when I am using the qwerty keyboard (not touch screen) it is either not responding when I press a letter, or after several presses, when it does eventually respond, it displays a letter or character different from what I am pressing. Its basically to the point where my keyboard is useless. I have to hit the same key at least 5 times before it shows anything. It will sometimes skip letters that I'm typing and just display the next character. for example, I can be typing SLOWLY, hitting one at a time, spelling t-e-x-t and it will show up e-t, or something along those lines. Ill backspace to go back to the beginning to add in the missing letter and Ill hit T over and over and over till it eventually shows up, or some random character will show up.
so I've been waiting for an update to the update to fix all the little quirks i have had since the GB update....but this just started about a week ago and i cant wait for a general fix.....when i type in a txt or on a web page the keyboard shuts off.....it seems to happen when i finish a word and hit the space bar to move on.....i thought it had some thing to do with the auto guess of the next word but i don't know how to turn it off to check it out.....i have restarted the phone.....i removed apps that updated since the problem started......tried may things short of a factory reset.......
It mostly happens when I'm trying to text, but my keyboard just stops typing. The keys light up as if you are typing, but no letters come up! Only started happening since the update.
So yesterday, all of a sudden, when texting, imputting text into a chat client or into face book, the applications would freeze after about 2 words max. For instance, I'd type "I'll meet...." and the applications would freeze right after I hit space after "meet," to go onto the next word. In texting, I'd be able to go back to my home screen and then go back to the text and finish it bit by bit, but this wouldn't work for IMO or Facebook. If i stayed on the screens for those apps, they would ask me to force close due to not responding. I've tried keeping my phone on until it dies, keeping it off for an extended period of time, but nothing seems to be working. Has anyone else had this issue and been able to fix it? It really just happened all of the sudden in the middle of the day.
If I am typing in any field where a separate typing box comes up (like "Talk" or typing an email, where you type, see a preview, and then hit DONE or something similar to go back to the point where you can actually send your email or your message, but not like normal SMS messages where you type and send it right away), I constantly get this weird bug.
I'll get like a double-click sound, and then if I keep typing, nothing appears in the preview box, although it actually does keep appearing in the actual message (which you can sometimes see behind the preview box). Also when that double-click sound occurs, signalling the beginning of the bug, the last couple letters I typed won't have entered properly at all.
Also is there a way to quickly turn off media sounds? I've tried to turn off all the sounds for keyboard clicking itself in Settings, but it still stays loud unless I turn down the media sounds, which I can usually only do if I'm actually in a media environment...
I too am a former Droid X user who has been upgraded to a DX2 due to the numerous problems with the Droid X Gingerbread Firmware updates.
I have seen this GPS issue mentioned in another thread and in other forums so I know its not unique to my device, but it was buried in with a lot of other issues and thought it deserved its own thread, which might raise awareness of it for Motorola.
I use CardioTrainer to run, and although the overall location seems to be accurate in "Gross" (my run started and ended on the correct streets) the track showed me "jumping" all over the place in approximately 50 ft increments. This resulted in my 6 mile run showing as 10 miles long! And the pace per mile was similarly incorrect. At this time I do not seem to be experiencing the East/West bug, although I will confirm that by using the Google Nav app the next time I am in my car (just activated the phone yesterday). Additionally, I turn off wifi and bluetooth, leaving on celluar radio and GPS to improve stability before starting my runs, as well as, doing a fresh reboot. These steps seemed to increase the chance of completing a run with my Droid X.
This is a major component of my use of the phone, and I really enjoyed having an all in one, mp3/radio, gps, phone, that assisted me on my runs. I cannot yet comment on whether the X2 is more stable than the X, due to my limited time with the phone.
The only time I was successful in getting WIFI to work was connecting to the OPEN connection at a Lexus Dealership. I've tried numerous times to connect to my home wireless network without success. It shows connected, but there is absolutely no Intenet. This is inexcusable for such a prominent technology company as Motorola! In my view, I believe that Motorola has omitted the WEP key or WPA key in their WIFI set-up. Does anyone else agree to that assessment? I have an electronic engineering degree and have been involved with technology since I was in high school and I would think that Motorola would answer this problem with a software update. I am sure it affects all of their smartphones with supposed WIFI capability. Other than the WIFI issue it is a great smartphone even without 4G!
I was wondering if anyone could check to make sure I signed up correctly for the Motorola Feedback Network. Still rockin the OG Droid over here. It will be 2 years old in January!
When I use my camera in panoramic mode the images that should auto take after the first image are too far apart. (Almost 90 degrees) This mode used to work with an earlier release of Android (2.2) but hasent worked since 2.3.4. Is there some setting I need to fix? Is this a bug with the camera app?
My issue is this, I cannot "fast forward" a video during playback. I can select a "fast forward" spot in the video using the slider or control panel but as soon as I let go it reverts back to where it was before (usually the beginning). The really weird part is when I download a player app it initially works, it did this trying RockPlayer, GeekVideo, BSPlayer and others, but as soon as I exit and re-start the apps they revert back to this behavior. My videos are 2.5 hours long and I need the ability to start, and re-start them at differnt points.
I tried MoboPlayer and it behaved the same. I noticed that the file type that does not work is the .WMV, the .MP4's work as they should.
Is this an issue with 2.3.6 that would be fixed if I go back to 2.3.5? I did not see any posts on the internet about this specific issue so I am confused. I received my RAZR MAXX a few days ago. I did the OTA update to 2.3.6 before checking this issue on 2.3.5.I am not rooted or modified in any way.I do not have this problem with the same applications with .WMV files on my old DX running GB 2.3.3 or my tablet running HC 3.2.1
I just got the DX2 and have had it freeze on me when I'm typing on the keyboard. Initially, with the default keyboard settings, it would freeze on me whenever I put a space in between words after like the 3rd word typed. THEN, after removing the auto-correct function from the keyboard settings I solved that problem. Now, whenever I type a string of "!!!" or "..." it freezes the keyboard on me. The only way to get the phone back up is a reboot.
Secondly, I have received numerous duplicate text messages (as many as 7) of incoming texts from multiple different users in different areas of the country. I was in 3G coverage areas with excellent bars at the time so I'm not sure why this would happen. I also checked on this with my verizon bill and I'm being billed for these duplicate messages! NOT COOL.
Just bought a new Razr Maxx. Running Android version 4.0.4. I'd like to be able to turn off the vibrate when I am typing on the keypad. I have gone to the System Settings/Sound and the "Vibrate on touch" is unchecked. Is this the correct way to disable vibration when I type on the keypad? Or is this something that cannot be controlled?
I have my phone set to respond to "OK Google Now". When I am not connected to Bluetooth, this works great. When connected to BT, the Moto Voice Blue "Listening" window pops up, then minimizes/closes after 1 second. This did not happen with KitKat.
Yesterday the keyboard started to do strange things: when I'm writing text messages it skips some letters it starts automatically to cancel all I have wrote without I have pushed "del"sometimes it automatically locks and no one key can remove the lockI already tried to remove and replace the battery but the problem still remain.
I just got this phone off Amazon market place, and when I flip the phone to the left to use the qwerty keyboard, the letter 'E' does not work correctly, sometimes it does work but other's it just spams my phone with the letters next to it (W and R). The thing which confuses me is when I go to use a menu on the same place it works fine, just not on the qwerty keyboard, also when I turn the phone to the right to use the qwerty keyboard on that side it seems to work fine.
When you type and if u have vibration on, that it'll be unable to keep up and that the vibration is too week or misses every couple of letters when I type? And it lags as well if u type too fast. It's so annoying, any way to fix it? It happened with the latest update as well, worked fine before.
Its trickey typing messages on my 9500 touch screen. Can I pug into my PC and type the message via the PC keyboard, then send from the Blackberry in the normal way?
On the iPad you can hide the keyboard anytime while typing. I cannot see a way to hide the keyboard when typing a mail message. I saw a post saying you close, save, go to your saved messaes and open the message again - too time consuming. There is a fix on the jailbroken site, but I dont want to jailbreak the phone. There must be a way to hide the keyboard in a mail messge. In a text message you can.
While typing text either in emails or messages, I fail to see how to accept autocorrected entries via the virtual keyboard. On the hardware keyboard it is done by pressing > key (itself not very convenient), but I haven't found any way of doing it on the software keyboard.
My keyboard backlight has a mind of its own. This is not a short, or electrical problem. It just works when it wants to. Sometimes it won't come on. Sometimes it lights up and works fine. Sometimes it fades off while I am typing. Sometimes it just illuminates while sitting on the table. I use my Tour in lowlight conditions all the time. I simply want it to come on when I touch a key and go off a bit after I am done handling it. Of course I navigated all the settings and stuff. I know all that. I have all the setting and options for the keyboard backlight set the way I want. This feels like a software or programming glitch. It never flickers or acts like a short. It slowly fades in and out as it would if I touched a key, or left it sit alone. Everything else works perfectly. I just want the keyboard backlight to come on when touched. And go off after several seconds of inactivity.
Why my Google Keyboard stopped making the typing sounds? I checked all settings, cleared cache, etc...but no typing sounds. Key pop ups, and vibrate work fine as does all other sounds including home button sounds, etc. Also, the default LG keyboard typing sounds work fine! I know, I am probably the only person to ever WANT the typing sounds on but I like it that way...
I've been using SwiftKey as long as I remember on my old phones. I expected the s6 to run very smoothly with it but the opposite is true for me. Swipe to delete words barely works and typing is laggy and sluggish most of the time. Predictions are bad and I haven't found a way to make it work better.
Is there anyway to get the keyboard to show emojis when typing. I.e. when you type smile, you should see a smile emoji to enter, without going into you emoji part of the keyboard.