Motorola Droid 4 :: Process RILD Eating Up Battery?
Mar 11, 2012
My wife and I have identical D4s. My battery life is fine, but her battery life is significantly shorter than mine due to a process named RILD, which from the Battery Stats is consuming a lot of battery. Weird because my D4 doesn't show this process running.I have done some basic web research and discovered it is the Radio Layer Interfaceon why it keeps coming on, staying on and how to stop it in a kind and gentle manner.
Yesterday I had a process that started running and draining my battery. It appeared in the battery usage as "rild". There have been other posts here and in other android forums about this same phenonemon happening. I shut down, it ended the process and hasn't reappeared today, but it seems this is happening with Motorola phones, not just the RAZR?
i've got my Sensation XE 2 weeks now... and its a very nice phone, but some things are oddly wrong :S
first thing is, i looked at 3G watchdog thismorning, and my device had been eating 200 MB's of internet WHILE I WAS SLEEPING this is not normal use and i have no clue what caused it (i installed 3g watchdog pro this morning)
second thing is, my android system process seems to be eating away battery life rapidly, its using up to 40% cpu (according to watchdog) and is using roughly 20% okay, i just saw something happening, i restored a backup, watched my cpu, and then my virus scanner said something about being installed, and i saw my android system process skyrocket in cpu usage
yes, i have rooted my phone, and yes i deleted some system applications (like facebook, htc facebook, and some other crappy useless stuff, nothing that should harm my phone)
No tabs open, done nothing in it since being off the charger last night.I have been doing a lot in my desktop Chrome today - possibly constantly syncing?
At about 4pm this afternoon, my phone alerted me that my battery was down to 15% charge. This was about 6 hrs earlier than normal based on recent usage. I checked my battery usage and RILD was at the top of the list at 42%. Display is usually my biggest hitter.This is the first time that I've seen RILD. What is it doing, why is it using so much battery and can I do anything about it?
I'm using Go Launcher Ex and Juice Defender now. My battery life had improved a little but...Even when the screen is off and I'm not using the phone, Phone Idle takes up most of the energy while in that state. Last night Phone Idle was on 6:51:43 while the phone was off of the battery for 7:53:53.On top of this, the phone is awake almost all night. It does drain only a little bit at night.During use Phone Idle still is on much of the time. My phone drains rapidly when the screen is on.The phone has signal all day and night. I'm in a good coverage area.My questions are: Is it normal for the phone to be awake when not in use for most of the time when not in use? Should Phone Idle be on most of the time when the phone has consistent good signal?
I've been experiencing this problem for the past 3 days and went to my provider today to ask about.My phone has been running extremely slow, the hour clock thing is forever running, and as a result my phone dies in about 3 to 4 hours with no real use. I was told it was because i need to update my OS but when I came home and plugged it in it says that my phone is up-to-date and there is no OS upgrade available. i bought a replacement battery to see if that was the problem and it is not. this is becoming quite frustrating. it has even gotten to the point of when i lock the phone i cant unlock it over even get the screen to turn on. the only way to turn it on is to pull the battery out
What's the process of unlocking a phone and is it even advisable? It's a Moto Droid. I know someone at work that might be going to China, they can buy SIM cards and use them locally for a lot less $$. Is this something that can be done by a back-alley hacker in Hong Kong and would Verizon later detect that the phone was unlocked? Who here has done it?
Since getting the Atrix2 I have had no software issues or Forced Closes.This evening I woke the phone up, slid the Lock Bar to the right and here is what I get:The process com.motorola.process.system has stopped unexpectedly, Please try again,Force Close.Once I push "Force Close I can get the phone to function, however the same screen keeps coming up at random, also each time i slide the Lock Bar, I get the window or warning immediately.It happens consistently when the screen times out and you use the lock bar, slid to the right, and you instantly get the warning screen.I have also tried a few of the programs and when you access them i get the warning window. Anyone have any ideas as to what exactly is going on? No Downloads done today, just email, plume and some music.Ive done several Power Off/on cycles, It doesnt seem to want to go away?
I have been using excessive amounts of data 6gig month for an average user. I installed an app to show me whats consuming the data and at an alrming rate, it's a process called Rich ClipboardWhat is this and how do I stop it from using so much data? it's killing my battery!!!
I've had my Xoom for 3 weeks now. It worked okay with no error messages until last week. Everytime I turn it on, it displays this message:The Process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly.Please retry again.Forceclose Report?I have chosen Report and filled that out, but now just hit Forceclose and it resumes and I don't seem to have any problems.
Starting yesterday I have seen the above message 3 times. The only thing I have changed on the phone was to enable Motocast yesterday. Also, I replaced the 16GB SD card with a 32GB SD card, early last week. I've only had the phone for about a month. I have been able to power the phone off and reboot and get the phone functioning again. Last night it took 2 reboots before the phone became functional again. What can I look for to determine whats causing the error?
When I try to access the manage applications option under settings, it shows the spinning icon stating its working and then finally the apps look like they're loaded and when I try to scroll down it is EXTREMELY slow. After scrolling for a couple of seconds, it slows down and then stops. After being frozen for about a minute,I get the infamous black popup stating: process has stopped unexpectedly...force close.Also, I am unable to add quick dial contacts. I can get to the screen where it show 1-9 options with Voicemail alredy being #1, but I long press the number I want to edit and then select the contact to use but when it exits back to the quick dial page the contact I just chose is not there.I have the extended battery and prior to the GB update, my battery widget was showing 4200-4230 for the mV readings. Now, it is only showing up to 4155. I put the stock battery in to check that and the same thing, it stops at 4155.
how to fix an error that keeps coming up saying "process .com motorola service main has stopped unexpectedly please try again" on my verizon droid x2 & also i have no app market when i install it it wont open on android 2.3.4 w 1.3.380 mb870 Verizon?
When I look at the battery use in Settings/Battery Information it shows items such as WIFI at 4+% ( WIFI not even on) or a game I played (today Jewels Star at 25% - only was to make this one disappear is to uninstall the program, this is true with any game I play). My question is, is this information about what WAS running or information on what IS running. or both.
Today I left my D4 unplugged at work to see how long it would last. After about 7.5 hours, the battery had dropped to 30% with minimal use and next to nothing running in the background. When it hit 30%, the temp spiiked to 107F, and the battery decay accelerated (despite a battery extender Smart Action engaged). The battery was at <5% by 8:30hrs and still just as hot. This is very unusual behavior in my brief 3 week experience with this phone, although I have seen it a couple of times. I usually charge at 50%, and only see the overheating at the lower %. The heat continues when the charger is eventually plugged in. It got so hot today that I decided to reboot the phone, and it seemed to run cool after that.
Updated to GB this morning, and phone has been hone has basically been on charge all day.Wifi, Bluetooth, and GPS are all off, yet my battery seems to actually be dropping, despite being plugged in and charging indicator blinking as normal. Anyone else with this issue Perhaps my battery is failing and in need of replacement, but quite coincidental that same day as the update.
I have a problem with the ovi suite.I go from and to my PC a lot during the day.My E50 is connected with BT. Every time I am with in range it starts sync.And it simply sucks a full charged phone dry in 7 hours.How do I stop this sync every time?
My Motorola Droid is a battery eater. I expected this when the phone was on, but it also is when powered off (I mean POWERED OFF by holding the power key and selecting Power Off, not just put in Standby or Airplane Mode). I turned it off with a fully charged battery and put it away for the night. Eight hours later, I turned it on and the battery was at 60%. The only way I can prevent this from happening is by removing the battery. The battery use indicator doesn't help much.
I was wondering whether this is a known Droid problem. I got the phone used from Verizon Wireless after I lost my other phone, which was an HTC Eris. The Eris ate battery when on but not when shut down. If this problem is specific to my phone I need to talk to Verizon about it.
I noticed after using the phone in the car dock, battery strats draining nearly twice as fast compared to before docking it and it is sinsibly warmer just sitting in standby with screen off. It goes back to normal battery use if I reboot the phone.
My battery is running very hot. Ususally when the battery is hot it will lose its charge rapidly.
How to determine which apps if any are the cause..
I dont believe its a faulty battery as I have a second battery and will have the same problem with that one.Yesterday I hardly used my phone. I was at home ( which is in a weak signal area) and when I checked the phone at around 8pm it was dead. Off with no charge left. Started the day with an overnight charge.
If the problem is an overactive app how can I find it and remove?
Ok, so just checking if there is any explanation other than a hardware problem here. I received my second refurb today after my first one arrived with obvious hardware problems and I had to send it back. Twice so far, while plugged in to the AC wall charger, my battery has started discharging. This is with the Motorola wall charger and Motorola extended battery. One time I was using the phone when this happened and the other I was not - it was just sitting there with nothing happening on it but with the screen on and plugged in.
This has never happened before, so if it is a hardware problem, it would be much more likely the "new" phone rather than the battery. I don't want to go through the replacement process a third time and lose even more time without a functioning phone if this could potentially be caused by something else. They said they will not send me a new (non-refurb) phone, no matter how many problems I have and no matter how many broken "certified like new" phones they send me. Doing a search on this, all I found were posts about car chargers not providing enough power with Navigator in use, which does not apply to my case. I really want this not to be a hardware problem with the phone since they will just send me yet another untested, broken refurb, so I'm just grasping for straws I guess despite the obvious.
I recently upgraded to GB and ever since my battery has been getting completely drained very quickly. When I look at the Battery Usage stats, I have the following:
Besides the fact that the percentages don't add up to 100%, I have never seen the Android OS be so high in battery usage. When I click on Android OS for further detail, it says CPU Total = 1h 15m 35s. My phone was fully charged and I have only been on battery 1h 42m 0s. If these stats are correct, that means the Android system has been using my CPU for almost the whole time my phone has been on. What would cause this? Its very frustrating that I am down to 50% battery after only having my phone on for less than 2 hours. In the time my phone has been on, I haven't done any processor intensive task like web browsing and have not run any apps at all other than Gmail.
So I was on a road trip today and when I plugged in the phone in the car dock I had full battery. Then I turned on navigation and slacker radio. About an hour travel the battery started to charge according to the battery icon. My question is, why did the battery discharge while on external power? Does the factory charger not have enough capacity to charge the phone while being used? If so something is wrong with the whole designe of the charging system.
Since I updated my RAZR with ICS, it doesn't seem to really go to sleep.It's using a ton of battery power and I've already adjusted my display down to 30 seconds.