Motorola Droid 4 :: Battery Became Hot

Mar 13, 2012

Today I left my D4 unplugged at work to see how long it would last. After about 7.5 hours, the battery had dropped to 30% with minimal use and next to nothing running in the background. When it hit 30%, the temp spiiked to 107F, and the battery decay accelerated (despite a battery extender Smart Action engaged). The battery was at <5% by 8:30hrs and still just as hot. This is very unusual behavior in my brief 3 week experience with this phone, although I have seen it a couple of times. I usually charge at 50%, and only see the overheating at the lower %. The heat continues when the charger is eventually plugged in. It got so hot today that I decided to reboot the phone, and it seemed to run cool after that.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Get Battery Notification To Come Up When The Battery Is Full?

May 9, 2012

How do I get my battery notification to come up when the battery is full?? I know it use to do that but now I can't find where it went to?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Use In Battery Information?

Apr 27, 2012

When I look at the battery use in Settings/Battery Information it shows items such as WIFI at 4+% ( WIFI not even on) or a game I played (today Jewels Star at 25% - only was to make this one disappear is to uninstall the program, this is true with any game I play). My question is, is this information about what WAS running or information on what IS running. or both.

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Below 15% After GB Update?

Jun 1, 2011

Updated to GB this morning, and phone has been hone has basically been on charge all day.Wifi, Bluetooth, and GPS are all off, yet my battery seems to actually be dropping, despite being plugged in and charging indicator blinking as normal. Anyone else with this issue Perhaps my battery is failing and in need of replacement, but quite coincidental that same day as the update.

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Motorola :: Moto Droid Eats Battery When Off

May 3, 2010

My Motorola Droid is a battery eater. I expected this when the phone was on, but it also is when powered off (I mean POWERED OFF by holding the power key and selecting Power Off, not just put in Standby or Airplane Mode). I turned it off with a fully charged battery and put it away for the night. Eight hours later, I turned it on and the battery was at 60%. The only way I can prevent this from happening is by removing the battery. The battery use indicator doesn't help much.

I was wondering whether this is a known Droid problem. I got the phone used from Verizon Wireless after I lost my other phone, which was an HTC Eris. The Eris ate battery when on but not when shut down. If this problem is specific to my phone I need to talk to Verizon about it.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Does 4G Use More Battery Power Than 3G

May 20, 2012

and if there a way to turn off 4G for most of the time and turn it back on if I am doing something that requires a lot of download time etc.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Battery Drainage After Using The Car-dock?

Aug 30, 2011

I noticed after using the phone in the car dock, battery strats draining nearly twice as fast compared to before docking it and it is sinsibly warmer just sitting in standby with screen off. It goes back to normal battery use if I reboot the phone.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: My Battery Running Hot

Feb 6, 2012

My battery is running very hot. Ususally when the battery is hot it will lose its charge rapidly.

How to determine which apps if any are the cause..

I dont believe its a faulty battery as I have a second battery and will have the same problem with that one.Yesterday I hardly used my phone. I was at home ( which is in a weak signal area) and when I checked the phone at around 8pm it was dead. Off with no charge left. Started the day with an overnight charge.

If the problem is an overactive app how can I find it and remove?

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Discharging While Plugged In?

Jun 21, 2011

Ok, so just checking if there is any explanation other than a hardware problem here. I received my second refurb today after my first one arrived with obvious hardware problems and I had to send it back. Twice so far, while plugged in to the AC wall charger, my battery has started discharging. This is with the Motorola wall charger and Motorola extended battery. One time I was using the phone when this happened and the other I was not - it was just sitting there with nothing happening on it but with the screen on and plugged in.

This has never happened before, so if it is a hardware problem, it would be much more likely the "new" phone rather than the battery. I don't want to go through the replacement process a third time and lose even more time without a functioning phone if this could potentially be caused by something else. They said they will not send me a new (non-refurb) phone, no matter how many problems I have and no matter how many broken "certified like new" phones they send me. Doing a search on this, all I found were posts about car chargers not providing enough power with Navigator in use, which does not apply to my case. I really want this not to be a hardware problem with the phone since they will just send me yet another untested, broken refurb, so I'm just grasping for straws I guess despite the obvious.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Android OS Draining Battery?

Sep 8, 2011

I recently upgraded to GB and ever since my battery has been getting completely drained very quickly. When I look at the Battery Usage stats, I have the following:

Android OS: 85%
Display: 10%
Launcher Pro: 3%
Phone Idle: 2%
Cell Standby: 2%

Besides the fact that the percentages don't add up to 100%, I have never seen the Android OS be so high in battery usage. When I click on Android OS for further detail, it says CPU Total = 1h 15m 35s. My phone was fully charged and I have only been on battery 1h 42m 0s. If these stats are correct, that means the Android system has been using my CPU for almost the whole time my phone has been on. What would cause this? Its very frustrating that I am down to 50% battery after only having my phone on for less than 2 hours. In the time my phone has been on, I haven't done any processor intensive task like web browsing and have not run any apps at all other than Gmail.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Use While On Charger?

Nov 7, 2012

So I was on a road trip today and when I plugged in the phone in the car dock I had full battery. Then I turned on navigation and slacker radio. About an hour travel the battery started to charge according to the battery icon. My question is, why did the battery discharge while on external power? Does the factory charger not have enough capacity to charge the phone while being used? If so something is wrong with the whole designe of the charging system.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Only Charges To 90%?

Nov 15, 2011

I can leave my phone on charge for hours and it will only charge to 90%. It will not go to 100%.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: ICS Uses A Lot Of Battery Power

Jul 1, 2012

Since I updated my RAZR with ICS, it doesn't seem to really go to sleep.It's using a ton of battery power and I've already adjusted my display down to 30 seconds.

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Motorola Droid X :: Display Using 50% Of Battery Since Upgrade

Oct 7, 2011

I had strange apps using up my battery after I did the upgrade.I managed to get them under control using the cache clear, restart, and *288 option 2 but now I'm seeing my battery life fading quickly again and noticed my screen is using up 50%.Is that normal battery usage for Display? I have my display set to auto brightness, no auto rotate, no roaming banners and time out 2 minutes

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Did Moto Ever Fix Battery Stats Bug

Jun 10, 2012

Just curious if Moto ever fixed the battery stats bug they introduced in the Ocotber 2011 update.

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Motorola :: Is Droid 4 Battery Port Under Warranty?

Oct 2, 2012

My battery port in my Droid4 has gone out and my phone will no longer charge. The guy at Verizon said that it was my fault and that Motorola would charge me full price to replace the phone. I don't see how that is possible. I am still under my warranty, so would something like this be covered under warranty or no?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Drops From 50% To 20%?

Feb 28, 2012

My battery lasts good most of the day but when it gets to 50% it will drop to 20% in about 2 minutes. Do I have a bad battery or is it just out of calibration. It has did this twice in the last week. I have not run it til it shuts off so I don't know how long it would last from 20% to being out of juice.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Battery Charger Indicator?

Jul 26, 2011

mine is not working. i know it is there but i have never seen it work.

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Life After Update?

Feb 25, 2012

I was part of the soak test, so the first 2 days were spent trying the new software out. So I didn't really put much thought into the fact that my battery was dying much faster. However, since there was really nothing earth shattering on the new update, the next 4 days were back to my normal usage patten. Normally, I would very seldom run my battery dead in a day. 30-40% was typical. But I have hit 10% every single day since the update.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Notification Bar Battery Icon?

Oct 9, 2011

I'm noticing that my battery life isn't what it seems to be after the upgrade.asically, I rarely check my battery status other than looking at the icon in the notification bar. Today, it clearly showed about 75%. I thought that was pretty good considering the phone was off the charger for about 20 hours (extended battery).I took a look at the battery status details and I see my battery is actually at 50%. The icon obviously is a limited indicator but I don't recall it being so far off prior to the upgrade. Has this changed or is it just that I'm remembering it "differently"?By the way, 73% was used by Android System and 50% (extended battery) after 20 hours of standby is still not good and not even close to specifications. Clearly this needs more work.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Get Battery Manager

Jun 12, 2012

Yesterday I checked my battery usage and Moto cast was at 20%! I did not transfer any files between the PC and the phone and when I do, I still do it by copying and pasting. I did however find some Amazon downloads that were in the phone's internal memory and transfered them to the SD card. When I used "My Files" to move those files, I first used the "move" command which did not seem to do anything. Did this activate Motocast? I eventually moved them by using copy and then paste on the phone. Here's what I got in the battery manager right now. I'm at 90%

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Why Is Battery Life Just Average

Jan 14, 2015

My only concern is the battery. I'm not exactly what you would call a heavy user but usually look for about 3-4 hours screen time on an average. Mostly done by browsing the web, social media, A LOT of texting, a few YouTube videos and some Bluetooth streaming with my car AND my Moto 360.

So this things got a 3900 mah battery yet why does it feel closer to 2800. I understand that the device does have the higher resolution display and whatnot but do people not realize this thing has a 3900 MAH BATTERY?! Shouldn't that blow everything else out of the water? Like not even be close to any other phone. I switch between a Note 4 and the Turbo and I can get more screen on time with the Note 4 (5.5-6.5). Keep in the mind the Note 4 only has a 3250 battery (I think) and the same resolution display yet it's much larger. AND it runs touchwiz, something that destroys battery life.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Battery Sucks After Car Charging

Apr 2, 2015

My battery life on my droid turbo was awesome. I would end the day with around 30-45% left. With 5-6 hrs screen on time. I went on a trip and had to use the GPS so I plugged it in in the truck to my USB port.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Phone Standby Uses About 30% Of Battery

Jan 27, 2015

I love my droid turbo and the battery life is amazing, it could be better however. Going into my battery usage at any given time shows Cell Standby uses about 30% of the battery life. At the time of this writing it was my biggest consumer at 28%.

Android System-8%
Support & Protection-8%
Android OS-8%
Phone Idle-6%
...and so on and so forth.

At my home the service is a bit spotty so it switches between 3g and 4g but time without a signal is at 0. My brother has an LG G3 so whatever cell tower issues we have at home should be the same. His battery usage is similar to mine except Cell Standby is only at about 2-3% at any given time. All of our settings are similar, we use wifi as much as we can, and both have Verizon and use their Global/LTE/CDMA network.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Quickly Drain Battery Down To Nothing

Aug 5, 2015

Is there a very quick way how to drain the battery down to nothing?

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Cell Standby And Battery

Dec 5, 2015

Cell standby is eating an average of 20% of my battery daily. I've done power cycle and reset.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Battery Mostly Used By Cell Standby?

Sep 7, 2015

When I don't make many calls, my battery is used by cell standyby about 35-50%. It really drains the battery. Get about 15 hours with 3 hours screen time. How do I stop this high usage? I've done factory reset and wipe cache.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Gingerbread Getting Shorter Battery Life

Sep 7, 2011

One thing I was really hoping would change with the update was an improvement in battery life. I know it is too soon to tell -- and I'm playing with the phone more, so that has an impact -- but, if anything, I think I'm getting shorter battery life than I was before. Anyone else have any observations regarding battery life?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Battery Discharging When Powered Off?

Sep 15, 2011

I just had this happen yesterday. I was getting on a flight and powered off my phone. I had about 40% when I powered down. When I got off the flight, my phone wouldn't power up, so I found an outlet and found that I had no power. I know I powered it off, and so why would it be out of juice when it had battery left when I powered down?

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Dead / Battery - Unable To Charge?

Sep 28, 2011

Obtained my Droid3 two weeks ago and I'm now finding that it will not charge.Long story short: I did not charge my device for 2 days straight, upon complete epletion of the battery's power I hooked it upto the wall charger and noticed that the screen turned on with the droid symbol and subsequently the charging icon. I left it to charge, and after a while when it was upto 15% I attempted to turn it on by pressing the power button (without holding it down), which caused the screen to go black and ceased the charging.ow whenever I try to charge the device via the wall charger, the white charging LED (between the microUSB and miniHDMI inputs) turns on occasionally and remains there for an hour, after which it goes off again. When I try to charge via the computer the same thing happens, except after 45min or so of charging, the device repeatedly connects and disconnects from the computer USB (the usb connection and disconnection sounds ping repeatedly until I unplug the device). This also happens when I try and turn on the device while charging via USB.

Normally after 45min of charging from the computer the device will turn on, with the Droid logo appearing and system activated. Now it will not turn on at all.I have tried removing the battery from the device for at least a min and then recharging, I've also tried removing and re-inserting the battery while the Droid3 is connected to the charger to no avail. To replicate the situation, I've left the battery without charging for a period of 48 hours, and then tried to charge it again via wall charger; same problem: the white LED turned on for about an hour and then went out. The device did not turn on this time. My suspiscions are on the battery..The phone is a great piece of hardware and I've grown to love it, yet I had honestly no idea it would be susceptible to such trivial conditions 3 weeks out of the box. I've ordered an extended battery just in case

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: It Continuous Reboots On Low Battery

Sep 24, 2012

I'm currently having an issue with the Droid Razr M where it begins rebooting when the battery is low. After the phone boots back up, it immidiatly reboots again and will continue doing this forever. The only solution I've found thus far is to boot into safe mode and uninstall the 3rd party launcher (doesn't matter which one). This will allow the phone to be booted into normal mode again. However, regadarless of if a launcher is installed or not, the phone will begin rebooting again the next time the power gets low.

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