I have not secured my taken pictures to OneDrive / Dropbox, but I thought a single TWRP backup (on a USB OTG) would be enough.
I was using Edgar28's XtreStoLite 2.1, and wanted to put 2.2 on the S6. I knew v2.2 needed a new bootloader and modem to be loaded in ODIN, so I did.
Before I did that, I made the TWRP backup on the usb stick, so if anything would happen I could go back.
Well, as I usually did with my Note 4 when installing a new ROM, I completely wiped everything except for the microSD card and the USB OTG.
But at that point I forgot the S6 doesn't use the microSD so I would probably be lost of all the photo's (yes because I also forgot to set up OneDrive).
Then I realised I had to go back because I forgot about my photo's. So I put back the modem and boatloader for XtreStoLite 2.1 and loaded the TWRP backup in the restore.
I hoped it'd start right up, but it does not. It comes in a bootloop, even before the animated samsung logo.
So then I tried installing XtreStoLite 2.1 without a wipe, and the system started but I couldn't see my photo's, the were gone.
Then I loaded the original firmware via odin over the backup, and I did see the photo's, but they were all grayed out. Like they were there but you wouldn't be able to see them.
What can I do to restore the photo's from the TWRP backup?
I am trying to retrieve photos from a Samsung Galaxy S6 that is stock at the lock screen. The finger print scan is not working and they do not know there back up password. I researched two ways to get around this.
1. Entering in the google account user name and password 2. Signing into Find My Mobile with the samsung account information and unlocking the phone
If both of these options fail due to the owner not remembering there above credentials is there any other way to retrieve photos. How about putting the phone in dfu mode and using a program on a computer to copy photos from the internal storage. Is something like this possible?
I reflashed all the factory images to my Nexus 6P (except userdata), and then restored a TWRP backup of the data partition. This worked, my phone boots up and obviously has my installed apps, etc. But... on the Nexus 6P when you restart the phone you have to enter your lock pattern or PIN. My phone was previously configured with a pattern. It seems the TWRP data backup didn't backup the lock pattern, because it doesn't recognize my pattern.
My fingerprint is recognized, but on the Nexus 6P you still have to enter the lock pattern or PIN when you first reboot. So, I have no way to get into the phone. I tried setting a new lock screen password with Android Device Manager, but it doesn't work. I still get the screen asking for the lock pattern. Is there any way I can get into my phone without blowing away all the data?
I have the international SM-G920I version of the S6, running the latest 5.1.1 update.Recently, it has started giving me issues in the Google Photos app. I am unable to back up any photos. When I go open the app and go to the Assistant tab, it always shows "Backing up 1 item out of XX".
When I go to the "Backup & Sync" settings of the app, I get constant toast notifications saying "Backing up 1 out of XX". I factory reset my phone and tried again, however the issue persists. I am able to upload photos onto Google Photos using my computer, so it does not seem to be an issue in my Google account.
How can I print out a copy of the abbacy file? My wife's Blackberry died completely, and unfortunately we did not use the My Contacts Backup, so are up a creek if I can't print the date out.
Using a rooted nexus 5 running stock 4.4.4. And twrp 2.8.x.x ... I want to restore an old twrp backup I had made some time ago (with an earlier version of twrp) and moved to my pc. So I copied that backup from my pc to the twrp folder in the nexus 5. But when I reboot into TWRP, twrp lists other backups, but not the one I just copied back into its folder. How can I get twrp to see and restore that nandroid backup?
I have recently took the back up of my text massage using BlackBerry Desktop Software. After taking the backup I accidently deleted one important message (original) from the device. I tried to retrieve the text message from the backup I created but it showing the name of the sender but there is no conversion in text message inbox.. it just blank message.
I am having trouble finding my nandroid backup file made with TWRP. I can't even find the TWRP directory! This file system is so confusing! I have tried ES File Explorer, Root Browser, and tried searching the file system using my laptop. I have even searched for "2014-12-13" and nothing is found. Nexus 5 on Android 5.0 w/ TWRP v2.8.1.0
I'm running the latest TWRP I noticed when taking a backup, and it asks which partitions I'd like to back up, I notice a couple new ones I've not seen before. System image, vendor image, right below, system, and vendor. I notice the "image" partitions are slightly larger than regular system and vendor. What are these, and should they be included in a regular backup?
How can I backup photos to a USB drive from a samsung galaxy s6? I have a micro USB to USB A adapter, but what is the process / app for backing up my photos and vids from the phone to a USB drive.
I was recently noticing some differences in the pictures saved in the stock S6 Gallery app and those backed up in the Google Photos app. Even though I have the Photos app set to upload "full size"... there is a noticeable difference when it comes to clarity and ability to zoom. Is there a fix that I am simply overlooking? Because it's not even close to be honest.
I've set my phone to auto backup my photos when I'm on my wi-fi and also plugged in and charging. It says my backup has failed with a little yield logo with an exclamation point. I clicked the manual refresh circle to the right of that message and it keeps failing. If I view my photos in the Gallery almost all of them have only the device card symbol, and only a few from when the phone was new have the colored logo on the duplicate photo.
I was restoring a twrp backup and when it reaches "flashing system image" in the restore process it just reboots. Ive tried a few things but cant get it going. It just bootloops.
I backed up my iphone to my computer before going to Apple Store where my phone was replaced. Once home I synced up and my apps were restored but not the pictures and video.
Are they there or were they not backed up? If they are there why weren't they restored and what can I do to restore them?
Do I need to backup data in order to be able to revert back to my stock Rom? My understanding is that if I did a backup of the System, Boot, EFS, and Cache then I should be fine. Only gripe is that my Apps and app data will be lost. Is that correct?
So, I want to flash the latest version of TWRP to my 920i ... My only question is this..
- Flash the new TWRP (the one for Android 5.1.1) with Odin
This one for the normal S6 models & This one for the Edge models
In Odin 3.10.6, which option do you select to flash TWRP? I'm assuming BL is for bootloader, CP is for modem - what do you use for the recovery? AP, CSC, or UMS. I don't want to select the wrong thing and brick my phone.
I am a rooted galaxy s5 with Verizon g900v on 4.4.4. I am trying to install twrp so that I can get a custom rom on my device. I am able to download the recovery file but when trying to flash the app crashes. I did enable the sd card patch and downloaded the required busy box and it is still not working!!!
i have a problem with battery drain the phone is emty after a half day. im on AOE3 firmware version.i remember reading somewhere the this is because of flashing twrp? and needing to flash stock recovery.My question is is this true? and where can i find the AOE3 stock recovery?
I am currently on 5.1.1 stock with rooted and twrp installed. After flashing 6.0.1 official ROM via Odin will I retain ROOT and TWRP? If not then how can i get rooted and twrp installed?
I recently flashed xef 5.1.1 and ota'd to 6.0.1 and rooted with spacex kernel. My question is can i install twrp with flashify?
First of all root with spacex kernel.... Then follow the guide on how to root galaxy s6 android 6 in this forum and don't do the last part with installing the kernal and super su. Link to guide: [URL] ....
Trying to root my Galaxy s6 SM-G920I India version but no luck. Had to restore stock firmware thrice today. Every time I used ODIN 3.10.6 with Unibase or Unikernal it would say kernel is not SEAndroid enforcing and stick to a bootloop. If I use the CF auto root method it says Recovery is not SEAndroid enforcing and again bootloop.