BB Tour 9630 :: Text Couldn't Open

Apr 17, 2010

Yesterday, I bought a BlackBerry Tour 9630 from Verizon Wireless with the new patch (at least I think that's the newest). Either way, the phone is great, I love it. I had no problems with it yesterday at all. I installed the software from the CD it came with onto my computer, connected my phone, updated it, etc. After messing with all that I went to sleep and woke up that morning with texts from my girlfriend. For a while we could respond back and fourth with no issues whatsoever.

However at one point, she sent me a text and I couldn't open it. I could see the preview of it (where it says "Blah blah blah..." with the 3 periods) but when I clicked it, it wouldn't open. So I randomly clicked a few things to get the conversation open and when I get it open the place where it text should be is blank. All it has is the ">" showing it to be her text. Yet I can still see the preview of the text. Now, I can't get any texts opened from her nor can I read them in the conversations. So I did my research, looked online and found this to be a fairly common problem but with no real, concrete fixes. It could potentially be either a BlackBerry problem (most likely with the new 5.0 patch) or a Verizon Wireless problem. Part of me wants to think it is more likely the patch but I have no way to be sure of that.

So I need to know if there are any real solutions to this. Should I just go to the Verizon Wireless store and see if they can fix it seeing as how it might not even be a Verizon problem? I'm not sure what they can do to a patch BlackBerry sent out. Any temporary fixes or soft resets or hard resets or whatever I do only work for about a text or two and then it goes back to failing again. I'm not sure what to do or when this problem will be fixed or have a solution.

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Eseries / Communicators :: Couldn't Open Text Messages On E63?

Feb 20, 2011

I could not read my message. While browsed to understand the issue & I was advised to update the firmware from 400.21.13 to 500.21.009.Is there I can update my E63 device software using phone browser? I do understand why I'm not able to open the text messages. I wish not to reformat my phone dialing *#7780# (which I do on most of occasion

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BB Tour 9630 :: Cannot Open Any Attachments In My Email

Apr 23, 2010

Two things.

#1 when on my internet browser, it sometimes requires me to zoom in and sometimes click a link severel times before it will actually go to that link. I am wondering if its something to do with the new verizon update or if my phone is messed up?

#2 I cannot open any attachments in my email anymore. Any jpeg, pic, or pdf attachments pull up saying my phone does not support those attachments.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Can't Open Email Settings

Feb 15, 2010

I have tried adding an email address multiple times and each time I cannot open the Email Settings. I get the same error message each time - 'Your device had a problem connecting to the server'.I am running on an unlocked Tour 9630, using a SIM card for a local provider.I have restarted the device and re-registered new service books.I have run a diagnostic test - it shows all connections to BlackBerry services - registration, connected to BlackBerry and PIN-PIN 'abort' yet I receive email on the existing account and can send PIN messages, etc.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Cannot Open Email Attachments

Mar 16, 2010

Just got a new Tour because the original one had trackball issues. I uploaded everything to my new tour and re-setup my email. Since then I have been unable to open email attachments. This is the error message I have been getting: More request cannot be completed. Service book information not found. I have also not been able to receive calendar requests.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Network Is Configuring Device / Device Couldn’t Be Registered With Wireless Network

Mar 17, 2010

What it says is this.."Provisioning Status".."The network is configuring your device".then it says "Your device could not be registered with the wireless network. contact your wireless service provider",but i can call and receive sms!Any suggestions?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Can't Get Quicklaunch To Open In Picture Folders

Feb 19, 2010

Tried to take a screenshot but I can't get Quicklaunch to open in Picture Folders.I was using Media Sync to take some selected pictures off my Tour and put them on my PC. I noticed when I was done all contents of my Picture Folders were on my PC. So I reversed the process with Media Sync to get my Wallpaper images back on the Tour. I specifically ticked off only the images I wanted to transfer back to Tour. Long story short every freakin' picture I had taken off the Tour transferred back (which I didn't want), along with Wallpaper (which I did want). Also pics were duplicated. First set went into designated folders they came from, duplicate pics were just sitting there not in a designated folder.(I deleted the dups). But I don't know how/why "user" or "Music" landed in Picture Folders and I'm not sure if it's safe to remove?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Unable To Open Attachments In Emails - Jpg N Png Files

May 19, 2010

I am having a problem opening attachments in my emails. They are usually jpg or png files, which I have never had an issue opening before. I choose "open attachment" from the menu, and the little red clock that appears next to the file just stays there. If i click the trackball, i get a prompt to resend the request, but clicking "yes" doesn't do anything. I recently upgraded to leaked OS .662, but I'm not convinced that is the problem because a coworker has OS (original OS) and he is also experiencing the same problem.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Messenger Not Able To Open Messages Or Send To Contacts

Apr 25, 2010

Tour 9630 Telus, Out of the blue I am not able to open blackberry messages (they are received fine) and I cannot start a new conversation with a contact. When I click on the contacts name nothing happens, if I try to "open chat" nothing happens. The only way to send a message is to "Broadcast Message". I have no problems with email or SMS.

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BB Tour 9630 :: SMS Text / Return Key Sends Text

Jul 20, 2010

Since I recently upgraded, when I am typing a SMS text, if I hit the Return key to try and get to the next line, the text is being sent instead. Is there a way to turn this off? I want to be able to get to the next line, not send a text, with the return key.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Text More Then 160 Charcacters With Os

Feb 11, 2010

Does anyone know why you can't text more then 160 charcacters when texting thought when this new os came out it was suppose to be able to text continously like you can in bbm....

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BB Tour 9630 :: How To Delete Text Conversation

Mar 13, 2010

How do u delete text convos or do u have to do it one by one?

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BB Tour 9630 :: No On Screen Text Notification

Jan 3, 2010

I am on .230 and I have noticed that with only one of my contacts when I get a text message I get the alert but no notification on my screen. It sux cause if I don't hear it I never know I get a message from this person. What makes it worse is that I get messages from this person all the time so it's not a one in a while issue.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Pending Text Messages

Jan 30, 2010

For some reason when I send a text message it says pending *there is a box next to the message* I check it & still says pending. I can receive them - my husband received all mine hours later. I'm assuming something with a connection - but can't seem to find it.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Saved Text Messages

Jan 26, 2010

I was wondering if upgrading your OS will delete all of your text messages, including those that you marked as saved?

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BB Tour 9630 :: SMS Text Notification During Call

Feb 11, 2010

Is anyone able to get an audible alert that you have received a text message while in a call? I have set the settings in the options (Ring Tones/Alerts), but it does not beep while in a call. I have also noticed that there is a setting for each contact to alert in a call (default set to no). However, shouldn't the setting in the options menu menu override that if it is set to notify in call?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Text Multiple Times

Jul 12, 2010

is there a way to send text messages more then one time

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BB Tour 9630 :: Threaded SMS Text Messaging

Feb 26, 2010

does anyone know how to turn this off. I want my text messages to be seperate not all lumped together

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BB Tour 9630 :: SMS Text Messaging Broken

Aug 3, 2010

I'm using a Tour on Verizon. The trackball broke and I got a new phone. On this phone, the SMS messages show up as a stream instead of messages. Verizon says they are "working" and wont do anything. This is completely unacceptable.If I want to delete a message- it deletes EVERY SINGLE message I have from that contact including the ones I want to save. I've had to restore SMS from my backup 3 times now- and just give up on deleting anything. They say I have to go and scroll through EVERY list to find specific messages to delete for every person.I also get automated SMS messages from various equipment I monitor at work, and these all show up as one big message with no date/time stamps- and I end up missing important messages because the most recent one is just a "status" message.

When looking at the solid stream of messages many (but not all) of my contacts have a GREAT BIG "Contact information: [Their phone number]" taking up 40% of the screen meaning I have to scroll up and down to read even short SMS messages.How can I get my SMS messages to show up as messages like they are supposed to instead of the "stream of **bleep**" that they show up as now?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Threaded Sms Text Messages

Feb 26, 2010

I upgraded my tour this morning. Now every text message I get from my twitter account just lumps into one message. you cant tell whats new or what you have read or who they are from , I need to turn that off to go bacl to individual messages. How do I do that.

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BB Tour :: 9630 Can't Send Text From Phone?

May 24, 2012

I am receiving an error message when I attempt to sms which reads: Invalid mandatory information. I am able to receive text messages, e-mails and BBM, I just can't send SMS.

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BB Tour 9630 :: New User Seeking Helpful Hints For Verizon TOUR 9630

Jan 16, 2010

I just used my upgrade on the verizon blackberry tour 9630, I'm a big texter and absolutely LOVED my env2! Any helpful hints? Advice to a new user? I actually will not get my phone till next week.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Auto Text Feature Not Working

Jan 14, 2010

Why doesn't any of my autotext words work? I can't even type it to get my pin for my bbm?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Can't Receive Or Send Text Messages

Mar 7, 2010

Every time I try to send one, it goes to pending for a short time (occasionally flashing the "sending" symbol but only for about half a second) and then shows the big "X" along with "Retries exceeded" or something like that.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Custom Ringtone / Not Text-tone

Mar 22, 2010

I couldn't find a thread with this specific problem. I have certain contacts that I have specific ringtones for when they call. But I don't want to have a custom text ringer for those people. Whenever I set a custom ringer for those contacts, it automatically changes the text ringer as well. Is there any way to only give them a custom call-tone and leave all text messages as the same tone?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Text Messages Appearing As BBMS

May 7, 2010

got my Blackberry Tour 9630 2 weeks ago and had the following issue which Verizon said was a glitch and that they've never seen it before and gave me a new one...only thing is, i have the same problem on this phone!! Anyone know what the heck is going on and how to fix it??? Problem below:

If i get a text message from someone that is also a BBM contact, I get the text message in my BBM list and it has a text message symbol next to it!!! and in my text message list! i don't need to be told twice that I have a message of some sort and this is VERY annoying!

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BB Tour 9630 :: May Have Recieved Virus Through Text Message

May 10, 2010

I upgraded from the curve to the tour 3 days ago. While I hadnt yet installed my contacts, I recieved a text message from someone that was an image of homer simpson that said, "click here to play." Upon clicking on the message it begins with the lyrics "you are so." then in homer simpsons voice it says "gay." I deleted the message immediatley however, after every single one of my notifctaion sounds, it now pays that message. I tried adjusting all of my sound settings and cant get rid of the sound. This is clearly very frustrating and would love to know how to remove this from my phone.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Replying E-mail And Original Text

Jan 18, 2010

I just got a Blackberry a few days ago (last Wednesday to be exact) and it really hasn't been too bad of a phone. I came from a HTC Diamond which I loved but I wanted something stable and good with battery life and so far once I killed the battery the usual three days and charging fully it has been lasting me great.

Anyway, the question was whether it's possible to automatically not include the original message on my phone when I reply to an e-mail or if there is a keyboard shortcut I missed that can do that for me. Basically to save twenty bucks a month I use Google Voice and it uses my e-mail address to text people and I don't want the original message at all and have to push the Blackberry menu button then scroll down to Delete Original Text then type my message then send it.I still haven't had a change to search for figuring out OS 5 or anything crazy like that yet but since I rolled WM 6.6 on my Diamond and kinda loved it I may soon. But so far 4.7 has been pretty stable.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Separate Text Messages By Contact

Apr 1, 2010

I have a quick question and I have searched and cannot find what Im looking for. I appologize ahead of time for being a NOOB. Is there anyway to separate texts by contact? My BB shows every text thats been sent. Im wanting to compress all these texts into individual lines per contact. For instance if someone sends me 10 texts, it shows them all instead of 1 line for that particular contact.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Why Do Different Contacts Have Different Text Tones / Ringtones

Jun 18, 2010

I haven't set anything different for anyone, but yet I get different ringtones and text tones sometimes for different people, can i reset all tones, if so how?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Cannot Get SMS Text / MMS Alert Notification To Change

Mar 1, 2010

I cannot get my SMS text or MMS alert notification to change. No matter what selection I make on the Ringtone/Alerts menu, it always alerts with the BBPro_Sanguine tone.

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