Galaxy S5 :: Emergency Alert System Not Getting Notifications?
Jun 24, 2015
I have a Verizon Galaxy S5 for a few weeks now. When I set up the phone I set the notification for the Emergency Alert System to notify me for all but Amber alerts. Thought it was a great feature since I'm not home alot and always have my phone with me.
Since doing so there have been several National Weather Service extreme and severe weather alerts in my area which were broadcast on both TV and radio however I never reveived any alerts via my phone. I contacted Verizon who were basicly useless with giving me an explanation or solution, I spoke to three people and I got three different answers. One rep I spoke to said that it depends on what angency is sending out the alert and that verizon may not have been notified of any local alerts. So at this point I am a bit confused as to how the system is suppose to work? If both radio and TV media are sending out the alerts why am I not getting any via my phone? Isn't the point of this feature to get alerts through your phone should you not have access to a radio or TV?
I got an emergency alert message this morning (2:30 AM Pacific time) which totaly sucks.Subject was: Channel: Monthly Test Alert Message From reading other forums , I know this must be a bug with the OS. I have been getting these same test message on and off over the past few weeks.Blackberry needs to issue a fix. I have to keep my phone on because I use my phone as a pager.I know RIMM is almost bankrupt but come on guys, you gotta get this fixed.
I have question about emergency notifications. An Amber Alert went out today and my entire office got it but me. I saw that the settings for emergency notifications are in the Samsung messaging app. I don't use the messaging app I use Textra would that cause me to not get Amber Alerts
I had a system update on my brand new s6 and now it won't vibrate for notifications it works for the keyboard and when it turns on and off so the motor is good. And I went into setting and it's all on. But I just can't get it to work.
I'm using an app that configures a vpn profile and connects to it. When I'm connected, I want just my notification to be shown, but android provides its own notification that is shows and I can't seem to get rid of it. Any possible way to get rid of this without root?
There are several weather related 3rd party apps being sold in the Apple App Store that offer to provide push notifications in the event of severe weather at the iPhone users location. However,I believe these apps are NOT pushing the warning out to users immediately when the National Weather Service issues the warning.I suspect it is due to how the app developers are handling (and footing the cost) of pushing the data. Many times the warning notification comes AFTER a storm has passed.This is extremely dangerous and it would be appreciated if Apple could investigate this problem, which could serve to help public safety.
just updated to 5.1.1 now when my phone is locked I get repeated notification tones but when I unlock phone there are no notifications or txt messages.
Is there a way during a workout Run or Weight Training to get a notification or Alert when I hit a zone. This would be useful especially if I am doing interval training.
How to get rid of the system notifications (see pic). The ONLY notification I want to see on the lock screen is my SMS's. I have managed to get rid of all of the other notifications (By holding down on the notification, clicking the "i" and changing the setting to "no" to receiving notifications.) However, there is no option to get rid of these sorts of notifications at all from what I can find. They all seem to be system notifications. For example, low battery, whenever I take a screen shot etc.
I am trying to get rid of these notifications permanently. I know how to temporarily remove them (by swiping it off the screen) but I don't want them ever showing up on my lock screen at all.
I have a N73, I have a mail account on Google. I created a mailbox in my phone, configured it with all settings. I enabled Automatic email retrieval and the interval time was 2 hrs. All worked fine. I got the notification in first run. I noticed that my packet data connection was active for whole day, in result phone battery was consumed too early.
I just want to know these two things:
1. Why the packet data connection is active all time? Cant it active only on the retrieval hours. Not in the idle position? 2. Why the email alert notifications has just stopped showing NEW EMAIL
I am just missing my important mails due to this problem of notification.
I have noticed that my wifi Xoom will randomly display either the notification volume or system volume sliders on screen when either the up or down volume buttons are depressed. I can tap the "settings" icon to the right of the slider on either one and both of them display. They also don't display the same way everytime either. Sometimes, system will be on top and notifications on the bottom and vice-a-versa.
This annoying feature is on the lock screen, left of Alternative Password. I put my phone in my pant pocket throughout the day, and accidentally make at least 2 emergency calls per day. I have tried to delete all contacts in my emergency group, but somehow it manages to randomly read them.
Is there a way to disable this feature altogether like unchecking the camera on the lock screen?
Me and my kids were woken up at 3am this morning by an amber alert on my verizon gs5 running 5.0 ... I can't find the menu for emergency alerts...i have looked in the native msging app settings as well as in the wireless and network menu,but just cant find this yet another lollipop bug or am i just missing something?
I have a Galaxy S5 and would like to be able to stop the notification of receiving an e-mail without stopping the notification of text messages. Is there a way to differentiate? I was able to do this on older phones.
I have certain apps "i.e. quick change keyboards", I like to have the notifications for it shown on my notification screen, but I do not want to see it on my lock screen. Other apps I DO want to see on the lock screen.
I upgraded to lollipop yesterday it went smoothly and I have had any issues since. I have seen that I should have access to my dialer via the lock screen. The phone is there but all I can do is make an emergency call without first entering the lock code. Is this how it should be? Also, when charging I read that at the bottom of the screen it should tell you how much time left to charge. How can I make it happen?
When my phone is locked I find on the bottom of the lock screen the emergency call symbol which, if tapped, brings up the option to then dial 999. Problem is with my fat fingers is that I keep knocking this and so bringing up the option to deal. Luckily I've always noticed and then cancelled so no mishaps yet.
I can't seem to change my text alert the tick is next to my new alert when i try to change it but the old alert still sounds when i recieve a text, any ideas?
I've just got a new S6 and I cannot work out how to turn off the alert sounds when a new app asks if I want to install it. I've got the sound muted on the phone, but I still get the alerts sound every time an app is coming up.
Any way to enable notification sounds for SMS when the SMS screen is open and phone screen is on ?I get the alert when the SMS screen is closed, or the phone screen is off, but if I am having a conversation with someone via SMS, I obviously have the SMS screen open, and I get no sounds to tell me they have replied, it just updates the conversation on screen...
When I receive a voice mail I don't get an audio alert. I don't see my voice mail until I look at the phone, which can be much later. How do I set my phone to get an audio alert?
I am used to have a blinking light alert in case of a missed call, also a mail, sms or even a whatsapp message with my previous Motorola Droid. I even could arrange different colors to different situations. I could not find this in SII and I really miss it ! Is there a way to make it possible ?
I am getting annoyed by the volume notification that says "Listening to music on high volume for long periods of time might be harmful" etc., sometimes I'm out running and I try to turn up the volume, it'll vibrate and block it, so I'm forced to pull out my phone and dismiss the freaking notification.
I tried searching for it in the settings, nothing came up as a toggle switch off.
The s5 had the setting for messages called "repeat message alert" under messages-setting-notification -repeat message alert. You could set it to Never/every 2 minutes/every 10 minutes.
I can't get text messages to make audible reminder alert, which means I have to constantly look at the screen and not listen for the beep.
So starting last night I noticed that when I get a instagram notification my phone would chime and it never did that before. No big deal. However this morning I put my phone on mute and when i received a text message my phone chimes. I turned the sound off and defaulted the messages to silent but it still keeps making the same noise even though my phone is on silent.