IPhone :: Use 4 To Prevent Message Of Advertise?

Mar 13, 2012

How use iphone to prevent message of advertise?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Prevent It From Using Text Message With An IMessage?

May 17, 2012

I would like to know how I can turn off iPhone's iMessage system and just send regular text messages to other iPhone users.Here's why.On two separate occassions I have missed a date with the same guy because we would send each other messages, and get no reply. Why? Because the iPhone appears to choose to send it as an iMessage.But because one or the other isn't connected to a wireless port at the time it doesn't go through.so we're both waiting for the other to reply and it never happens.So we assume the other is asleep, phone died, whatever and plans are automatically cancelled.We take the train home and then iMessage floods both of our phones with 30 minutes worth of texts.

I would like to have the ability to send a text as a text message, and only send an iMessage when I choose it to be the wiser of two methods of sending a text.iMessage is not my preffered method of sending a text because it doesn't work as well.It does a terrible job of letting me know when it can't send and it utilizes wifi which is less abundant than the network I'm on.Moreover I have unlimited texts with my plan.So I don't understand the point of a phone automatically trying to send texts through wifi when it doesn't work as well,inadvertantly cancels my date twice, and leaves me bitter and ALONE at home again.So do I have an option to just send texts as regular texts? Or is this a new feature that I can't control?

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IPhone :: Prevent Message Showing On Screen In IMessage?

Jul 2, 2012

When an iMessage comes in [on new 4s] the screen shows the entire body of the message. It seems the option to not show message and just show the sender is no longer available in Settings-iMessage.how to change this?

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IPhone :: Prevent IMessage Sending Pictures As A Costly Text Message?

Mar 14, 2012

when I send a picture message to someone with an iPhone 4s who doesn't have wi fi on, the message goes as a text message. This is fine for normal text messages but pictures are expensive to send. Is there any way to set it so it sends normal text messages if the receiver has no wi fi but never sends picture messages as text?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Text Message Threads Prevent New Unrelated Texts?

Nov 10, 2012

EXAMPLE: I have an existing text message thread with a specific recipient that I want to keep undisturbed. I then want to send a brand new unrelated text message to the same recipient using the + (New message) icon at the upper right corner of the screen.he new text message invariably is appended to the bottom of the old thread, unrelated to the subject matter of the new text message that I want to send.

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IPhone :: How To Prevent Adult Ads On It

Apr 18, 2012

My wife was playing Angry Birds earlier today and an extremely graphic ad for BaDoink popped up.It advertised for you to "Download our First of all, since allowed on an Apple device? I purposely bought two iPhones and a new iPad because of the perceived safety with iOS. My children have been using the iPhones and iPad.I now have ZERO trust that it's safe to have them use the devices.Second, since I didn't see this occur, it appears that from what I did see that this was one of the "Ads" that pop up while you play Angry Birds. Why in the world would the creators of Angry Birds - a game played by children connected with their game?And third, how do I prevent this from ever happening again. I turned restrictions "On" after my wife showed me the ad. Is that good enough to prevent this?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Prevent 4s From Getting Too Hot When Using The Gps For 1 Hour In A Hot Day?

May 24, 2012

prevent 4s from getting too hot when using the gps for 1 hour in a hot day in the car Under the windscreen?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5

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IPhone :: Prevent The Changes In Calendar?

Jun 5, 2012

I am traveling out of state and out of my time zone, but don't want my iPhone to change my calendar appointment times. How do I prevent the changes?

iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: Prevent Auto Update Of IOS?

Aug 15, 2010

I will receive an iPhone 4 in the beginning of next week and if I've understood things correctly I will have to plug it into my Mac and activate the phone with iTunes. When doing this, will it also auto update iOS to the newest version (4.0.2) without asking? If so, can I prevent it?I'm asking because this will be my first iPhone and I want to be able to jailbreak it, jailbreaking iOS 4.0.2 is not possible today as far as I know.

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IPhone :: Prevent Facetime From Freezing Up?

Mar 12, 2012

how do i prevent facetime from freezing up

iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IPhone :: Prevent Mail From Being Deleted?

Apr 20, 2012

So I lost some mail when I was cleaning up my iPhone, thinking that the mail was already on the Mac, as it is whenever I log on. Lo and behold, I lost some three months of mail! What to do? Do I have to phyiscally email each email that I get on iCloud to my mac account,or even gmail account? I am getting confused.... as I thought the iCloud was a huge server in the sky that I could access anytime, anywhere, on any planet.

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Prevent Outlook From Syncing With My 3gs?

Apr 30, 2012

How can I block email from accessing my i-phone? How can I prevent Outlook from syncing with my i-phone? THis was not a problem before updating to the new 5.1 version.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Prevent 4 Battery Running Hot?

Jun 16, 2012

I have an iPhone 4 16 gb black and since updating to ios 5.11 the phone has been running above normal temperature and has severe battery drain (10 mins - 1%) on standby mode. I would be grateful If I could get a quick reply as not to prematurely use up battery life cycles unnecessarily. Any way to extend life cycles from a battery and does using the battery whilst keeping it plugged in pause the life cycle process?

iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: How To Prevent Automatic Sync

Jun 24, 2012

How to prevent automatic sync(e.g mail or notifications from apps) whenever 3G is on. I want WiFi for this work just to save my cellular data. unless i open particular app for update/refresh.

In detail: Whenever i want to use safari for browsing via 3G data, automatically other apps useses internet e.g mail automatically sync with respective accounts and also hundereds of notifications show up which unneccessarily drains my battery as well as 3G data. i just want to use WiFi for any sort of syncing process. In nutshell, i want 3G for only those apps which is presently opened by me while 3G is on. But i dont mind if any apps uses internet while using Wifi is connected!

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 4 :: IOS 7.1.2 / Can Prevent It From Being Restored In ITunes

Dec 6, 2014

got an iPhone 4 which I'm trying to set up so it's childproof.. now I can set up good restrictions etc and turn off find my iphone so it can't be restored to factory settings remotely.. but if they plug it into itunes they can just reset it and overwrite all my fancy settings?Â

Is there any setting I can use in itunes or on the iPhone itself to prevent that?

iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone 5s :: Can One Prevent Changes To Their Contact Book

Jun 23, 2014

My brother is 22 was gifted an iPhone 5S. It has greatly aided in communication skills and growth with family members and close family friends. Due to this, he has gotten ahold of our large family phonebook and added every number, home/work/school email/physical address, birthday, etc. to his Contact Book on his iPhone. However, some of the contact information we have isn't valid anymore and yet, he still contacts these numbers via text, phone call, or email.

After logging onto his iCloud account and deleting these outdated contacts, he cleverly re-added these numbers in. We want to give my brother his privacy to communicate with family/friendss, but we do not like that he keeps trying contact these outdated contacts.Â

Is there a way to prevent the addition or edit of contacts in his contact book? I understand that there are parental controls that allow one to prevent the addition, edit, or deleting of mail, contact, or calendar accounts, however, it doesn't seem to disable the addition/edit/deleting of actual contacts. Ideally, we'd like to be able to delete numbers and addresses that aren't valid, and then "freeze" the addition of more numbers from him...Â

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IPhone :: Will A Bumper Prevent Shattering Phone?

Jun 26, 2010

Will it absorb the shock and stop the shattering of the front/back?Or do I need a case that covers the back, to minimize the possibilites?

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IPhone :: How To Prevent Thief From Deleting Particular Tracking App

Apr 6, 2012

Suppose if my Iphone is stolen and the thief 'uninstalls' the "find my Iphone" software, then in that case what benefit does this particular app provide? Is there a way to not allow "Uninstalling" any particular app?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: Prevent And Fix White Eyes In Photos Taken With 4S?

Apr 29, 2012

How can i prevent and also fix white eyes in photos taken with iphone 4S? Is there a camera app that will help prevent this?

iPhone 4S, Camara photo issues

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IPhone :: Prevent From Going To Voice Mail Too Quickly?

May 15, 2012

How do I prevent my iphone from going to voice mail too quickly?

iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.3.2

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IPhone 5 :: IOS 8.1 / How To Prevent It From Syncing Music Out Of Order

Nov 30, 2014

So for the past month or so, whenever i tried to sync my iPhone 5 to my iMac, my music would end up out of alphabetical order on my iPhone.

The majority of music would end up under '#' on my iPhone even though its perfectly organized on my Mac and i would have to resync my phone multiple times to get at least some of the music up the list alphabetically.

Although it did have some affect, the problem still persists with a '#' ending up under every couple letters.

Is there a way to resolve this or should i restore my iPhone?

iPhone 5, iOS 8.1

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IPhone 4s :: IOS 7 - How To Prevent Background Processes From Running

Aug 29, 2014

Ever since I upgraded my iPhone 4S to iOS7, it has basically become a brick. It constantly freezes, and the home button becomes completely inoperable. People have suggested a number of fixes for the home button problem ("calibrating", tightening screws, etc.) but none of the fixes solved the problem. Through trial and error, I've come to realize that the problem is that the phone doesn't have enough computing power and that too much of its RAM gets used up by background processes, causing the phone to freeze. Â

I have found an app that stops unnecessary background processes currently running, frees up RAM, and lets the phone function properly (Free RAM 1.3). Once I've run this app, the phone functions perfectly. Â

However, this clean up only happens each time the app is launched (ie: it does not continuously free up RAM). So, I constantly have to run it (and sometimes am not able to because the phone is frozen and the home button won't work). Â

When it is running, the app displays the background processes that are running. Looking at the list, there are many processes for which I have no need, such as processes related to automatic checking for app updates, processes related to iCloud (which I do not use), etc. Preventing these processes from running in the first place would go a long way in making my phone more useable (being able to return to a previous iOS would be a better option, but Apple won't allow this).Â

Here is my question:Â is there a way to prevent unnecessary background processes from running at all?Â

iPhone 4, iOS 7

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IPhone :: Glass Back Will Prevent The Small Cracks In 3GS And 3G?

Jun 15, 2010

Was reading another thread, and I have to assume Apple wanted to use a more durable shell to avoid the huge amount of complaints they received about cracks showing in the previous 2 phone models.I saw on Apple's site that the glass is "bendable" so this should help stress fractures from showing up.Any comments or more info on this subject from anyone?

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IPhone :: Prevent 4 Deleting All Calendar Entries More Than A Month Old?

Mar 30, 2012

how do you prevent iphone 4 deleting all calendar entries more than a month old and restore all the older entries (like a paper diary?)

iPhone 4, iOS 4

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IPhone :: Prevent 4 From Automatically Downloading Email Attachments?

Jun 2, 2012

how to stop attachments from being downloaded automatically?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Remove Photo Albums From It That Appear When Syncing Which I Cannot Prevent?

Jun 14, 2012

just synced with laptop and to my horror now have every photo from laptop in albums on my phone which i cannot remove. Have gone back into sync mode and it wont let me access the albums on phone to delete. Such ridiculous situation not to be able to delete by choice on phone. Sync only repeats the process. Not a happy iphone user. remove the albums. Also what to do when syncing to avoid happening again. When syncing, I dont seem to be able to access my iphone or chose what sync processes i want as the sync only happens as one process including the photos. Is this a fault?

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Managing Account To Prevent Unwanted Email Download On 4?

Jun 23, 2012

Is it possible to manage my bigpond mail account on my PC to prevent unwanted emails to download on my iPhone?

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Can I Remove / Prevent Attachments From Incoming IPhone Email ?

May 8, 2012

I have a few friends that insist on sending daily emails with large attachments, typically ranging from 2 to 10MB ea. While I like to look at the funny movie or powerpoint files, etc., the daily stream of files are using up all my data allocation on my iPhone account. Is is possible to block the attachments from downloading to my iphone?


iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, 32GB

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IPhone :: IOS Device Is Lost, Prevent Someone Else From Using It By Remotely Locking The Device With A Pass-code?

Mar 30, 2012

my iPhone 4 is lost, how can I use my mobileme app in i cloud to remote lock it if i cant remember my passcode?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: 4s Deletes Emails On Its Own - Prevent This And Save Selected Emails Indefinitely?

Jun 28, 2012

How can I prevent this and save selected emails indefinitely?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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BB Curve :: How To Prevent Pocket Dialing

Mar 5, 2012

since the service outage in September/october of 2011. my blackberry has been pocket dialing the same number eventhough I have deleted it from the call registery and contact listing. Also, I have received txt messages that are at least 2years old. How do I make it stop? I have removed the battery, entered the password 10 imes to get it to wipe the memory. none of this has worked. I want to know how does a blackberry take a number and move it to the speed dial registery without me knowing it? When you delete a number from your contacts, why does it not delete the number from speed dial as well? Finally, why doesn't RIM have a 1-800 umber that a person can call, instead of getting the run around. these questions are not for a service provider, they are for the equipment designer.

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