Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Drops From 50% To 20%?
Feb 28, 2012
My battery lasts good most of the day but when it gets to 50% it will drop to 20% in about 2 minutes. Do I have a bad battery or is it just out of calibration. It has did this twice in the last week. I have not run it til it shuts off so I don't know how long it would last from 20% to being out of juice.
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Jul 22, 2012
It doesn't happen all the time, but maybe once a week. I'll be using it and all of the sudden the battery will drop by 20% to 40% in a matter of seconds. See the attached screen shot for an example. This happened both before and after the Ice Cream Sandwich update. I haven't been able to link it to a particular app or service. I have done a hard reset on my phone and the problem persists. Also, with the example shown in my screen shot, I was doing a Google search using the chrome browser and the battery level dropped from 40% to 5% in a matter of seconds. And as you can see the battery level hasn't changed since, it has been at 5% for two hours or so without a change.
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May 17, 2012
I just got my Rar Maxx last night and it was working fine. I would notice however that every couple of minutes the screen would turn on, stay on for a minute, then turn off. It would then repeat the process. So I did a factory reset, same thing happened. I realized it would turn itself on because it would drop the 3G connection totally, then when it connected again the screen turns on. I put the SIM in my Nexus and it's fine. And it doesn't really matter now because the phone won't turn on anymore. I picked it up to check it and nothing happened when I hit the power button. And I can't get it to turn on at all now.
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Dec 8, 2011
So at first I thought that the Razr had a weak WiFi reception. So I decided to install a WiFi access point in my office, basically on my desk. I connected the Razr to it but yet, it still occasionally shows a low signal or drops the connection completely then reconnects, works for a bit then drops it again. I'm at a point where I had to turn WiFi off on my phone because it was draining my battery so fast from flipping between the Cellular network and WiFi network way to often. I also have a Glaxy Tab 7.0 Plus connected to the same access point and it never drops a connection and it shows 100% strong on the signal.
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Jul 2, 2012
I thought ICS was suppose to extend battery life? My MAXX wont last very long lately since the ICS, And its suppose to have a very long battery life, what happened?
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Apr 27, 2012
When I look at the battery use in Settings/Battery Information it shows items such as WIFI at 4+% ( WIFI not even on) or a game I played (today Jewels Star at 25% - only was to make this one disappear is to uninstall the program, this is true with any game I play). My question is, is this information about what WAS running or information on what IS running. or both.
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May 20, 2012
and if there a way to turn off 4G for most of the time and turn it back on if I am doing something that requires a lot of download time etc.
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Nov 7, 2012
So I was on a road trip today and when I plugged in the phone in the car dock I had full battery. Then I turned on navigation and slacker radio. About an hour travel the battery started to charge according to the battery icon. My question is, why did the battery discharge while on external power? Does the factory charger not have enough capacity to charge the phone while being used? If so something is wrong with the whole designe of the charging system.
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Nov 15, 2011
I can leave my phone on charge for hours and it will only charge to 90%. It will not go to 100%.
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Jul 1, 2012
Since I updated my RAZR with ICS, it doesn't seem to really go to sleep.It's using a ton of battery power and I've already adjusted my display down to 30 seconds.
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Jun 12, 2012
Yesterday I checked my battery usage and Moto cast was at 20%! I did not transfer any files between the PC and the phone and when I do, I still do it by copying and pasting. I did however find some Amazon downloads that were in the phone's internal memory and transfered them to the SD card. When I used "My Files" to move those files, I first used the "move" command which did not seem to do anything. Did this activate Motocast? I eventually moved them by using copy and then paste on the phone. Here's what I got in the battery manager right now. I'm at 90%
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Sep 24, 2012
I'm currently having an issue with the Droid Razr M where it begins rebooting when the battery is low. After the phone boots back up, it immidiatly reboots again and will continue doing this forever. The only solution I've found thus far is to boot into safe mode and uninstall the 3rd party launcher (doesn't matter which one). This will allow the phone to be booted into normal mode again. However, regadarless of if a launcher is installed or not, the phone will begin rebooting again the next time the power gets low.
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Nov 28, 2011
Get great battery life on wifi and horrible on 3g. Lose 1percent battery every 1-2 min. Have 82dBm which is good. What might be the issue.Have heard so many different opinions.
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Jul 3, 2012
I have the option selected, Options>Sound>. to notify when the battery is fully charged.I'm not getting a sound, a blinking LED, or anything in the status bar stating that the battery is charged as I did with GB. The only way I know it's charged is by going into options and checking the battery status under device options.The only change I have that I think could be affecting it is that I have the screen lock function turned off.
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Feb 24, 2012
What heppened to the battery charging Led after last weeks firmware update on my droid razr ???
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Jun 22, 2012
My razr started to play up a couple of days ago, i had increased phone usage and it was getting quite warm and then the touch screen wouldn't work - ie couldn't end phone calls, then today the battery died after using navigation - and now will NOT turn back on....
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Feb 12, 2012
One of the things the custom ROM makers all do is to implement a change to the stock system to enable the battery status to be reported in 1% increments, rather than 10% as at present. They also change the battery icon set so that the correct % charge remaining is displayed in the battery in the status bar.Why doesn't Moto implement this change in their next update? It would be a welcome change to every user, and it might slightly mollify those calling for an unlocked bootloader. (Though after the glitches I've seen in this update I'm on the unlock-the-bootloader side myself.)
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Dec 1, 2011
Android OS keeps using 35 to 45% of the battery. My droid, DroidX, and Thunderbolt never used that much. This is the culprit for such a horrible battery life. I have the wifi off now and gps off when im not using it and it still has issues holding the charge for awhile. I wish I could delete the motocast account to see if that is the issue but I cant. Could it be smart actions that is causing the thing to continually search for triggers and wear battery? Or is it motocast? I don't use motocast or the stock music app ever and my mac is off too. So I want to know why the android OS is eating this battery up. Is there some fix on the way? I deleted every app and it still will show that android OS as the main battery hog by a lot. I only have gmail I don't have facebook updating anything so I really don't know what's going on.. I do know that when i used cpu spy the 300 megahertz was used for longer than the phone was in deep sleep. So something is using the CPU in that range non stop it seems.
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Dec 6, 2012
I was in Europe a few weeks ago with my Verizon RAZR HD running ICS. In the US on VZW's network I can easily get through the day with greater than 50% battery, While in Europe, in Germany, Switzerland and the UK, the battery was draining at a tremendous rate and would be depleted in about 4hrs. Nothing changed as far as usage, app's or other obvious things on my end to cause the issue. Any idea on what it could be? Prior 3G phones didn't suffer from this while roaming in these same countries.
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Aug 25, 2012
I met a guy this past week who used an iPhone 4/4S. He had a protective case with an integrated battery pack. Does the Razr have any accessories like this anywhere? I've seen products that are like exernal cubes or battery packs, but not cases (which I'd really prefer).
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Oct 12, 2012
I haven't been using my RAZR Maxx so it's been sitting on my shelf powered down. Generally when I have a phone not powered, the battery will stay charged for weeks. On this phone, it is draining to zero in days from a full charge. That doesn't seem normal.
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Aug 2, 2012
I own a Droid Razr MAXX that I purchased in the June timeframe, so it is still essentially new. My phone was updated to ICS when Verizon pushed the update out to everyone a few weeks back. Initially, I was excited to be getting the update to help improve phone performance and functionality. Unfortunately, this has not been my experience.
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that my phone signal strength has diminished. Since I work a desk job, I sit in pretty much the same exact location each day and it is easy to notice signal strength. Before ICS, I usually had a 4G connection with 3-4 bars. Now, my phone fluctuates between struggling to connect to 4G and eventually connecting to 3G with 1-2, maybe 3 bars. In fact, the signal icon frequently changes from blue bars to white (I'm not sure what it means, but it probably isn't good). The phone seems to run slower and my apps frequently crash a few times per day. In addition, my phone seems to be using more battery now too. Before ICS, I could work a full day and still have 70% battery remaining. Now, I'm lucky to have 40-50%.
I haven't added any new apps, but have a few more .MP3 songs saved to my SD card. In addition, I don't believe there are local issues with a cell tower going down, etc.
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Jun 19, 2012
I bought the extended battery - P893. It was fully charged when conneected to my phone. My phone had @ 10% batter life left. The extended charger bumped the charge up to 60% with no extraneous processes running. The delivered cusomt smart action for the extended battery was activated. That seemed a bit low given the product description and mention on the boards of delivery two full charges. I fully recharged the battery. When my phone was depleted to 20% I connected the extended battery again. The charge was brought up to 60%. Their was no charge left in the battery extender.
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Jan 3, 2012
I've tried holding down the power and volume buttons while it's plugged into the USB, but nothing happens.
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Oct 10, 2012
No tabs open, done nothing in it since being off the charger last night.I have been doing a lot in my desktop Chrome today - possibly constantly syncing?
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Jul 27, 2012
In the past 3 days this % of battery usage has gone up dramatically. Close to 50% on 3 different charge cycles. No new apps installed and nothing new under running apps that I'd normally have to manually kill. (I've disabled most all of what I can of bloatware)
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Jul 23, 2012
If you use your RAZR / RAZR MAXX for tethering, or as a hotspot, for connecting a WiFi-only tablet or laptop PC wirelessly to the Internet, how is it affecting your phone's battery power consumption?
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Nov 16, 2011
I've had the RAZR for a few days now, and one of the main things I used my last phone for (droid x) was to listen to music at work.I've been listening to music these past three days, and when I look at the battery use chart, there is something called "Mediaserver" using up a significant amount of battery life (~20% or more if I've listened to a lot of music). On my droid x I never saw this process on my battery use, and I am wondering if there is an option or something that I am overlooking that is increasing the amount of battery drain from listening to music.I listen to mp3s on the stock music app and to mp3 and m4a podcasts using Pocket Casts.I can't say for sure, but Mediaserver seems to not appear on the battery list until I start listening to music and to not increase the amount of battery that it uses while not listening to music.
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Dec 30, 2011
I have been trying to display battery percentage on the battery status icon as in the stock app but it was fruitless. What do I have to do to display the battery percentage on the battery status icon? In the case that it couldnt be done, how do I remove the battery status icon(stock) from the status bar while I download and display another battery indicator app from the market?
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Jul 11, 2012
My girlfriend owns a Razr and every since the ICS update she has been telling me her phone has giving her problems. It gets hot when listening to pandora or videos after a short time in use. Her battery life wasnt the greatest from the beginning but after ICS it's worse. I was suppose to do this a week ago after I mentioned. Now shes threatening to take my Maxx.
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Sep 11, 2012
Hey, my battery meter (the stock ICS one) is stuck at 90%.Did a 7 hour trip yestereday with several phone calls and when I went to system, battery it showed 90% after like 12 hours off the charger, including a hour of phone calls and I know that's not right. The phone calls do not show up as taking any power. This morning after several reboots still shows 90%.
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