Motorola Photon 4G :: Landscape Home Screen Without Using Kickstand?

Aug 24, 2011

I would like to be able to set my Photon 4g so that the home screen is in landscape mode without having to open the kickstand or use a dock. Is there a simple setting or an app that will let me toggle this behavior? In my case I have a third party car dock and I want to set the home screen to landscape when I dock it and plug in the power connector.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: To Watch Video Stream With Kickstand And Cord

Nov 4, 2011

Is there any way to force the screen to allow for one to watch full-screen streaming video with the kickstand engaged and the power cord plugged in? I cannot get any of my usual streams (, sprinttv, many, many more) to rotate so that the power cord is at the top of the phone.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Automatically Defaults To The Dial Screen When Press The Call Button From The Home Screen?

Jun 19, 2012

My Photon automatically defaults to the dial screen when I press the call button from the home screen. It used to display the last tab used or recent calls if I had missed one. I have scanned through all of the options and can't seem to find an option to change this.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Continuous Scrolling Home Screen?

Sep 15, 2011

Is there a free app for a continous scrolling home screen?

Looks like I have 4 home screens and when I get to the end it doesn't scroll to the next page - I have to scroll back. By the way, coming from a 4 year old Samsung LG Rumor phone

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Downloaded App - Can't See Home/Desktop Screen Anymore

Sep 15, 2011

I downloaded a couple of new apps last night to help me manage my Photon a bit tighter. I downloaded Sleep Silencer (turns ringer off at night) as well as Easy Profiles (same idea - allows me to change profiles quickly so I can give my wife some rest from the notifications/ringer after 11pm). Also downloaded a new app I'd never seen before called UltimateFavs Pro Free (a nifty carousel of apps via double clicked Home button). of these apps is now causing an issue I have no idea how to resolve. The Home/Desktop screen is black/blank. Nothing I do will get it back up again. However, everything is still working...all my notifications are coming in...but I can't read is ringing...but I cannot answer

I'm looking for a way to boot into "SAFE MODE" so I whatever process is downloading at bootup will STOP and let me get to the Home screen. Once I do that, I'll delete these apps 1 at a time until I find the one causing it.

I've looked on this thread and cannot find the steps to boot into Safe Mode. I think it's Volume Down while turning on handset, but that gets me to FastBoot and I'm not sure what that is?

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Motorola Photon Q 4G :: Home Screen Position *Feature Request*?

Oct 4, 2012

request: Allow Home Screen Position to be changed from the farthest left position. I like my home screen in the middle, it allows me to put work to one side and personal to the other.

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IPhone :: Would You Want Landscape Home Screen?

Jul 14, 2010

Ever since playing with the iPad, I've always felt restricted with the iPhone only displaying the home screen in portrait mode. I know it is more suitable for that size display, but I think it would be cool when using it as a media device.Does anyone think it will ever become available in the future on the iPhone? And would it be possible for a jailbreak feature to do this (first time iPhone user)?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Texts List Starting From Top With Newest At Bottom In Landscape Mode

Sep 24, 2011

When I am typing messages and the phone goes into landscape mode because I tilted it a bit, it shows the list of texts from the top even though the newest texts are at the bottom. Is there some way to prevent this?

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Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Selective Landscape Home Screen Mode

Jul 27, 2012

I have Xperia Neo (MT15i), with the latest available ICS 4.0.4 update installed and working. Here is something that's been eating me for a while: I've always missed a landscape orientation of the home screen, and I've eagerly anticipated it with every new update. To my great disappointment, I still unsuccessful in achieveing landscape oriented home screen on my devise. That is, until recently, when I noticed that if I connect to phone with an USB cable to a computer, and then put the phone in a lanscape position, after about 15-30 seconds of heavy thinking, the screen does come up in a landscape mode! Totally shocked, I picked up the phone and disconnected it from the USB cable. Immediately, the home screen went to a portrait position and no matter how I did rotate it, it never switched back to a landscape mode. Until I connected it again to the USB cable... Weird! True, it takes it about 30 sec. to make the switch but it comes up in a landscape orientation only when it is connected viaUSB cable to a computer. why can't I have the landscape mode without the USB connection active?

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Motorola Droid X :: Getting All Home Screens Rotated To Landscape Mode?

Apr 16, 2011

Is there an app or way to have all my Home screens rotate to landscape mode, as well as key apps like the dialer? I use the nav system in the car if calls come in, or if I want to lauch a traffic app, the screens, menus and dialer are all portrait/vertical. I've tried Open Home as a home screen replacement but felt it slowed down my DroidX and I don't really want to have to go through all the shortcut customization again. I tried the Car dock but can't globally add all the apps and some of the alternate car replacement apps seem to require a physical dock, which I don't use, and require adding in the apps I want to use.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Photon: Screen Flashing Every Few Seconds?

Aug 14, 2011

I noticed that whenever I am making/receiving calls, the screen flashes every few seconds. I wonder why it is doing that. I have never seen this on any other phone before. At first I thought it was related only to the silent call issue that the screen flashes every few seconds but even when I am able to make a regular call it still does this.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Connecting Wirelessly To Home Computer

Sep 28, 2011

How to wirelessly connected to their home computer? The phone sees my computer's ip addy through the Files Icon but I keeps asking for my "username" and "password". I do not have a user name or password to put in there atleast I dont think I do. I have a password for my home network but no username.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Disappearing Apps From Home Pages?

Aug 19, 2011

Plugged my Photon into my PC for the first time today, using the Phone Portal app (stock). As it popped up, it looked like any other Android/smartphone in that I could "see" it as a drive on my PC....look at/add/delete/manage data and folders.No biggie.But....Up pops the Motorola Media Link app for install on the PC (assuming the file to do so was on the phone and did this once it was connected to a computer). OK, so I install it to take a peek. Install was looked for and installed an upate of the Media Link app...and I saw that it was nothing more than a sync conduit for music/photos/etc.

Not wanting to sync anything, I simply "safely removed hardware" on the PC...unplugged and went to lunch. It was then that I noticed a bunch off icons missing from the home screens. My HTC Evo used to do that whenever you'd disconnect, because you'd been using the SD card as a drive. It would then re-initialize the card and poof, your icons would reappear. Not this one! They're gone-ski!They're still in the All Apps view....and certainly still on the phone/card because I can see them in settings>apps. If I look at the SD card view, they're all there.I did some rooting (sorry....snooping) around and found a few threads about this regarding Droid X, but none of the questions had been answeredI called Moto and they don't know what it is; "oh

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Motorola Photon 4G :: WIFI Greys Out On Home Network?

Oct 2, 2011

I am having problems connecting to my home network. The phones wifi turns on fine, gets an IP address and looks fine. However, the wifi and phone strength meters grey out and there is no connectivity to the internet on the phone. The wifi network is WPA protected.The phone worked fine on a different, unprotected, network I found up the street.I have a cliq that works fine on my network.I have tried powering off and powering off in airplane mode, neither of which make a difference.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: After Update, Home Application Fails?

Aug 28, 2011

After the recent update was push to my phone... My Home applicaion fails to start in an endless cycle. No matter what happens the home application attempts to start and fails. The only way to stop the loop is to just let the phone sit there with error message box displayed.I have wiped and factor reset the device twice and get the same result with the excpetion that now the only way to shutdown the phone is pull the battery.I have another Photon that updated just fine. Is there any hope... Can I download the update to my computer, transfer to update to SD and update via SD card. As of right now I do not know where to get the update from.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Workaround For Disappearing Apps From Home Pages?

Aug 26, 2011

I have been having problems with my home icons vanishing when connecting my Photon as a USB drive. I found a workaround that takes care of this problem.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Screen Won't Go Landscape

Jan 16, 2015

Yes the auto rotate box is checked and I tried rebooting the phone and it simply won't work this is really pissing me off

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Motorola Defy+ :: Home Screen Restarting (com.motorola.home Crash)?

Jun 4, 2012

a) When using the "search" button in the application's list; com.motorola.home crashed (I have a popup telling so) b) Very often, when I'm not on the Home Screen (an App is in front, the phone is locked, ...), the home screen is doing the full, long, refresh (takes times to draw the icons, reload widgets, etc.); I suspect that there also, com.motorola.home crashed but I don't have any popup telling this (and I don't know how I could prove thisAs it is not rooted and their is no way to make any application data backup (, I do not wish to make a full factory reset.Is there anyway I could make that process more stable (I added it to the white list is "auto memory" application, without success) or is there

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Full Screen Video In Landscape Mode?

Dec 1, 2011

ok i am bored at work finished my stuff early i must kill 30 minutes. anyways i get on Internet to watch some hdnet fights my phone that im still waiting for its replacement to get here as usual battery down to 40% witih little use. i have to put it to charge im thinking cool the charging hookup is on the left side so i can lay phone on therightet side and watch videos cable pointing up. well it plays full screen upside down why put the usb port on the side and not let video play in full screen landscape mode with usb port facing up. is there a way to fix this because its so lame. i have to hold the phone rather than lat it there because the usb crable is in the way when trying to watch in landscape mode. in top of it my touchscreen is still acting erratic while charging.

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Motorola Electrify :: Moving From Home Screen To Other Home Screens

Jan 10, 2012

Electrify on U S Cellular. When moving from one home screen to another has just a slight lag or more of jerk then a fluid movement.

All the other menus or navigating around the phone is smooth as silk. I do run a live wallpaper but changing to a static one it seems the same. With all the horsepower this phone is supposed to have I expected those screens to just to fly by smoothly.

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Motorola Photon Q 4G :: My Screen Won't Unlock

Oct 5, 2012

When I use face unlock, or pattern unlock, when the phone gors to slee, and I press the power button I just get a black screen where the pattern unlock or face unlock feature should. The the only way to unlock the phone is to keep the power button press as is Im about to turn the phone off, and then cancel....then I get get the pattern unlock screen.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Screen Will Not Sleep?

Aug 9, 2011

i woke up to yet another issue today, i love my phone, so i am trying to be patient. Today the screen will not go to sleep/time out. i checked the settings, it was still set to one minute, so i changed it to 30 seconds ..didnt help. I did a battery pull.Screen on. I still can manually put it to sleep with the power button, but this is not good.Its sucking my battery life!

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Screen Won't Turn On?

Oct 19, 2011

you can see this is about the motorola photon 4G on sprint. so what happened was i am using my phone and all of the sudden my screen shuts off. Now the screen isnt turning back on. However the phone is working fine. For example my phone was ringing and i imagined the phone screen working and BAM i'm on the phone speaking as if this phone worked at 100%.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Why Does The Screen Flicker While Scrolling

Aug 2, 2011

Anytime I scroll, the screen flickers and the text is blurred. I used the D7 Google Reader in night mode with white text on black background. While scrolling an article, it is almost unreadable until you stop scrolling. If not, this may cause me to return the phone.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Screen Lock During Call?

Nov 17, 2011

I use my phone with a wired headset (no hang up botton on the headset). This also happens on speaker phone. If I'm on a conversation for several minutes and its time to hang up--I have to unlock and enter my password (required for corporate activesync) then push the end call button. This makes hanging up an awkward process--having to fumble around for several seconds while the other party gets to listen to you doing it. The lock doesn't happen all the time.

But one way for sure to recreate the behavior is to:

1. Set your screen timeout to 15 seconds.

2. Call the phone from another line. Answer phone and put it on speaker phone. Or use wired headset as I do.

3. Wait for screen timeout or just press power button while on the call. Now wake the phone up. The phone may or may not be locked now. But if you now press the Home softkey, the screen will certainly lock....while you are on a call! This means you know have to slide the lock and enter security code just to hang up on someone.

A better practice from a design stand point is that the phone should never lock while you are on a call. What purpose does it serve to lock while on a call? When it locks you can neither hang up, push dial tones, answer call waiting, etc. until you unlock it. This needs to be fixed.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Stuck On 'Now' Screen After Powering Up?

Dec 29, 2011

Today after turning my phone back on it got stuck on the 'Now' screen and wouldn't finish powering up. During this time my phone was connected to the network and the phone received messages and rang once but of course I couldn't view the messages or answer the calls. I wasn't able to turn it off either. The only way to fix it was to pull the battery.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Pattern Screen Lock Bug?

Feb 7, 2012

I've been using the pattern screen lock since I got my mopho in november. It's been working smoothly until now. I recently decided to change it, so I go to settings put in a new pattern and confirm it no problem. I locked it to try it out and now when I press on the first circle it doesn't light up and it doesn't show a trail behind it. The screen also shuts off in 3 seconds. Now I can't unlock my phone. I'm not running any lockers or launchers just stock android. I searched google and these forums for lock screen bugs but I haven't found anything similar to my situation.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Lock Screen Is Almost All Black?

Aug 17, 2011

the lock screen is almost all black. i want to see my wallpaper not hide it.

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Motorola Photon :: 4G Screen Turns On Automatically

Jan 23, 2012

Recently, i am observing problem with my Photon 4G. Screen turns on automatically and then turns off also !! However, this is observed frequently and thus unnecessarily eating battery.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Screen Looses Its Sensitivity

Dec 8, 2011

I am having problems with my screen. Will not time out even though I go back to settings and redo or change. The screen dims for a moment randomly and then lights full again but will not time out. Also there are a few random times when it seems to loose all touch sensitivity (I cannot unlock!) or if it is unlocked cannot do anything - screen seems to be frozen. And now the proximity sensor doesn't work - the screen is still active once it is up to my ear and it's dailing random numbers while I am trying to talk.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Screen Is Awful When Looking At Angle

Aug 17, 2011

if you look at the display at any angle other than directly the screen looks yellow/green all washed out

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