Motorola Droid Razr :: Why Are Calls Being Dropped

Jul 16, 2012

I am using a RAZR on Verizon. Frequently, but not 100% of the time, if I am on a call, and another call comes in one of the following things happen:

1. If I take no action, meaning I continue with call 1, both calls are dropped.

2. If I attempt to switch to the other call, both calls are dropped.

3. The incoming (2nd call) is dropped, but I cannot hear the 1st caller.

4. If I attempt to reply to the 2nd caller with a text while continuing the 1st call, the call is dropped.

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Motorola Droid :: Having Calls Dropped By Call Waiting On RAZR

Apr 28, 2012

I am experiencing an inconsistent, but elatively frequent issue with my RAZR. I'm on a call, a second call comes in. Sometimes, I ignore the call and my original call gets dropped. Other times, I switch over to pick up the second call and both calls get dropped. Sometimes, it works is it should and I can go back and forth between calls as expected. This has happened in multiple locations, so I do not believe it is tower specific. I never experienced this issue with the original Moto Droid I owned prior to the RAZR.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Does HD Voice Cause Dropped Calls

Oct 10, 2015

My Turbo worked great up until 5.1. At my house, my signal is ~ -110 dBm which is about the same on my AT&T network H815 LG G4. Ill drop about one call every 24-48 hours. I went through hours of troubleshooting with customer service and tech support. I even was shipped a replacement device.

So, eventually a trouble ticket was issued to their engineering department and there answer was High Def voice, when activated in a "weak spot" (-110 dBm is enough to make a call) that it would disconnect the phone. My AT&T G4 never dropped a call at my home.

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Motorola Flipout :: No Dropped Calls / No 'emercency Calls Only' / No Unsent Text Messages

Sep 24, 2011

I love my FlipOut, really, but I borrowed a Samsung ACE (android) from my daughter for the week-end, and I must say that it is by far superior as a phone.No dropped calls, no "emercency calls only", no unsent text messages, no buffer overrun while streaming radio from the net.It seem that the size matters, when reception is poor.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Not Log Missed Calls?

Jan 23, 2012

after all this time I finally have a small issue. All of a sudden my phone will not log my missed calls. No issues with out going calls. Just the incoming

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Incoming Calls Will Not Vibrate?

Aug 1, 2012

I just got a CLN Razr a few weeks ago (came from a Bionic) and love the phone. One question that I can't seem to find an answer for though. I put the phone in vibrate mode and text, emails will vibrate. However, incoming calls will not vibrate, just silent. I checked the sound settings and Silent mode is set to vibrate. Any ideas on how to set the incoming calls to vibrate?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Not Receiving Calls And Texts

Jul 14, 2012

i am tired of all the problems i've been having since the ICS update. the final straw? A LOT of people unrelated to each other have told me they have called me and text me numerous times yet i receive nothing. wow, after the fifth call you answer the phone and you never responded to my text comments are getting pretty annoying. i hope that with a clean slate i have a better experience with ICS. it's amazing how ICS was released in November of last year and after 7 months of production Motorola screws things up.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Doesn't Always Receive Calls

Nov 24, 2011

I've been using the phone for about two weeks now. In this time I've gotten a few text messages to the affect of, "I just called, why didn't you answer?" or when I call someone, they comment on how long it took for me to return their call. Piecing the feedback together, it seems that the phone doesn't always receive the call and ring. The person who is placing the call hears a dial tone, etc... and has no indication the call isn't ringing on my end. One time this occured, a voice mail was left and I received the voice mail right away. However, if no voicemail is left, I get no indication a call should have been received (no missed calls). The frequency of occurance is fairly hit and miss, besides, you can't prove someone didn't just call you .

I've experienced this on some other verizon phones of multiple brands (before smart phone times), and tend to think it has something to do with the software interactions between the carrier and platform, or perhaps the quality of antenna and how the software handles marginal signal. In the past, the only remedy I found was to change phones, but software pushes weren't as prevalent in those times.... Note, I've been a verizon customer since the dawn of time, so the carrier is a constant variable here. This phone was an upgrade from the Motorola Droid 1, and I didn't experience this problem (in the same locations) with this phone. For what it's worth, around town and at home I have a full 5 bars of signal strength, though I understand the bars are just a function of software.

I have also experienced some data drop out issues on 3G (patiently waiting for verizon to flip the LTE switch on) when heavily managing the wi-fi radio via the smart actions. There seem to be a few other complaints on the forums of similiar behavior. Changing the smart actions to have the wifi radio enabled most of the time seems to have helped with this issue, so I don't beleive it is related, but you never know..

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Stop Phone Calls While Using Hotspot

Jul 12, 2012

We just got rid of two internet services by using the mobile hotspot feature on our Razrs, saving literally $160.00 a month.

Problem: whenever the phone rings, it knocks me offline. It's like a flashback to the 1990s!

Question: How can I make my cell calls go directly into voicemail instead of ringing? Or is there something else I can do?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Speakerphone Not Working And Skype Calls

Nov 26, 2012

Today I discovered my speakerphone was not working. On phone calls, the speakerphone light comes on but the audio only comes from the earpiece. Every few calls, the speakerphone starts working midway through the call. On Skype video calls, the same thing. The audio comes only from the earpiece. I have removed and reinstalled Skype. No change. The ringer works as do all the notifications so the speaker is working. I have tried disabling bluethooth to make sure it was not interfering. No change.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Earpiece Volume On Calls After JB Update?

Dec 5, 2012

I have found that the earpiece volume after the JB update, when you pick up a call is very loud and can't be lowered unless you rock the volume buttons during the call. Even if you leave the volume low during the call, on any subsequent calls the volume reverts back to being very lound and you have to do it all over again. I didn't have this issue on ICS. I did notice it on the leaked OTA before the official OTA also. When I reverted back to ICS after the leak and before the official OTA, the issue fixed itself.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Swipe Not Press To Answer Calls

May 10, 2012

I wish Motorola would get this right on its phones, although it may be an Android issue.When I'm on a headset the phone is in my pocket. I have pocket detection on. When a call comes in (on call waiting) the screen pops up and becuase there is an answer button rather than a swipe, without fail, the incoming call is answered.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Muffled Sound - No Clarity On Voice Calls

Dec 18, 2012

My wife and I bought a pair of RAZR M phones three days ago, and right from the beginning, soung quality was pretty poor. It doesn't seem to be a problem calling voicemail, I can hear the machine just fine, but on all voice calls, I sound very muffled, and have a hard time hearing the other person. I tried holding the phone in every conceivable way which made little difference. This is especially bad when my wife and I call each other. I went to the Verizon store (not where I bought it), and they denied there was any problem and sent me away. I am running Android Jellybean (4.1.1). On my old Sprint phone, this was never an issue, but background noise was horrible. With the RAZR M, there is no background noise, but no clarity either.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Static On Bluetooth When Making / Receiving Calls

May 25, 2012

I have a Droid Razr paired with a Blue Parrot BTX-250. Most of the time(not all), when either making or receiving a call, the phone is broadcasting static to the speaker circuit of the BT. People can still hear and understand me. The static lasts for anywhere from 1/2 second to 5 seconds then goes away. It is only doing this during calls. I can use the voice command to initiate a call and the phone understands me and I can understand it, then when the Razor connects the phone circuit to the BT it will give the static(most of the time). Went to a Verizon store and tech guy verified all this. BT is two months old and worked fine with last phone last week. We are fairly certain it is a software issue with Droid.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Set Notification Alert For Messages And Missed Calls

Oct 31, 2012

I just purchased a Droid Razr M and can not find out how to set the notification alert for messages and missed calls. I want to set the alert and have it remind me every two minutes of so that I have new messages and or missed calls. This is how my old phones used to work... I would get an audible alert every 2 minutes until I viewed the messge, etc.

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Can't Remember If RAZR Had A Notification LED For Missed Calls & Messages

Jun 5, 2012

I had a RAZR that failed and I replaced it with something else. (don't ask) Now I want to consider a Droid 4, but I can't remember if the RAZR had a notification LED for missed calls & messages but the real question is does the Droid 4 have a notification LED? This is important to me, as I need to keep my phone on silent a lot of the time, and the flashing LED is about the only way I know if I've missed a call (without waking the screen.)

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Wont vibrate For Notifications and Sometimes Phone Calls?

Jun 28, 2012

For the past 2 days while my phone is on vibrate mode. It wont vibrate for notifications and sometimes phone calls. Is anyone else having this issue. BTW im still on Gingerbread

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Motorola 4G :: Dropped Calls With My Atrix

May 23, 2011

I upgraded to the Atrix a few weeks ago, for my wife and me. all of a sudden we have dropped calls all the time. does anyone know a cure for that or if Motorola is working on that?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: EDGE, 3G, And Dropped Calls?

Apr 20, 2011

I have owned my Atrix for about 3 weeks and it constantly switches back and forth from 3G to EDGE, rinse and repeat. It does this about 30-40 times per day. I have a very strong 3G signal in my area and I notice that my Atrix does this MORE OFTEN than my iPhone 4.Also, I am dropping a lot of calls on the Atrix compared to the iPhone 4, which I was really surprised to see this happening. I do have all of the latest software updates installed on the Atrix.One more thing, I noticed that on AT&T you can't install from "Unknown" sources, hence I would like to take advantage of the daily specials on the Amazon android store and I am unable to do so without the option on the phone.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Rapidly Changing Signal Dropped Calls And Very Slow Internet?

Jan 13, 2012

My phone is always changing the signal quality on it. The top of the information area will turn from green to grey to nothing over and over again. If i place or receive a call within a few minutes it drops with no record of the call. The internet is the same i will have 4g service and then it will crawl. I have to keep the phone still to maintain the signal. if i even move my hand the signal is gone.I know it is not sprint cause my wife has a diffent phone and it works perfectly she is chatting away on it all day never had a signal issue. went the spint salesman and he didnt understand why it was doing that. It dropped a call right in the store.I am on the sprint network, I have updated my profile and all the updates are complete. All the salesman suggested is that I do a factory reset and lose everything on the phone. I dont want to lose some games i paid for. If i have to do the reset is there a way to backup my games and how would i reteive them?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Droid Razr Usable Without Verizon Service?

Oct 19, 2012

If both Verizon phone and data service are discontinued, will a Droid Razr still function (especially, will internet access via Wi-Fi still function)?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Droid Razr Maxx And Bluetooth 4.0?

Apr 8, 2012

I purchased the Moto Elite Sliver because my Plantronics Pro HD would drop its bluetooth every single time a call was answered or placed. I did a little research and found it may be related to a conflict with the 2.0 headset and 4.0 phone. Moto Sliver is BT 3.0 and was working great until this week. Now every single time a call is disconnected, the headset disconnects and reconnects. Reboots galore, problem still exists. Uninstall/reinstall Motospeak, problem still exists. Sometimes the bluetooth will not connect at all (reboot required). The Droid RAZR Maxx and the Elite Sliver are supposed to be state of the art MOTOROLA, I make a living with my phone and headset.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 20 Minutes After Leaving The Store It Dropped, Which Led To The Factory Reset?

Dec 14, 2011

my friend has the bionic and got the update Monday night, she was dropping data signals by the next day. we tried everything, airplane mode on/off, battery pulls, uninstalled all apps, factory reset, new sim, cleared history/cache/cookies and everything else mentioned here (I had 3 bionics myself) but it is still dropping.what prompted the new SIM was her attempt to return the phone but was outside the return period...rep stated between the update and SIM, it would resolve the data dropping, but 20 minutes after leaving the store it dropped, which led to the factory reset.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: RAZR M WiFi Doesn't Wake From Sleep?

Oct 25, 2012

I have WiFi enabled. Often when I am near a wireless access point, my RAZR M still uses 4G. It's as if the WiFi is going to sleep when I power the screen off, but it doesn't wake up again. Turning WiFi off and on makes it reconnect.It seems to happen mostly when I'm at home, where I also use the Motorola flip stand with "ESP" smart charger, and a NetGear dual-band wireless router/access point.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: When Dock The RAZR It Does Not Change To The Car Navigation Screen Or Start To Charge?

Nov 17, 2011

Brand new Car Dock and Razr. Installed and all good working no problems for first 2 days,then when I dock the RAZR it does not change to the car navigation screen or start to charge.Power light on the power cable. RAZR charges and transfers data via other cables.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: No Outlook Sync Native To Razr?

Dec 16, 2011

The Verizon Sales assistant assured me that I'd be able to Sync my Outlook with my Droid Razr as easily as I synced it with my old Blackberry Tour. Now, after several days' worth of set-up, google searches, forum searches and FAQ's, I'm come to the conclusion that Motorola did NOT build this function into the Droid Razr, and I have to pay a hefty fee for a decent 3rd-party app to do what my Blackberry did for free. Have I missed something?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Razr HD Usable Screen Size

Oct 18, 2012

I frequently hit adjacent keys while texting on my old Droid X. A larger screen and of course 4G and a faster processor were appealing as well. As the Razr HD models sport screens almost as large as the S3 I ran to see them on their first day out of the gates. What a disappointment! Holding my old Droid X up against them I saw that the usable screen sizes were identical. Namely 4.3" unless playing videos in which case the video filled up the Razr HD's 4.7" screen. I couldn't find anything else that would fill up the screen. Perhaps, photos might. But internet browsing, texting and whatever else I tried occupied a 4.3" inset within the 4.7" screen. So why have a 4.7" screen at all? The Galaxy S3 on the other hand fills up the entire 4.8" screen with not only video but everything else, including texting, messaging, web browsing, and everything else I tried. So what gives? Why did you even create a 4.7" screen if you aren't going to utilize it to its full potential?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Life With Razr Maxx

Jul 2, 2012

I thought ICS was suppose to extend battery life? My MAXX wont last very long lately since the ICS, And its suppose to have a very long battery life, what happened?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Defective RAZR HD LCD Screen?

Dec 4, 2012

On Oct 20, we switched from AT&T to Verizon Wireless after being with AT&T for over 10 years. We had iPhones and had to get new phones when we switched. The Verizon salesperson convinced me and my adult daughter to get the RAZR HD that had just come out and he said it was better than the iPhone. My husband stayed with an iPhone because he is a commercial pilot and needed to use aviation apps that were not available on a DROID phone. Initially we were very impressed with the RAZR HD until my daughter had a problem with hers after just 20 days of use. She is an EMT and was on duty sitting in her ambulance. She has to have a phone on her while working. She used her phone several times and had it in her front pocket. She took the phone out of her pocket to call us and the screen was black and not functioning—a few minutes before it was working fine. She noticed some spider cracks in the LCD at the edge of the screen. She took the phone back to the store where it was purchased and the Verizon salesperson accused her of abusing/dropping it and said she would have to file an insurance claim which would cost $99. I was shocked. Our iPhones had heavy mobile use and were even dropped several times, including on cement, but never failed. I told our daughter we had no intention of filing an insurance claim for a defective product that should be covered under warranty. For all we know, it had damage before we even bought it from Verizon. But when she contacted Motorola, they said a screen failure due to a cracked screen was not covered but she could send it in to be evaluated. When we read the warranty, it does not say this. It says it doesn't cover damage caused by accidents, abuse, misuse, including improper usage or operation, abuse or neglect, or impact damage, such as dropping the phone. The phone had not been dropped, abused, or misused. There is not a scratch or any physical damage on the phone and the glass. The phone failed under normal use. The LCD screen under the glass fractured. Normal use should not cause this unless there was a manufacturer's defect in the phone. I.contacted my dad who works with digital and analog wireless technologies/hardware, and he told us to file a warranty claim. He said the phone has an accelerometer in it that detects G-force and impact and Motorola should provide us the data that shows the phone was impacted outside the tolerance thresholds for normal use. Well clearly Motorola and Verizon are just scamming customers and ripping them off. How convenient for Motorola to automatically tell a client all screen failures are due to customer damage. We should have stuck with iPhones and the AppleCare. Apple stands behind the quality of their products and would have never questioned replacing a phone for a defective LCD, i.e., no broken glass, just screen failure. You get a replacement on the spot. Oh but not Motorola—mail it in and then you are without a phone for how long??? We are going on 24 days now. Motorola got the phone and sent a picture of the phone screen (included) and said it was physically damaged—said it would cost $99 to fix—interesting how that is the same amount as the Verizon insurance deductible. Really--they are insulting my intelligence... I called them up and told them to provide me the accelerometer data—I wanted proof the phone was damaged by us and not defective. They still have the phone and have not responded to my request for over a week now. I told customer service that Motorola should be ready for a fight—we will file a report with the FTC and the BBB if they don't repair or replace the phone at no cost. I am very angry about this poor customer service. If we dropped the phone and cracked it up, well that is what insurance is for and that is why we bought the insurance. I would not expect Motorola to fix a phone for free if we broke it, but this is not the case and it is just outrageous. I am worried the same thing will soon happen to my RAZR HD which has overheated while it was charging. The phone is so thin that any expansion in the case is going to put pressure on the LCD. I am wondering how we are going to make it through a 2-year contract with Verizon when the Motorola phone can't even handle normal mobile use. I used my AT&T iPhone 3Gs for over 3 years before switching to Verizon and the RAZR HD and the iPhone still works well as a Smart device for email, photos and music. Clearly Apple has a superior product and also knows how to take care of customers. We called Motorola customer service again today since we aren't seeing any information online regarding the current status of our phone, and they couldn't even tell us what the status is. They have had the phone for over 2 weeks. If Motorola doesn't do what is right, they will lose us as customers. This is so frustrating.

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Motorola Razr :: Droid Razr UI After Factory Reset Is Different

Jul 10, 2012

I was facing problems similar to this ( Gallery crash after OTA ICS update )url..I followed the thread and did a factory reset.I now find that the problem is solved but the UI after factory reset is different from the original UI that came with ICS update. I kinda like previous UI. I am guessing it is Motoblur. Is there any way to get that back.

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IPhone :: Dropped Calls With 4s?

Mar 22, 2012

I've a IPhone 4s and I'm facing real problems to do a call. At the moment I'v e really most times dropped calls. I didn't get until now a idea why and how and also I didn't see until know a structure behind this failure. But it haappens not always and I think it have to do something with the signal coverage.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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