Lumia 1020 :: How To Access Office 365 On Phone

Nov 9, 2014

I've had my 1020 for about 9 months now and I've been able to open Office documents on it via OneDrive.

However, when I actually hit the little red Office icon from my home screen, it takes me to "Office 365" and asks me to set up my account.

I enter the which is associated with my phone and handles all my purchases.

The message I get is;

"Something's wrong

We encountered a problem and couldn't complete this task."

Rebooting the phone doesn't seem to fix it.

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Lumia 1020 :: Printing Office Documents Directly From Phone?

Nov 16, 2013

Is there a way to print office documents, emails, pdf, etc. directly from a Nokia 1020? I thought this would be very simple or that there would be plenty of apps for this, but so far I cannot find one.

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Lumia 1020 :: Unable To Access The Store On Phone

Jan 23, 2014

I'm currently unable to access the store while on 3G on my 1020. I have to be on WiFi to even browse the store. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something simple here but I can't work it out.

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Lumia 1020 :: Cyan And 8.1 Update - Office Docs Corrupt After Editing

Aug 30, 2014

After receiving the Cyan and 8.1 update (weeks ago), anytime I edit an office document with my 1020 which resides on OneDrive, I am then unable to open it again on my PC. I receive the following:

This has happened with Word and Excel documents.Edit and save went fine, with no errors or upload issues.Both times, the document originated on my PC (Win8.1, Office 2013), and I edited & saved on my 1020.I don't really care about whether it happens when a document originates on my phone, as I really need to edit existing documents on the go.

As I continue testing this issue, I'm beginning to think more and more that this is a buggy PC Office update, and not something with Cyan/8.1.

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Lumia 1020 :: Access To DNG / RAW Photos

Dec 19, 2013

So can all the Apps that got access to the "41MP" photos also use the DNG photos? (, AT&T locker, etc...)

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Lumia 1020 :: How To Access 41 Mpixel Images

Dec 8, 2013

I just bought a 1020 and I'm really not sure how to access the full resolution images I've taken. The phone is supposed to take two images, one over-sampled 5 mpixel image, and another at full resolution. I used the Windows Phone app to upload my images to my PC, and when I look at the info I see the images are 3072x1729 @ 72 dpi. Surely that's not the full res image?

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Lumia 1020 :: How To Access High Res Images

Aug 24, 2013

Finally took the plunge and bought a 1020. Just starting to learn how to use it and was wondering how I can access the hi res images ? In the settings I selected 5mp & 34mp in "Capture Mode," but when I connect the camera to my pc, all I see are the low res images.

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Lumia 1320 :: How To Retrieve Pre-installed Office 365 After Reset On Phone

Jan 2, 2016

my phone Lumia 1320 become slow. want to reset to factory reset. but I have office 365 pre installed. how to retrive it back?

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Lumia 1020 :: Not Able To Access Yahoo Mail Using Built In Icon?

Feb 2, 2016

About two weeks ago my Nokia 1020 suddenly stated giving me an error message when I clicked to synch my Yahoo mail account. It worked absolutely fine for over a year. I have made no changes to the phone OS nor added any new apps. I changed my password and then retried - still not able to get mail. All of my other email accounts are still working fine. I can get yahoo mail on my iPad just fine. I have deleted the account, rebooted the phone and created a new instance of Yahoo mail and still it does not get to mail.

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Lumia 1020 :: Access Point Loading On Boot Up - Pick Network

Jan 6, 2014

So my Lumia 1020 ran out of battery for the first time since I have owned it yesterday, no problem I will simply charge it.

Then on boot it loads the Access Point screen asking me to pick my network (EE already chosen which is correct)... not a problem but why has it done this? It does this whenever I turn the phone off and on again...

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Blurry Edges On Photos And Rattling When Shaking The Phone

Oct 15, 2013

I recently bought a Nokia 1020 and i suspect that there are something wrong with the camera. The quality of the photos that i take are, in my opinion, nowhere near the ones you can se in reviews and those released by Nokia.

To me it looks like it's only the middle part of every photo that is correctly focused. The edges are very blurry. I have no case on the phone, no dirt on the lens and i have tried to reset the camera and reboot, no difference.

I will attach some photos on which I think you can see it clearly. The images are very sharp in the middle but when you move towards the edges it quickly becomes blurry. Both pictures are taken in daylight with Nokia Pro Cam, all settings on auto.

The pictures are the high resolution version: FileSnack | Easy file sharing FileSnack | Easy file sharing.

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Lumia 1020 :: Hyperlinking Phone Number And Passcodes For Conference Calls Using Windows Phone?

Jan 21, 2014

New to the Windows mobile phone... I use my Windows phone for business and do a lot of conference calls. With my iPhone I used to be able to put the phone number with three commas and then the passcode to the conference call in the meeting request (format = 555-555-5555,,,12121212#). By using this format my customers could just click the link in their iPhone and it would auto-dial the conference number along with the passcode so that they did not have to remember the passcode while driving.

Example: 555-555-5555,,,12121212#. (autohyperlink for iOS)
555-555-5555 Passcode 12121212 then press # (caller can hyperlink the phone number but has to remember the passcode and dial it while driving...)

By using this format you could just click the number and it would dial the number pause then auto add the passcode and # to enter the conference call. I think Blackberry used to use a similar format to achieve the same thing.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Won't Turn On (not Able To Soft / Hard Reset - NSRT Does Not Detect The Phone )

Aug 8, 2014

Yesterday, I went running with my Lumia 1020 listening to music and using the Runtastic app. The music stopped - I looked at the phone - it was turned off. I tried powering on, but to no avail. I should also mention that upon leaving, the battery was fully charged and this happened after some 20 minutes. When I came home, I immediately put the phone on the wall charger and expected it to power on after a while. I checked it after 3 hours and nothing, the phone was still stone-dead and what was even more worrying, completely cold - no heat-up from charging.

I tried connecting it to my PC - the computer didn't even recognize ANY device was connected to it. Just to be sure, I tried Nokia Software Recovery Tool, but sure enough, it was not able to detect the phone. The phone seems to be dead meat now, but when I put it on my desk wireless charging stand, the stand's indicator lights up, although the phone does nothing and stays that way.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Becomes Extremely Hot After Phone Cyan Update

Oct 2, 2014

Yesterday I updated my Lumia 1020 to Lumia Cyan. I've been using WP 8.1.1 with developer preview. Today I left my phone at home, I didn't use it and when I tried to pick it up I actually got scared, it was so extremely hot that I thought it will explode. After few seconds I got warning that battery is low but I know that it was around 70% when iI left it(I've left it only for 1 hour). I turned it off so it could cold before I charge it.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Has Just Gone Dead No Response From The Phone

Dec 18, 2015

nokia lumia 1020 has just gone dead no response from the phone tried hard and soft reset nothing happens tried plugging in a charger into charger port on the phone and still nothing before it went off the phone had half battery life in it and was expreincing phone freezing up and the phone slowed down and now wont come on at all i have had the battery replaced and still no joy the phone shop tried to flash the software and no connectivity with computer also the phone shop checked my old battery with another lumia 1020 and that worked so the issue wasnt the battery

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Nokia :: E63 How Can Access Files Office Pc Connected Lan Network

Apr 4, 2010

I can access internet on my E63 using my Office WLAN. But how can I access files on my Office PC connected to same Ethernet (LAN) network?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Access To Microsoft Office Files?

Sep 17, 2010

I am having BB 9700 but that dosent have Word, Excel & Power point application. I can't access Word, Excel & Power point file. How can I get it?

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Lumia 1020 :: How To Get LTE Working On Phone

Aug 11, 2014

Just got my two new phones and Im wondering how to get the LTE on telus to activiate on my phones.

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Lumia 1020 :: Why Has Phone Died

Sep 1, 2014

For some reason, my Lumia 1020 died on me today for no apparent reason. I had been listening to music on my way to work this morning, put the phone down on the table, and no more than an hour later the phone was off. I tried powering it up, but nothing happens, nothing appears on the screen, no startup vibration, etc. The phone had a full charge before work. I know if there is a batteryproblem, the phone will display a red battery picture, but this has not happened.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Keeps Dropping 3G

May 13, 2014

When I leave the phone sitting for a few minutes it drops from H+ to H meaning I can't access the internet on IE or receive Whatsapp messages. If I toggle flight mode on and off or restart the phone it works fine for maybe 10 minutes or so.

I have network selected manually, I have tried automatic selection, it makes no difference. I also have 3G set as the highest connection speed. I upgraded to WP8.1 last week but have had no issues until now.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Keeps Turning Off

Jul 24, 2014

About a month ago my Lumia 1020 randomly began turning off. I actually just purchased the phone used off eBay around the end of April. The phone itself was in great condition, but I wonder if I would up with a defective model. Since I bought the phone used, I suppose I'm out of luck when it comes to manufacturer's warranty?

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Lumia 1020 :: How To Get Phone Out Of Bootloop

Dec 29, 2015

I have a lumia 1020 that i received 2 years ago. i kept it nice and took good care of it. but 3 months ago i tried to update it to windows 10, but i didn't like it so much and got troubled with lots of bugs. so I "factory reset" my phone, so i could return to windows 8.1 again, i came across some kind of spinning gears when resetting. i thought everything would go on, but it seem like to stuck in 30 minutes. Later it shutdown, and begin the update process again.

I can't shut down the phone it the condition, only soft, hard. etc resets works, and when i use one of them. there appears a "low battery sign" that means i have to plug the the charger, afterward it goes back to the the spinning gears, and that is the bootloop. i tried many alternative solutions as the "key combination" or "programs on pc that reset the phone" my phone won't sync with the pc as it should do. it only charge. Now i simply don't know what to do.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Not Connecting To PC

Apr 28, 2014

My new 1020 doesn't seem to connect to my PC. My 920 connects just fine, I plug it in, I hear the USB connection sound and the app pops up. But my 1020 on the same cable, nothing. The Device Manager doesn't even pick up that anything is there, though the phone does show that it's being charged. I know it's not the cable, and b/c my 920 works it's probably not the PC. I'm worried b/c I installed 8.1 on both my phones and technically that voids the warranty. So if this is a bad device, I may be screwed.

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Lumia 1020 :: Why Isn't Phone Turning On

Feb 8, 2015

I try everything to switch on my nokia lumia 1020 but not respond....

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Lumia 1020 :: Can't Unlock The Phone

Jun 8, 2014

I just got a lumia 1020 locked to Rogers network, I now tried 2 different unlocking sites and both have failed to give me an unlock code. I am pretty sure that I have given the correct imei code as I had another person verify the number I gave.

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Lumia 1020 :: FM Radio On The Phone

Aug 1, 2013

Does the 1020 have FM Radio? If so, how would one access it?

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Lumia 1020 :: How To Use WiFi On Phone

Jul 31, 2013

total smartphone newbie here, seriously considering the 1020 but had a quick question. If I want to use my wifi instead of cell data, is this the correct setting?

Defining Internet Connections:

On the Start screen, swipe left Tap "Settings" Go to "Wi-Fi" Make sure that "Wi-Fi networking" is enabled Select the connection that you wish to use

To use a mobile data connection:

On the Start screen, swipe left and go to "Settings" Tap "cellular" Switch "Data connection" to "On"

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Lumia 1020 :: Can't Connect Phone To Pc

Sep 11, 2014

I have tried to connect my lumia 1020 to PC and it's not recgonize it's connect only as charger .. it was good but now i didn't know what happen .. i tried all things likes :

restart my phone
restart my pc
install windows phone app ( didn't recgonize phone as connected )

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Lumia 1020 :: Why Won't Phone Connect To Pc

May 17, 2015

My Nokia Lumia 1020 will NOT connect to my surface pro 2. I have looked high and low on the internet for a solution. The problem in my opinion lies in the detection and installation of the drivers to the SP2. It plugs in and charges but the computer doesn't detect that there has been anything plugged in. Nothing shows up in file explorer or device manager. But my old Lumia 920 was recognized. Here are a few of the different solutions that I have tried and have fail to fix my problem.

Soft reset when plugged in to install the missing drivers (failed)
Switching different cords to make sure I was using a data cable (failed)
Tried plugging it into multiple different PC's and even a mac (failed)

The stupid phone will not show up anywhere! I am running Windows 10 mobile but I have had this problem in 8.1 for over a year since I bought the phone. This even happened with my first Lumia 1020 I owned when the phone first came out! (Which shattered)

I think the root of the problem lies in the hardware of the phone itself. My guess is the USB port is damaged so it doesn't fully read or something along those lines. It takes a good 5 hour for a charge which seems long to me but I'm not sure.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Won't Shut Down

Mar 6, 2014

Battery life is worse than pathetic. Just a few calls a day, and what I consider average app use (music usually plugged in charging), and with the camera grip (with aux battery) and tonight it started flashing "Battery critically low". Fully charges it overnight, every night. With the camera grip you'd think it'd last longer but it's getting worse. No background apps and I've tweaked the settings to minimal power usage (per a site I found on which things to turn off, etc.). By late morning it's usually close to 60% battery and keeps going down.

To make matters worse, now, we can't shut down the phone. When we try, it says Goodbye, blanks out, and turns right back on and boots up again. Over and over. We can't turn it off.

I'm thinking a phone reset might be in order. If so, I'm hoping things would get restored from the backups? We have apps+settings, text messages, and photos set to "Backup On". Unsure what the difference is between a hard reset via button presses, and doing a RESET PHONE from the settings menu?

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Lumia 1020 :: Why Won't Phone Lock

Dec 20, 2014

So the other day my lock button stopped locking my phone. However if I hold it down it will still let me turn it off (by dragging down), but then it turns on again. I can't unlock it by double tapping the screen either. When I plug it in to my computer it isn't recognized by the "windows phone app" for desktop, but it turns the screen on so I can use it for a bit. I can't turn it off and then plug it in because it always turns back on, and sometimes I can't regular turn it off, I have to hold the down volume button and the lock button to hard restart it.

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