Motorola Droid 4 :: List Of Keyboard Shortcuts?

Feb 12, 2012

Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts for the Droid 4?In my Droid 1 browser there are go to homepage, open search dialog, reload page, go back/forward in history, go to top/end of page, show bookmarks, show preferences, create new window, close current window, activate text selection, etc.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Keyboard Shortcuts If Soft Keys Don't Work?

Oct 9, 2012

Without warning, my soft keys stopped working. When I press one, they activate whatever is on the touch screen above them. (For instance, the menu soft key is right below the widget on my home page for contacts. When I press the menu soft key, it activates the contacts widget rather then accessing menus.) I tried a factory reset (I'll spare you the frustrating story of how the backup app I paid for doesn't seem to have worked as promised for me, though thousands of others love it), which included clearing the cache and was done using the external keys not via the reset option in settings. Freshly restarted, prior to adding any of the apps or changing anything, the soft keys still exhibit that behaviour. (Though, come to think of it, I also think the wallpaper stayed, which makes no sense to me. Everything else had to be reconfigured and the reset/cache clearing didn't throw any errors...hmz...)

The Droid 2 keyboard has a back button, which I've been using non-stop since the soft keys went out on me. And a search button, but I never use that. I can get by without a way to simulate having the home key (though I wouldn't mind that). But, as you can imagine, the lack of a functioning Menu key is a serious impediment. I love my Droid 2 enough that, rather than use my "new every 2" to upgrade to a Droid 4, I'm hoping to either fix my issue (which could include fixing the soft keys OR findind a keyboard shortcut for the Menu key) or buy a "new" Droid 2.

So, anyone have either a troubleshooting suggestion other than a reset (tried twice now) and/or know a magical shortcut on the physical keyboard that will do the same thing as the Menu soft key?(Phone is not rooted and has the latest version of Android that Verizon pushed...Looks like 2.3.4)

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Moving Shortcuts To Home Screen?

May 22, 2011

I have loaded some company PDF and HTML reference files to the SD card, in a folder I call StationGuides. I have created shortcuts to them in the same folder as the PDF file and the index.html. I cannot figure out how to drag or copy those shortcuts to the Home screen for quicker access.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Shortcuts Becoming Frozen Or Unresponsive

Oct 1, 2011

I have an ongoing problem with shortcuts becoming frozen or unresponsive. This has happened numerious times and to many different shortcuts. The shortcuts simply do not work. Short press, long press, nothing. I can't delete them either. If I go to the app drawer, the app for the frozen shortcut launches normally.

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Conflicting Stock Browser Shortcuts?

Feb 19, 2012

One of the main reasons I like the physical keyboard is the use of keyboard shortcuts. I noticed that two shortcuts conflict with each other in the stock browser. In a form field of a website, when I press the menu + v combination to paste text, it activates the "save pages" command instead. If you press menu -> more, there is a "save pages" option. Below that text it says "menu + v" which is the same shortcut for paste. However, when in text fields that are part of the browser app (ie. location bar and adding a bookmark) the paste shortcut works. It would be great if the "save pages" shortcut was changed to something else so I could paste text using the keyboard command.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Keyboard Notification That Always Pops Up When The Keyboard Is Running?

Sep 24, 2012

Does anyone know how to remove the keyboard notification that always pops up when the keyboard is running? I've already chosen my input method.

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Xperia Z5 :: Can't Get Keyboard Shortcuts To Work

Jul 3, 2010

I have owned 2 Apple phones and have jumped ship to Android and to Sony, having purchased a Z5 Premium.  My issue is this:  I have read several articles where it explains in full how to make keyboard shortcuts (for like your address for example) and I have followed the instructions to a "T".  It doesn't work.  I go into settings->Language & Input->Personal Dictionary->English(Canada){I've also tried it using the US setting}->add->type a word->shortcut.  When I then go and try to use my shortcut in email, text or notepad, nothing works! 

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Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Cut/copy/paste Keyboard Shortcuts On It?

Oct 29, 2011

I read that the standard Android keyboard shortcuts for cut/copy/paste are menu+x, menu+c, menu+v. These shortcuts, however, do not work on my Xperia Pro. If these are indeed meant to be the standard Android shortcuts, then please could SE implement them?

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IPhone :: How To Add New Lines Under Phrase In Keyboard Shortcuts

Jun 16, 2012

New owner of a 4s and need to be able to add several lines such as an address to the 'phrase' box in keyboard shortcuts. If I hit return it takes me to the 'Shortcut' box. I need to create many of these shortcuts so using signature is not going to facilitate.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Curve 8900 :: Keyboard Shortcuts For Hebrew Stopped Working

May 11, 2010

Im 8900 owner, and im using Hebrew language and running OS.When i got the BB (running Hebrew) the keyboard shortcuts ("R" to reply, "T" for top, etc) worked well, and after a while its just stopped to work.

I tried battery pull, doesnt help.With English the shortcuts works fine, but sometimes after reboot it stop working and then im changeing the language to another>then back to English again and the shortcuts back. (it doesnt work for Hebrew).Anyone can think about something i can do to make the shortcuts work on Hebrew again?

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Motorola Droid X :: Can't Scroll Down Contact List

Jun 2, 2011

when I hit the text mess. icon then the green + in top right corner to compose new text I now have to type in name, and can't scroll down contact list. Also the email address comes up instead of the contacts phone number.

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Motorola Droid X :: How To Get Song Out Of List Of Ringtones

May 9, 2011

I accidentally hit "Use as ringtone" while listening to a song in the music player. I set my ringtone back to what I used before, but how to do I get my song out of the list of ringtones? Anybody know if there's a file I can find and delete?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Getting An App To Clean Up Contact List?

Jun 16, 2011

Is there an app to clean up my contact list?I had my old contact list imported from my old blackberry. Then Facebook and Linkedin imported all my contacts there. So now I have two and three listings for most people. Is there a way to merge the same name contacts?

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Motorola Droid X :: Add Someone To A Group From Contact List?

Jul 16, 2011

Ever since the update to 2.3.3, I am unable to add to my current groups with additional contacts. Has anyone experienced the same problem? If so, how do you add someone to a Group from the Contact List?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Get On The List To Test ICS

Apr 2, 2012

I had problems with my bionic getting back on the network after losing 4G coverage. Switched to Razr and it has been much better. Does anyone know how ICS will handle this issue? How do you get on the list to test ICS on your Razr?

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Motorola :: Droid Without Keyboard?

Aug 12, 2010

Ok before everyone telld me there isnt one without a keyboard and im crazy.I bought my milestone from pacific mall and the guy who sold it to me...had a Droid without the keyboard. I am not lying, i got to play around with it and everythingg it was awesomee..question is to you guys..what model is that? Because i am interested in it and looking for a slimmer moto phone.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Contact List - Different Views

Feb 10, 2015

My contacts have been driving me up a wall the last few days and I have finally discovered what is happening. How I might be able to change this...

View #1
Homescreen - Contacts App - displays only the name and picture of each contact.

View #2
Homescreen - Phone App (stock app) - All Contacts - displays name, picture and phone number(s) with labels (i.e., mobile, work, etc.)

Why for the love of all things Moto are these two different?? I prefer view #2 given it displays the phone numbers.

Is there any way at all to change the settings to where I see view #2 no matter how I access my contacts list?
This is unbelievably annoying!!

Also, on my old Razr Maxx, when viewing the contacts list, the alphabet was aligned vertically along the right side of the screen and I could jump to a specific letter by touching it.

Now on my Turbo, there is no alphabet and I can't jump directly to the Ts for example.. I now have to scroll through the entire blasted list. Any way to add the quick-jump alphabet to the Turbo contact list?

Here are pictures to demonstrate my issues. Mainly the different views problem as I don't have my Razr Maxx any longer to show the quick-jump alphabet I'm talking about wanting again.

Picture 1 is View #1 (contacts app)
Picture 2 is View #2 (all contacts via phone app)

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Using Moto Voice For To-do List?

Dec 1, 2014

How I can best use Moto Voice to create and add to a to-do type list? I see it can set a reminder but the reminder requires you to enter a due time/date or location and I don't really need to do that. I just want to be able to have Moto Voice add something to a simple list. I have tried the "Note to self:" command but that seems to just send an email to your gmail account and since I don't use gmail, that really isn't useful for me either. Any simple list that can be voice controlled (at least to add to the list)?

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Contact Shown In Dialer But Not In List

Aug 20, 2012

Can anybody tell me how to erase a contact that doesn't show in Contacts, but it does show in the Dialer?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: List OF Smart Actions

May 19, 2012

Anyone know of a web site that lists Smart Actions that folks have created? Seems to me that this would be a great thing to share. I can see where the Smart Actions app could be very useful.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: How To Re-arrange Favorites List

Jan 2, 2013

how do i re-arrange my favorites list

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Can't Get To Facebook Profile From Contacts List

Aug 2, 2011

When I open a contact, click on his/her Facebook icon, I can select 4 options, "View Profile, Send Social Message, Write on wall, and Poke." When I choose "View Profile", it opens a mobile Facebook webpage in a browser window and opens my news feed, but not his/her profile.

I have tried with both the stock browser and Dolfin HD as my default browser. I've added my FB account to google and also have the (mostly useless, IMHO) Facebook app. I've deleted and readded my Facebook Account as well. My contacts show their FB profile pic, and I can poke and write on his/her wall. Behavior is the same from within the social networking app.

Is my expectation that his/her profile open when I click "view profile" wrong?

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Motorola Droid X :: Missing List Of Apps In GingerBread?

Jun 19, 2011

I have always had a shortcut button on my home screen that when touched gave me icons for every installed program on my phone. I can not find it since Gingerbread. I can not even remember what it was called. I used it to move new shortcuts to my home screen or start apps not on the home pages. Where do I go to get it back and what's its name?

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Motorola Droid X :: My Virtual Keyboard Looks Different

Aug 16, 2011

My virtual keyboard looks different. How can i go back to the old style?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Where All Passwords Stored - Any List To Review

Jun 19, 2012

I'm wondering where all the passwords I've put into my RAZR are stored. Is there a list I can review?

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Cell Standby Time Is At The Top Of Battery Use List?

Jul 13, 2011

When I look at the battery usage the one thing that stands out is that the highest percentage of battery usage is "CELL STANDBY". This just should not be!The top of the list should be "Phone Idle" if the phone is not in use. I basicly left the phone unused today. Pulled it off the charger at 9am. Phone network set to CDMA only. WiFi off, GPS off, Bluetooth off. By 10pm my battery was down to 30% with 60% used by Cell Standby. In reading other forums, this seems to be the norm for this phone. But that doesnt make it acceptable. I have run the *228 option 2 from Verizon to update cell tower info. And my service is very good. Pretty much always 4 bars and never a dropped call.

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Motorola Droid X :: What Is The Maximum Resolution Of A Photo That Is Used In Contact List

Jun 9, 2011

What is the max resolution of a photo that is used in the Contact list?

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Change The Favorite Tiles To A List?

Nov 6, 2012

Is there a way to change the favorite tiles to a list? I know on the favorites widget that you can arrange them in the order that you prefer, but I cannot find a setting to do the same in the dialer.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Contact List - Conference Call Passcodes

Sep 20, 2011

My company has one conference call number and everyone has their own passcode. I would like to create a contact with the main call number and add each persons passcode to their contact information as an "other" phone number. Is there a way to call the contact number then when prompted for the passcode, go to a the appropriate contact and have their "other" number sent to enter the conference call?

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Motorola :: Droid Slider / Gap Between Screen And Keyboard

Mar 1, 2010

My droid definitely had an issue with the slider mechanism. It became extremely loose and would open up in my pocket all the time. Also, there was a huge gap between the slider and the keyboard. I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue?

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Keyboard Not Typing Correctly

Jul 28, 2012

when I am using the qwerty keyboard (not touch screen) it is either not responding when I press a letter, or after several presses, when it does eventually respond, it displays a letter or character different from what I am pressing. Its basically to the point where my keyboard is useless. I have to hit the same key at least 5 times before it shows anything. It will sometimes skip letters that I'm typing and just display the next character. for example, I can be typing SLOWLY, hitting one at a time, spelling t-e-x-t and it will show up e-t, or something along those lines. Ill backspace to go back to the beginning to add in the missing letter and Ill hit T over and over and over till it eventually shows up, or some random character will show up.

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