Motorola Photon 4G :: Corporate Sync Not Syncing Up With Exchange

Nov 6, 2011

I am a new owner of Photon 4g. I used to have a HTC touch. I am getting "login failed. please try again" message when I try to setup my corporate email.

1> I have tried using both domainusername and just username with no success.

2> Also have tried setting up gmail as corporate account and later changing to the desired account settings as suggested in other forums and it still shows the same error.

I have been able to using the same credentials on my old phone and it used to work perfectly.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: PHOTON 4G: Corporate Exchange Calendar

Jan 9, 2012

I have a major issue with my corporate exchange calendar. If I accept an invitation to a meeting, the phone makes me the organizer of the meeting. This syncs back to my corporate calendar. This is obviously completely wrong. If I delete the meeting on my phone, or on my computer, it sends out a message to everyone that was on the meeting saying that it was cancelled. If I need to adjust the meeting only on my calendar, it sends out an update to everyone. It has caused a lot of confusion for me and my work colleagues.

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Motorola Defy :: Corporate Sync To Outlook Exchange 2007?

Feb 2, 2012

We recently had an exchange upgrade at our office and since then my Defy won't sync with my Outlook account. We've gone from Outlook Exchange 2003 to 2007. I've been reading online about the problems others are having with similar problem. It's making life difficult as I'm unable to access my work emails when I'm out of the office.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Removing Corporate Sync Account?

Aug 2, 2011

Is there no easy way to remove a Corporate Sync Account? I am trying to remove the account I set up yesterday but the screen for remove account will not let me enter a username? As such, I don't even see how I can edit this current account from the phone. Is this not possible to do from the phone or do I have to do this from the company's Exchange server?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Corporate (Exchange) Sync Not Working For Contacts?

Nov 16, 2011

my email and calendar are working fine. My contacts, however, are not sync'ing. I've tried unchecking/rechecking the sync contacts option under accounts and get the same results.

We are using exchange online. I do have over 1000 contacts, could the number of contacts I have be the issue?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Cannot Reinstall Corporate Sync For Exchange - Login Error

May 2, 2011

I wanted to do away from the security features (fingerprint swipe and PIN number) but I had to delete the Corporate Sync account before I could set the security to none. Then I went back to reinstall the Corporate Sync account but can't get the Exchange Serve to recognize my account info. Yes, I checked spelling and tried to reinstall dozens of times just to get "Error Logging to the account failed, please try again." I've checked and rechecked the data and I'm positive I've re-entered the account info correctly. And BTW - I'm not interested in purchasing Touchdown since I know my Atrix is capable of accessing my corporate exchange account.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Hotmail Stopped Working Using Corporate Sync

Oct 23, 2011

hotmail was working great until yesterday on my Photon. I was using the Corporate Sync account type, using the exchange active sync settings from the official Windows Live Solution center:


I was looking for an older email I could not find yesterday, so I decided to change my sync window from 3 day to 30 days. Right after that, all emails disappeared, and no matter how many times I tried to manually sync, nothng would show up again. Interestingly I can see all my folders, but all my folders say "no messages". Of course, when I access hotmail any other way (through Windows Live Mail on my PC or through the web, all the email is there). I have deleted the hotmail corporate sync account from the phone twice and re-setup twice, both times the installations were successful. I can always see the mail folders, but no mail messages. I also tested and found that I can send an email through hotmail.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Corporate Sync Setup - Exchange Contacts Not Showing Randomly

Apr 20, 2011

I have Corporate Sync set up with my company Exchange server for contacts only. Worked fine initially, but has been on and off again last few weeks. It is randomly not showing the Exchange contacts. At times they are all there, other times not. I'm not positive, but I think this issue started after the 1.57 upgrade. Incredibly frustrating when you're out and need to make a call and the contact isn't there.....If I update my credentials for the account, it shows "Updating service" and seems to finish fine - Not getting any password or connection errors.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Syncing Phone Calendar To OutlookWwith Corporate Sync?

Jul 21, 2011

I am using Corporate Sync to sync Droid 3 to Outlook through Microsoft Exchange for contacts & calendar. When I enter a new appointment in Outlook it syncs to the phone immediately, but when I enter a new appointment on the phone, it is not syncing back to Outlook. Why? When I go into Calendar Settings -> Merge Calendars, it says both my gmail calendar and Outlook calendar are "synced and visible". Under phone calendar it says "not synced, visible", and I cannot change it to "synced". Why? How to change it?

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Xperia Ray :: Corporate Email (Exchange Active Sync) Not Working At All?

Feb 12, 2012

Since upgrading to ICS, my phone will not sync with the Exchange Server.I've reformated the SD card & done the SW repair proceedure on the phone.I've deleted the phone profile on the Exchange server - so Exchange can detect and reload the profile anew The mail client doesn't show any email, but rather endlessly reports that it is syncing.The phone contacts do not sync with the server.

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Xperia Z3 :: Setting Up Corporate Exchange Email - No Permission To Sync With This Server

Dec 29, 2014

I am trying to set up my corporate exchange email in my Z3, but i get a message of "you do not have permission to sync with this server....".  I have no problems setting up exchange email in my Samsung or Ipad using the same credentials.
My Z3 has android version is 4.4.4.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Corporate Exchange Account - Address Auto-fill

May 30, 2015

I use the default email app for my corporate Exchange account. It works great. I also have a Google Apps account for which I only sync Google Drive, so that I have access to my Google Drive at work. However, everyone in my exchange Active Directory has a duplicate account in Google Apps.

In my google apps account settings, I have contacts and Gmail set to never sync. Sync is off. However, whenever I am typing an address in my email app for exchange, all of me Google Apps Active Directory email addresses also come up, which is problematic because they are all duplicates of the exchange email addresses, since the directories are linked.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Add Yahoo Account And Get Corporate Email Setup

Aug 5, 2011

I received my device yesterday (August 04, 2011), and so far so good. I still need to figure out how to add my yahoo account and get my corporate email setup. If you would like to exchange information about the Photon

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Unable To Setup Corporate Email Account

Nov 6, 2011

I am a new owner of Photon 4g. I used to have a HTC touch. I am getting "login failed. please try again" message when I try to setup my corporate email.

1> I have tried using both domainusername and just username with no success.

2> Also have tried setting up gmail as corporate account and later changing to the desired account settings as suggested in other forums and it still shows the same error.

3> I have also tried unchecking "verify certificate"

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Corporate Email Not Syncing?

Dec 23, 2012

I have a razr maxx hd and ever since I did the jellybean update, my corporate email will synch correctly for a few hours and then stop synching. This may last for couple of hours or all day. I have deleted the account several times and also have done a FDR

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Calendar Not Syncing With Corporate

Sep 14, 2011

I placed a new event on my phone this afternoon and when I got back to my office I noticed it wasn't on my desktop calendar. I couldn't understand why it didn't sync. I went the phone and saw that the calendar was "phone" calendar not the corporate calendar. There was no way to edit the phone calendar on the page to choose which calendar to place the new event, like I could on my OG Droid.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Corporate Account Not Syncing Since ICS Upgrade

Aug 5, 2012

My corporate account (Exchange/Activesync server) hasn't synced since the update was installed Saturday, June 30th. It was syncing fine pre-ICS, however, post-ICS nothing. The screenshot reflects the message I receive when attempting to set up the account on the phone.

In troubleshooting, I have tried removing the account (only initially following the upgrade, account will not complete set up since) and adding it again.

Also, all other email accounts (gmail, earthlink, hotmail, yahoo) are connecting fine, only having problems with the Corporate account. Additionally, I need this to work more for the calendar sync than the email, especially since I separate my work/personal calendars via this account, Google, and personal version of Outlook.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Maxx HD Corporate Email Not Syncing?

Dec 24, 2012

I have a razr maxx hd and ever since I did the jellybean update, my corporate email will synch correctly for a few hours and then stop synching. This may last for couple of hours or all day. I have deleted the account several times and also have done a FDR. I am still having the same problem. The coporate email is one of the main functions that I use my phone for, so its very important that it works correctly. I have tried it off WIFI and on WIFI with the same issues. It just periodically loses connection with the server and gives error message that says "Couldn't find connection to server". Like I said, this may last for only couple of hours or most of the day and then it just starts working again.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Exchange Connection Failed?

Nov 29, 2011

I am having problems with random connection failed on my exchange account. I first noticed this this past weekend. It keep retrying to connect and ended up draining the battery within a few hours. This has happedened on WIFI and 4G. I noticed that when I turned on 4G I got the connection failed until I turned it off. I have reboot, powered down and removed the battery. It willl work for awhile and than stop and sometimes recover if I open the email app. I'm on 45.3.6.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Corporate Sync Calendar?

Jun 9, 2011

did a factory reset on my phone to try and fix other problems. I setup my Corporate Sync account and it is getting emails from the exchange server but it is not syncing my calendar. Also when I go into the Blur "My Accounts" and select "Corporate Sync" there is no username listed just ****** for password and no way to turn on calendar sync. Also, if I hit the OK button I get an error that the username must not be blank. This is very tuff to correct since the username field is disabled and I am also unable to delete the account to set it up again. Really wish Blur was an option on this phone until they had these bugs fixed! I can from a Droid 1 with vanilla Android it wasn't pretty but I will take functioning over looks EVERY time.

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Motorola Droid X :: Corporate Sync With GB Update

Jul 21, 2011

I received the GB update and I have not received any email from my corporate accout. It was working just fine prior to the update. I have deleted the accout and have tried to add it back in but it is not working. I get an "invalid username or passord" error. I have checked and double checked and all of the settings are unchanged.Anyone else having this problem and if you fixed it how did you do it?

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Motorola Droid X :: Corporate Sync Contact Photos

Oct 1, 2011

I have a blackberry and an iPod that both sync contact photos with my Exchange 2010 server.

I just got an android and everything works except my contacts do not have photos.

Is a new version of the OS going to fix that issue or is the only solution for the forseable future a 3rd part app to sync the contact photos? I'm not talking about gmail, facebook or a USB sync

I am talking about a wireless over the air contact sync's with my Outlook 2010 through an Exchange 2010 server.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Unable To Gingerbread Corporate Sync

Sep 5, 2011

I am having the following significant corporate sync issues with Contacts and Calendar after upgrading my Atrix to Gingerbread 2.3.4. 4.5.91.MB860.ATT.en, Calendar events entered on Atrix do not show up on Outlook (exchange server) through corporate sync. Events entered on Outlook do show up on Atrix. Events originally entered in Outlook and then modified on Atrix disappear in Outlook although they remain on Atrix. When I add a picture to a contact on the Atrix the "file as" disappears in Outlook. When I add the "file as" back to the contact in Outlook the picture disappears from the contact on the Atrix. This is very annoying as I rely on the pictures associated with the contacts for phone, emails and messaging. In addition this makes it difficult to find my contacts in Outlook.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Why Don't Corporate Sync Contacts Have Pictures

Apr 8, 2012

I just upgraded from a Samsung Galaxy to an Atrix 2. All my contacts are stored on my corporate exchange server. I had no trouble setting up my Atrix 2 for corporate sync, and all my e-mails, calendar appointments, and contacts came down to my phone quickly.

However, none of my contacts have pictures. I have searched the forums and found an article telling me to go to the accounts menu to select which account pictures should come from, but there is no such menu on my phone.

What do I need to do to get contact pictures on my phone ? I administer the phones for my corporation, and this is the only smart phone I have ever encountered that did not show contact pictures (Samsung, HTC, Iphone, etc, etc).

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Corporate Sync Loses Connection?

Jul 22, 2011

I've had the phone for around two weeks and so far about every few days I get the "unable to connect" notification regarding my corporate sync account through Motoblur. The latest incident was this morning. When I woke up I noticed that I didn't have the indicator light blinking on the outside of the phone when I know that I should've received e-mails throughout the night. When I went to go check it, I got the spinning circle for a minute or two and then "unable to connect" or whatever the connection error says. In this instance I was connected to my wireless network at home and my web browser was moving along very quickly so I know it wasn't the means to connect to my mail server that was the problem. Simply shutting off my phone and restarting fixed the connection issue this morning. The time before that, I received the error and then left the phone on my desk for about 20 minutes and it reconnected itself.

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Corporate Sync Fail?

Jun 1, 2011

I had been successfully syncing with my coporate exchange server since I got my Droid X last year. I received the OTA update last night for my Droid X. This morning I started the install. After the install it said that my administrator said that I must encrpyt the data on my phone for to be able to sync with the exchange server. I said yes and the phone went through a lengthy process to encrypt the data. After that it showed a coporate sync connect error. I re-entered my password but that did not help. The error says the the administrator is unable to provision my phone. I tried deleting the account and adding it back in and still get the same error.I looked at the data encryption settings under location and security and now it says that I cannot turn off data encryption. It says "The encryption settings was turned on by your administrator. You cannot turn it off". If I cannot connect to corporate email anymore, I do not want the data encrypted as I am sure it will slow down the phone.

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Corporate Sync Password Limitation On It?

Mar 12, 2012

Today I discovered the reason I am unable to use the Corporate Sync application is due to the fact that the password input field is limited to 50 characters. While I realize this length may already seem extreme, it is still a silly limitation which is likely just a simple hard-coded value in the application. Could someone at Motorola please remove this silly limitation and provide a build which is not contrained to a length which is within the allowable string length of a Windows password?

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Motorola Droid X :: Corporate Sync Stopped Working

Jul 16, 2011

I have been using corporate sync on my phone for months and it worked great. Just this thursday it stopped working. Im getting an error message that says Connection error.

I know all my settings are correct. It isnt that a password was changed. With the same settings I am still able to sync the email on my Xoom. So I dont know why it wont work on my phone.

Ive tried deleted the whole account and re-adding it. When I put everything in, it acts like all is well, no errors. But when I go to the email and hit refresh I just keep getting the 'Connection error'?

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Motorola XPRT :: Corporate Mail Only Will Sync 14-days

Jul 15, 2011

I recently switched form the BB Tour to the XPTR as it was the only other World phone option.The claim is Droid does business but I'm not sold on this yet.Spite the menu the push feature has a mind of its own.Is it really possible that this is the only Droid phone which limited exchange mail to 14-days.Please comment if you have the same issue or know of an external mail app that has better functionality with Exchange 2007/2010.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Corporate Sync Gets Calendar But No Email

Jun 23, 2011

Trying to set up corporate email sync. It sets up fine and pulls down my calendar, but won't get the email. When I try to view the email, I get a "connection error" message. It says it can't sync with the exchange server.

Tech support on the phone was useless - told me to go t the store and try it on another phone. really? The automated voice repsonse system said to download the instructions for getting the right exchange server settings to give to IT. I went tot he website and when I clicked on the link tot he file, it said - "sorry - that answer is not available"

I've been dealing with this fall morning, and am really frustrated - just needed to vent. If I can't get this worked out in short order I'm going to return the phone, and go back to the old "dumb phone"

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Corporate Sync Inbox?

Feb 28, 2012

I set up my company's exchange email on my phone today, all the calender events, and Contacts sync, I can send email, but my inbox is always empty. I know I'm getting emails,I've sent myself things, it shows up on my laptop and my phone never receives anything. Has anyone else had this problem

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