My soon to be ex husband came and took my phone today and it still has all of my texts and email on it. I don't think he has the right to read any of it because we aren't together-is there a way from my computer to delete them?
For the past couple of months, my Blackberry has been freezing when downloading new e-mails. If I'm on the home screen, I can try to open my text messages or e-mail messages program, but nothing happens. My other programs work in the meantime, but I'm frozen out of messages, even when I can see the notification that I have new ones.
I am using Black Berry curve 9380. For last one week I am unable to open my email accounts in my phone. I can recieve the mails but not read and send mails through my phone. The error message which is being promted each time is : "Uncaught exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException"
can anyone tell me how to get the little R on text messages to indicate that the person has read your text.I already have the little D on messages to show that the message has been delivered.
Some of my friends said they tried to text me but I never recieved their messages. I looked under my settings in my phone and saw that they were being sent to my email. I tried setting it back to my number but it said error and there is no way for me to correct it that I know of.
I want to have a different ringtone notification when I receive a text message from when I receive an email on my Galaxy S5. I have tried everything that I can think of and cannot find how to do this.
I am wanting to know is there a way to delete multiple email messages or normal messages for that matter at one time.If i receive like 20 emails, do I really need to delete each one individually? As it's major painful. Even my old dilapidated cell phone could delete mutiple messages at once.
I have an LG G3 Vigor and need to forward all text messages from one conversation to a document or, preferably, an email. Is there an easy/quick way to do this?
when sending text messages my phone is sending them as my email address, under settings/messages, my iMessage has my phone number errored out in the "you can be reached for messages at" field.
Can I set up my Tour 9630 to auto-forward SMS Text messages to my email account; or, barring that, set it up where my email is notified that I have an SMS Text message on my BB?
I used a Storm for the last 30 days, and had 3 distinct and separate icons: Messages - catchall for everything Desktop email icon 2nd/personal email icon However, I switched back to the Curve (8530) because of the keyboard, and now I don't have a primary desktop email icon. The only way to view work email is to use the messages icon where everything else goes as well. Is there any way to create or separate the two email accounts so I can view the work email separately?
My current text messages are being combined with old text messages, creating messages that don't reflect what I sent. The recipients of my texts are very am I when I get there response.
I've bought new BB Curve 9300 couple of weeks ago and facing some problem regarding my inbox. After configuring my email in the smartphone I am sending and receiving emails are fine but whenever I open an old email address from my PC it receive as new email on the smartphone with new time and date. What is the solution to stop old emails receiving as new ones on the device?Does BB have such synchronizing system that BB automatically sync with the mail server and shows all old emails on the device?
I cannot see my sent text messages and now I can't see messages people have sent to me. I have a bb9300 and i tried going to options and my hide messages is not on i dont no