When syncing device (BB storm 1 9500) the device and the computer talk and compare each others records. When I click accept changes I get an error message from Intellisync "Connector specific error" and synchronization stops. I have checked my wife's device (BB storm 1 9500) and this problem does not occur. I use the same USB port, cable, and folder with all the same options. I therefore assume it is a fault with my device.
I've been able to sync my Torch upto this point without any problem.However, just a couple days ago, I started getting a message saying "Intellisync - Connector Specific Error".it is not syncing with the Outlook data.neither the setting of the Desktop program nor the physics around my computer has changed. It is the same USB cable.I've already installed the program a couple of times and started fresh but it didn't make any difference.
I recently upgraded from Bold 9000 to a 9700. Never had problems with syncs. On first synq with new one, I had no probs either, however two days ago I started receiving this message: Connector Specific Error.
I have a Blackberry Curve 8530 tying to sync up the out book with Outlook 2007 with Blackberry Desktop Manager Version 5.01.28 and i am getting the following error during the sync:Connector Specific Error.I have search the forums, and I have tried a host of items that does not seem to be working Was working, but just recently stopped. I have re-installed the Desktop Mgr, but that did not work either.
Keep getting the "connector specific error" when syncing Calendar with the Desktop software (address book, memos and tasks work OK). My wireless syncing I turned off. I don't have an enterprise account. I have the latest desktop software ( Device: BOLD 9900. Should note that I did not have this problem before when syncing. Only started about a month ago. Have different games, news applications such as Bloomberg, Address book cleaner, and battery booster.
When syncing with BB desktop software, addresses sync fine but Caledar will not. It stops cold stating "Connector Specific Error". And nothing else.Have reset it several times but it does not help.
Any assistance out there on the 2010 MS OFFICE PRO - - upgraded from 2003 and having difficulties sync-ing the device. "Got a Microsoft Outlook Connector Error - - No Available Message Stores" Read a few post(s) and it appears that 2010 Office Pro was not yet tested when during Beta period... Does anyone have any fix for this problem..
I am wanting to put notifiers from any iphone or droid on my blackberry storm. is this possible? if so where can i go to download the specific notifiers?
When will Blackberry Desktop Manager be able to sync with MS Outlook 2010? I spent £100 on the latter yesterday after discovering that Windows Calendar can not be synchronised with my new Bold 9700: the sync process ends with a Microsoft Outlook Connector Error message: "No available message stores". Burrowing into Blackberry's on-line support, it seems the most likely cause is BDM - 5.0.1 - trying to connect to an unsupported version of Outlook. (Article ID KB15564).
The result is no contacts or diary on my expensive new smartphone, which is disappointing beyond belief, since Outlook 2007 etc. seems no longer available.
Phione model Nokisa E72-1. I have for months been synchronsing my E72 with Outlook on a laptop that was running XP. I have now got a laptop running Windows 7, on which I downloaded the latest version of PC Suite. Whether via Bluetooth or via cable I now get a warning message that reads: Unable to read / open Outlook and so I am unable to synchronise.
Your carrier: VIP Croatia OS: WinXP SP3 x86 Office 2010 (Outlook 2010) Did a battery pull fix your issue? No (if you think of disable USB power) BT device model/version (you will have to look at the BT device):
Trying to start "Configure settings" and this all the time breaks. Have reinstalled (install on clean PC also) this 6 version. reset intellisync dir...tc...all waht I found on this forum.
What to do? How to get basic enterpise option to synchro outlook contact ONLY!!!!!????
Please help this is imposible to be in such a brand with so much problems and no explanation at all.
My BB Strom will not sychronize with the Desktop manager. Before I've a PC with Vista it works perfect. Now I Install Desktop manager version on my new PC with windows 7 64-bit and it doesn't work. It looks like it synchronize but when you look in the Calander of both PC and BB nothing changend. I'll ask Vodafone in Holland for a solution. They say that it's a software problem what is not fixed for the moment. Wait for new software. I don't believe this. (Excuses for my bath English).
I recently upgraded computers and now have Outlook 2010 and Windows 7. Haven't been able to sync Curve to Outlook since. Getting message "Microsoft Outlook Connector Error" as title and then "No Available Message Stores".
I had a question about the 9500. Im currently using the 9530 from verizon and was thinking about selling it and getting a 9500 cuz i have t-mobile and im tired of the EDGE/edge problem.....I was just curious if any of you happen to know if the 9500 has the EDGE/edge problem that the 9530 has with T-Mobile.
I have a 9530 storm and have two JVM codes and i dont know what they mean.....if anyone can help i would really appreciate it!! the code reads- a system-JVM:INFO....I need to know what it means so i can possibly fix the problem. Also my phone doesnt read my memory card, any thoughts, its not the card because it works in other phones.
I bought Verizon Storm 2 9550 in February in Malaysia. My service provider is DiGi. Today, DiGi informed me that their system is unable to work with Verizon phones. Another service provider, Maxis doesn't have this problem. Please advise or I will have to purchase a new Storm 2 9520 to stay with DiGi.
i just changed my phone from an iphone to a blackberry I was updating my OS? or i think it was.long story short, it doesnot have a reboot loop (it did and i tried almost everything that ppl suggested)not only I have 507 error when its NOT connected to a pc but also when i connect it to my pc it has only a black dead screen with red led light (not flashing).DM doesnt recognize my bb, LOADER doesnt either, I removed & reinstalled like 20 times since yesterday.
I recently ought a BB Storm2 9550 for couple of days it was working well but i got some connection problem so I was told to change the software which i did successfuly but there was still sone problem in browsing the internet. then again I was downloading the software but in between my laptop went into hibernation mode by the time I could recover it. the Device showed error 523 then again i tried to reconnect it but in vain. the Desktop Manager couldnt detect it. and I took the battery out and then tried to restart but it gave error 200.
Now it is not starting nor is getting connected to Desktop manager. I need some experts to help me out here there are not many people who can help me with the device.
Got this the other day while trying to get vzaccess mgr to work...anyway..reloaded .328 with DM and when i booted up i had 49 some mb app...knew that didnt look right so got to looking and noticed that it did not install BBM or BB maps...i download bb messenger w no problem ota...but BB maps i cannot find... is there an OTA link for BB maps?
Most of the time, my Storm charges fine. Plug it in, wait a few hours, and the battery is good to go.Sometimes though, it is plugged in for hours, 16 hours this time, and the power bar is still empty. If I unplug the phone, it shuts off. I mention this to forestall the "make sure it's plugged in, lol" comments. Obviously it's getting some juice, since the phone stays powered up, the battery just isn't charging.One time I had to leave the phone plugged in for three days before it started to charge.Does anyone have any suggestions?
Everything seems to be working on my bb storm 9530. i have att plan.i cant send or recieve picture messages. i think either the service books are messed up or somethign else is wrong. i get no mms record found. i been reading and cant find a solution. if anyone knows an easy fix i can do from the handheld, great, but i dont want to do somethign dramatic like reinstall the os etc.
my storm is set to loud profile yet my ringer my alarms all sound all together will not play neither will any videos stored or from the browser I get the uncaught exception closing player message on videos..
I am having the same issues as a lot of you where i am unable to use my camera, when I try to open it I get the following error message 'Could not start the camera. Close other apps and try opening the camera again'. I have closed apps, rebooted the phone and all to no avail. I have read through some of the posts but still cant find an answer, is there anyone out there that can help me please?
Yesterday I hooked my Storm I to my computer to make a backup as I do each month. Desktop Manager told me that a componet on the phone had an update so I let it go trough the process. My phone restarted during the update and then entered into a seemingly endless cycle of restarting.I tried reconnecting my phone but to no avail it would only contiue it's cycle. I then followed the instructions on how to save a nuked berry but every time it would get to the point of restarting the phone it would get stuck in that cycle again.This morning I took my phone to my local VZW store and explained what happened. The tech replaced my phone with a refurb. I came home and hooked it up to my computer to restore my contacts and the phone went to a white screen and restarted. Yet again it was stuck in this endless cycle until I unplugged it. When I removed this one from the computer it would boot like normal.I tried this a number of times with the same result. I then removed desktop manger and the phone software from my computer along with all drivers and RIM related files. I restarted then downloaded desktop manager and reinstalled. I restarted my computer again for good measure then tried to restore my contacts again. Sadly the same thing happened - once I plug the phone in a white screen comes up and it restarts over and over. Hopefully someone has an idea because I'm lost.