Motorola Droid Razr :: Weak-signal Reception Only On "speaker"
Mar 17, 2012
This is sort of an addendum to my discussion topic below - "Razr Reception in weak-signal areas." I've noticed that in a couple of places in the house and the far corners of our farm where the phone signal is sometimes spotty, I can always, ALWAYS get a good, solid, strong voice when I put it on speaker. If I turn speaker off and hold it up near my ear - even an inch or two away, I lose the connection instantly. Just a data point.
When I connect to my Home network using wifi, the signal is very weak unless I am within 5 feet of my router. I am using a valet router with up to date software. Other people in my house have other droid models and no problem with their signal strength. I have tried other routers and I get the same result so I know it isn't just my router.
I got the Photon because of the raving reviews of signal strength. I'm finding that the signal is weaker and tends to roam more than my Palm pre. Is this normal for a PHOTON? I would rarely roam at work before but find the photon signal roams alot. Is there a setting or something I can do? Maybe a bad phone? My home signal also tends to wildely fluctuate between one bar and five bars.
When I connect to my Home network using wifi, the signal is very weak unless I am within 5 feet of my router. I am using a valet router with up to date software.
I bought a new n86 a few days ago but I found that the signal recertion is really very very low in some places compared to a nokia n70.At the time an n70 (or many other phones) has 7 bars , an n86 has NO bars (out of network coverage)That's a very frustrating problem, Can this problem be fixed? Is this a hardware or a software issue?Can the Nokia care find a solution to this problem?
Has anyone notice that 4g has a weak signal sometimes. When I'm on 4g my dbm will be -42 to -89 and it will only show 2 or3 bars of signal and if I switch to 3g it stays full bars it wont drop a bar with the same dbm. Like right now I have -75dbm of 4g and it fluctuates from 2 bars to full signal but it wont stay full long but if I switch to 3g with the same dbm sitting in the same spot it shows full 3g all the time and don't drop a bar. Is 4g just a weaker signal than 3g. I believe I'm on the same tower cause the dbm stays the same. It does this everywhere.
Is it just me or is the external speaker weak on the bionic? I used to have a D1 original Droid which had a great speaker. It seems the one on the bionic is Not as good of quality or as loud.
I noticed immediately that the haptic feedback out of the box was really weak. Oddly, once I installed SwiftKey and adjusted its haptic KB feedback that now the keys are old giving a much stronger feedback.
So at first I thought that the Razr had a weak WiFi reception. So I decided to install a WiFi access point in my office, basically on my desk. I connected the Razr to it but yet, it still occasionally shows a low signal or drops the connection completely then reconnects, works for a bit then drops it again. I'm at a point where I had to turn WiFi off on my phone because it was draining my battery so fast from flipping between the Cellular network and WiFi network way to often. I also have a Glaxy Tab 7.0 Plus connected to the same access point and it never drops a connection and it shows 100% strong on the signal.
My wife's phone is constantly dropping calls. I compared the signal test between her Atrix and mine and hers is weaker. We even have the At&t Micro cell and she drops calls. Do I take her phone to the At&t store? We haven't had the phones for 90 days.
Phone was sitting on my desk plugged in to power cord with 4G turned off.I have a very strong 3G signal at my office, I can see the tower out my window.The phone dropped the data connection and it took about 5 minutes for the 3G data connection to come back.I was getting used to this happening with 4G but now 3G too?
I own a lumia 800. The local FM radio reception is really weak on the phone, even when outdoors. While other phones such as xperia and galaxy sii play FM very clearly, this phone is grainy at best. What could be the reason behind this? Should I get the phone checked for hardware issues or is the Zune software at fault.
almost since day one, i have not really had the pleasure of enjoying what 4g signal is really like. i'm in chicago, and when ever i'm either downloading music or streaming video (netflix, Internet) or downloading anything that requires data, the phone completely loses the 4g connection and takes at times up to 5 minutes for the signal to come back. if i keep the phone on 3g only it does not happen, but that defeats the whole purpose of having a 4g device. the "data saver" in settings is off.
I own a Droid Razr MAXX that I purchased in the June timeframe, so it is still essentially new. My phone was updated to ICS when Verizon pushed the update out to everyone a few weeks back. Initially, I was excited to be getting the update to help improve phone performance and functionality. Unfortunately, this has not been my experience.
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that my phone signal strength has diminished. Since I work a desk job, I sit in pretty much the same exact location each day and it is easy to notice signal strength. Before ICS, I usually had a 4G connection with 3-4 bars. Now, my phone fluctuates between struggling to connect to 4G and eventually connecting to 3G with 1-2, maybe 3 bars. In fact, the signal icon frequently changes from blue bars to white (I'm not sure what it means, but it probably isn't good). The phone seems to run slower and my apps frequently crash a few times per day. In addition, my phone seems to be using more battery now too. Before ICS, I could work a full day and still have 70% battery remaining. Now, I'm lucky to have 40-50%.
I haven't added any new apps, but have a few more .MP3 songs saved to my SD card. In addition, I don't believe there are local issues with a cell tower going down, etc.
I currently keep the power button set to end calls. During a speaker phone call the screen goes off (as expected). The only way to get it to turn back on is to hit the power button, which ends the call. If I change the settings to have the power button to not end calls the screen will come back on and I could switch out of speaker phone. Is there a way to get the screen back on while leaving the power button to end calls?
when RAZR is sitting on a softer surface that it really effects the speaker / ring sound?The speaker placement is not as optimal since it is easily covered. On my DX it was lower and never was completely covered. Not a complaint, just surprised as I missed a few calls due to the phone sitting on my car seat and sofa.
I updated my Razr Maxx on Monday. Tried doing it sooner, but was getting the bug where it wouldn't validate the update. Ever since my signal strenght has been much worse than before. I no longer get signal in some places that I go for work that I had no issues with before. In those I still get signal I have issues connecting to data where I never did before. Even at home my signal is much worse.I realize that ICS displays the strength differently, but the way it displays should have nothing to do with actual usability. Can hardly use my phone at all anymore while working whereas I had no issues before update.
I have a new Droid Razr and it cannot locate the wifi signal in the DOE laboratory that I work in. My 4 year old HP computer has no problem. Verizon 4G signal is fine as well as signal from Verizon based wifi hotspot. I know the signal exists, the phone simply cannot find it.
I was sitting at work the other evening and heard a phone ringing. It was very faint. I looked all around and it turned out to me my Razr. It was ringing from the earpiece speaker for no reason. No text, email, call, Nothing... The only way to get it to stop was to hold down the power and volume keys and do a reboot.
Does anyone have this issue of the notifications playing trhough BOTH the speaker and headphones? I have read that this is a Android issue that Google has not fixed yet
Here is a thread on the Open Hanset Alliance Project: [URL]
I only live 1 1/2 miles from an AT&T tower and the reception I get with my Iphone is horrible, dropped calls and the signal is 1 to 2 bars. I would like to hear from someone that is using an Atrix HD phone that is at least 1 1/2 miles from a tower and find what kind of reception you are getting before I spend $450.00 to purchase this phone and find that I am know better than with the Iphone.
Over the past two weeks I've tried three different Atrix phones and two different SIM cards, but I still have poor reception, especially indoors. The current signal strength readings are: -113 dB, ecno: -18, rat: 3g. At the AT&T store, which is right next to a cell tower, their demo Atrix has -52 dB signal, while mine varies between -62 dB and -88 dB. They tell me not to worry about the signal strength unless I'm dropping calls, but conversations are often unintelligible even though they're not dropped.
After weeks with the update I've noticed that my wifi reception seems to be pretty spotty. I know it's not my router because all my other devices have maintained the same performance as they always have. Most of the time I get half the signal I used to but sometimes I get no signal at all until I restart.
Its not really a problem but what is the blinking house icon above the signal strength on the droid razr maxx hd. It seems to flash randomly and I was just wondering what it was.
I have this problem on my new RAZR MAXX as well as my Bionic.After using a Bluetooth stereo headset or Bluetooth in the car, once the connection drops, the phone's speaker stops working for awhile.For instance, you might get a call and the phone doesn't ring, or you might play some music and the speaker is silent.This usually clears up after stopping and starting the music again, or if you get a second phone call it will ring.
Recently; within the past week, my Maxx is intermittently loosing sound from the external speaker. I've tried rebooting, reinstalling the OS, etc... so I took to the internet: [URL]. Pressing on the kevlar cover works for a brief time; but when I am missing calls or notifications, its a little late to be pressing on the back cover to make the speaker connection. I dropped my phone when I first got it (March '12) so the warranty center is going to claim physical damage and charge me full retail for the phone. I can't go for much longer with a phone that doesn't ring.
Firstly - and probably most importantly - sitting right next to my wi-fi router doesn't even produce a full connection to the network (and it disconnects completely in my bedroom, which it never did with the HTC). Is this a known issue with the device? It's really poor.Secondly, seeing as there is only limited space for notification icons in the notification area, can I remove my carrier info (MTN-SA) which permanently displays and takes up a lot of space, causing most of the other notifications to be bumped to the hidden area?oing from a 1gig processor to a 1.2gig dual core - can't say I notice much of a difference, if any? And I was under the impression that newer generation processors were supposed to yield better battery performance
My Atrix was working just fine for the past month, and this morning all of a sudden I'm not getting ANY signal/reception. I can't make phone calls nor send texts. Sometimes the signal comes back but it's just for 2 or 3 minutes and then the signal is completely gone again. When I plug the SIM card into another phone it works just fine so that rules out AT&T's problem. Wi-fi works just fine. I factory reset the phone but the problem still exists. I am already out of the 30-day return/exchange policy, what can I do? Is this problem going to be fixed for the next update?
Screen shot shows when my phone is completely out of signal.
I need help getting cell tower reception on my phone. Using China Unicom as Network Carrier. I am located in Guangzhou China (a major metropolis). The problem is not with the SIM Card itself because it has been tested and placed in other phones & it works well. Reception Bars fluctuate between 0-2 bars at most, both in and outdoors.Have noticed these problems since upgrading the phone to IOS 5.0 & now also on 5.1.1. No problem with Wi-Fi Networks. I have also tried Resetting the Network & taking out the SIM Card and putting it back in, but this has not helped.
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1, Model MC637ZA Serial 83028W5VEDG