on my previous phone (Xperia Z2) I can plug in to my computer via USB and copy files to/from the internal storage or SD card. When I plug my Nexus 6P in to the computer the same way, I just get an empty folder. I can't see all the files on the internal Android file system. Is this normal?
Day one powering up the phone there was a system update that that never installed. Since then I have not received any OTA updates. I have had it since October 29th.
I am on Verizon and used my sim from another phone. Concerned that because the first update borked during set up that I am not going to receive OTAs. Seen other listing the same scenario. Factory reset and removing sim in order?
I'm running a rooted 6P with TWRP and a custom kernel. Just got a notification for an OTA. Obviously, I can't run this update. How can I disable the update check? I have ROM Manager and know how to disable apps, but don't see any obvious update check system app.
I flashed the recovery, rooted the device. Updated the build.prop. Then unrooted it, put back stock recovery and locked the bootloader. I was getting "Your device is corrupt" message on boot, however, it was able to boot. I have received the January security updates, but I am not able to install it. It proceeds through installation and during the restart it shows "Error". I have already tried clearing cache.
Is there anything I can do ? Is there any way to update build.prop without getting "Your device is corrput" message ?
I have Google Nexus 6 mobile. For my smartphone I frequently getting android system update of 30.1 MB. When I try update, while updating it fails and shows error. This occurs for the same update for more than 30 times. after some time my mobile restarts.
Just got my Nexus 6P from Google UK to replace my HTC One M8 GPE (Been an amazing phone. made better by GPE)
Anyway, I've enabled developer options, but can't for the life of me get System UI tuner to work, the settings symbol just wont spin at all, tried holding it for 2-3 seconds, 5 seconds and 10 seconds.
Also tried this on my HTC One M8 GPE, Nexus 9 and wont work on them either?
I'm trying to upgrade my SuperSu to the latest beta so I can install Viper4Android for Angler. However, the instructions for SuperSu Beta states "If you are coming from any SuperSU install in /system, you must re-flash the stock system (and vendor and oem, if present) partition contents prior to installing this."
I was wondering if I could get some Nexus 6P specific instructions for doing that without screwing everything up. I assume this doesn't wipe my user apps.
I don't have the system UI tuner Enabled although it is supposed to be enabled already... trying to apply it opens up the "Pure Nexus" app instead of enabling it...
I'm trying to delete the audio conf file in system/vendor/etc but it won't let me. I'm rooted and running Pure Nexus. Also when I go into the recovery and try to use the file manager it doesn't show me any files in that folder even though there are files in there. I just updated the Rom the other day.
I am currently running PureNexus and I do like it quite a bit. However, with Android Pay only working on systemless root (which is full of bugs) I am thinking about going back to stock.
My question is, can I install the stock rom, root, remove bloat system apps that I don't want, and unroot?
Any way for me to stay on PureNexus and keep Android Pay working that would be ideal as I am getting fantastic battery life. I am a light to moderate user and I usually have 50-60% battery left at the end of the day.
I haven't been able to figure out for sure whether or not it's possible to modify lcd_density without touching build.prop. Past versions of Android allowed one to override build.prop settings using a local.prop file on the userdata partition, but I've been unable to get that working.
It looks like in the past you could put qemu.sf.lcd_density into /data/local.prop, but that's not working for me, nor is any permutation of that variable or location of local.prop that I've tried. Did Google disable local.prop or officially disallow overriding of read only settings?
Currently flashing back to stock with the steps given by Heisenberg's step by step guide, number 11, how to flash the factory image.
At the command fastboot flash system C:anglerimagessystem.img and it has sat here for over an hour and a half now with the output of writing 'system'. If I'm not mistaken, my phone is basically bricked at this point, as all I have written to the phone right now is recovery and bootloader really, and since I flashed the stock bootloader that means it is relocked.
Is there any way I can unlock it from here and then flash TWRP again, and then restore one of my backups of my 6P to at least get it working again?
So I tried to install an exposed module and after reboot exposed wasn't working anymore. through xda searches I figured out my system partition was full. is there any way to make this partition bigger? or Every time i install a module will I have to uninstall a system app to make room?
I've tried a few methods of getting recovery back but so far have failed. I always end up with that droid and a red warning triangle, which if left long enough it will boot into android on its own..
I flashed Android 6.0 to my Nexus5 and rooted it with NRT. I can't copy a new hosts file to /system/etc because there is to less space. df shows in fact just 4k of free space.
I do what I normally do which is go into the system UI media folder and delete the camera click sound after rooting. However this time even with those files completely deleted the camera app still make the shutter sound. Is it like OEM camera apps now where the sound is built into the app and it's not using the folder sound anymore?
Recently, a friend lost a phone. Apparently, it was turned off after being found. When going to Android Device Manager, it only indicated that it couldn't locate the phone. I thought that it would show its last known location, but it did not. Shouldn't it?
Android Marshmallow. I noticed that on my Moto X Pure (Style) before and also now on my Nexus 6P that whenever I charged it to 100% it won't say "Full" but instead "Charging on AC" still. On my Moto X before, the "Full" message will be displayed after 30 mins or so. However on my Nexus 6P now, it will take more than an hour for it to say "Full".
I haven't done a factory reset yet but I would love to avoid it if possible.
I went to take a picture of the wife's newly decorated Christmas tree and the stock camera fails to fully start. It behaves as if it can not use the hardware. When I look at the back there is a small red light/laser that refuses to go out unless the phone is rebooted.
I've rebooted the phone a few times and tried Manual Camera and a couple others .. same behavior.
So I was running screwd ROM with elementalX kernel. Everything was working great but I'm a long time DU user. Went to their G+ page flashed ROM. I had issues with it so I wiped and restored my backup of screwd ROM through TWRP. The first go around I selected to restore all partitions. It got stuck on the boot logo. Booted back into recovery and restored android again. This time I unchecked the vendor image box and restored the rest of the partitions. Worked like a charm.
I was restoring a twrp backup and when it reaches "flashing system image" in the restore process it just reboots. Ive tried a few things but cant get it going. It just bootloops.
The android system (6.0) update notification came on my phone yesterday (Moto X Pure 2015). Since I couldn't connect to a WiFi where I was, I decided to switch to my cellular data. But as soon as I did that the notification disappeared. I tried finding it on my phone settings, where you go to settings-->about phone-->system updates. It says my device it upto date. How can I retrieve the notification? I was waiting for my android OS update for a month and then this happened.
A buddy of mine is getting a notifiaction for Android System Update. When he selects to install, It says it will reboot and install updates, but when it reboots it goes in to Team Win Recovery Projest mode (TWRP) as he had rooted his phone. After it goes to recovery mode he manually selected reboot and it does not start to update and the notification is not to be seen again. But after 2-3 hours it comes back again asking to update. Let me know how to diable the phone going into recovey mode or how to update in recovery mode if there is way to do it???? This has been happening from past 2 days.