Motorola Droid Razr :: Swipe Not Press To Answer Calls
May 10, 2012
I wish Motorola would get this right on its phones, although it may be an Android issue.When I'm on a headset the phone is in my pocket. I have pocket detection on. When a call comes in (on call waiting) the screen pops up and becuase there is an answer button rather than a swipe, without fail, the incoming call is answered.
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Jan 1, 2010
My phone works perfectly except I can't answer calls, when I press answer/ignore it freezes until it goes to voicemail and then comes back. I've flashed multiple roms and had the problem with all of them. I'm not using any special themes or anything, and the only software I ever install are HD Tweak and Finger Keyboard 2.1 and my radio Here's a list of what I've done since I had the phone:
1. Bought phone. Flashed HSPL. Flashed Laurentius L26, no problems. Was being lazy so I didn't hard reset after flashing.
2. Flashed Dutty R14. Didn't hard reset after flashing. No problems for awhile and then the problem of not being able to answer calls appeared.
3. Flashed EnergyRom wm6.5 rom. Hard reset twice after. Still having problem where I can't answer calls.
4. Flashed Dutty 3.9XT wm6.1 rom. Hard reset twice after. Still having problem where I can't answer calls.
If anyone can help me figure out why my phone is doing this I'd really appreciate it, I'll even pay you some money on PayPal if you like because I really want to fix it. Here are some ideas I had as to why it's not working:
- Problem with rom flash. No, because I tried it with 3 different roms so far and had the same problem.
- Touch HD isn't fast enough to run wm6.5 and be stable. No, because I tried it with a wm6.1 rom too and had the same problem.
- Someone suggested it might be a problem with the battery. No, because I ordered new replacement batteries and tried them and had the same problem.
- Some of the settings in HD Tweak are incompatible with something in the roms I'm using. Maybe, is this possible? I don't really change much, just the softkeys and the highlight color and things like that.
- Screwed up something in the SPL or something because I didn't hard reset after flashing the first 2 roms. Maybe, is this possible?
- Dropped my phone and somehow managed to break nothing but the mechanism involved in answering calls. Maybe, is this possible?
Today I'm going to reflash HSPL, flash the stock HTC rom, hard reset twice, and see if I still have the problem. I don't know what else to do or what other possibilities there are. If anyone can shed some light on this issue, that would be great, because I really don't want to have to buy a new phone.
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Jul 5, 2015
I have only had the Turbo a few weeks. I have turned on a call answer vibration somehow. My wife's doesn't do it. I cant figure out what I turned on. Need turning the vibrate pulse off. Its when swiping to answer incoming calls only. I have vibrate turned off under settings.
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Nov 11, 2011
I checked it in the settings " Vibrate on Keypress " and it ONLY happens when the unit is plugged in! I went back to Verizon and the same thing happened on the display unit! Most Android smartphones Vibrate when ever you press ANY KEY or icon.. Not this one! Why in the world would it ONLY Vibrate when PLUGGED in?
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Jan 4, 2013
Razr Maxx was ran over by vehicle and display was crushed. You can't answer it but it rings and rings etc. My question is what do you do if your phone is ringing but you can't answer it because of a broken display. This mainly comes from a safety question as if you were in a car, bicycle type of accident and your display was busted. Only damage was from the screen display of the phone. Not looking for answers of how to get the phone fixed and repaired.
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Nov 18, 2014
Upon Receiving an incoming call my phone rings & vibrates - but will not display any alert on the screen (or lock screen) that there is an incoming call. If I unlock the phone as it's ringing the normal home screen is displayed and after a ring or two I receive the below "Mobile Data not available" prompt. Pressing ok results in the phone going back to the homescreen with once again, no further dialog to answer/ignore/mute the call (nothing in the notification bar either). Eventually the call will make it to voicemail as i can't answer it, and i get a prompt missed call notification.
Items i've checked so far: disabled apps - re-enabled to make sure nothing got zapped that's interfering.Mobile data is enabled under settings.OTA Update was applied & Phone works fine otherwise, solid 4G service in populated area....Note the missed call notification icon is displayed from a previous call when i was trouble shooting:
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Sep 12, 2012
Ever since my phone was updated to ICS, I've noticed that once in a while (it's probably happened 5 times now) I can not answer an incoming phone call. Usually it's while my phone is in the Droid 4 car dock, but it has also happened without it being connected to anything. What happens is my phone will ring either through the phone speakers and my bluetooth headset (if connected), but the phone "answer" screen will not pop up, and the phone doesn't respond to any type of input, which forces me to reboot my phone by holding down the power/volume down buttons. Once the phone boots back up, there is no record of who called me in the recent calls list, so hopefully they leave me a voicemail otherwise I have no idea who called me. After the first couple times this happened, I decided to perform a factory reset, hoping that this would fix the lag/freeze up issue, but it did not correct this problem. The only way that I can think of trying to minimize the occurrences of the phone freezing up/ running sluggishly would be to perform a reboot every couple days or so to clear up the memory.
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Jun 28, 2011
If the screen is off and resting, when a phone call comes in, you have to SLIDE to answer.If the screen is on, or I am within an app doing something on the phone and a call comes in, then it becomes TOUCH to answer.Anybody else noticed this??I hate it because the slide lock is super laggy since the update. I would much rather it be touch all the time. Wasn't it this way with Froyo?
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Jan 23, 2012
after all this time I finally have a small issue. All of a sudden my phone will not log my missed calls. No issues with out going calls. Just the incoming
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Jul 16, 2012
I am using a RAZR on Verizon. Frequently, but not 100% of the time, if I am on a call, and another call comes in one of the following things happen:
1. If I take no action, meaning I continue with call 1, both calls are dropped.
2. If I attempt to switch to the other call, both calls are dropped.
3. The incoming (2nd call) is dropped, but I cannot hear the 1st caller.
4. If I attempt to reply to the 2nd caller with a text while continuing the 1st call, the call is dropped.
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Aug 1, 2012
I just got a CLN Razr a few weeks ago (came from a Bionic) and love the phone. One question that I can't seem to find an answer for though. I put the phone in vibrate mode and text, emails will vibrate. However, incoming calls will not vibrate, just silent. I checked the sound settings and Silent mode is set to vibrate. Any ideas on how to set the incoming calls to vibrate?
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Jul 14, 2012
i am tired of all the problems i've been having since the ICS update. the final straw? A LOT of people unrelated to each other have told me they have called me and text me numerous times yet i receive nothing. wow, after the fifth call you answer the phone and you never responded to my text comments are getting pretty annoying. i hope that with a clean slate i have a better experience with ICS. it's amazing how ICS was released in November of last year and after 7 months of production Motorola screws things up.
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Nov 24, 2011
I've been using the phone for about two weeks now. In this time I've gotten a few text messages to the affect of, "I just called, why didn't you answer?" or when I call someone, they comment on how long it took for me to return their call. Piecing the feedback together, it seems that the phone doesn't always receive the call and ring. The person who is placing the call hears a dial tone, etc... and has no indication the call isn't ringing on my end. One time this occured, a voice mail was left and I received the voice mail right away. However, if no voicemail is left, I get no indication a call should have been received (no missed calls). The frequency of occurance is fairly hit and miss, besides, you can't prove someone didn't just call you .
I've experienced this on some other verizon phones of multiple brands (before smart phone times), and tend to think it has something to do with the software interactions between the carrier and platform, or perhaps the quality of antenna and how the software handles marginal signal. In the past, the only remedy I found was to change phones, but software pushes weren't as prevalent in those times.... Note, I've been a verizon customer since the dawn of time, so the carrier is a constant variable here. This phone was an upgrade from the Motorola Droid 1, and I didn't experience this problem (in the same locations) with this phone. For what it's worth, around town and at home I have a full 5 bars of signal strength, though I understand the bars are just a function of software.
I have also experienced some data drop out issues on 3G (patiently waiting for verizon to flip the LTE switch on) when heavily managing the wi-fi radio via the smart actions. There seem to be a few other complaints on the forums of similiar behavior. Changing the smart actions to have the wifi radio enabled most of the time seems to have helped with this issue, so I don't beleive it is related, but you never know..
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Jul 12, 2012
We just got rid of two internet services by using the mobile hotspot feature on our Razrs, saving literally $160.00 a month.
Problem: whenever the phone rings, it knocks me offline. It's like a flashback to the 1990s!
Question: How can I make my cell calls go directly into voicemail instead of ringing? Or is there something else I can do?
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Nov 26, 2012
Today I discovered my speakerphone was not working. On phone calls, the speakerphone light comes on but the audio only comes from the earpiece. Every few calls, the speakerphone starts working midway through the call. On Skype video calls, the same thing. The audio comes only from the earpiece. I have removed and reinstalled Skype. No change. The ringer works as do all the notifications so the speaker is working. I have tried disabling bluethooth to make sure it was not interfering. No change.
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Dec 5, 2012
I have found that the earpiece volume after the JB update, when you pick up a call is very loud and can't be lowered unless you rock the volume buttons during the call. Even if you leave the volume low during the call, on any subsequent calls the volume reverts back to being very lound and you have to do it all over again. I didn't have this issue on ICS. I did notice it on the leaked OTA before the official OTA also. When I reverted back to ICS after the leak and before the official OTA, the issue fixed itself.
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Apr 28, 2012
I am experiencing an inconsistent, but elatively frequent issue with my RAZR. I'm on a call, a second call comes in. Sometimes, I ignore the call and my original call gets dropped. Other times, I switch over to pick up the second call and both calls get dropped. Sometimes, it works is it should and I can go back and forth between calls as expected. This has happened in multiple locations, so I do not believe it is tower specific. I never experienced this issue with the original Moto Droid I owned prior to the RAZR.
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Dec 18, 2012
My wife and I bought a pair of RAZR M phones three days ago, and right from the beginning, soung quality was pretty poor. It doesn't seem to be a problem calling voicemail, I can hear the machine just fine, but on all voice calls, I sound very muffled, and have a hard time hearing the other person. I tried holding the phone in every conceivable way which made little difference. This is especially bad when my wife and I call each other. I went to the Verizon store (not where I bought it), and they denied there was any problem and sent me away. I am running Android Jellybean (4.1.1). On my old Sprint phone, this was never an issue, but background noise was horrible. With the RAZR M, there is no background noise, but no clarity either.
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May 25, 2012
I have a Droid Razr paired with a Blue Parrot BTX-250. Most of the time(not all), when either making or receiving a call, the phone is broadcasting static to the speaker circuit of the BT. People can still hear and understand me. The static lasts for anywhere from 1/2 second to 5 seconds then goes away. It is only doing this during calls. I can use the voice command to initiate a call and the phone understands me and I can understand it, then when the Razor connects the phone circuit to the BT it will give the static(most of the time). Went to a Verizon store and tech guy verified all this. BT is two months old and worked fine with last phone last week. We are fairly certain it is a software issue with Droid.
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Oct 31, 2012
I just purchased a Droid Razr M and can not find out how to set the notification alert for messages and missed calls. I want to set the alert and have it remind me every two minutes of so that I have new messages and or missed calls. This is how my old phones used to work... I would get an audible alert every 2 minutes until I viewed the messge, etc.
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Jun 5, 2012
I had a RAZR that failed and I replaced it with something else. (don't ask) Now I want to consider a Droid 4, but I can't remember if the RAZR had a notification LED for missed calls & messages but the real question is does the Droid 4 have a notification LED? This is important to me, as I need to keep my phone on silent a lot of the time, and the flashing LED is about the only way I know if I've missed a call (without waking the screen.)
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Jun 28, 2012
For the past 2 days while my phone is on vibrate mode. It wont vibrate for notifications and sometimes phone calls. Is anyone else having this issue. BTW im still on Gingerbread
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Feb 13, 2010
I have an issue regarding My nokia N97...My device is updated with firmware version 21.0.045 bt stil after updating it my issue is arising..When I bought my phone,that time when I receive an Incoming call...while my phone is locked I used to get "Swipe to Answer" on my display bt now suddenly even if the phone is locked..when an Incoming call is coming the phone gets unlocked itself and I get normal Answer and reject buttons on the touchscreen..I want the same Swipe to answer feature back in my phone..
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Sep 6, 2012
I love lollipop and the Xperia Z5. But, I want to answer calls using a swipe, just as it was in Android 5-.
So, is it possible to disable incoming call notification and enable "swipe-to-answer"?
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Apr 21, 2010
I have seen others having the same problem: it used to work fine, but suddenly I can't answer phone call by just swipe the screen. I have to unlock using the side unlock key, and answer the phone. I now set the Any key Answer function on, so I can answer by pressing the white key or the unlock side key. But I am afraid that the side lock key is going to give after prolonged use. And it's kind of inconvenient especially when I don't want to answer a call. I have tried soft reset, hard reset, and taking out the battery and everything. Nothing worked. Can anyone give me advice on this issue?
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Aug 7, 2015
When my phone rings and I swipe to answer, I can't answer it. I have no problem calling out. Have I accidently touched something and what?
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Apr 5, 2012
My iPhone 4S is 16gb Black on AT&T with ios 5.1. Sometimes when I receive an incoming call my screen locks up. I can't swipe to answer, pushing the home button does nothing, however when I push the lock button it will stop the phone from vibrating. After the incoming call exits unanswered the phone is fully functional. This happens about once or twice a week and works normally otherwise.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Nov 18, 2015
How to setting answer phone call by push home button or using fingerprint? It is not easy to swipe to right when I use the left hand.
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Jul 23, 2015
I've had my LG G3 6 months now, and overall I like it - but I *loathe* the swipe to answer calls function! 9 times out of 10 it doesn't work and so I keep missing calls whilst furiously swiping & jabbing my finger over the screen. Is there any way I can change it to something more simple, like pressing the home key? I've looked through all of the settings and googled, but can't seem to find a way around it.
My LG is running with Lollipop v 5.0.2
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May 18, 2012
Cant answer calls, cause answerring buttons are disappeared. I not see 'answer' & 'ignore' buttons on incoming calls screen
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Jun 12, 2012
I just got my ATRIX 4G on ATT in from repairing the screen from Motorola today. I download go launcher, go sms, and a few other GO apps, when my status bar just disappears. I find where I can open the status bar, but nothing happens. I then used home switcher to switch to motoblur home and then deleted go launcher. I then began noticing that it happened mostly in the go sms app. So I delete that and the problem still persists. Someone tried to call me and the screen was black and I couldn't answer, but I could hear it. I resboot my phone and the status bar appears for 5-10 minutes before disappearing again. I am tired of issues with this phone.
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