two meters away. Using a wired connection to the jawbone or headphones is an easy workaround, and what I normally do, but it would be nice if BT worked with video playback.
I use to be able to use bluetooth to access the internet over the cell network on the xoom with my old Droid X.I am also able to do this with my wife's Droid 2.On the Bionic I am not able to get it to work.Is this being blocked?I have wifi off on the xoom and Bionic like I have to do with the other phones, but I never get the bluetooth internet connection.I am connect to the Bionic via bluetooth but it never establishes the internet connection.
Anyone else has a Motorola Roadster and played music over the bluetooth and FM transmitter?Played music perfectly with the DroidX but extremely noisy and lower volume with the Xoom.
I found out by accident that I could connect my Xoom to my Droid x2 by Bluetooth and get my wifi only Xoom on the I internet. The only problem is that it is not consistent. Drops connections then hard to reconnect. Have to power down to get it reconneced.
Maybe I am trying to do something impossible, but I would like to pair my Droid Razr with my Xoom FE using Bluetooth. They successfully pair but will not connect. I basicaly want to share my phone's data without paying for the wifi hotspot or rooting the phone.
Since the update, the bluetooth tether connection seems to stagnate after inactivity and will no longer be usable. I have atempted to repair, disconnect, etc. in other words I have tried everything to reconnect after the connection to my phone stops working.
Microsoft BT mouse 5000 still pairs,but doesn't connect.A Dell/Logitech BT mouse from late 2007 pairs and connects.The pointer has a blue outline.The left mouse button will select a hotlink, and double clicking zooms/dezooms as with finger tap. Highlighting of text selections is not available, so cut and paste of text is not possible. The mouse can grab a widget in a window, and left click allows dragging right or left to a different window. The right mouse button seems nonfunctional.The Moto BT KB will function simultaneously with the mouse. I haven't had time to test BT audio yet.
My Xoom has Android 3.1 and my Nokia N8-00 has Symbian. Are these OSes compatible? I can establish a connection from N8 to Xoom but when it comes to a real file transfer from N8 to Xoom I get an N8 message saying that transfer is not possible. Paircoupling from Xoom to N8 is not possible. observe that the two units are seen/recognized both on Xoom and N8./dan
I have the Motorola keyboard and MS 5000 BT mouse. They each work well individually, however when used together, the keyboard frequently disconnects. When I go to a text field, the software/screen keyboard comes up instead of using the hardware keyboard. If hit a few keys on the hardware keyboard, then it seems to reconnect and I can continue using it. It disconnects again once I leave a text field. I'm using a 3G version of the Xoom, but without 3G activated, so just using WiFi.
I finally got 3.1, so I paired my bt mouse without an issue, and it is now displayed as "connected" on my xoom. Anyway, I see no pointer nowhere, so I don't know if there is a problem with my particular mouse (rapoo 6020) or it's that I don't know how to do something...
I've got my Droid and my Xoom both loaded up with my music but sometimes I want to stream it to my stereo. know of something I can hook up to my receiver which can receive bluetooth audio?