is this possible? I've googled for a little while can't find anything, I guess I'm not phrasing it right to find it?I like my long hold recent apps to bring up multi window, I would love to long hold back maybe to launch a "quick compose" message without leaving my app or start the music player
Not sure if this is a Windows 10 Mobile problem or a Lumia 950 issue.
When using my Edge or UC Browser I find that each time I press the BACK button on a page it sends me to the top of the screen I was previously on.
With my 920, and desktop browsers, when I press back it takes me to the location of the screen I was previously on. This is a huge inconvenience when the page I am browsing is long and I then need to scroll all the way back down to get to where I was before.
I also notice this to be the case on the Microsoft Sports app. The News app works properly but the Sports app, Edge, and UC Browser all exhibit this irritating trait.
I have upgraded from a Curve to a Torch 9850. I have had the new phone for nearly 3 weeks and noticed that occasionally the back button and menu button would not work. In the beginning it was once or twice a day but this weekend it has been an all day event. The phone is fairly useless like this. It occurs with all applications as well as text and BB messenger.
I have a Torch and the home and back button aren't working. They work sometimes but have fully given up working and have to take the battery out. I have restored it and no luck so is there any shortcuts to go back.
I have a 9810, and the Call and BB menu button backlights are always on. I've tried numerous battery pulls, reinstalled the OS, repaired the OS, changed my backlight settings. Security wipe and re install. I don't know what caused it. Nothing had been installed on the phone for the past couple months, and it only started 3 days ago. Screen Lock does nothing.
I mean with Xperia X10 and I know that there has to be an update! At least when I connect the phone to the laptop, that's what my PC Companion is telling me. But I can't go past the plug the cable and hold the back button. I tried both the companion and the update service but I can't go past the plug in and press back buttons. If I hold it for a longer period of time, the phone just turns back on.
I just bought the Droid 4 yesterday and the keys do not react until I press them about 3 or 4 times. Is something wrong with the phone, should I take it back, or is this a deficiency with all Droid 4 phones. Is there a sensitivy setting for the menu keys.
lately my nokia lumia 900 has been pushing the back button and home butting while i'm watching videos. its really frustrating when watching Internet videos and i already have to wait for them to buffer and if it decides to push the back button i have to wait again.
I downloaded the blackberry desktop manager to my computer.. and connected my blackberry 8330. i went to the application loader to put more apps on, checked all of them and downloaded them to my bb, but i didnt know that it was gonna delete the ones i had there. So now i dont have the internet browser.. how can i get it back ? I already tried: Option> Advanced opotion> host routing table> register now; and it say "registration message sent!" and nothing happens. i dont have blackberry maps either.
I have the Verizon s6 and they replaced the stock browser with chrome. Is there any way to get the stock browser back without root? I don't think root is available for the Verizon s6 yet and I'd really rather have Samsungs browser.
The Nokia 770 tablet (just as the Nokia 7710 S90 phone) came bundled with Opera. This changed on the N800 when Nokia opted to use microb which we all now know and love..
Thanks to a team of developers working on the side, Opera has come back to Maemo:
I can't switch back to my "WAP 2.0 Browser(CSL)" anymore. I did a battery pull, and after that when it switched but when I tried to load a page it said "This is a wifi service".I have the service books:
Recently my Bold 9900's back button started going to this menu to toggle applications instead of just closing any open menus or returning to the previous application. Is there any way to make it work like it used to? Checked the options, it's not anywhere I can see.
My Back and Home button light is off most of the time. The only thing I changed was that I use Nova Launcher. I heard Leo Laporte say he had the same problem.
i just got my 9860, from ebay, everything is good, apart from the back button. the back button works perfectly fine, very responsive, nice clean clicks but when i put my finger on it and gently move it around, it gives me a sqeeky sound, not very loud. should i be worried?
The back button on my original Droid (from 11/2009) is non-responsive at any time.Other 3 butons work fine. Nothing new added recently. Software issue or is it hardware. Never realized how much I used the back button.
I posted the following at Discussion starts at post #16 in this thread.
some of us want a phone that has clear conversations, others want seamless bluetooth integration, even others want powerful web browsing and in my case, i want nokia to restore the music player interface regarding the back button to be restored to the way it was pre-v20.
as far as i can gather from the short time i've been on howardforums, it seems like this is as good a place to express frustrations about such items as these, wouldn't you say?
now, i do appreciate the input of those who suggested that this may have to do with having the mp widget on the main screen. i tried it and it definitely still happens even if i remove the mp widget and go from the music player icon.
So now the sequence is:
1. start music player -> get to music menu 2. choose music library 3. select artists (as an example) 4. scroll to the chose artist - so if you have 50 artists and looking for rick astley you have to kinetic a few times up and down before finding him 5. now you have to choose an album -- out of the 15 you may have of him -- more scrolling 6. now you have to scroll through the songs 7. pick song #12 let's say
So far so good, you're rick rolling yourself away to Never Gonna Give You Up and get out to the main menu somehow so you can do other things.
Now you decide that that was awesome but you want to hear Together Forever on his same Greatest Hits album. You'd think that going to the Now Playing screen, you could somehow just back out and get to the last list of songs -- Like on any other mp3 player I know. I've never used an iPhone but I bet you that's what you get on an iPhone.
Nope, Nokia decided that what you want is to browse your entire catalog again. So you have a choice from the Now Playing screen: either you get the menu and choose Go To Music Library and start from step #3 above or you have to start from #1 just to get to the same fricking list you *are* already on.
N97 v12 did not do this, the N95 did not do this, the N82 did not do this, the N900 does not do this (actually the N900 has the song list on the now playing screen which is nice) so who the f*ck at Nokia decided this was a great "improvement" that they needed to put in and then needed to keep?
So I understand that to some of you guys this is not a big deal. Good on you. It does not mean that it's not a problem so please spare us the give me a breaks and the what's the big deal. Some of the issues you find incredibly important might not resonate with others. It certainly does not mean it's not important to you does it?
The back button gets less responsive the longer I play an audio file. A lot of times it goes to multitasking instead. Other than that the Back button works great.Lumia 900 here
I haven't seen anyone having this issue out of the numerous ones I've seen on this site. My iPhone 4's screen was sometimes going black. Hitting the home or power button wouldn't turn it back on. I'd have to hold down the home and power buttons to do a hard reboot to get it back up.
I returned my phone yesterday to get replaced because I was also having the No SIM Card Installed error. My new iPhone 4 is having the same black screen issue occasionally, though.
I just got my BB bold 9930 yesterday, and when I open amail, cannot return back to the inbox. The return button open an overlay like the Swicth app button. I have to press the BB key and scroll down to close before I can get out of anything I open. If there is no close option, then I have to shut down but removing the battery to get rid of it and have the return key working for a while.