My partners iPhone has just stopped working for no reason!
When you look at the phone it appears to be turned off however when I ring it it rings at my end but nothing happens at hers?
I've tried touching her display to answer the call but nothing happens? I've tried the suggested holding down the home and power keys together and still nothing?
I have been having some weird issues with my phone. Sometimes when I recieve a call the phone rings but the screen will not turn on. Also some other random issues. I am stock and not rooted. Usually a reboot fixes the issues.
Been a happy Sprint user since 2005 and have used various dumb phones and smartphones. The Photon is my 3rd Android.I have noticed that each phone , whether smartphone or not, has the same issue that has caused me to miss incoming phone calls here and there - the caller dials my number and hears several rings before my phone actually starts ringing. The phone goes to voicemail before I have the opportunity to answer the phone.The solution for my phones has always been to adjust the Slot Cycle index from the default setting of 2 to the setting of 0. This causes the phone to poll towers more frequently, thus the phone is more quickly aware of a new incoming call. The only negative implication is that the phone goes through battery a bit more quickly during the day...but it's really only a tiny difference. I've done this on my phones, on my spouse's phones, my mom's phone, etc.
Since the Photon's battery life is so much better than my prior phone (EVO 4G) I am very comfortable in adjusting the Slot Cycle index, so I obtained my MSL from Sprint and attempted the adjustment by going to the Dialer:##DATA# ->tap green Dial icon -> to the Data Settings menu...tap Advanced->From there you can see that the Slotted Index is set to 2. So I wanted to change the setting but can't get to it from Menu->Edit->enter MSL code->VerifyI called Sprint about this issue, and in the past they have helped me to change the setting. I have called more than once and have been dealing with the more advanced Tech Support team. No one at Sprint can figure out how to adjust this setting on the Photon.
Checked all my settings and volume!! Phone still does not ring, this is happening since i reset my iphone and used my ipod touch backup as a restore. I have since reset my phone as a new iphone but the iphone still doesnt ring when called (even after making sure the settings where correct and the volume was up!)
When my phone rings there is no sound yet I can listen to music fine. The button on the left is on but the sound mark that comes on the phone don't appear
My phone rings more than 10+ times before rolling to voicemail. How do I set the number of rings I want? I am missing calls as callers will not wait through through so many rings to get to vm if I am unable to pick up the call.
I washed my iphone 4 and had it replaced with iphone 4s. After 1 month of usage, the speakers now only work when the phone rings, using speaker phone, or Siri.No sound emits when using iTunes or playing movies, Netflix, etc. I plug in my earbuds and sound works for all apps and the sound bar at the bottom of the screen is visible - when I unplug the earbuds, the sound bar disappears.
WE have two iPhone 5s. One is brand new. When we try to us Facetime it rings pm the phone dialed and shows our faces but then it justs says connecting. It never connects to show each other.
People calling me have sometimes complained that if I am not available to take the call, they have to wait for many rings - and hence a long time - before the messaging system kicks in. And sometimes, callers give up, assuming I don't have voicemail. I know you can limit the number of rings on other phones, but I haven't find out how to do it with my iPhone. I'm sure it's easy though!!
My iphone 4s rings at 2am in the morning. The main screen does not show a call coming in, it never shows a received or missed call so there is no phone number so i cant block it. If i shut down the phone down and turn it back on before bed it seems to work and doesn't ring. I cant shut the phone off or put it on vibrate because i have an elderly mother who lives down stairs so i need to hear the phone ring if she needs me for something. I thought maybe i should reset or restore the phone but was hoping there was an easy solution.