Motorola :: W385 No EVDO / Just 1X Shows

Apr 6, 2010

My "new" used W385 will not show EVDO.My other VZW phones do show EVDO.I'm in NYC so EVDO coverage not an issue.Have tried in various parts of the city. Same results.Have rebooted. Removed battery. And reset phone. No difference.Any suggestions on what to try next? Also, what is latest software for this unit? The good news is the RF is even better than my formerly trusty e815.

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Motorola :: W385 Keeps Flashing M

Apr 22, 2010

My phone keeps flashing the M and the white screen repeatedly. does anyone know what might be causing this?

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Motorola :: W385 Needs Initial Programming

Jan 22, 2010

My W385 went through a rough patch. Anyway, I flashed the firmware to it (it was displaying "init usb_bootloader" prior to the flash). Now it displays "needs initial programming" after it boots. My local Verizon "Store" said it could not be restored.

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Motorola :: P2K Commander Will Not Recognize W385

Feb 3, 2010

I just got a new Motorola W385 from US Cellular. I can not get P2K Commander version 6.0.0 to recognize the phone. I have installed the Handset USB Drivers from the Motorola website and set the software to use the correct COM port. If the Mode is set to P2K/P2K05, when the software starts it says that the phone is Linux based and wants to change the mode to P2K05 over USBLAN. This has not corrected the problem. I have tried all three options under P2K Tuning. Do I need a different version of P2K Commander or a different driver? I saw that the instructions called for version 4.9.C of P2K Commander but I was not able to find a downloadable copy of that version.

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Motorola :: W385 Keypad Not Working

Apr 19, 2010

I purchased a w385 on ebay. When I received it I tested it and the keypad worked, as well as the camera and all the menus.I then proceeded to activate it on Page Plus Cellular. Customer Service rep asked me to press *22890 for the OTA reprogramming and after that sequence/process the keypad stopped working correctly.

After that when I open the flip phone it automatically dials *, sometimes I can dial one or two numbers and then it stops. But the majority of the time none of the numbers, nor the clear, camera, send or menu buttons work.I can still receive calls.To try to fix it I flashed to the latest firmware version (.18). No improvement so then back to the one that was on the phone (.16). Still no improvement.Are there any suggestions to try to have the phone work correctly?

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Motorola :: W385 - Update With P2k Commander 6.0 In XP

Jul 27, 2010

I have a motorola W385 phone. I've always used XP and P2k Commander 6.0.0 to change ringtones and wallpaper images.

I've since upgraded to windows 7 and I can't figure out what to do now to accomplish these tasks. I have installed the latest MotoDev drivers 4.2.4 I believe, I have installed p2k 6.0.0 But the software just will NOT recognize the phone. It shows up as a modem on com6... as soon as I set the program to com6, the modem disappears from device manager.

I've done this 4 or 5 times in the past using XP and I'm just wondering if anybody has had success with Windows 7 and what software they used to do it?

Really I just want to change the wallpaper and I'm not sure how to send a text message to the phone with an image attached using Windows Messenger (if that's possible)

I did find a computer with XP, but for some reason P2k Commander does the same thing, as soon as you select the appropriate COM PORT, the motorola modem driver disappears from device manager. This software seems REALLY touchy and I just don't know what to try next. I've tried many versions of P2k as well without success.

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Motorola W385 :: Inbox Requires Setup On It?

Feb 9, 2010

I just received a Motorola w385 from Page Plus and when I try to check my text messages, I get an error that says "Inbox requires Setup." and then forces me to exit.I've tried calling Page Plus but their CS is overloaded. Any ideas how to fix this?

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Motorola :: W385 Requires BT50 Battery

Apr 23, 2010

My W385 requires a BT50 battery. The Motorola replacement battery is $25, and is rated at 850 mAh. There are aftermarket batteries available at 1/3 the price, but although it is referred to as a BT50 replacement, it is rated at 1,000 mAh. Is the difference in ratings a problem?

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Motorola :: How To Get Games Loaded / Working Via USB On W385?

Jun 5, 2010

It seems that the wiki links are all nonfunctional and I can't seem to find it via search, so please help.I just got a used W385 and all my daughter wants added is games.How do I add it via the USB cable (Tried the latest Moto drivers but doesn't seem to work) and get it working on the phone?

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Motorola :: W385 How To Change Way To Answer A Call

Aug 8, 2010

I'm using a Motorola W385 and need to know how to change the way you answer a call.Right now when it rings the phone number shows up on the front, (when closed). When I open the phone it automatically answers the call. I want to change it so I can open the phone and then push "any button" before answering. I thought I read it in the users manual but now I can't find it.

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Motorola :: How To Put Opera Mobile On Stright Talk W385

Mar 24, 2010

how do i put opera mobile on a stright talk w385, i cant tell where i would put it when im looking thru p2k commander and i cannot download throught the browser and if it makes a difference the phone is on pageplus now not straight talk anymore, also how do i turn off the text conformation thing that i get when i text someone on verizon

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Motorola :: W385 Contact / SMS / Call History Info

Aug 19, 2010

I wrote a post here before realizing that the thread trail (Home -> Forum -> Canadian Carrier Discussion -> TELUS Mobility -> CDMA Network and Devices) was pretty narrow, and the thread itself seemed bloated.So I moved it here. I've done a bit of the "intro" stuff: up/down-loaded pictures/ringtones and changed the cover display, so i'm pretty familiar with p2k Commander. But, like some other folks (and as i say in my post) i found either myself incompetent or the software lacking. Regardless, I've experienced some success with this direction so i think i'm gonna take it as far as i can.

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Motorola :: W385 And Java On Pages Plus / Verizon Flash?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a W385 flashed with the verizon flash on pages plus.when it opens, all it does is display the file's info?I don't think Java is installed on this model.I can't seem to find out how to install java using Pplus.At this point I'd be willing to pay someone to help me via skype chat.

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Motorola :: Changing Clock To 24hr Format On ST Moto W385

Mar 9, 2010

My friend SWIM has a Straight Talk Moto W385 and he wants to change the clock to 24hr time format.SWIM is using PST. After starting PST, SWIM creates a new "feature file" and reads the data from his W385 handset. SWIM changes the clock format setting to 24hr and saves the file. Then SWIM tries to write the data back to his handset, but PST prompts SWIM for a subsidy unlock code.

SWIM has no idea what his subsidy unlock code is, nor does he know how/where to find it.How can SWIM either:

A). Get the magic code to finish this process via PST?

B). Make the 24hr format change using another method?

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HTC :: Touch Pro Cannot Access Wi-Fi And EVDO

Mar 22, 2010

I am totally new with Windows Mobile.Bought a used Touch Pro Sprint on ebay 2 weeks ago. I have been able to use the wifi on it to read email and browse internet at home. Yesterday, I was able to set it up on boostmobile to swapping it with my newly activated sanyo mirro through the boostmobile CS. The phone call and EVDO web immediately worked on the Touch Pro.After that, I installed the AL_CommManager_Suite_with_WifiSharing_1_1.CAB - the htc wifi router. Then my laptop was able to use the TouchPro as a router to connect to internet. Speedtest was around 700kbps down and 150kbps up.

After that, I reverted my laptop back to use my home broadband, and did not use the touch pro for an hour or so. I don't recall doing anything to the Touch Pro in between. But then, I found out my Touch Pro cannot connect to internet through EVDO any more. I thought this may be a problem with boostmobile side, and was planning to call the CS to find out. But then I found the wifi connection does not work either.I uninstalled the AL comm_manager suite. But the problem still exists.

So I checked the wifi more carefully. TouchPro shows it is connected to my home wifi. My home router also shows that it detects the TouchPro, but did not assign an IP address for it. Since I did not change my router settings, so it means probabaly TouchPro DHCP client is not working.I also found out Touch Pro can still get emails and sync weather when connected to my laptop with activesync, but the web browser does not work still.I guess, if I could fix the wifi problem, then the EVDO problem may also be fixed. They could be caused by the same thing.

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LG :: Turn Off Rhythm Evdo Permanently

Mar 11, 2010

Okay ive got the Lg Rhythm and noticed that it is in evdo mode which drains the battery like crazy. i tried looking in the secret menu and didnt find any setting to turn it from evdo to 1x.

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Motorola Admiral :: Every Text Shows That It Sends And Shows A Time Within A Few Seconds?

Nov 15, 2011

I have discovered that some of my text messages are not being sent or received. Every text shows that it sends and shows a time within a few seconds. I would say I am 90% working fine, but important texts are falling through the cracks.Text messages I send with more than 160 characters auto blend into one message natively. Recipients are only receiving part #2.They never have received the first part on dozens of tries. Always the case from home and work. I'm connected to wifi at home and work. Oddly enough, I was able to disconnect from wifi and was able to send both parts of sms messages 4 out of 5 times. When i connected back to wifi, still only the 2nd part of the sms.A few of the regular sms messages that I confirmed didn't go through were more than 100 characters, but less than 160. So far, every small or low character count message has worked.

Didn't receive a couple of texts that I was able to verify were 100+ character texts. eems to be a larger message problem, but every picture I have sent has successfully gone through.Installed Go SMS tonight. Still had the issue when sending multipart texts that only text #2 came through.I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with Sprint today. We did a battery pull and he did a phone refresh remotely. I tried a test text while he was on the phone. I sent a 2 parter to my wife and it was received. I thought the problem was fixed, but the very next 2 part text only showed the 2nd part of the message. I have not been able to get a 2 parter to go through since.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Device Not Supportive EV (EVDO) Service?

Feb 15, 2010

I bought the 8330 about six months ago and purchased the High-speed data package from Sprint. I have confirmed with my provider that I do have the high-speed data package. I noticed that the phone is very slow while connecting to the internet. I took the phone into the store where I bought it which is a Sprint dealer.

The person working there said the problem was that.I only had a 1X for radio signal and I needed a 1XEV. He messed with the phone for about an hour and even talked to support while I was in store. We tried re-provisioning several times and numerous other things. Eventually I was told by support that the particular Blackberry I owned did not support EV(EVDO) service and I would have to purchase a new phone.

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Galaxy S6 :: Shut Down Menu Shows Up Then It Locks And Lock Screen Shows Up

May 21, 2015

Just wanted to ask, after the latest update. It feels like you really need to press down on the power button to get the shut down menu to show up.If i don't press down hard enough or right, the shut down menu shows up then it locks and the lock screen shows up. it's quite straight forward, and I don't remember having to hold down the power button for that long for it to shut down.

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Motorola Motocast :: USB Only Shows Up In Japanese?

Dec 11, 2011

I've searched all over but haven't seen anyone having this issue. I hooked my Atrix 4G up to a Windows XP machine today and instead of the old "Motorola Media Link" I'm familiar with it installed MotoCast USB (which I'm assuming is new). The problem is, that when MotoCast USB runs it is in Japanese. I uninstalled the software and then went to and downloaded a the software thinking some wires got crossed on the first install, but the issue is still the same. I don't see anywhere that I can change the localization to English. Has anyone seen this or know how I can get the software to switch to English? I did notice that under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMotorolaMotorola Media LinkShared it shows a FamilyLanguage of JPN and a LanguageCode of 0x00000411 (1041).

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Motorola Droid X :: Can't Watch Shows After GB

Jun 5, 2011

After GB update, U-Verse Mobile v2.2.3033, lost downloaded shows as well as abililty to download or watch new ones.

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Motorola Defy :: App That Shows Which App Crashed?

Sep 14, 2011

Is there any App that shows which app Crashed. I have a Motorola Defy with Froyo . Just locks up even when on standby, only way would be take out the battery and restart.Motorola suggested installing ATK, worked for few days, but again the issue started today. Also few days back i had issues with not able to hear person on other side, but started working fine again.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: It Shows ON While Connected To WiFi

Feb 2, 2012

Since the last update with 4G turned on it shows connected in the notification area even though it is not connected and wifi is connected.

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Motorola Droid X :: It Only Shows 200 Messages In A String?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a Droid X and am using Handcent for texting. I have a string that I have been using for a friend, but only 200 messages are showing in the string, instead of all of the messages. When I recieve a text, one of the earlier texts drops off the string. Is there some setting I'm missing? When I used to scrol to the beginning of the string, there was a bar there that said "Show Earlier Messages" It is no longer there.

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Motorola Defy :: Sd Card Shows Damaged?

Oct 2, 2011

i did format my card 1-2 times...but after formate only 3-4 days it will fine but after that i m also faced same problem.. my camera click images not showing in gallery...even after some days when i was on my cell.. i got a msg in notifivation that ur sd card damaged u hve to formate...then i had go to my p.c nd connected my cell phone to p.c then i mount my sd card to my pc..nd go to that drive -> properties->tools->scan my sd card for p.c search error nd make my card to use again....but after 2-3 days same problem was occur again..images gone , sd card damaged nd all....why this is happend.. i have 8gb sd card class 10 , transcend..

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Add A 16g Sd Card And It Shows Up As 14.3 Brand New?

Jul 19, 2011

Why is it that I add a 16g sd card and it shows up as 14.3 brand new?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Why Running Services App Never Shows RAM As 1GB

Jan 18, 2012

I was wondering why the application manager in settings never show that the RAM is 1GB. it always show around 650 MB(adding free and used memory).

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Motorola Photon 4G :: MMS Shows Deleted Pictures Instead Of New

Mar 14, 2012

I can receive a picture, mms, in a text. I delete the message without saving the picture. When I get a new picture message it shows the last deleted picture in its place.

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Motorola Cliq :: Calendar Shows 1969 After 2.1 Update?

Aug 23, 2011

Late in the game, but I just updated my Cliq to 2.1. At first, the calendar was working fine, but now, it is having some issues. When I go into the calendar, it shows me a black screen with two options:"Showing events since Aug 23 2011. Tap for more.""Showing events until Aug 23 2011. Tap for more."Choosing either of those will take me to the Agenda View showing the most current events.But, If I choose to the month view, the date defaults to December of 1969. I would then need to press "Today" so that I can view the current month and year. I have searched around and looks like this has happened on the droid forum, but did not say whether if or how it was solved.

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Motorola Xoom :: Tablet Model No Longer Shows

May 12, 2011

Still seems to require the phone fields even though I don't have a Moto phone (just a Wifi Xoom). Also, the serial number selection is not clear since 3G users seem to use the MEID, but I've been asked for my Wifi MAC address before. This time I tried to simply enter my "serial number" as stated in the Xoom status screen. But I can't get past #1 issue above, it is trying to require me to enter a Moto phone as well.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Notification Bar Shows 3G And Wifi At Same Time?

Apr 27, 2011

I got a droid 2 global for Christmas for myself, and after I was finally getting to the point of loving it, it started to make my life miserable by continually powering off. Verizon replaced it with a refurb, and I've noticed that this one shows both the 3G and wifi icons when I'm at home/work with a wifi network onI do have an unlimited data package, however there are obvious benefits to using wifi as opposed to 3G, but how do I know (besides slow data) which one I'm using, and why is it doing this? I've only had this for a week, still have to do a bit of configuring, but I'm wondering if this is the tip of the iceberg and if I have another phone which is going to go psycho on me.

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