i did format my card 1-2 times...but after formate only 3-4 days it will fine but after that i m also faced same problem.. my camera click images not showing in gallery...even after some days when i was on my cell.. i got a msg in notifivation that ur sd card damaged u hve to formate...then i had go to my p.c nd connected my cell phone to p.c then i mount my sd card to my pc..nd go to that drive -> properties->tools->scan my sd card for error..my p.c search error nd make my card to use again....but after 2-3 days same problem was occur again..images gone , sd card damaged nd all....why this is happend.. i have 8gb sd card class 10 , transcend..
Is there any App that shows which app Crashed. I have a Motorola Defy with Froyo . Just locks up even when on standby, only way would be take out the battery and restart.Motorola suggested installing ATK, worked for few days, but again the issue started today. Also few days back i had issues with not able to hear person on other side, but started working fine again.
I have updated my phone to android 2.2.2 officially using msu 4 days back , after viewing various forums i find that now the update to motodefy is not availble in india why so http://direct.motorola.com/ENA/SoftwareUpdateSelect.asp?ountry=IND&language=ENA&web_page_name=SUPPORTthe dropdown list in the above link now just shows up 3 phones milestone xt720 xt800....where is motodefy gon
my phone keeps resetting after i got a new 16 gig sd card, is it a falty sd card or is it my phone, the phone keeps reseting while it's trying to read the sd card data but it works fine on my pc.
I have a MB525 Defy, and when I try to install a apk from the SD card, it attempts to install, but then comes back with an error - 'Application not installed'
I got a new sd card for my phone for Christmas. I'm wondering if there are any tips or tricks for installing it. It's a 32gb card. Do I need to prep the card, or transfer files to it on my PC before inserting it in the phone? Do I need to format it?
So I love my Defy (still running 2.1) and have had no problems since I got it in January. I took some amazing pictures of the sunset last night and my camera and gallery both worked fine. I went to show them off this morning and all of my pictures and videos are gone! There are some random pictures of what look like arrows from internet pages, but nothing I had every seen before. I went to the TMO store and they put my sd card in another phone but they still weren't there. I am phone-stupid when it comes to this kind of stuff, but I know for a fact I did not delete them or do anything that could have deleted them. What's weird is everything else on my sd card like music and files are still there, and my homescreen still has my picture that was in the gallery Asoftech Photo Recovery, but as a single mom nursing student, $30 is hard to come by at the moment. I would use a free program but I don't know which ones are safe.
I have a motorola DEFY that came with a built in 2GB micro SD card.I now feel the need to upgrade memory to a 16GB card.While doing this How do I ensure the transfer all applications from android market (paid and free) to the new memory card?
I have a computer with OS Mandriva Linux Free 2010. When I connect my Defy with the usb cable to the computer, phone display switch on, but usb-notifier in the top of it do not appear and charging is not starting.
I've gone home and wanted to change my SIM card to the home one. Now MotoBlur wants me to put in the password and stuff. Did that and it says: "The phone radio is unable to connect to the network. Make sure the radio is on, or move into a better cover area". Same story when I put my UK (the orginal) SIM card in. Tried to connect to wifi, that won;t work either.
I have the problem with the SD memory card on repeated occasions as an error message that says that this damaged after this has touched me sd memory format it appears.
I just bought a xperia x10 mini pro in August. A week later I insert a 8gb memory card the cellphone showed me a message: Memory card SD damaged. Or: Verifying mistakes in memory. It didn't showed me my music and photos and the cell phone asked me to format the card. I formatted it and it starts to work ok but after 2 or 3 days appears the same problem. Additionally the cellphones sometimes restart itself, even without I'm not using it. The cellphone came with Android 1.6 and I updated to 2.1.
My phone has multiple resets ad the direction of Motorola, and has been in for a circuit board replacement.Now the screen still freezes and the reception is hopeless.I am sure this handset is a lemon.It is still under warranty, 11 months old.
setting up auto-fetching applies to all email accounts. I swear on my 2.1 Spice XT300, the auto-retrieval was by email address (and also the smallest interval between fetches was 5 minutes, not 15 like on the Defy). I have never used 2.1 on the Defy; mine was original 2.2.1.
I updated to Froyo via Motorola website but it hasn't worked. My phone still shows firmware 2.1.1. Tried to update again via Motorola website but it now tells me that there are no updates for my phone.....I presume that it somehow detects that my phone previously downloaded froyo update.
My Defy is denied application on the market with no reason that I understand.Some apps are not visible from the phone, and are said "non compatible" from the market website. Sometime the website talks of country restriction while they should not be.
I have had my defy now for a few months, and I have been pretty happy with it (babyproof smartphone!)Unfortunately, its becoming more and more unreliable, and am having to reboot it regularly.This weekend is the worst. Here are some of the things it is doing:
all apps keep freezing and crashing (no fancy apps, mostly use it for twitter, facebook etc).phone keeps freezing and being unresponsible on the home screen keep getting an 'emergency calls only' notification, which then clears straight away when i go into notifications.mms photos - both sent and received take up to 5 days to be visible. until then they are just flagged as 'downloading'. I'm pretty sure it shouldn't take 5 days to download a 27kb file.After rebooting, I did have a gmail widget require a forced close immediately. I was never using that widget anyway, and couldn't see it, so I uninstalled it. Now on rebooting I have to force close Google Services Framework. I have decided that looks reasonably important and useful and have declined to uninstall that so far.
I have a my Defy & XT and as of 9:22 am the weather widget hasn't udated and I've turned the phone off and on etc and then I deleted my location and tried to readd it and it said something like.. location information cannot be found (not sure off hand).. I don't know what to do but it won't let me add any loactions but apps from the market work.
I have discovered that some of my text messages are not being sent or received. Every text shows that it sends and shows a time within a few seconds. I would say I am 90% working fine, but important texts are falling through the cracks.Text messages I send with more than 160 characters auto blend into one message natively. Recipients are only receiving part #2.They never have received the first part on dozens of tries. Always the case from home and work. I'm connected to wifi at home and work. Oddly enough, I was able to disconnect from wifi and was able to send both parts of sms messages 4 out of 5 times. When i connected back to wifi, still only the 2nd part of the sms.A few of the regular sms messages that I confirmed didn't go through were more than 100 characters, but less than 160. So far, every small or low character count message has worked.
Didn't receive a couple of texts that I was able to verify were 100+ character texts. eems to be a larger message problem, but every picture I have sent has successfully gone through.Installed Go SMS tonight. Still had the issue when sending multipart texts that only text #2 came through.I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with Sprint today. We did a battery pull and he did a phone refresh remotely. I tried a test text while he was on the phone. I sent a 2 parter to my wife and it was received. I thought the problem was fixed, but the very next 2 part text only showed the 2nd part of the message. I have not been able to get a 2 parter to go through since.
I would like to do a factory reset on my Galaxy s5. While attempting to back-up files on my SD card I realized...I don't have an SD card. The problem with this is that my device shows many apps installed on the SD card (Settings->Device->Applications->Application manager shows apps on SD card).
There is nothing in the microSD card slot above the SIM card slot on the back of my phone. Is there another location for an SD card that I am not aware of and not seeing? If not, how is my phone reading that there are apps stored on the SD card when there is no SD card?
Ok, media card was working fine, had alot of work pictures stored on it and was becoming a hassle to hunt through all of them to find what I wanted. So, I inserted media card in computer and transfered what I wanted to a folder on the computer. Then I formatted the card using the computer. When I put the card back into the phone, the phone knows its there, but I must have wiped the card completely as none of the folders for video, pics, etc. are on it anymore. If I take a picture and go to find it, the media card does not even show up, just device memory.
Does anybody have a remedy for this? I already tried formatting the card in the phone but that didn't work. The phone is telling me in the memory options that 1.8GB is free, so I know it works, it just lost the folders or whatever........