I'm using an app that configures a vpn profile and connects to it. When I'm connected, I want just my notification to be shown, but android provides its own notification that is shows and I can't seem to get rid of it. Any possible way to get rid of this without root?
I flashed yesterday Android Lollipop on my N5 and I found out a "problem" for my use.
I am using some applications like llama, lux and UP which have persistent (or ongoing, I don't know the exact term) notifications (to be not killed I presume). My issue here is that these notifactions are displayed on my lockscreen and it is taking space for nothing.
Before I was using "slidelock", which is a lockscreen app and these persistent notifs were not displayed on the lockscreen but were still on the status bar.
Is there a way to have the same behavior?
I saw this: [URL] .... but it completely removes the notification on the status bar, so I am not sure the app is still running.
I had a system update on my brand new s6 and now it won't vibrate for notifications it works for the keyboard and when it turns on and off so the motor is good. And I went into setting and it's all on. But I just can't get it to work.
I have a Verizon Galaxy S5 for a few weeks now. When I set up the phone I set the notification for the Emergency Alert System to notify me for all but Amber alerts. Thought it was a great feature since I'm not home alot and always have my phone with me.
Since doing so there have been several National Weather Service extreme and severe weather alerts in my area which were broadcast on both TV and radio however I never reveived any alerts via my phone. I contacted Verizon who were basicly useless with giving me an explanation or solution, I spoke to three people and I got three different answers. One rep I spoke to said that it depends on what angency is sending out the alert and that verizon may not have been notified of any local alerts. So at this point I am a bit confused as to how the system is suppose to work? If both radio and TV media are sending out the alerts why am I not getting any via my phone? Isn't the point of this feature to get alerts through your phone should you not have access to a radio or TV?
And my s5 is running HOT. I can't put my finger on it. I went from 100% battery to 11% in less than 6 hours on standby. What processes may be draining he battery? Location is off, battery doctor and CM security take care of all junk and background apps, sync is disabled. I'm shocked!
Having issue where android system is consuming 35+% of the battery? Looking at the stats it seems like one of the bundled services is keeping the radio on for 14/18hrs its been on.
I generally don't have trouble getting through a work day with my S6, but I do wonder whether the Android utilization is high. During a typical day (1 - 2 hours SOT, 14-15 hours off charger), I'm burning about 60%-70% of total battery, 30% of which is Android System (~22%) and Android Kernel (~8%). Google Play and other apps are all typically < 5%. Is this normal, or does this indicate that a factory reset might be a good idea? On previous phones I don't recall core Android being this high (usually <10%).
I'm trying to get a video from my android s5 to show up in my F 150 pickup truck on my sink screen actually I would like to mirror my phone to sync screen any suggestions I'm checking into three. Oh I do video component wires to do it straight instead of Bluetooth but I'm not sure what would work properly
I am trying to hide an app so that it doesn't show up on the android overview app screen - this is the swipe to close screen that shows up when you tap on the lower right hand corner of the nexus 5 and it shows all your running apps and you can swipe them away to close them. I would like to know how to make an app NOT show up in this list, even if it is currently running.
how to hide apps on the home screen or in the app drawer.
My device is a nexus 5, and I am currently running android 5.01
I've got a very big problem, since the last update im experiencing heavy battery drain and as i can see its becouse of the "android system" uses 50-90% of battery.Before the update this number was around 3-10%. I dont know what to do,my phone gets really hot and the battery percentage drops in minutes.
LG G4 recently, specifically the battery life. Yesterday, it somehow discharged from 100% to 20% three times in one day, on normal usage. I just don't know what is wrong with the phone. Android (and GSam) claim that the highest user of battery is Android System and Android OS.
What I have done: -Used LG Access Lock to deny keep awake and location permissions ----worked for a few days and then battery life fell back off -Full reset of phone ----battery life is actually worse after the reset -Battery saving location settings
Possible suspects: -Pebble watch --- constant on bluetooth maybe? -Facebook/Messenger/Snapchat/etc --- wanting my location constantly?
It is correct that the android system on a brand new Xperia Z3+ uses 9.42GB of the phones memory. Surely this can't be right because it's only a 32GB phone it's not even one week old and it's telling me that 75% of my memory is full. How I can reduce the size of this file...
How to get rid of the system notifications (see pic). The ONLY notification I want to see on the lock screen is my SMS's. I have managed to get rid of all of the other notifications (By holding down on the notification, clicking the "i" and changing the setting to "no" to receiving notifications.) However, there is no option to get rid of these sorts of notifications at all from what I can find. They all seem to be system notifications. For example, low battery, whenever I take a screen shot etc.
I am trying to get rid of these notifications permanently. I know how to temporarily remove them (by swiping it off the screen) but I don't want them ever showing up on my lock screen at all.
I just got my new One M8 a few days ago and ran into some battery draining issue. After charging the device (second charge if to be precise), I went to sleep with 99% battery while all apps are closed, Wi-Fi is turned off and Battery Saver wasn't on. After 6.5~ hours, the battery was at 89%. In my opinion 10% drain overnight, during standby is a lot and that's why I'm a bit concerned.
Based on some recommendations, I installed GSam Battery Monitor, please see below results. It looks like Kernel and Android System consumes 36% which is a lot. How to decrease the consumption and what causes the Kernel and Android System to consume 36%?
On that matter, it seems like the GSam consumes 5.8%. When I close the app, does it stop monitoring and consuming power or it works in the background and keeps sucking the battery?
So my phone said that there's an update and I went ahead and pressed okay for it to install. It went straight to Android system recovery and now every time I push reboot system now, it goes right back to the system recovery page, and when I take my phone battery out and put it back in, it still does the same. Is my phone completely messed up now or something?
I have noticed that my wifi Xoom will randomly display either the notification volume or system volume sliders on screen when either the up or down volume buttons are depressed. I can tap the "settings" icon to the right of the slider on either one and both of them display. They also don't display the same way everytime either. Sometimes, system will be on top and notifications on the bottom and vice-a-versa.
the GSAM app on my HTC ONE M8 says that my app usage is higher than my screen and three of the main battery drainers are: Kernel (Android OS), Android System and System (Mediaserver).
I use my phone properly, charge it very well and have had 4 android phones. None were like this. I have the latest firmware for the M8 (4.4.4). My screen on time is not that good now, around 2-3 hours but when I first got the phone (3 months ago) it was 4-5 hours.
on my previous phone (Xperia Z2) I can plug in to my computer via USB and copy files to/from the internal storage or SD card. When I plug my Nexus 6P in to the computer the same way, I just get an empty folder. I can't see all the files on the internal Android file system. Is this normal?
The android system (6.0) update notification came on my phone yesterday (Moto X Pure 2015). Since I couldn't connect to a WiFi where I was, I decided to switch to my cellular data. But as soon as I did that the notification disappeared. I tried finding it on my phone settings, where you go to settings-->about phone-->system updates. It says my device it upto date. How can I retrieve the notification? I was waiting for my android OS update for a month and then this happened.
Will the reboot or factory reset delete the Android system on my phone.i'm facing touch,heat, and automatic frequent lighting problems. thus, i want to see if any reboot works.
I flashed Android 6.0 to my Nexus5 and rooted it with NRT. I can't copy a new hosts file to /system/etc because there is to less space. df shows in fact just 4k of free space.
I have a Galaxy S5 and would like to be able to stop the notification of receiving an e-mail without stopping the notification of text messages. Is there a way to differentiate? I was able to do this on older phones.
I have Google Nexus 6 mobile. For my smartphone I frequently getting android system update of 30.1 MB. When I try update, while updating it fails and shows error. This occurs for the same update for more than 30 times. after some time my mobile restarts.
I have certain apps "i.e. quick change keyboards", I like to have the notifications for it shown on my notification screen, but I do not want to see it on my lock screen. Other apps I DO want to see on the lock screen.
I have tried everything to try and resolve my issues but have not been able to do so. First, I accidently hid a picture by checking the 'hide' field. Now how do you get it back?! I've had a couple of my friends with the same phone try and figure it out and they havent been able to.Secondly, when I choose a picture to be my wallpaper, it shows in a zoomed in version of the top left corner of the picture. I do recall when I was choosing the picture to set as my wallpaper, that I zoomed in on it before setting it, but used the 'back' key to remove the zoom feature. It appeared ok on the screen but set the wallpaper as the zoomed in picture. Now it doesn't matter which picture I choose, I get on the top left side, zoomed in showing up on my wallpaper. - even though it appears normal before setting it.